t PAGE THE TWO tn historic spots, characters and event* o f the early pioneer life Mr«. W «on«r Honored.— One in and near Ashland. Mrs. Gandee’ presented an in­ o f the most pleasant affair* o f the week occured last Friday teresting sketch on the life o f evening, when Mr*. Dean Scott Ezra Meeker at this meeting. entertained a group o f friend* at “ Early railroading in Oregon,” the home o f her mother, Mr*. M. was outlined in a clever manner “ Scenic M. Tucker on the Boulevard, the by Mrs. Otto Winter. happy occasion being in compli­ attractions in southern Oregon,” was the absorbing topic delivered ment to Mr*. Gerald Wenner. Bridge was the diversion en­ by Mrs. S. C. Williamson and joyed during the evening, the "Educational insttitutions o f the first prize fo r high score going state,” was the important subject to Mrs. John Enders, the second most capably and comprehensibly prize being awarded to Mrs. R. handled by Mrs. Charles Robert­ L. Burdic and Mr*. 8. A. Peter* son. being consoled. Following the awarding o f the prizes a two Bridge Luncheon at Llthia course luncheon was served at Springs H otel. — Mrs. Henry En­ the small tables, each table hav­ ders and Mrs. John Enders are ing a lovely potted tulip plant giving a series o f bridge lunch­ and the place cards and favors eons at the Lithia Springs hptel carrying out the early spring mo­ this week, beginning on Monday tif. Dainty basket* o f acacias and receiving also on Tuesday and were used in the room decoration* Wednesday. The luncheon on Mrs. VVenenr wa* the recipient Monday was a compliment to Mrs. o f a number o f lovely gifts. Dom Provost and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Scott’s guest list was Haines, and 24 guests found their cmoposed o f the following named places at the table decorated ar­ the guest o f' honor, Mrs. Gerald tistically in pink and blue with Wenner and Mesdames J. Andrew a love y basket o f sweet peas as McGee, John Enders, S. A. Pet­ the centerpiece. Bridge occupied ers Jr., R. L. Burdic, Lynn Slack, the afternoon hours at tables Clyde Young, Karl Crow, Edwin placed in the ball room, and Dunn, Elwood Hedberg, Domino prizes were given fo r high, Provost, S. A. Haines and Misses second high and low. Mrs. U. S. Irma Bess and Marjorie Gillette. Armstrong o f Medford was an out-of-town guest. Today 24 Camp Fire Girls Mt-nt.— The guests will receive the hospital­ Terns Kwa Ta Wah camp fire ity o f the hostesses and also Wed­ troop o f the Junior High, held nesday there will be a luncheon their regular business meeting, followed by bridge. Thursday evening. Following the business o f the Ladies o f T rin ity Guild Hold evening, reports on different Benefit Food Sale. — The ladies topics for the firemakers rank o f the Trinity Guild o f the Epis­ were read by the following girl*: copal church will hold a cooked Helen Kanna*to, Frances Kram­ food sale on Saturday, March 3, er and Ardis DeArtnond. The at Hardy Brothers grocery store national birthday honor was also from the hours o f 10:30 to 2 p. discussed. m. Such delicacies will be o ffe r­ ed the housewives o f Ashland and Radio Party — . Miss Lucille community as homemade bread, Voss was hostess to a group of nut bread, salads, cakes, pies o f young friends last Saturday even­ every variety and plenty of Bost­ ing at the home of her parents on baked beans. < n Fourth street. Conversation, The sale is a benefit affair, I me* and listening to the radio fund* derived to he used for re­ were the diversions o f the even­ pairs and re-furnishings o f the ing, dainty refreshments being local Episcopal church and pajish served by the hostess at a late house. The ladies in charge are: hour to the following young Mrs. P. K. Hsismond, president people: Dick and Adena Joy, i of the Guild, Mrs. Walter Maxey, L< 'ii Miles, Lorraine Sparr, Tom acting chairman and Miss Victor­ CfiuirrOB and Roy Metcalf. ia Taverner and Mrs. Frank Dean in charge o f the sales com­ P a d Noble Grand* Club.