The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, February 14, 1928, Image 1

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The Register
Majority of
tome in
la Southerm Oregaa
o f Tat-»
y visit-
e home
her*- h«
lays on I
J plea* I
Carttr, J
endent, I
nd this I
dlnenda j
eho ri-1
is shop-1
W e have a variegated climate,
dogs pulling sleds over Alaska's
ice. ladies and their friends lying
half-naked on the sands o f Flori­
da, California and the Gulf
And the thermometer does not
tell everything about the weather
We shiver and growl at 14 above
zero, while Donald McMillan, A r­
ctic explorer, sent word, through
radio, that he is quite comfortable
at Bowdoin, Labrador, with the
temperature 35 below zero.
It depends on humidity, eleva­
tion, ozone and other things prob­
ably o f which we know nothing.
A dispatch from Nicaragua says
Sadino, the rebel-bandit who kil­
led some o f our marines, has
been killed by a bomb from one
o f our airplanes.
The Nicaragua
rebels now
know that they have no more
chance against United States
M flying machines than a rabbit has
against eagles.
That is satisfactory so far as
our Nicaragua fight goes.
But our President, Congress
and Army and Navy departments
should remember that several
countries in Europe and at least
one in Asia exceed us so greatly
in air power that they could do to
us, if they chose, what we have
just done to Sandino.
We need fighting airplanes,
not merely a sample force o f the
Nicaragua type.
The Emperor o f Japan sets an
example in economy — carries a
$5 watch, cultivates his own rice
That would surprise his
great grandfather. That Mikado,
by lifting a finger, could chop o ff
anybody’s head, and he did.
Funeral services were held this
afternoon from the Stock under­
taking parlors at 2 o’clock for
Mary Elizabeth McDonough, 12
year old daughter o f Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. McDonough, who re­
side on a ranch about nine miles
east o f town.
Services were in
charge o f Father Carmody o f the
Catholic parish, and burial was
made in Mountain View cemetery
The little girl passed away Sun
day afternoon at 4 o’clock, her
death being due to heart trouble
thought to have been aggravated
by an attack o f meningitis about
a week ago.
j * * * ' born in Jackson county 12
years ago. She was a student in
the seventh “ A ” department of
the Ji^iior high school where she
was loved by classmates and
teachers for her happy disposi­
tion and ever sanny smile.
1 he
students o f her class sent a beau­
tiful wreath o f flowers ae a last
token o f their love.
She is survived by her father
and mother, a sister, Mrs. P. G.
Brougham o f San Francisco, and
three brothers, Walter, Elmer nnd
Increase in Registration of
Cors Shown.
cars registered at the local
Chamber of Commerce during
^the past week show: Monday, 31,
Tuesday, IS, Wednesday, 29,
Thursday, 30, Friday, 25 and
Saturday. 29, making a total of
Last year on the same dates
only 112, showing an increase o f
48 registrations this year.
Medford Visitor— Judge L. A.
Roberts transacted business af­
fairs in Medford today.
By Special Arrangement
W ith Insurance Com
pany Readers Have
Policy Covers a W id e
Range of Accidents, and
O ffer Is For Short
Through a special arrangement
with the North American Acci­
dent Insurance company, the Ash­
land Register is able to o ffe r its
subscribers and friends, a news­
paper-policy, which for the small
cost o f $1.00 as well as the sub­
scription to this paper entitles
the purchaser to.
Payment of $10,000 while rid­
ing on common carrier, by rail or
water in case o f loss o f life, both
hands, both feet, sight o f both
eyes, Loss o f either hand, foot
or eye, $5000.
On automobile stages, taxicabs
or public omnibus this policy will
pay the holder fop loss o f life, or
both hands, feet or eyes, $2500,
with $1250 fo r loss o f either
member. In case o f total disabili­
ty fo r any o f the above, $20 a
week for 15 weeks.
Th.- policy
also pays $7.50 a week hopsitai
benefit fo r five weeks.
One thousand dollars will be
paid to a policy holder if when
riding or driving in automobile or
horse drawn vehicle, accidental
death should occur, or loss o f any
two members, or five hundred
dollars fo r the loss o f either one.
