PAGE » F O U R THE OREGON Or a Romance and Adventure in and o f the West ’ By D A V ID M A R K 216 Central Ave., Ashland, Oregon A S H L A N D REGISTER 1 1 . prophets in charter provisions and judk'ate it into constitutional or oiganic law.” Svfni-Wvrkly P t|,*r Published a. Am l.nd, Oregon ‘Nearly half a century ago l Kortnerly the Central Point and Ashland American heard men talking and using the phase ‘ industrial democracy, in- O ffice at 872 East Main Street teruationni brotherhood and BUSINES AND NEW S PHONE 95 world peace.” . "W e o f Oregon have, in the legal person we have Oar Y ear $ 2.00 named Oregon un industrial dem­ Advertising Ratas Civea on Application ocracy. May the other two follow /w iitly. "Having and industrial demo­ Entered at the Postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, as Second Class Matter, under the A ct o f Congress o f March 3, 1879 cracy,” said Judge B------ , “ let os hope we are in the beginning Member S TA TE E D IT O R IA L ASSO CIATIO N o f the end even though the end is Member N A T IO N A L E D ITO R IA L A SSO C IA TIO N not in sight.” The four friends had come out D EATH TO KID N APPE RS! o f the city hall and were in the highway near the stalled car The Loeb and Leopold crime was bad enough. when u woman’s scream quickly followed by the report o f a gun The Hickman brutality amazed a nation. Now smote their ears. comes the Hotaling criminality to spread the The commissioner ran to the car and grabbed a gun that had thought that there may be others o f like mind been left in it and ran up the roud in this country. two hundred yards and jumping the fence ran a little ways and Leob and Leopold are in prison. So is Hotal­ came to a small clump or trees. Within the shelter o f the trees ing. Hickman faces trial, with an insanity plea, was a seetee pr bench, beyond nothing to get a life term. While we dislike the the bench about five feet was a man luying on his back looking idea of capital punishment those tfho kidnap much like he was dead while a young children and murder them should be kil­ few pascs beyond at the opposite side of the grove stood Donald led as quickly as possible. * Waldo. The wrath of the Michigan citizens is easily With her arms around his neck r.nd held very close to him was Miss Leonard. “ Oh, oh,” she sob­ bed. “ I hope I have not killed him.” At their feet was a short jjeavy set man lying on the ground with blood flow ing from a wound in his head. “ Don’t feel so liudly about it dear,” said Waldo. “ Hi? is not dead but he will get , hhn to . he . , if we do . not -. . wh” " hr1 can ?,ot sur* lcal treat- ment nn(J care, (T o be Continued) ©K Aaljlattò ¡Swjiater It pays, I'll Kay it dues. Our rule, as a provision o f the rrum fields and pastures furn­ charter thereby making the teach ish us with feeds fur uur stuck and fluur for our bread. Our tim­ mg o f the Nazarene a part of •He o'Cnnic law o f tiw municipali­ ber and stone supply us with building material. By coporeating ty, helps wonderfully toward ace i hi -ng us, i r v oirit o r the together we du much better than by competing against each Christ influences all fo r good, es­ No one oth»r. Cooperation tends to pecially the otucials.' peace, competition is war minus realizes this influence more than , the un. Bruugh to its fullest and we three,” said Judge B------. i rawest compect the gun comes in "B ein g written in as a charter provision it has a better effect later. than if it were a municipal law Under cooperation we get a or a law due to an ordinance.” more abundant living. Supply is “ Its primary principal effect is here for our needs. Yea, an upon the officials, upon the ad­ abundant supply. Thanks to the ministration, upon the govern­ supreme court and our Oregon, ment much more than upon the tt will continue governed or upon the private “ What about Texas,” inquired citizens or resident.” Judge C--------- . “ We pay no “ I nevej- saw it in that light property tax,” replied the com- before but I guess you are right," mlasiuner. “ You doubtless know said Commissioner Goblet. “ Hang that municipal owned property is ing his head fo r a moment. Judge fr;— r— spoke, “ When Rudy an] nun-taxable. However, the city pavs an income tax, which is the Kipling coined the pharse: ‘ The only just tax that can be levied.” Fatherhood o f God and the Commissioner Goblet next led brotherhood (jl man’ he should kla guests to the city hall. It was have_ added. ‘The Lordship o f Je- «18 Christ.’ I am wondering if men a roomy two story cement build­ -„s do not recognize the Lordship I ing. In the building was many o f­ o f J f uh Chriflt. when they write* fice rooms, built with a view of hi» concept o f the luw and the certain necessary purposes. There was an office for each o f the commissioners and a large well equipped room for meetings of ths board o f commissioners. A large fire and burglar proof vault was built in the center of the building. Within the vault was a strong safe for the keep­ ing o f currancy, gold, silver and LIN CO LN ’ S FIRST D O LLAR ether valuables and papers neces­ sary to insure and preserve the credit o f the city. The port of the vault not occupied by the safe was used for storage room. There waa shelves all around the room Young Abe Lincoln used to per­ on which were kept indexed im­ form any odd job to get a penny or a portant city records. Next, the vault and in front o f it was the niekle. One day he rowed two men out office o f the commissioner o f fi­ on the Mississippi to board a boat. To ance. It was in this office that nil his astonishment they threw him two bills were paid, all checks or city warrants were honored and ex­ blight half dollars -the first that he changes made. All commercial had ever had. business, both within and with­ out the city passed thru this o f ­ To this incident Lincoln attributed fice. The office furnishing and the awakening of his ambition to pre­ fixtures much resembled hanks m use a few decades before. pare himself for service which would Daily reports the day beginning assure a good return rather than a pit­ at noon, passed thru this office from all departments o f the <;ity tance. that