The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, March 02, 1928, Image 1

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M a jo r i t y o f
F a rm
H o u ttt
In S o u l h m O r e g o n
By Arthur Brisbane
“ If a drop of salt water could
¡lk it would tell the whole story
f the Pacific.”
One Santa Fe freight train go­
ing through the Kansas City
'ards to Kansas, Oklahoma and
exas grain fields told the story
f progress and prosperity in this
«•ountr and pr> mis. d a solution
if its labor problem, aggravated
iy immigration restrictions.
That train of thirty-one cars
(arried $250,000 worth o f ‘Com-
fne harvesters” and will soon be
ollowed by a thousand carloads
if those labor-saving machines,
hey cut grain, thresh it, pile up
he straw, delivering the grain in
icks or by spout to minature
ain elevators. In Kansas last
ear they saved the work of 40,-
00 men.
Employment conditions are not
tisfactory in New York State
nd Governor Smith instructs
ublic officials to help “ take up
:he slack” by putting men to
ork on public enterprises.
That should be, automatically,
»art of National and State pro-
A farmer finds something for
his farm hands and his own hands
;o do in winter, when crops are
A good farmer keeps his
horses at work, earning their keep
[n winter, hauling wood or other-
National and state governments
¡all needing roads, canals, drain-
■ age, all sorts of improvements,
■should find work for everybody
■willing to work, and at decent
■ pay.
* o i l m n t e r A n n ou n ces That New
Bids W i l l b e R e c e i v e d B e ­
f o r e M a rch 20.
The postorfice department is
again calling for proposals for
bids for carrying the mails be­
tween Ashland and Klamath
Falls and between Ashland and
Pinehurst. Bids must be in Wash­
ington by March 20, 1928, date
o f beginning o f service if con­
tract or contracts be awarded, to
be April 2, 1928.
Proposals are asked for carry­
ing the mails six times a week
on five hour schedule between
Ashland and Klamath Falls, only
first class and newspaper mail to
be handled between Ashland and
Klamath Falls, except that all
mail must be handled for and
rfrom Keno and Pinehurst.
Bids are asked for carrying the
mail between Ashland and Pine­
hurst, six times a week, on two
hour schedule but it is specified
in the advertisement that if ser­
vice is awarded under the call
[ for bids on route from Ashland
| to Klamath Falls, no award will
1 be made on the Ashland-Pinehurst
The postmaster at Ashland
will furnish such other informa­
tion as is available to prospec­
tive bidders.
Returns From California.—
Mrs. Lucille Taylor Butler re­
turned a few days ago from Los
Angeles where she has been re­
siding this winter. Mrs. Butler
Ihas accepted a position with the
local telephone company in this
city where she expects to remain
during the spring ana summer
F o r the f irs t time The
R e g is t e r s
a d v e r tis in g
c o lu m n s c a r r y the
v e r t is e m e n ts of f o u r
g r o c e r y s to re s ia the
sa m e
“ There is
s a b s t it a t e
Normal School President
Suggests That Kiwanis
Might Sponsor
High School Musicians
From Klamath Falls
Play at Regular
Ashland may be hosts to the
high school musical organizations
of southern Oregon at a contest,
if the suggestion made by Presi­
dent J. A. Churchill o f the nor­
mal school, at the regular lun­
cheon meeting of the Kiwanis
club held this noon at the Lithia
Springs hotel is adopted.
The inspiration for the sug­
gestion was the 20-piece orches­
tra o f the Klamath Falls High
school,- who, with a solosists and
a girls quartette, entertained the
club this noon. The neighboring
musicians very delightfully enter­
tained with a varied selection of
numbers and Kiwanians general­
ly were enthusiastic over the
splendid showing made.
Bf^s Mildred Lucas, soloists
for tl,t .thesiia accompanied by
Eneise Jeanson, delighted the
club with two selections, and the
girls quintette, dressed in white
uniforms, trimmed with red made
a striking appearance.
The orchestra was under the
direction of Mrs. McIntyre, di­
rector of music in the Klamath
Falls schools.