This same coverage is also
given fo r the follow ing: Struck,
knocked down or run over while
standing or walking on the pub­
lic highways, streets or sidewalks
anywhere in the United States
or Canada. Being injured by col­
lapsed walls or building, lighten­
ing, cyclones or tornado.
While this is but a few o f the
many advantages o f this reipark-
able policy
Friday’s issue will
carry a complete detailed an­
This policy is .he
same that has been issued by
many Oregon newspapers and the
Hearst papers have used it most
lfouth Held on a
Charge of ‘Theft
Frazier John Dobbs, is being
held in the city jail and will be
tried on a petit larceny charge
he being accused o f taking $5.75
from a suit case belonging to
Mrs. Jean Bartlett, while riding
from Klamath Falls to Ashland
on a truck.
The young man was arrested by
O fficer Moon, as he was coming
from a local barber shop.
denies that he took the money.
Who Wanti Job?
Mrs. Helen McCallum. assist­
ant secretary o f the Chamber of
* job ,or *
•nd wjfe. The w ife would have to
m a hotel, doing chamber
* nd
* W«* wh" *
man would be
*i*en a position in a m i||.
c£:zT’ “
* * t full de
,h ' a “ " b"
Local Woman III— Mrs. Oscar
Silver is quite ill with a severe !
V Daughter— W. H. Brv
eold at her home on Hargadine
•nt of Klamath Falla spent the
week-end vW ting hi. daughter.
I m p r o v i n g — Alfred
B egs- ! Mrs. Mamie Wilhams on Allison
worth of Holly street was able to 1 •treet. Mr Bryant is . former
be out on a crutch Sunday after 1 resid-nt of this city where he was
several weeks confinement to bis 7 * * ° ' o f the Congregational
home with a badly sprained ankle , church a number o f yean ago.
Attorneys From All of Southern
Oregon to Attend Meeting
The Jackson County Bar asso­
ciation will hold their next meet­
ing in Ashland on the 16th o f
! March.
Attorney Wiliam Briggs o f this
| qity has charge o f the program
which is now under way and prom-
I ises to be most instructive and
interesting, details o f which will
be revealed at a later date.
The meeting will be attended
I by attorneys from Jackson, Jose­
phine, Douglas, Klamath and Lake
A t the last meeting o f the as­
sociation which was held in
; Grants Pass, election o f officers
was the principal feature o f the
day and resulted in James T.
Chinnock being elected president;
Don R. Newberry, vice president;
W. T. Miller o f Grants Pass, sec­
ond vice president, and Harry
Skyrman being re-elected secre­
Among the special speakers of
the day was Attorney William
Briggs who gave an interesting
an<^ comprehensive talk.
Serial to
Start at Medford on Friday
Ashland business men will be
given ample opportunity to sec
the Medford-Ashland basketball
game to be played here Saturday
night, according, to an announce­
ment today by principal o f the
high school, B. C. Forsythe, who
stated that the game will not
start until 9 o’clock, with a pre­
liminary at 8.
These games always hotly con­
tested. are o f unusual interest
this year because both turns have
gone this far without a confer­
ence defeat, and the winner of
the four game series will repre­
sent this distriot at the state
tournament at Salem.
While some felt that Ashland’s
hopes were dimmed by the injury
sustained by Roy Abbott, guard,
those who attended the Roseburg
game had this -thought dispelled
by the excellent work o f Simpson
who replaced Abbott. While only
a youngster and handicapped by
a lack o f experience, Simpson
played a stellar game, and Ash­
land’s stock in the series took a
decided jump.
Much o f the head work o f the
series will fall upon Roy Parr,
veteran center, who is now the
only man on the team who played
more than a year, Parr dis­
played his wares as captain in
the Roseburg game, and the ad­
ded responsibility only tended to
bring him to the front more as
an excellent player.
Ashland’s forwards,
and Katzer. are a pair o f tem­
that at times go good and then
again they get a streak o f tem­
perament, as in the Roseburg
game and make a most disgusting
showing. Gus Moore at guard is
tho real scrapper on the team. It
matters not to him the size or
ability o f an opponent, he goes
after any and all o f them, and
it has* been largely through his
excellent work that Ashland has
been able to keep their opponents
score down.