— The mittee. local Past Noble Grand's club of Members o f the Guild hope for the Kebekaii lodge held their a good patronage a* this a most regular monthly meeting last worthy project. All tnose who Friday at tile residence of Mrs. have patronized the cooked food L. A. Roberts on Church street. sales sponsored by the Guild, in A splendid attendance marked past years, will most assuredly the occasion. The business ses­ grasp the opportunity o f again sion being presided over in a enjoying the good things made by capable nianner by the president, the ladies o f this society, who Mrs. Roberta and points of law have established an incomparable being handled in a round table reputation as cooks. discussion by the various mem­ Members o f the Guild are also ber*. meeting each Thursday through Delicious refreshments were the Lenten season, having out­ served at a late hour by Mrs. lined the plans for their annual Roberts, Mrs. Josephine Crocker Easter bazaar, work is well under and Mrs Mary Wilshire who were way and the outcome o f this joint hosteaae* for the afternoon. year’s bazaar promises to be big­ ger and better than ever. SOCIETY ASHLAND TU ESD AY, FE B R U A R Y 28, 1928 REGISTER in Chicago, but most o f the time the weather was mild and he had an enjoyable trip. Iowa Men Visit. — Harry Oates o f Portland and E. J. Skewers o f Tacoma, were business visitors in Ashland this week,also renewing acquaintance with -friends from their home state o f Iowa. Talent Shoppers. --- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Skeeters o f Talent were shopping in this city on Mon­ day. Held for Speeding.— -A man in Mark Larkin Grubb Compli­ a great hurry was taken in charge mented.— Mrs. Larkin Grubb was Monday morning by Chief of happily surprised Monday even­ Police Charles Claus and Traffic ing at the home o f hen sister, O fficer Charlie Talent on North Mrs. Jack Beagel on Oak street Main street and haled before when a group o f friends and Judge Baughman where he was members o f the local Pythian fined |7.50 for speeding in the Sister order o f which Mrs. Grubb school zone. The man was driving is an active member, came in for new Dodge coupe with a Mon­ j the evening, the a ffa ir being a tana license and stated that he | planned in compliment to Mrs. was a cattleman who had just re­ Grubb. ceived word that his cattle need­ The evening was pleasantly ed immediate attention, and he spent in conversation, games and was in such haste-that the boys muaic, with Mrs. Beagel serving did not have time to get his name elaborate refreshments late in the evening to about two dozen V IN IN G RESIGNS. ladies. Mrs. Grubb received many (Continued from Page 1) beautiful and appropriate gifts, with the line o f work and well which were opened before the as­ qualified in every way to act as sembled ladies, furnishing much interest and pleasure t> both the donors and the recipient. cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gates o f Medford. Mr. Gates had just returned from California where he had accompanied the party with the Governor’s Good W ill caravan and his recital o f that trip was most entertaining. A fte i ‘ spending the day at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Cripe on the Boulevard, Mr. and Mr*. Gates departed in the evening for their home. head o f the organization, resignation was accepted not able to give as much time and effo rt to the work that should be given. John H. Carkin o f Medford addressed the organization on “ Taxation and its relation to the farmer.” Dr. W. J. Kerr, presi­ dent o f the Oregon State col­ lege spoke on “ The college and state development.” Hal Hoss, secretary o f Governor Patterson, brought out the value o f team work between communities and between states, using the recent Good W ill caravan to California as an example. Many other speeches were features o f the session. Over twenty years ago Hotpoint made high grade service, giving reliable elec­ tric irons. Many o f these old timers are still in use — and still ironing with the same e ffi­ ciency. Now there are over eight million Hot- points in use. TRADITION HAS IT THAT THE FIGURE SEVEN IS SIGNIFICANT OF BETTER THINGS TO FOLLOW. 