COUN TY. O R E G O N . F R I D A Y ,
first Vote
M IS TELLS BANKERS Ashland Veterans
YV as for Abraham I incolti
J. W. McCoy is N a m e d H e a d of
J a c k s o n a n d J o s e p h in e C o u n t y
A s s o c ia t io n .
Stressing the importance of
I cooperation between the farmers
i and business men, Paul V. Maris,
; who recently delivered a remark-
| able talk to a group of farmers
and business men at " Bellview
was the main speaker at the
! meeting of the Jackson and
j Josephine' County Bankers asso­
ciation held Tuesday evening at
the Lithia Springs hotel.
William A. Schoenfeld, paci­
fic northwest representative of
the bureau of agricultural econ­
omics of United States depart­
ment of agriculture, delivered a
very interesting talk on the re­
the war, as it affected agriculture
particularly callirg attention to
the results o f inflation and de­
flation in Germany.
Election o f officers was held
at this meeting which resulted in
the following officers being elec­
ted for the coming term: Presi­
dent, J. W. McCoy; vice presi­
dent, V. H. Yawter o f Medford,
and secretary-treasurer, C. E.
Hedberg of Ashland. W. H. Gore
and Roy K. Hackett of Grants
Pass were elected directors.
The next meeting of the asso­
ciation will be held in Grants
Pass on March 27.
Those in attendance at the
meeting were: C. H. Demoray,
G. P. Jester. Mr. Mitchell, Sam H.
Baker, R. R. Hackett, Paul V.
Maris, K. Hammerbacher of
Grants Pass. B. E. Harder, Geo.
C. Frey, Richard Payne, Fred
Ghere, B. C. Rostell, ’ .Ugenp
Thorndyke, Robert McDearmon
of Medford, V. O. N. Smith,
Charles Robertson, W. H. Mc­
Nair, F. E. Engle, George W.
Dunn, T. H. Simpson, E. M.
I Adamson, C. H. Vaupel, G. S.
Bulter, C. W. Banta, C. G. Eu­
banks, S. A. Peters Jr., J. W.
McCoy of Ashland, William A.
Schoenfeld of Portland and Paul
V. Maris guests of the association
and speakers of the evening.
“ One of the finest things I
ever did and the one thing I am
produest o f having done during
my entire life, is when I cast my
first vote for Abraham Lincoln,”
stated S. S. Wilcox the other
day when he stopped in the Reg­
ister office to renew his subscri-
tion on one his many trips to
Though Mr. Wilcox celebrated
his 85th birthday anniversary in
January he is active, hale and
hearty, and makes the journey
to Ashland three times a week
from his homestead this side of
the Ashland mine, walking the
entire distance on foot, to pro­
cure his mail and weekly supply
of groceries.
“ Oh, yes, I am a Civil War
veteran,” he smiled. “ Saw active
service in the war, having enlist­
ed in the 12th Illinois infnatry
on the 8th o f March, 1865.” “ No,
I wasn’t wounded, came out with­
out a scratch, but believe me, I
was almost scared to death sev­
eral times by the heavy artillery
spitting all around me, but I al­
ways managed to find A friendly
tree to conceal myself behind,
and its a wonder I didn’t starve
to death from lack of food.
went home looking leun and
gaunt from my fare of hard
tack. ” “ Oh. but I have always
been happy that I was able to
fight, I wouldn’t have missed it
B irt h d a y C a k e
P r is e s
Di« rih uted.
NU M BE R 85
. l C
for anything in th world,” he af-’
Nominations Wore Made at Last
When asked what called him to
Regular M e e t in g of tho
Oregon, he replied that his moth­
Local Lodga.
er and a sister had preceded him,
The annual election of the lo-
settling in Willamette valley and
! cal B. P. O. E. lodge will occur
urging him to come west. He did
on Saturday night, March 3. The
so, residing for a few years in
election being Liken up at 9:30.
Willamette valley, then coming to
with the hour between filled in
the Cow creek district a few years
with a two reel comedy picture.
later where he worked for some
: This time was chosen to allow
time, at last deciding to take up
, those who worked in local offi-
government land. He secured hi*
] ces and stores the privilege of
present hormv, a homestead of
i being in attendance.