This briefly is the five players
that Ashland has to depend upon
in this series.
It is understood
that Medford has been badly crip­
pled by ineligibility. Even with
some o f their veteran players the
Medford team has had a difficult
time nosing out victories that
Ashland has won in ah easy man­
ner. H ith this to go on Ashland
should win and the Register pre­
dicts that they will, but win or
lose, basketball fans ran be as­
sured o f one of the best series of
games ever to be staged in so■ th­
em Oregon.
' ■
Three Hundred Attend Annual
Jackson County Lincoln Banquet
About three hundred men and
women from different parts ft
| Jackson county filled the dining
room o f the Medford Hotel Mon­
day evening when they met to
celebrate the birthday anniver­
sary o f Abraham Lincoln at the
fourteenth annual banquet held
under the auspices o f the Jack-
son County Lincoln club.
Letters and telegrams sent in
by Oregon senators and repre­
sentatives were read. Dick Posey
Cambell o f Ashland favored with
several o f his original poems, re­
sponding to two encores, Among
the poems given w ere: “ A Barn­
yard Tragedy,”
‘T v e
Got My
Fingers Crossed,” “ Whistle," and
The meeting was called to or­ “ There Little Girl Don’t Cry "
Further remarks were made by
der by the retiring president, A l­
various guests, the KMED orches
lison Moulton, Rev. Wm. B. Ham­
tra furnished 16 musical numbers
ilton o f Medford invoked divine
during the evening, employing
blessing o f the evening. Election
the old time melodies, plantation
o f officers resulted in the elec­
songs and classics. The meeting
tion o f John Carkin as president,
closed with tho assembly rising
who acted as toastmaster fo r the
and joining in the song “ Ameri-
affair, introducing the speakers of
the evening. State Chaplain T. L.
Thumsler, a Spanish war veteran
Ashland people attending were:
Lincoln’s Gettysberg ad­
Senator and Mrs. G. W. Dunn.
H o b . William Colvig of
Dr. and Mrs. Swedenburg, and
Medford read “ The Visit to Get­
daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs.
tysburg,” by Alice A. Sargent.
G. S. Butler, Dr. and Mrs. E. A.
Governor Patterson in his -re­
Woods, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Tom­
marks stressed the political sag­
linson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bil­
acity Si Lincoln and mentioned
lings, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simp­
one incident when Lincoln’s name
son, Attorney and Mrs. William
was before the Republican con­
Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wag­
vention at Chicago and his mana­
ner, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac-
ger thought they could secure
Cracken, D. L. Glenn, Mrs. D.
the nomination for president by
Perozzi, Mrs. C. E. Peil, Mayor
binding Lincoln to certain prom­
and Mrs. J. Edward Thornton,
ises to be fulfilled after election,
Major and Mrs. C. A. Malone, O.
whereupon Lincoln wired back
F, Carson, E. G. Harlan, F. F.
that he would make no promises
Whittle, D. H. Jackson, E. T.
or keep any promises made in hid
Staples, J. E. Fuller and Mr. and
behalf. The main speaker o f the j
Mrs. Lou Hansen.
evening was Arnold
Hall o f the University o f Oregon
O f special interest to Ashland
who’s main theme was a plea for friends of E. V. Carter, one of
straight thinking among the peo­ the outstanding republicans in
ple, not to be led by the demagog­ the county was the fact that prac­
ue or alarmist but to act only tically every speaker had some
upon facts and inforamiton about word o f regret because o f Mr.
the issues o f t%e day. His plea Carter’s inability to attend this
was fo r a beteg. informed elect­ gathering.
Maxine Emery Wins First Prixc
for Best Essay on Ashland
Transacts Business in Ashland
— Henry Burnett was among out
o f town people who transacted
business in this city Monday.
Over From Klamath Falla—
Lee Bromley o f KlamatJi Fall*
spent the week-end in Ashland
visiting friends and relatives.
Dinner Coasts— Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Barney were dinner guests
at the John Leggett home on
Mountain avenue Sunday.
Local Educator to Assist ia Se­
lection of Text Books
for Schools.
