The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, February 28, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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V iiiii in T « » > .—J. J. Skinner,
o f the inveitment department of
the California Oregon
company left Sunday morning,
February 26 on a trip to south­
ern California and Texas. A. E.
Pederson, of the accounting de­
partment, accompanied him as far
as Los Anegels. Mr. Skinner is
going to visit his old home in
Texas, and will be gone for
nearly four weeks. He is expect­
ing to return about the 25th of
March. He has not been back to
his old home in Texas for 25
years, and is looking forward
with much pleasure to seeing his
relatives, friends and old ac­
— Pure Drugs, Addis Drug
Vis it s S e c r e t a r y . — E. E. Dent,
traveling auditor for the Federal
Lank bank at Spokane, made his
annual visit to Ashland today
calling upon F. L. Nutter, secre­
tary of the local association.
While here, he in company with
Mr. Nutter visited the Products
exposition and was amazed at
the variety of products produced
in Ashland.
— Trinity Guild Food sale ai
Hardy Brothers Grocery, Satur­
friends gathreed at the home of
W. H. Worthington of Laurel
street, February 22, to assist in
the celebration of his birthday.
His birthday occuring on George
Washington’s birthday anniver­
sary, the affair was in keeping
with the national holiday, cher­
ries, hatchets and flags being
ased both in the decorations and
in the refreshments. The crown­
ing event o f the afternoon oc­
curing when the beautiful birth-
day cake covered with candy
cherries was placed upon the
table, n lovely luncheon wag
served to the following:
Worthington for whom the af­
fair was planned, Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­
liam Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Jan-
nditahl, Rev. and Mrs. H. F.
Pemberton, Miss Nellie Ewan and
Miss Bertha Pease. Several so­
cial hours followtd the luncheon,
with music nnd conversation
furnishing the evening’s pleasure.
At a late hour the guests depart­
ed wishing Mr. Worthington
many more happy birthdays.
Busb ies* Trip.— Mr. and Mrs.
street, left Wednesday evening
for Portlanu a here they w'll
spend several days on business.
Talent Men.— J. W. Kwh f t
Talent was attending to business
in Ashland Thursday.
— Kiwanis "Womanless Wed­
ding" March 12 and 13.
these dates for a big laugh. 83tf
The following normal students
returned last Sunday evening to
Ashland from Klamath Falls
where they spent the week-end
with their parents: Nadine Brear-
cliffe, Velma Cox, Elvira Call,
Hillis McCall, Annie Crossman,
Mary Hunt and Mildred Rideout.
Vis it in G ra n t s Pass — Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Mayberry and family
spent Sunday in Grants Pass
visiting friends.
K la m a t h V is it o r s . — Foss Kram­
er and Dorohty Chappel spent
the week-end in Klamath Falls
with friends, returning to their
home in this city late Sunday
Klam ath. — Robert
liott and Gerald West of Klam­
ath Falls spent Sunday in Ash­
land visiting relatives.
Visits Mother.— Lesyie Heer,
who is employde in Butte Falls,
spent the week-end in this city
visiting his mother, Mrs. Bertha
Heer on Church street.
Span! Weak -end. — Lawrence
Wagner spent the week-end in
this city visiting his parents. Mr.
Wagner is a student at the Uni­
versity of Oregon.
North. — Mrs.
Frank Dickey returned Sunday
evening on the train from Port­
land and other cities in the north­
ern part of the state where she
has been spending a few days
with friends.
Portland on Business. — Mayor
J. Edward Thornton and Attor­
ney William Briggs left Sunday
for Portland where they will
spend several days on business.
Dunsmuir Man Visits. — C. J.
Walace, traveling auditor for the
Southern Pacific company, who
resides in Dunsmuir, was an Ash­
land visitor the latter part of the
— Nothing nicer—« saw por­
trait for Easter. Studio Ashland
L o o k in g f o r L o c a t i o n . — J. C.