were of a financial or com­ Out of his experience he said in la­ mercial character. Clerks nnd o f­ ficials and office employees be­ ter years: “ Teach economy. It is one gan to arrive to take up their du of the great virtues. It begins by ties . Many o f which only lnsted an hour or two, after which they saving money.” were occupied in other occups Oin- savings department offers you tions or persuits. These were nil introduced to the three jurists. a convenient attractive banking home They all hurried to their respec­ where your money earns four per tive rooms and desks. “ This looks more like a cor­ cent interest. poration office building of forty Closed Monday, February 13th years ago, thnn a city trail’ * said Judge A ------. "That is what it A legal holiday— Lincoln’s is,” said the Commissioner. Birthday. “ Hope is a municipal industrio- commercial corporation and she does the things she wns intended for. t odo. Hope as well as our Oregon has buried politics along side the saloon o f form er decad­ es. It is true that follow ing the burial o f the saloon, the politi­ cians dug up Jolui Barleycorn, _ ASHLAND CirNÌVÌj Q tìE C O N ~ the evil shadow o f the saloon, but since the burial o f politics, then- la no politicians to sustain the C O M M E R C IA L •» S A V I N G S , - SAFE D E P O S IT shadow., and he too has gone to hades from where he canu-.” I am hoping,” said Judge B------ “ that militarism, the last o f the trinity o f evil will soon be hur­ ried alongside o f the other two.” •'Amen,” answered the others. "Someone has said that industr­ ial democracy. international brotherhood and world peace would follow each other,” said Judge B———.“ W ell we have in­ dustrial democracy,” said the com missioner, Continuing he said, "Th e office o f commissioner of finance acta as a clearing for the municipal corporation Daily report* from the other de­ partments come to the depart­ ment o f finance office, commer­ cial activities, trade and finance are handled by the department o f finance. The duties o f my o f­ fice are to attend to the indus­ trial collective o f the city as well Pacific Coast paper dealer re­ as the governmental or executive ceived a surprise shipment o f 800 activities or phases. bundles of tray paper [for drying The duties of the department o f safety is to see that the sani­ grapes] which had not been order­ tary condition o f the city is one ed. This resourceful dealer quickly * hundred per cent. Water supply light and heat, drainage, sewer- turned the supplier’s error to good are septic tanks, in fact his o f­ account. 7 fice to to care for the safety of the inAabtlsnU and property o f Telephone calls to customers the c * T in nearby towns disposed o f thi v “ I f ‘ conditions in my depart­ ment are unclean or dangerous, entire shipment and one hundred the commissioner o f aafctly calls additional handles for larcr de­ un me. He aeldoma if ever has to call the second time.” livery— gross sales $ »MX).00. « The usefulness o f and benefit* 1 Successful sales campaigns now • f the two other ^commissioner* V are greatly enhanced by their co | consider the telephone-the rapid, operation with the state com mis J convenient, economical, personal •loner o f finance and the state commissioner o f insurance. The 1 means o f com m unication with credit o f the city is greatly en- | customers in and out o f town and Hanred thereby. “ Crop insurance added to in- j a sale* force o f proven merit. turance o f other property makes for eafety and the cost there of , "W krm IM M0 té* trmjt r F t Ir iifW is inflntismal compared with the l i f t km «u i t a k i H tmmrtbrwg benefits secured. The city hall is j * 1 u *r«> , U «• my“. a busy place. There is something doing that is worth while, and it T H * PACIFIC T IL E PI I O N I AND TFLEGR A PI! C O M P A N Y Is doing much o f the time. Things with us are doing nicely." “ The insertion o f the golden I Ll-iX M F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k ^pç/nitiaâvc understood. Their effort to “ get” the abnormal man who murdered a five-vear-old girl, it is true against the law, but nevertheless, easily excused. Our own notion is that the speedy execution of a few abnormalities will help some scounderels to regain their sanity before committing such awful crimes. In these days o f motor compe­ tition the pedestrian is never safe I f an automobile doesn’t get him an automobile salesman will.— Virginian Pilot. Nowadays E verym a n is en­ titled to life, liberty and an auto­ mobile in which to pursue happi­ ness.— Oregon Motorist. A New York’s girl’s excuse for driving past a red traffic light was that “ the most wonderful man in the world had just asked me to marry him and I was in clouds o f dreams.” She was fined $3, which, we are quite sure, the wonderful young man paid with- , out a kurmur. This being leap year, how­ ever, we suspect the young lady didn’t tell it exactly as it was. What she probably meant to say was that “ the most wonderful young man in the world had just consented to marry me.” — Kan­ sas City Star. It looks to us as if it were go­ ing to be the worst year yet fo r the horse-fly.— Ohio State Jour­ nal. Most o f a bond issue o f $950,- 000 will be spent in Salem this year, for bridges, sewers and drainage. Medford— Hearty, Inc., will en large $183,000 fruit plant. V m Ä k f. T I O " f$ Listen to This1 ? & Ashland ♦ Products % • Exposition W eek of F ebruary 20 TO 26 Ashland Products Exposition 20th to 26th Telephone tj During this entire week Ashland W holesalers, Producers and Manufacturers have united with the retailers in one conce ntrated effort io bring before the people of Southern Oregon, some of the many thing s that are “ MADE A T HOME.” THIS IS NOT A TOOT AT HOME . „ 4 Do not confuse this exposition wit h the so-called h-ade at home campaign. You Will Not Be Asked to Buy g “ 1 durin* thU main « •n e y ri\ A ? Supply Company an will be featured, and every opportunity wil with products produced in your own vicini * position hall in the room formerly occupied d at every retail store, Ashland made goods I be offered to allow you to get acquainted ty. q * TRY AND GET IN! i