V is it» Relativa»— Mr«. Roy Taylor of Harrison «tract visited relatives in Medford the first of the week. — S p a tia l ra tes to s tu d a a ts a t A sh - la a d S tu d io . 7 5 -if which was held on January 31. On last reports she was getting along as well as could be expect­ ed. — You will Kke our 40c mer­ chant lunch. The Ender’s Sweet Shop. 79-lt Mrs. Aimee Selander o f Port­ land arrived Wednesday to visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Murphy. The regular Monday meeting of the Full Gospel Missionary so­ ciety was held Thursday after­ noon at the Full Gospel church. Rev. M. F. Woodworth, former pastor of the Ashland Baptist church, is in Ashland making ar­ rangements to leave here. Rev. Woodworth is contemplating ac­ cepting a pastorage at Marshfield — Try our Thermoid Brake Lining at THIRD STREET GARAGE. Carl Grill of Portland is spend­ ing several days in Ashland on business this week. Ed Williams o f Medford was greeting friends in Ashland on Thursday. Earl Hopper, son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hopper of Scenic Drive, left Tuesday for his home in Ness City, Kansas. Enroute home he will visit Cailfornia cities. Mr. Hopper, who has been visiting in this city for several months, expects to bring his family to Ashland, sometime In June, with the purpose of locating permanently. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tucker, who recently sold their farm south o f town to Robert Gordon o f Grants Pass, are making plant to move soon to I .os Angeles to make their home. R. A. Easton has been confin­ ed to his home this week with a severe cold. — Seeds, Blue Bantam Peas, Holmes Grocery. 78-2 Mrs. Ted Cold well, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is able to be out again. Mrs. Tom Roseberry o f Med­ ford is spending a few days at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Madden on Pine street. The cards that were recently »ent out by the school children to their parents regarding im­ munisation from diptheria, have returned with the request from parents that 175 children be im­ munized. ■•— Eat your lunch at Ender's üeeet Shop You will find our food and service of the highest — S q u a re d e a lin g and su p rem e typ«. 79-lt a rtistic q u a lity s o licit y o u r pat. Mrs. Elton Kirby o f the ro a a g e at S ta d ia A sh la n d . 7 S -tf Green Springs district visited Lyle Sams o f Medford was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. transacting business in this city Elder on Almond street Sunday. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Fridcgar Mrs. Russel Bond, who resides recently purchased a new Buick on a farm north of town was sedan. shopping in this city Wednesday. P. R. Hardy and J. H. Hardy Jerry Wilson of Medford was made a business trip to Roseburg a business visitor to this city the the first o f the week. first of the week. Word has been received by Alex McAllister, who recently Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hardy of the underwent an operation for a illness of Mrs. Hardy's mother, crushed foot, was taken 'to the Mrs. F. Kiner o f Spokane. Mrs. local community hospital Thurs­ Kiner is well known in Ashland, day for treatments, and addition­ where she and her husband spent al x-rays. last year, residing at the Lithia — O u r p r ico s a re m ost rea son a b le apartments. S tu d io A sh la n d . 7 5 (f — For good things to eat go to Henry Pace and W. D. Hart of Ender's Sweet Shop. We serve three meals daily. • 79-lt Medford were transacting busi­ Gordon Cochrane, student at ness in Ashland Wednesday. John Boyd of Portland stop­ the southern Oregon normal ped o ff in this city the first of school, spent last week-end in Grants Pass visiting his parents. the week for a visit with Rilling Guy Prescott returned the lat­ Schuerman. Mr. Boyd, who is an ter part of the week from a cruia- old school-mate of Mr. Schuer­ ing trip in the northern part of man, recently returned from a ( alifornia in the Siskiyou mount- several years trip