Filagna» O m * THE ASH LAN D PAGE REGISTER Main street. 400. Also have a number of 74 2t iy meeting. other houses at from $750 up. H You are cordially invited to at­ WANTED Bessie Daley and Edith Eden tend all the services o f this church C. Galey, 65 E Main street. new students in the Junioi you will find a real fellowship 74-2t WANTED POSITION: As truck ass at the high school. They en. and a warm welcome. Gospel ser­ FOR SALE: The best buy in Ore­ Driver 3 years trucking exper­ (red Monday. mons and gospel singing. gon 421 acres fine improve* ience or other work. Call 741-J I The Community Club will have mepts 8 room modern house, 2 C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H after 5 p. m. |eir regular meeting next Wed- Second and A springs, 300 acre cultivated day at 2 p. m. The Study of «9--------------------------------------------£> close to Pheonix. $8000 easy FO R S A L E M IS C E L A N E O U S If you have i-> church home in egon History will be resumed. terms to right party. See Ash­ Legion members apparently are A hlard, vou are cordially invited FOR SALE: Maxwell Tour. 1921. |The county health nurse and land Realty Co. 74-lb Good condtion. Cash $45.00 or ! anty physician Dr. Inskeep gave vigorous young men looking for to make this church your home, Terms $50.00 See at 117 8th first Toxin anti-Toxin treat-* work. The nation has many large and to attend the services each APARTMENTS street. 69-? ^nt to a number of the school tasks for them. Let them carry od Lord’s Day. Bible schol 9:45 a. m. pldren Tuesday. The next wil) in the same spirit of the Asgonne FOR RENT: Two furnished 5 FOR SALE or TRADE: for what given next Tuesday Jan. 31., and the patriotic citizens of thil room apartments. Close in with Communion Service 11 :U0. kd the next Feb. 7th. The child- United States will back them to ho garage. $18 per month. Phone Communion Sermon 11:15 on who failed to bring their limit. 9F11 or 105 74-tf the subject “ What lack I yet?” Commander Ralph E. Bowen J-ds signed by parents this week Christian Endeavor 6 :30 r. m. FOR S A L E L IV E ST O C K 111 be given their first treatmei« makes an appeal to all ex-service Evening Church service 7:30. |xt Tuesday. This course of toxin JOIN NOW. The theme of the evening ser. FOR SALE: Barred Rock Chick­ ti-toxin treatments will immune ens and cows. 440 Wightman oi vice will be “ What ^hurch I se taking it from diptheria. Phone 385-R. A T THE CHURCHES join ?” Mrs. Robt. Flock of Gold Hill Come let us go unto the house FOR SALE: Mik Goat coming .METHODIST EPISCOPAL r f Jehovah. the guest of Mrs. Clarence fresh, 200 egg incubator, Own- North Main and Laurel Sts. |mes Tuesday. ar going away will sell cheap. H. F. Pemberton, Pastor fclr. and Mrs. H. M. Morriso:*jp W. P. Miner, 600 Indiana sL -0 I I Wesley Morrison motored to ' Jt I Morning worship at 11. Ser­ | ___________________ __ ants Pass Monday. Wesley re­ mon subject: “ Our Faith in the 'FOR SALE: Six weeks old Pigs,! ined Tuesday bringing a largi Church.” N. E. Bond Rt. 2 Phone 6F21. which Mr. Morrison pur­ Evening worship at 7 :30 75-3t sed. ject: “ The Father and the Prodi­ Rates: One cent a word firs* The Woman’s Home Missionary FOR SALE: Cows for Sale. Two gal. insertion; one-half cent a |iety will meet with Mrs. I. C. fresh cows one coming April. Junior Ch'. rch for children rrom word thereafter. Minimum Puzzle Picture: liams next Thursday Feb. 2nd Also good separator. All for 7 to 13 at 11. charge 25c. Dinner for Eight, Sil­ |2:3w- p. m. $350. See H. C. Galey, 65 E Sunday School for Bible study ver for Six. Ir. W. R. Nyswaner went to at 9:45. co, Calif., last Saturday with Epworth League at 6:15. Sets of 8 in Holmes and Ed­ iuck load of apples. He return- SW APS Young People from 14 up. wards Gorham and Community iTuesday. Wesley Forum at 6:15 Norma; FOR TRADE: Will trade auto, Plate. The New students and all teachers. wood or plough not v rv par­ Prayer meeting Wednesday ev­ ticular how, for good I ~ood ening at 7 :30. sow or good milk cow. Rc. 