15»*28 $ *&he Mew Spring cTtfodels are c3&rel It Is T ru e In T h is Case WATCH FRIDAY’S PAPER FOR FURTHER DETAILS Guy Good PERSO N AL A T T E N T IO N TO E V E R Y CUSTOMER On the Plaza Phone 82 HOW MANY HORSES WILL ONE POLE CARRY? a A • » - 3 “ LES M1SERABLES” S5SJ ; When you deposit money to your credit in a checking account, the amount is entered in your pass-book, which is simply a form of receipt. It is entered in the bank’s ledger and appears on your monthly statement. But do you take care to enter the amount, and its source, in your check book? It is surprising how many peo­ ple don’t. Every deposit should be entered in the check book and added to the bal­ ance shown after deducting the amount of checks paid out. .Facts The cost o f living is 65 per cent higher than in 1913. When you use care in this matter, you need never be embarrased by over-drawing your account. It is worth while to keep check book rec­ ords accurately and systematically. RICHARD DI\ — in — “SPORTING GOODS” Another one o f Dix's sure fire comedies. The cost o f electricity is less than in 1913. VXBt I A IN t 6* . i Our Commercial Department stands ready to help you in your power, lighting and heat­ ing problems. ! Friday Only ft “ TRAIL DUST” F i r s t A pioneer story o f the early seventies Special music by “Chief Big Boy” and his Musical Redskins. The answer is almost any number you wish when you are talking about electrical horses or “ horsepower.” Wires to deliver 50,000 electrical horse­ power can be supported on the same pole that would be needed to carry wires delivering only 10,000 horsepower. This is only one of the economies that are brought about by the building of large, efficient power plants that deliver energy to many cities and rural districts through inter-connected systems. Courage, money and skill worked this plan out and made electric service possible to the farming districts. THE CHECK BOOK STUB Thursday Only * ns e X-L Electric Company The Heart of the City FRIDAYS PAPER of Ktlhm ir Jrrtry A youthful te l o r ti madri O-ED Dresses are the accepted choice o f the school girl and debutante who know good style. . . They emphasize the correct fashion ideas of Paris and are created to meet the needs o f the style-wise miss who knows Fashion intuitively. The Super Iron lasts a lifetime. VICTOR HUGO’S IM M O R TA L DRAMA Ii Fiftee I Talent e Sunday : in Wm. mile of mainder [ lunch wi W rX ns N ational , ASHIAND v Si THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY B ank OQEGON * lil THIS CO M PANY HAS O VER 4000 SHARHOLDERS V C O M M E R C IA L - S A V IN G S - SA FE D E P O S IT » * Irs. Ha and Mrs |tle Appl Talent Itertainec |KGO br play wril vhose h< |of Ashla I guests a I home of | Mapleno !* !* »» • IR O N « i? row M i mturtt a t m akkkt WATCH r Roy T. Bishop o f Portland and R. S. Hamilton o f Bend were re-elected vice presidents, Mr. Hamilton to serve as president for the present. The delegates named T. H. Ness o f Roseburg, R. C. Groesbeck o? Klamath Falls, E. C. Van Patten o f Ontria, Thomas B. Kay o f Salem, Roy T. Bishop o f Portland, W. S. Nelson of The Dalles and Lee T. Drake o f As­ toria as directors for the coming year. chntkrd |*w d Now Playing I I ¡for the young fashionables Dren Watch This Space For Coming Attractions Each Issue w m . sw l Jr. CO-ED D resses Ce-Ed F n u i of Free Garage Free Yellow Taxi T. * r tSRnW ■ | Co-Vi “The Theatre Beautiful” to $.1.00 Exclusive ivith this Store are Mr. a IS. Stoc iHamiltoi ■Patrick ¡Sunday > — H I NI N »T U R P IN HOTEL Mrs. Spending home in Ta'ent 1 O. A. Paulserud Returns. — O. ] | A. Paulserud, who has spent the past four weeks in the east, re­ turned to Ashiand Tuesday, Mr. Paulserud went to Chicago on business, and while in the east, he visited relatives in North Da­ kota, Minnesota and Wisconsin. He experienced some cold wea­ ther part o f the time he spent — Saperi ally interesting was the Sunday D im e r Guest*. — Mr. progran of the Monday after­ and Mr*. Russell Cripe enter­ noon * I/ club which me-ts tained :tt Sunday d ner, having each Monday i he { ub’.ic li­ as their guests Mrs. Gripe’s un- brary rooms. This study club is taking up early Oregon history, their aim being to become better | acquainted and more informed FRANCISCO m is s i much regret. He felt that he was Study Club Program Intere*!». S AN his with - Willia: addition et which rooms f< Willia last wee! is taking cannery A t th munity c week, th ■^donated fund, al Mesdamt Roy Lev Snedicor Medford floral so talk on ing up planting way. Verne from a *1 al baske Georg county i has beer is impro to the h . The 1 church i with Mr Churc church at 9:45 % perinten at 11 a. worth le meeting Rev Wa vited to The ants sf broadens to 11. 5 the Tale o f the 1 G. L. B tion, J. J dise, F. stateion grocery. Mrs. Talent Forest ( spent ti her fat James 1 while si