abroad. tains. Mrs. R. J. DeArvilla who has been making her home in the Li­ thia apartments has gone to Ga- telle to make her sister an ex­ tended visit. Mrs. Grow, who has been quite ill at the home of her son, Ho­ mer Grow on Maple street, was able to be taken to her home in the Green Spring mountain dis­ trict Sunday. — We serve regular meals and light lunches. Ender’s Sweet Shop. 79-lt Thomas Little, principal of n union school at Selma, near Kir­ by, spent the week-end in Ash­ land visiting his wife and child­ ren. Mrs. Little is attending the southern Oregon normal school. Mr. adn Mrs. A. E. Metcalf of route one received word recently that their daughterrin-law, Mrs. H. H. Metcalf of Klamath Falls was taken to the Klamath county hospital for a major operation Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes were tending the millinery style week, visiting friends in Ashland thia held in that city next week. She week, having returned from a expects to bring back with her a several weeks’ visit to Portland complete line o f new spring hats, and other northern Oregon cities, for the Easter trade. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Benedict on their way home to Klamath o f Nevada, stopped at the Ash­ Flails. Mrs. Bertha Denton, local pub- land Hotel for several days this lie school nurse, with her two 1 week, for the purpose o f looking sons, moved into the modem new over the mining industry, and home on North Main street which other possibilities of Ashland and was recently completed. Mrs. vicinity. They left for cities in Denton formerly resided for a California Tuesday, but expect number of years on her property to return in the near future with a strong possibility of locating on Laurel street. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Ramsby, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fagg of Portland stopped o ff to visit | who operate the Klamath Junc­ friends in Ashland this week, and 1 tion auto camp were transacting to spend a few days with Mr. and business in Ashland today. Mrs. F. N. Creason, who was Mrs. Cgrey Ramsby of the Klamath Junction auto camp. called here a number o f days Mr. and 5fa-s- Fagg are just re­ ago by the illness and death of turning to their home after spend her father, Dave Good, left Wed­ ing the winter in California cities. — T r y PauUerud’s f o r re p a ir - in g, re lin in g , c le a n in g and p r e s ­ sin g . W e ca ll. 7 8 -2 t Plan Now to Attend the Ashland Products Exposition Walter Herndon is confined to his home on Beach street this week with the “ flu.” Mr. Hern­ don is an employee of the South­ ern Pacific company. D. C. Hawley of 600 Indiana street will leave Thursday for Portland where he will undergo a course o f medical treatments. Mrs. W. H. Hendricks was a Medford visitor Wednesday after­ noon. Miss Anna Hargrove o f the Hargrove millinery shop, left Thursday morning for Portland, where she will spend several weeks visiting friends and at- w » and altogether too many of them were responsible for fires. Nothing can restore property destroyed or re­ place sentimental values. The most— and the least— you can do is to protect money values with insur­ ance; and in this, our agency can advise you and assist you. E »t. 1 8 8 3. Whitmans’ Chocolates $1.50 to $4.50 Starts \ February / \ 13 / n /# / Y ou W ill W ant Several at This Price Made of Belmont Percales SHRIMP! Try the best Shrimps canned Quick Quaker All Vegetable Short­ ening Rolled Oats Small Package Large Package * LAST P FOR E l This C OM BIN ATION X X PLAN group o f smart wash dresses features ten charm­ ingly individual styles fashioned o f crisp new Belmont Percales; these sprightly and fast color novelty prints were designed exclusively for this selling event. They are distinctly appealing and new—contrasting colorful bias tape bind­ ings, perky streamers, dainty collars and cuffs o f dimity—innumerable in­ dividual details—give these wash dresses the style and character o f much higher priced dresses. O f course they