'e 2, You are cordially invited to Bx 64 tf. attend this church. Gospel ser­ FOR RENT HOUSES mons, Christian fellowship, home­ t 272 EAST M A I N ST. like atmosphere and a hearty wel­ FOR RENT:’ 5-room furnished ASHLAND come will make you want to comil was built after having bungalow. Phone 298-J or call ° - - E’ (©4 again. Strangers and visitors es 96 Laurel street. 72-tf the experience of 'SG I pecially welcome. Come as you1 building and servic­ FOR RENT: Apartments ror rent !■ ____ 1 are. ing— Enquire 167 East Main street. 0------------------------------------------------0 CH U RCH O F TH E FOR RENT: Five room furnished FIFTEEN MILLION NAZARENE house, 239 Second street. In­ Fourt and C Street* quire at 713 Oak street. AUTOMOBILES TALENT NEWS N O TE S “ super-service” for the disabled. The Legion obtained the passage of the Reed-Johnson bill whicl* carried benefits for 100,000 vet­ erans and their dependants and codified and liberalized the laws affecting the disabled a measure called the greatest piece of con­ structive legislation since the crea­ tion o f the veteran’s bureau. c FIVE strawberry plants, aad turkeys, have you? Saddle pony, ton truck and trailor, drag saw, sewing machine, Gettysburg 121 green madrona and oak w oo^ Rt. 1 Box 13«. 73-4»« ' ■ 11 J — .1--------------- J-1JU ! HERBERT’S GROCERY HOME MADE JELLY, PER GLASS BROKEN SLICE PINEAPPLE No. 2 1/* 2 Phillips 20c 20c Pan Cake Flour 1 5 lb. tin Orange KARO LASSIFIED ! Advertisements ! ligh-Topper Shoe Assumes Novel Lines CAas/tMiU FORD CAR | JEWELER 0- 0-—— --------------------------------------o At McGees. | PRESBYTERIAN With Illuminated Bulletin | 0------------------------------------------------o “ What Is Sin?” will be the sub­ ject Su-Jay morning at 11 a. m. Is there anything wrong with the United States? Why the so called “ Crime Wave,” Has science done away with sin? These are some of the questions to be dealt with. The American Legion is win- “ The Heart of the Fool,” is the ng the support of many good subject for 7 :30 worship period. tzens who believed that its stand Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. r adjusted compensation was the Wirt M. Wright superintendent. imary objective of the veteran’ i Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. mization. Relief of disabled, m. “ The Church at Work.” lericanism, Community better- The pastor Rev. Hugh T. Mitch- ent and other altruistic Legio.i elmore will speak at both church terprises were overlooked by services. ousands whose opposition to the Mid-week service Wednesday mpensation measure was so evening at 7:30 “ Judging one eat as to forget the other item»! Another, 1 Corinthiar: 4:1.5. the Legion program held of j ------------------------------------------------- o ual importance by the Legion* I FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE | ies themselves. Corner Fifth and Ea*t Main St*. With compensation out o f the I J. E. M U R P H Y , P a.tor | ly, the veteran’s organization ------------------------------------------------- o Sunday school 9:45 a. m. You Is concentrated its activities on Jorld peace measures, community will find in our Sunday School a Vterment enterprises, Ameri- real Primary department with a knism and naturalization pro* splendid corp of teachers. We ex- ts, in addition to its determined-tend to all parents an invitation td nd *or relief of disabled fight-1 send their children to the Sunday ana the raising of a national school; classes for all ages, we dowment fund to care for thl welcome all. hans of those who fell in th»l Morning worship 11 a. m. rid conflict. Young peoples meeting 6:30 p. B |The American Legion is de- m. all young people are welcome ■Dnstrating that it proposes to to come and take part and be one ■r* up to the preamble o f ita con- of those who is pushing the bat­ ■ptution, which states, "For God tle o f faith. td Country we associate our- Special prayer service from ^lves together.” » 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. every Sunday To this end the Legion askrj evening »ngress to enact a universal ser-1 Evening worship 7:30 p. .