Whittaker, who recently sold out
his grocery store in Klamath
Falls is in Ashland with the in­
tention of investigating Ashland
and vicinity with the purpose o f
locating in the near future. Mr.
Whittaker and his family were
residents of Ashland several
years ago and express much
pleasure that they may be able
to enjoy the benefits of the
Ashland climate again.
Visits in San F r a n c i s c o . — Aud­
rey Brown, daughter of Mr. nnd
Ashland transacting business af­
fairs and visiting friends.
V is it ors.
— Mr. and
Mr». S. E. Songer o f Stockton,
California, are in this city for
the purpose of investigating Ash­
land and vicinity with the pur­
pose o f future investment.
F r o m L os
A n g e l e s . — Mrs. D.
Hanna of Los Angeles is making
a short stay in Ashland.
R e t u rn s to C o rvn llis . — Chester
Woods, who spent the week-end
in Ashland visiting his parents.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods on
North Main street, returned to
W o m a n le s s
W ed din g
b e Corvallis Sunday, where he is a
S t a g e d H e r e . — The Kiwanis club student at the Oregon State col­
of Ashland has secured the ser­ lege.
vices of the Sympson Levie Pro­
R e t u rn s f r o m P o r t la n d . — Miss
ducing company, of Bardstown, Anna Hargrove returned Satur­
Kentucky, to stage “ The Woman­ day from a two weeks’ combined
less Wedding,” which has been business and pleasure trip to
put on so successfully in other Portland where she visited rela­
towns. The dates will be March tives and attended the style show
12 and 13. This play is a riot of held in that city last week. Miss
fun, so remember the dates, and Hargrove purchased a complete
plan to see the funniest play line o f the latest in spring mil­
ever witnessed. Many prominent linery.
local business men will be invited
R e t u r n in g C a r a v a n e r s.—
to take part.
Among the people who recently
T a k e s P o s it io n
w ith
E n d e r s ’ enjoyed the good will pilgrimage
Wholesale.— Roy Anderson, who to California, who stopped o ff at
has been employed at the local the Lithia Springs hotel Satur­
20th Century store, has accepted day on their way home were Mr.
a position with the Enders' and Mrs. B. F. Irvine of the Ore­
Wholesale company. Mr. Ander­ gon Journal, T. A. Rafferty, head
son will have charge of the o f the state traffic department
Klamath district now operated at Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
by Mr. Fridegar. George shaffer Price, former managers o f the
will fill the position in the 20th Lithia hotel, who are on their
Century store formerly held by way to Portland.
Enroute they
Mr. Anderson.
stopped at Eugene to visit their
Visits ia Medford.— G ^ - T h T daughters Jane and Josephine
lings was a Medford visitor on who are 'students at the Univer­
sity of Oregon.
B u ys N e w Csr.— Mollie Songer
Apples South. — C. B.
French, who recently took a car­ purchased a new Essex sedan
load o f apples to Los Angeles, this morning from H. A. Stearns
has disposed of them and is ex­ o f the Lithia Springs garage.
pected home within a few days.
A g ed Lady
D ie t. — Word has
Mr. French stated that though been received in Ashland that
Los Angeles has its oranges, Ash­ Mrs. Martha Given, 94 years old
land apples bring mighty big and mother of Mrs. Major Cart­
smiles to the faces o f the resi­ er passed away at her home in
dents of sunny California.
Rogue Rivre Saturday. The de­
Called to Ashland. — Mrs. Irene ceased had many friends in Ash­
Hicks of Pittsburg arrived in land who regret to learn of her
Ashland Sunday morning, having passing.
been called here by the death of
Vaccinate 218.— Dr. L. D. Ins-
her father, the late A. E. McFar­ keep, county physician with the
land, who (tassed away Tuesday, county health nurse, Mrs. Lydia
February 21. Mrs. Hicks, whose King, conducted the second of
husband is a nephew of Miss the series of three diptheria im­
Blanche Hicks, the city librarian, munizations in the various public
will make a short visit with Miss schools of Ashland Monday, vac­
Hicks in this city before return­ cinating 218 pupils in the Ash­
ing to her home in Pennsylvania. land schools and 20 in the Bell-
F r o m K la m a t h Falls. — R. G. view school. Due to the fact that
Fowler of Klamath Falls is tran­ twice a* many students signed up
sacting business affairs in Ash­ for the treatments yesterday.
land this week.