160 acre» on which he settled
Nominations were closed with
forty years ago.
The hardest
Month February Showi
time he remembers was during | the regular meeting of February
Gain of Eighty-Four
Cleveland’s administration, when 25th those nominated for office
Per Cent Over Year.
td quote his words; “ He had a were: Exalted ruler, J. Andrew
hard pull to make ends meet,” |
but he asserted, “ 1 made it and
here 1 am to stay.” "I think the Hedberg; esteemed loyal knight,
Rogue river valley, and especial­
Hotels, Restaurants and
ly Ashland, the best places in gar; esteemed lecturing knight,
J. E. Shiffer; secretary, J. Ed­ Others Serving Tourists
the world.”
Report an
Mr. Wilcox is *a bachelor, bav- I ward Thornton; treasurer, P.
ing never married.
He raises Provost; tiler, E. E. Miller; trus­
fruits and vegetables of various
Nearly twice the number of
kinds on his land and appears at Walker and H. G. Endora Jr; tourists passed through Ashland
peace with the world.
He ex-
this February, as compared to
j I'!»'0» his walking to town by it William M. Briggs, alternate I). February,
1927, according to
J being the safer plan, though the A. Applegate. There promises to figures on record in the Cham­
automobile has a fascination for
ber of Commerce office.
him he feels that he is too old these offices and it is hoped that percentage of
increase to be
to learn to run one, and he pre­
exact is 84 per cent with a total
fers walking to using the old-
of 728 as compared to 402 in
fashioned horse and buggy mode
February of lust year and 594
of travel.
in 1926.
The month o f January record­
ed an increase of 71 per cent
with a total registration of 486
as compared to 285 a year go,
Sm ile
Smile** to
and 362 two years ago.
G iv e n N e a t M o n d a y
With restaurants and hotels
E v e n in g .
reporting an increase in business
'W om an less
locally over u year ago from the
S t a g e d on the E v e n i n g o f
The ladies o f the Be'iv.ew , tourists standpoint, local business
12 a n d 13.
community and the ladies of interests are looking forward to
Phoenix will give a joint benefit one of the largest years in his­
Miss Dorothy Jacobs has ar­ entertainment at the Bellview
rived in Ashland to take charge clubhouse, Monday, March 5th,
Chamber o f Commerce offi­
o f the directing of the “ Woman- funds derived will be used to ap­
cials are at a loss to account for
less Wedding” which will be ply on the indebtedness o f the
this heavy increase hut feel that
sponsored by the locul Kiwanis clubhouse and to swell the Phoe­
the ideal weather during the en­
club and held on the evenings of nix library fund.
tire month of February has had
March 12 and 13 at the armory.
much to <♦* with it.
Miss Jacobs with the help of
the cast committee: Thomas customed each year to stage a
Simpson, chairman, Henry Hardy, play for the purpose of acquiring Anniversary Plans Are c
John Fuller, Floyd Whittle and funds to finance the Phoenix li­
Being Made by Elks
H. K. Tomlinson is busily en­ brary. This year the play they
Arrangement» are well under
gaged in rounding up the cast put on in Phoenix went over so
big that they decided to stage it way for the observance of the
for the play.
adjacent communities. twenty-third anniversary of the
Other committees appointed to in the
assist in the care o f the various “ Smile, Rodney Smile” is the local II. P. O. E. lodge, the pro­
details of the play are: Advertis- name o f the play being produced gram to start with a banquet in
ing committee: George M. Green, | ^ th,‘8e
Those who have the busement diltkng room, a mu-
chairman, Clifford J. Read, Earl had the pleasure of witnessing sieal program and speeches with
this play in Phoenix declare it is dniiring and other entertainment
Isaacs and Will Dodge.
Costume committee: Mrs. V. a winner, exceptionally well ! to follow in the lodge room up-
The | stairs.