«. pee act. drafting the nation«' re* We are praying for « jrrnat day lurces of labor, capital and in* next Sunday. January 29, all day tstry as well as fighting men in service at the church come and next war. It is supporting bring your lunch and enjoy tho eneral Pershing's program for ar’ j service and pray for a great vie- adequate national defense. Thrv tory. WILL YOU BE PRESENT? •r international organization Wednesday evening evangelist composed of service men o f as- «ervice« 7 :30. powers. Thursday afternoon 2 y. m. and more efficient ser ladies prayer meet! ^ * at the the part o f the United church. Veteran's Bureau it sough«, Men's prayer meeting Thurs- fcy the I igion. which ststed in it-J day 7:30 p. n all men are invit. In*; convention that it would be I to aru m . -fied with n rth irf 1 American Legion Î Î J 3 76 ‘ 25 ONION SETS 2 LBS. SEED POTATOES AND GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS I WE DELIVER — asm P. C. T H A T C H E R , P a.tor FOR RFNT: Furnishea •ton«". Holmes Grocery. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Mr, T. S. Wiley, Superintendent. FOR S A L E R E A L E S T A T E At 11 o’clock, morning worship [With an unusual shot like this , , with sermon from the subject, FOR SALE: See Ashland Realty |e may know thatoj,e .s .m .r t l f | „ The Helplessness of Man-„ for Reliable Realty. ?4-tf Dd. The new Hi-Topper is o At 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples rk brown kid with a gaiter like Meeting. HOME BARGAINS: Exclusive p of the new honey beige shade, sales rights on several very de­ At 7 :30 p. m. Praise service fol­ •apped about the ankle with a sirable homes enable me to o ff­ lowed with sermon from the sub­ uckle, strap fastening. er them at prices away below ject, “ The established Heart and replacement costs. These are Sensible Cuban heels are leather Life.” owned either b, yestates or non­ The regular mid-week prayer svered. residents and can be bought meeting will be held on Wednes. right now. Prices $2000, to $4,- Courtesy of day evening. A hearty welcome to all. THE SHOE DEN, REGULAR PRICE 90c SATU RD AY SPECIAL ALL FOR W e want you to see this car and ride in it. Phone or Call Claycomb Motor Co. Ford Sales & Service e / w m j Phone 50 ELIZABETH ARDEN’ S Pre-Inventory Venetian Toilet Preparations Dollar Day Sales! Use Venetian Cleansing Cream, Ardena Skin Tonic, Special Astringent .and Orange Skin Food each morning and night, following the method o f an Elizabeth Arden Treatment to supply every need o f your skin. Elizabeth Arden’s Venetian Toilet Prepara tions are on sale at— Winter W eight Knit Underwear $1.50 to $1.75 Values $ 1.00 Lithia Springs Pharmacy jj A few Silk Petticoats up to $6.95 Values AgenU for Owl Drug Product« W e G iv e D Up to $5.00 Values $ 1.00 $1.00 Yard A few womens Suits One lot $5.00 Velour Coatings in dark col­ ors— G r e e n D is c o u n t S t a m p s ! Greatest values you have ever seen in wool dress goods dur­ ing this final drive f6r complete disposal of all wool goods. $1.00 for Jacket $1.00 For Skirt Just Arrived $2.75 to $3.75 $1.50 to $2.00 Middies, Blouses with Blue W ool Serge Col­ lars— * $ 1.00 A New Patent Pump Another one of our new QUEEN Q U A L IT Y Spring Models have arrived. It is a black patent Pump with high heel and large Steel Cut Buckle. This beautiful shoe is very moderately priced when you consider the STYLE, Q U A L IT Y and C O M FO R T. Widths from A A A to B. Infants Caps in W ool, Fibre, Silk and W ool mixture, $1.35 to $1.50 Values— $ 1.00 Many other dollar items besides those mentioned here. W ool Crepe, Tricotins Poiret Twill and oth er 40 to 56 goods notf for final clear out. $1.00 Yard One lot $1.35 to $1.45 Values in 36 to 39 inch goods, Serge, Batiste, W ool, Chal- lis and fancy worst­ eds— Yard» $1.00 $5.95 Cut Chemille for evening dresses $ 1.00 One lot $1.75 to $2.75 Values in Silks in a final clean up— $1.00 Yd One lot 69 to 89c Rayons and other Wash goods for spring dresses — 2 Yard» $1.00 One Table of 50 to 60c wash fabrics for Spring Dresses— 3 Yard» $1.00 35c to 45c Y am s Balls $1.00 Knitting W or »ted 3 Hank» $1.00