Dr. In «keep agreed to make a
P o r tla n d
P e o p la
V is it . — Mr. fourth trip to complete the three
und Mrs. H. C. Knapp of Port­ treatments for those taking the
land are spending a few days in first of the series yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Brown o f this city
■pent the week-end in Oakland
at T H IR D S T R E E T G A R A G E .
Dorris People V isit.— Mr. and and San Francisco with friends
Mrs. J. L. Briner of Dorris are and relatives.
V is it
C a l i f o r n i a . — Misses
spending a few days in this city
Wardle and
visiting friends and attending to Pearl
business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett left Saturday on a com­
Briner formerly resided on a bined business and pleasure trip
to Sacramento and Stockton,
farm in the Neil creek district.
The girls expect to
O . S.
V isit s.—
Charles Tilton, who is a student return the latter part o f this
at the Oregon State college, spent week. Miss Sackett is an employee
the week-end in Ashland with his of the Pacific Telegraph & Tele­
parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Til­ phone company and Miss W’ ardle
is attending the southern Oregon
ton on Almond street.
normal school.
Norm al
R eturn .—
— T ry sggr Thar mold Brako Lsaiag
L ocals
M l
in Ashland last week for a short Friday morning at 10:40.
visit with friends. Mr. Hender­ Churchill stated that the Klamaft
son was making a combined busi­ Falls orchestra is reputed to h
ness and pleasure trip of the as good as the one from Giai*|
Pass which gave such a creditatfc
cities of the west.
program before the assembly |
Vis it s
F a m ily . — Carl McCune
Residents 4
is in Ashland this week visiting short time ago.
his wife and young son, Paul, Ashland are invited to attend thi
who are in the local community program.
R e t u rn s to
K la m a t h . — W. I
hospital. Mrs. McCune and little
son will be removed within a few Weedon, who has been visitiag
days to the home of her sister, his mother in Grants Pass for i
Mrs. Morris Plymate on Beach few weeks, stopped o ff in Ask
avenue, where they will visit a land fo ra visit with relatives a* |
few days before returning to friends on his way home kT
their home in Dunsmuir.
Mrs. Klamath Falls.
McCune was Miss Margaret Ste­
Cheese & Produce company g l
vens before her marriage to Mr.
Malin does $80,000 business ¿T
— Trinity Guild Food sale at
jjardy Brothers Grocery, Satur­
84-1 J 5 E " = :r -f:
M a rch
G ra d u a te s . — Twenty-
/ C •
two students will complete their
work at the southern Oregon
normal school at the close o f the RL é
winter term, March 21, according
to Miss Katherine Vincent, regis­
Graduation exercises will
be held in June for the March,
T h e r e a re O v e r 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
June and summer school grad­
A u t o m o b i l e s in
Those completing their
the W o r l d , a n d 1 7 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
work in March are: Esther Bar­
th ese
a re
N o rt h
A m erica.
There are more
rett, Marie Boileau, Jane Creag-
| new d r i v e r s
er, Vida Davis, Cecile Fifield,
every day, creating a grow­
Anna B. Fisher, Inez Woodel
ing reason for thoughtful
Fries, Esther Gardner, Lester
owners to protect themselves
by Automobile
Gardner, Aubrey Haan, Clarence
Property Damage and Col­
Haan, Fosma Kinney, Rose Mart­
lision Insurance. Is it wise
Thelma Reese,
W e l l K n o w n W o m a n I m p r o v ­ in, Joe Mercer,
for you to assume all the
Dorothy Short,
risks of loss or lawsuit?
in g. — Miss Dorothy Reid return­ Wilma Sheley,
Consult this agency b e f o r e
ed home Sunday from Reno- Ne­ Florence U p d i g r a f f , Priscil­
your accident.
vada, where she was called by la Webb and Alvia Wetherell.