President J. A. Churchill o f
the southern Oregon
school has been appointed a mem­
ber o f the State Text Book com­
mission and has accepted the ap­
pointment, according to dispatchs
from the Governors office at
This commissions duty is to
select one-third o f the text books
used in the high schools through­
out the state and the selection
made lasts fo r a period- o f six
years. The commission will meet
in November and make their se­
lection for the next six years.
Others on the board are: George
Hug, superintendent of the Salem
schools, A. C. Hamilton, super­
intendent o f schools in Astoria,
R. I. Turner, superintendent of
schools in Dallas and Mr. Land-
reth, principal of the Pendleton
high school.
Each Community Represented in
Plans for Entertaining
Business Men.
Southern Oregop, farmers are
planning a most elaborate even­
ing for Monday, February 20,
when they entertain the Ashland
business men, according to the
general committee in charge of
the meeting. A special committee
o f women consisting o f Mrs. J.
R. McCracken,
Davenhill, Mrs. L. Gallatin, Mrs.
James Lennox and Mrs. Palph
Billings from the Valley View
section, and Mrs. Homer Moore,
Mrs. C. A. Brown, Mrs. Albert C.
Joy, Mrs. Fred Homes with Mrs.
Will Aik Board of Ragent* to
Mary Homes Tucker as general
Make Raisa for Use o f
chairman have been appointed to
look'after the details o f the din­
ner which will be held in the Bell-
By a vote o f 200 to 12, the stu­
view community house.
dents o f the Normal school voted
Mark True and Mrs. Merriman
lest Friday that a petition be
were appointed to handle the
sent to the Board o f Regents of
the Oregon Normal school asking
While no positive information
that the student body fee be
raised from $10 to $11 dollars a has been received the committee'
quarter with the understanding expects that Governor Patterson
that the increased funds are to will be able to attend this meet­
be used to promote ath’eticr.
Maxine Emery, a sophomore in
the Senior high school was award­
ed the first prize o f $1.50 for
the best essay on Ashland Pro­
ducts in a contest conducted in
the schools in conjunction with
the Ashland Products exposition
to be held during the week of
February 20 to 26. Thelma Nay­
lor, a junior was named as sec­
ond pize winner in the senior
The measure also states that
high division and was given $1 as tlie increased tuition fee will en­
a prize.
title all students to free admit­
In the Junior high school, Carl tance to athletic events. It is ex­
Moore, o f the 7A grade won a pected that this will encourage a
gallon o f ice cream when his es­ bigger attendance at games an<£
say on Ashland made ice cream as a consequence, more support
was declared by the judges to be fo r the teams.
On account o f the large increase
the best, and David Johnson of
the 8A, junior high, won a half in enrollment, the enactment of
gallon o f ice cream with his es­ this measure will provide consid­
erable funds for the promotion of
say on the same subject.
In the grade schools, Hayward athletics in the school. At present
Mayberry o f the fifth grade of the authorities are handicapped by
the Lincoln school whose essay a lack o f money to improve the
on Ashland tomatoes was said to athletic field and make other
be the best, was given six cans necessary improvements.
o f Enders best tomatoes, while athleie contests may also be spon­
Delona Golby o f the fifth grade sored i f more funds are available.
A similar petition was recently
o f the Washington school was
also awarded six cans o f Enders passed by the student body o f the
best tomatoes fo r her essay on Monmouth Normal school.
The petition will be presented
the same subject.
at the next meeting o f the Board
Approximately eight hundred
o f Regents and if favorably con­
students took part in the con­ sidered, will go into effect at
test, and according to the judges, the beginning o f the spring term.
the students displayed an excel­
lent knowledge o f A shield pro­
Lear# for San Franciaca— Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Turner o f the
From Gold Hill— Ira Drake of
Gold Hill was an Ashland visitor
Normal School H^s
Lincoln Day Program
Observance o f the birthday an­
niversary o f Abraham Lincoln
was made at the- soulhern Ore­
normal school yesterday
morning at the assembly hour.
High School Orchestra
and Elks Orchestra to
Play During Week.
Special Program W ill Be
Arranged for Each
Night During W eek
The Ashland City band will
furnish the program for the open­
ing night o f the Ashland Products
exposition, to he held during the
week of February 20 to 26th in
the room formerly occupied by
the Western Auto-Supply.
decision was reached at the regu­
lar practice held in the city hall
last night. The program for the
evening will be announced later,
according to Ward Croft, leader
of the band.