are well made with two inch hems and neatly sewn seams. The fabrics themselves, Belmont Percales, are produced by ^Marshall Field & Company, Wholesale, and represent the highest standard o f quality for goods o f this character. This is another Combination X X Plan item produced by Marshall Field & Company, Wholesale, and sponsored by this store and by thousands o f other merchants through­ out the country. Like all Combination X X Plan items, these dresses are an exceptional and a genuine value. S and W SNOWDRIFT / 1 5c 26c / Funei afternoc taking | Mary E year old Mrs. R. side on . east o f i charge o Catholic made in The lit day afte death be thought by an at a week t Mary ( « a s ' bori years ag the sevei the Ji^iic was lovi teachers tion and students tiful wrei token of She is and moth Broughan three brol Lawrence Sizes: ' Misses, M ed iu m •Large If f Valentines 1 to 50c M M BROS. tu 3essíé Fresh Turnips Sweet Oranges 20c per doz. j 0 pounds 25c Bacon Backs-Sugar Cured lh. 27c Sugar Cured Picnics - per lb. 25c Head Lettuce large solid heads I Each, only 10c A ' MORI Plan Now to Attend the Ashland Products Exposition V A L E N T IN E S DAY Heart Shaped Candy Boxes 80c to $ 6.00 1 WASH FROCKS 41 E ast M ain at, per can-23c Compare These Prices I sure trip. Mrs. Susanne Homes Carter, \ county school superintendent, : spent a few days in Ashland this week visiting relatives anddDiends Mrs. E. B. Adamson, who re­ sides on a ranch north o f Ashland on the Pacific highway, was shop­ ping in this city Thursday. « Through the Com bination X X Plan W e H ave Secured These A ttra ctive BILLINGS A G E N C Y Tall cans, a reg. 25c seller at each | 8 lb. Cans---- $ 1.85 4 lb. Cans------ 95c 13 Isaac’: on Church street. Mrs. Shepherd left Thursday night for Portland where she will visit friends be- fore returning to her home ia Marshfield. Mrs. Elizabeth Breese of Tal­ ent spent the day Tuesday visit- ! ing at the E. Cliff Payne home on Granite street. Merle Robinson left Monday for Fairbanks, Alaska, where he will spend a number of days on a combined business and plea- 7 5 ,0 2 5 ,0 6 4 ,7 9 1 C ig a re tte s w ere S m o k e d ia th e U n ited S tates ia O n e y e a r ............... HERE ARE A F E W REASONS W H Y 19e \ and break a rib a few days ago. Mrs. Sarah Walker o f 150 Sec­ ond street returned home from Klamath Falls Tuesday where she spent the winter with rela­ tives. Mrs. Ella Garrett, who fell three weeks ago and was quite badly hurt, is now able to get about with the aid of crutches. Mrs. Edward Shepherd of Marshfield, who has been visiting her daughter, Eleanor Brown, who is attending the southern Oregon normal school in this city, was entertained Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Rodney Moffat on East Main street with a five* o’clock dinner. In the afternoon she was the guest of Dr. Mattie Shaw at a luncheon, and on Wednesday evening was a dinner guest of Mrs. Belle Schj^.in at her home Made in Ten Individual Styles HARDYBROS. Minced Clams Starts February / \ \ ftik Business Is Always Good R O Y A L CLUB nesday for her heme in Duns- asuir, California. Ben t. Wertz of Medford was a business visitor in Ashland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Herbi of the Herbi bakery of Klamath Falls, visited friends in Ashland the firat o f the week. They were returning to their home in Klam­ ath Falls, after spending several weeks in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Herbi stated that it was a plea­ sure to be able to enjoy the sun­ shine o f southern Oregon again after the cold rainy weather they encountered in the rose city. The S. H. Miller family of 129 Laurel street are moving today into the Bertha Denton home at 111 Laurel street. ■Claude Kelsey of 271 High street had the misfortune to fall Florida Grapefruit only 10c each No. 2 ' j Monarch Standard Sliced Pineapple OC» W e deliver every day of the week P T. A. FOOD SALE S A T U R D A Y HARDY BROTHERS In craa, \ ■Vsi ¡S ■ M e d fo r t Robert* t fairs in .V \ \ \ \\ \ '