Orchestra to Appaar.— An an­
the illness o f her sister, Mrs.
Violet Kincard. Friends o f Mrs. nouncement was made Monday
Kincard will be glad, to learn that by President Churchill chat the
Eat. 1 8 8 3.
4 * Se a t Main
she is on the road to recovery Klamath Falls high school or­
after an attack of pneumonia. chestra and quartet will enter­
Mrs. Henry Ried, who accompan­ tain the normal school assembly
ied her daughter to Reno, will
remain with Mrs. Kincard a few
days longer.
P o r t l a n d V is ito r* . — Henry En­
ders and Herman Mars are spend­
The World Co»tribute*
ing a few days in Portland where
The Owl Distributes
they are transacting business af­
R a tu rn . — Mr.
T H E O V Ji
Mrs. J. H. Weeks and son LeRoy
of Clarkston, Washington, who
HOUSEHOLD (packaged)
have been spending the past three
months in California cities, stop­
ped o ff in Ashland Sunday for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Purity and Quantity Guaranteed
Hardy and family on Fifth street.
The Weeks’ were returning to
their home in Washington.
R a ta r n to R o t a b u r g . — Mr.«. E.
O. Rick 1 i and little son, Jack,
who have been visiting relatives
in this city, left Saturday night
Agent» for Owl Drug Produci»
for their home in Roseburg.
Last Rites Hsld.— Last rites
were held for the late A. E. Mc­
Farland Monday afternoon at 2
o’clock at the Dodge chapel, with
Rev. Pemberton in charge of the
services and interment being
made in the Ashland cemetery.
Mr. McFarland passed away at
his home on B street Tuesday,
February 21, but funeral arrange­
ments were delayed pending the
arrival of the daughter, Mrs.
Irene Hicks of Pittsburg, Penn.,
who arrived in Ashland Sunday
morning. Another daughter, Mrs.
Elva Kennedy who resides in
Australia was unable to be pres­
ent. The deceased was a pioneer
of Oregon and had resided in
Ashland for many years.
B e r k e le y Woman Visits.— Mrs.
William Sinclair of
California is spending several
weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Heath
on Terrace street and with friends
in this city. Although Mrs. Sin­
clair has been a resident of Berk­
eley for many years, she embraces
every opoprtunity to visit in Ash­
land, being especially fond of the
local scenery, park and climate.
Vis it s B r o t h e r . — W. G. Hardy
of Salem spent the week-end in
Ashland where he transacted
business affairs and visited his
brothers, J. H. Hardy, A. V.
Hardy and Percy Hardy, and his
mother Mrs. William Hardy of B
Lithia Springs Pharmacy
F orm er Senator o f
D a k o t a . ----
Stephen Henderson, former sena­
tor of South Dakota stopped o ff
Chief Big Boy
-------- and his---------
6 Piece
101 Ranch
Jackson Hot Springs Pavillion
Admission 75c; Ladies 10c
r e d h o t m u s ic b y r e d h o t r e d m e n
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* j i Spring Footwear
Now for the Big Outdoors!
Golf Duds
Hiking Breeches
Buckskein Jackets
It Is True In This Case
Everything for the
“ Hab-a-dash Inn”
Our complete new line of Enna Jettick
health shoes for girls and women for
Spring wear is now on display.
We have a wonderful selection of
Pumps, Ties, Straps and Oxfords. These
shoes are made on a combination last and
have a built-in steel arch support that is
unbreakable. We are able to fit practically
all types of feet as we have these shoes in
widths D to AAA and sizes two and one-
half to nine.
Their prices are most appealing.
$5.00and up
'o * tm