While the complete program
has not been arranged for the
week, it is known that the Elks or-
chestra will furnish the program
on Thursday evening, and the
high school orel.estra on either
Friday or Saturday evening.
These two musical organiza­
tions a« wel* as the band are un­
der the direction o f Ward Croft.
The Elks orchestra ia composed
o f business men who belong te
•he local Elks lodge and in the
short time that they have been
playing, have won a host o f ad­
mirers. The high school orchestra
is made up entirely o f high school
tudents and in the few times that
they have appeared publicly have
attracted much
favorable com­
The ( hamber o f Commerce is
arranging for something special
■■ach evening, and a complete an­
nouncement will be made soon
o f the program for the week.
Much intehest is being taken in
the exposition by both exhibitor*
nnd the public, and with the re­
cent appointment o f E. T. Staples
as general supervisor o f the ex­
hibit hall, plans are being com­
pleted for one o f the best ex­
hibits ever made locally.
F o r m e r L o c a l Boy W in * F in *
Ap p oin tm en t.
Word was received by Mrs.
Kate Young and Mrs.
Minkier, local residents o f Ash­
Miss Leona Marsters led*the
land, that their brother, Frank
assembly in the singing o f " ‘ Am­
Hammond was recently appointed
erica the Beautiful” as the firsi
chief clerk o f mails in the Hawai­
number on the program. A read­
ian Islands, by the United States
ing, “ Ode to Lincoln” was given
government. Mr. Hammond will
by Betty Slawson. Kenneth Hob­
enter on his new duties on Febru­
son gave Lincoln’s well-known ary 15.
“ Letter* to Mr*. Bixby.” As the
Mrs. Minkier and Mrs. Young
next number the assembly was
left a few days ago for San Fran­
favored by twa violin selections
cisco where they will meet him on
oy Miss Ruth Louise Yoder, ac­
his arrival from the Orient, the
companied by Miss Marsters. An
first o f the week.
orrifion on Lincoln was given by
Mr. Hammond is well known in
and Chrales
Ashland and Jackson county, hav­
Prouse concluded the program by
ing graduated from the local
giving Lincoln’s Gettysberg ad­
schools and later working in the
Ashland postoffiee, and serving
as postmaster on the Dollar line
Duntmuir People Visit— Mr. from San Francisco a few years
and Mrs. C. W. Simons and son, also.
Percy, o f Dunsmuir spent the
His many friends take much
Boulevard, left Monday for San week-end with the Jack Powell pride and pleasure in his new ap­
Francisco fo r a visit with Mrs. fanffly on B street.
Mr. Simons pointment.
Turner’s brother, Frank Ham­ and Percy returned to that city
mond, who is employed on one o f on Monday. Mrs. Simons will re­
V* Parent»— Carol Holmes
the President liners that cruiae main for a few days longer. Mrs. o f Klamath Fall^ visited his par­
around the world, making the Powell is her daughter.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes
port o f San Francisco every three
on Manzanitn street Sunday. Mr.
Called to Ashlaad— Mrs. W. Holmes is employed by the South­
Broughman o f San Frencisco ar­ ern Pacific company in that eity.
Week-end in Medford— Mrs. O. rived in Ashland Monday morn­
A. Paulserud went to Medford ing to attend the funeral o f her
Sunday in Klamath Fall*— Ril­
last Saturday and spent the week sister, Mary Elizabeth
McDon­ ling Schuerman spent Sunday in
end with Mr. and Mrs. Hob Duell ough, who passed away at her Klamath Falla visiting friends.
returning to her home Monday home south o f Ashland Sunday.
evening. Mr. Paulserud, who has
V, Family— Roy Well«, who
been in Chicago and other east­
Visit* ia Fortlaad— Mrs. Mar­ haa been visiting hie wife and
ern cities on businaaa for the past cella Sander I-aasau is spending daughters on the Boulevard for a
two weeks is expected home the a few days in Portland visiting few days, returned to hi* home at
latter part oi this weak.
Elkton in Douglas county Monday