D Miller, chairman, Mrs. A. C. played with a strong cast.
j 0yt Mrs. George Briscoe, Mrs. Bellview ladies are to receive
Arrunginents are being made
R L Burdic Jr #nd Mrg S- A> half the money taken in which for four hundred people, with
they will use on the clubhouse Mr. Fred Taylor in charge of the
petPrs j r.
Ticket committe e : W. P. Wnlt- debt. A jazz dance will follow the banquet, which will be an elab-
e n chainnan, J. A. Churchill, play, the mu»ic to be furnished j orate affair.
The committees
Georfrt. A BriM.oe. Ralph Bd- by Dickeys’ orchestra and danc­ serving last yenr have been re­
lings, J. W. McCoy and Wirt M. ing will be enjoyed until one appointed, which is ample assur-
' unce o f its success.
The affair is to be for Elks
Decorating committee: Earl
( and their families only. No invi­
, Crow, chairman, Dan Kay, Sam Attorney and Mrs.
Moore Home From Trip tations will be issued to non­
McNair, Mrs. Victor Mills and
members, but it is hoped that
Mrs. J. H. McGee.
Attorney and Mrs. W. J. Moore large delegations from neighbor­
“ The Womanless Wedding” is
I u benefit affair, the money de- returned yesterday from a six ing cities will participate in the
weeks trip spent in southern celebration.
j rived to be applied to the under-
: privileged child’s fund. Each year California. The Ashland people
In F r o m R a n c h . — Mr. and Mrs.
| the local Kiwanians sponsor some visited relatives in Los Angeles
worthy project, last year financ­ ami from there made several A. J. Adams, who recently trad­
ing the local children’s clinic, trips, including one into Mexico ed their property on East Main
The judgs street for a small ranch near
this year the under-privileged about eighty miles.
children will have their chance gained ten pounds while on his Central Point, are spending a
with the more fortunate little trip and Mrs. Moore, who has few days in this city visiting with
been in ill health for some time friends and relatives. The Adams
state that they enjoy rural life
The local Kiwanians hope the completely regained her health.
That the figure “ 7” is a for­
tunate number and according to
the mystic oracle a forerunner
o f better things to follow, is the
firm opinion of E. R. Isaac, who
is celebrating the seventh birth­
day anniversary o f his depart­
ment store this month, beginning
with Saturday, March' 3 when
wonderful bargains in the many
The program for the day was
different departments will be o f­
under the direction of President
fered to the townspeople at tre­
J. A. Churchill and the orchestra
mendously reduced prices, with
had entertained
the normal Mr. and Mrs. Wagner
Home From California the figure “ 7” being prominently
school at their regular Friday
featured and ever bobbing up
morning assembly.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wagner holding an outstanding place in
Plans were announced for the
“ Womunless Wedding” to be held returned yesterday from a trip to price.
March 12 and 13 by the Kiwanis southern California, called there
The store has always enjoyed
by the death of Mrs. Wagner’s a wonderful patronage, even in
mother, Mrs. Lou Case. Funeral the good old pioneer days when
services were held on Washing­
J. M. McCall, father o f Lydia Me-
Fire Inspector Visits
ton’s birthday
All Local Schools was made at Forest lawn ceme­ ( all, was the genial proprietor in
the building now occupied by
C. S. Best a representative of tery in Glendale.
Perrines’ store. John Norris and
Mr. and Mrs. Wagner spent Fred Drake took over the store,
the Northwest Mutual Fire asso­
ciation is spending a week in this some time visiting relatives while buying Mr. McCall out, then for
city doing inspection work for the gone, and returned from Los An- a time the store was under the
fire association. Under the aus­ j geles via by way of the coast management of D. R. Mills,
pices of the local fire department route. This gave them a good op­ father of Victor Mills, Beebe and
Mr. Best gave a lecture on gen­ portunity to see several parts of Kinney were also connected with
eral fire prevention work before California as the trip down was the store a number of years ago,
the pupils o f the Junior high made on the inland route.
then H. Vaupel becoming the
school Thursday afternoon, illus­
proprietor moved to the present
R e t u r n s F r o m N o r t h e r n Trip .
trating his lecture with reels of
location with Mr. Isaac buying
picture*. This morning Mr. Best — Mrs. D. Perozzi returned Sun- him out seven years ago.
lectured at the
Washington 1 day from a two weeks trip to
Mr. Isaac has made a number
school, also showing the pitcures 1 the cities of the northern part of changes in the store during
Mr. Clinton Baughman, local fire j o f the state where she was called the past seven years, repeatedly
chief accompanied him to the j to attend the Portland Rebekah making additions in stock until
convention held in that city last he has on hand a complete de­
two schools.
Mr. Best was a guest o f the week. Mrs. Perozzi, who is vice partment store line.
A notable
volunteer boys at their meeting | president o f the Rebekah Assemb- feature o f Mr. Isaac's establish­
held at the city hall last evening, I ly o f Or »gun made sevrral offi- ment that speaks well for both
showing a reel o f pictures in 1 cial visits to the different towns proprietors and employees is that
connection with his line of work. | in the northern part of the state the same clerks have been main­
The boys afterwards held a big also. On her way home she stop tained for a number of years people of Ashland will lend their
pod o ff in Eugene for a short Mrs. Elzie
feed in honor of their guest.
and cooperation to this worthy cause
visit with her daughter Thelm3, Miss Nina Bell Emery hav­ by attending this splendid enter­
Is R e c o v e r i a g . — R. A. Easton who is attending the University ing been employed at the time of
tainment or by purchasing a
o f Fifth and C streets is recov­ o f Oregon.
(Continued on Page 5)
I ticket.
ering from a three week sickness,
W » h Chung Property Im p rov­
though he is not able to be at
work again, he is enjoying a ed.— Among the many improve­
short walk each day in the ments planned by the city is the
C o m e s to yo u t o d a y in a n ew f o r m
j property on Fir»? and A streets
southern Oregon sunshine.
Is N o t I m p r o v i n g . — A. A. Mad­ j owned by Mrs. Wah Chung, who
Two Comic Strip«
Two Continued Stories
den o f the Madden Tire Shop on I now resides in Portland. Tho old
W eekly Sunday School Lesson
About Your
North Main street, who suffered , shacks will probably be removed
a strained back last week and had with the exception o f the main
Dr. Frank Crane
Arthur Brisbane
to be removed to his home on building, and the lot will undergo
The Wah
Pine street, i* still confined to a general cleaning.
A Full Paee of Community News
to Portland
his bed with scarcely any im­ | Chung’s m o v e d
A r e b u t a f e w o f the f e a t u r e s that a p p e a r ia this issue
I several years ago and left the
provement in his condition.
And that is not all
V is its
D u n s m a ir . — Mrs. I buildings standing idle. The build­
O t h e r f e a t u r e s will a p p e a r n e xt w e e k ia a ge n e ra l p r e g r a m
Fannie Keller left
Wednesday ings are very old and in such a
d ir e c t e d to g i v e you a s e m i- w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r o f u nusual
evening for Duntmuir where she run down condition that they are
m e r it .
will spend several days visiting regular fire traps and are really
a menace to that district.
with friends.
M ira cu lo u s ly
E s ca p e s
B r in g
Wrecked.-—The new Oldsmnbile
sedan owend by John Fuller of
this city miraculously escaped
being badly battered up Wednes­
day afternoon, when Mr. Fuller
parked it on the corner o f Main
and Second street without set­
ting the brakes. He was just step­
ping into the Ashland Cleaning
4c Dy* Wuik* when he saw the
car start down the grade and be­
fore he could get into it to stop
it» progress, the car headed for
the Potter property, running in­
to the yard and breaking o ff a
fence post beraing a millinery
sign. No particular damage was
done to either the property or
the car and Mr. Fuller, with the
help o f several men pushed the
car back upon the street again.
very much.
The scenery from
their new home is especially
beautiful, commanding a splend­
id view of Mt. McLaughlin in all
its snowy grandeur.
E a rn $ 2 .0 0
On p a ge 7 rtf this »•-
»u è w ill b e fourth an
ea * y w ay f e earn $2.
fo fbia p a ge ,
then write as, not to
• xc*e<| SO w o rd «.
— 1