~ P ACE ening at 7 :*30. You are cordially invited t.i come to all these meetings. Chrit- ian fellowship and a home lik ' atmosphere will help you enjoy ! them. Stranger . and visitors es­ pecially welcome. Come as you ! are. to become a member. There is d| 71-4-t sow or good milk cow. Route 2, Bx 64 tf. trie Sewing Machine. Cost $*60 Terras $50.00 See at 117 8t* 69-? class for all agei. Sunday school FOR SALE MISCELANEOUS opens promptly at 9;45. The B. Y . 1 offered to responsible purchas­ FOR RENT HOUSES W AN TED FOR S A LE : Everything. Cows, P. U. aggregation are very active I er. Write Bex A care Register. Pigs, chickens. Goats, ducks, and they have a very interesting FOR R E N T: January 20th five- W A N T E D : Hair Switches and program and are inviting the co­ rolls made at 52 Roca street. room furnished bungalow, wood, hark, farm implements. FOR S A LE : Maxwell Tour. 1921. Good condtion. Cash $45.00 or Mining Machinery, Pumps. I f operation o f the young people. Phone 273-L. 71-3« Phone 298-J or Call 96 Laurel we haven’t got it we will get The go-getters class and B. Y. P, A T TH E CH URCHES street. 72-tf -------------------------------------- o it for you, what do you need? U. staged a very interesting and NO TICE PR E S B Y TE R IA N Do you need help? Do you want j pleusant party last Tuesday nighlj FOR R E N T : 6 room Modern house 121 Bush Street. Phone 289 J. a job. See Woods Exchange first | With Illuminated Bulletin The revival meetings at th;j and every one who attended en­ A Portion of Our Shoe Accessories: and save time and costs. 131 1 I Four Square Lighthouse on the joyed the oyster supper, the games«! FOR R E N T : Apartments ror rent Shoe Laces, Novelty Silk, Dress and Work East Main street. 74-lt j drawing and all went home feeling t'.u-l A Directed L ife ” will be the Boulevard, are surely Enquire 167 East Main street. Shoe Oils o f all leading brands, Shoe Pol­ erne o f the pastor Rev. Hugh T. good crowds, the preaching o f tho I they had spent a very profitable ' FOR SALE or T R A D E : for what tchelmore at the 11 o’clock sen word lifting the Men o f Galilee s o ' and pleasant evening. Lememheri FOR R E N T : Five room furnished ish and Shining Outfits, Cinderella Dress­ have you? Saddle pony, ton house, 239 Second street. In­ is a ;e. Bible school at 9:45, Wirt that the world can see that H.> that the Baptist Church ing, For every kind o f Material. truck attd traitor, drag saw, quire at 713 Oak street. is -till alive, and that He is able friendly home church where you Wright, superintendent. sewing machine, Gettysburg 121 | Christian Endeavor meetings at to Save, the soul, heal the body, are a stranger but once. FOR R E N T : Furnisnea ilouss. strawberry plants, and turkeys, fill you with the holy spirit, ani,1 |30. Holmes Grocery. green madrona and oak wood, "You r Feet W ill Bring You Back” that he is son coming again, are. A t the evening worship hour, Rt. 1 Box 136. 73-4t* FOR SALE R E A L E STATE 10, the subject will be: “ Go just what the people are longin « to hear. I f you have not heard FOR S A LE : Rabbits, Utility ith God.” FOR SALE OR EXC H ANG E: A Does, Reds, and Chins. A ls o ! Wednesday evening 7:30 Mid- Brother and Sister Lynd in their I Cream separator. Reed baby | fine little dairy farm o f 20 ek service. Subject “ Prayer soul stirring winning message: buggy. R. W. Clapp. Bellview : tar B acres mostly in alfalfa 70 ton you have missed a blessing then just south o f Moon’s mill. Missions.” were cut this season. hgve been up to date ninety two _______ 71 4-t Rates: One cent a word first 6 fine Milk Cows, some young ■it the alter and the meeting are! insertion; one-half cent a F U LL GOSPEL TEM PLE FOR S A L E : White Rotary Elec-, stock, pigs, team, everything word thereafter. Minimum J. E. M URPHY, Pastor | still going on. Sunday school v.\ : needed on a farm in the way organized one week ago last Sun­ charge 25c. i “The Theatre o f tools and implements. 6 BlSunds-y school, 9:-!5 a. m. In day with 75 present last Sunday j Beautiful” room house, large barn, chicken Oil ' Sunday school we have suit- the number had increased, to 85’ Watch This Space For Coming Attractions house, garage and wood hous«< ¿1 e departments and classes for we are on the battle front for onr FOR RENT FARM PR O PE R TY Each Issue fine well o f water with wind­ •11 ages. 1 Lord, our motto is over the top mill or gasoline pump. W ater in H-Morning worship, 11a. m. I for Jesus. Come and lend your FOR R E N T : Chinchilla Rabbit Fur Farm. Dandy Truck Gar­ the house. Family orchard 1-3 (Y o u n g peoples meeting 6:30 p. aide to this soul saving campaign. Now Playing mile to Talent High school. Call A ll young people are welcome 73-lt ! den. Homes, furnished apart» S e c re ta ry ments, Dairy ranch. See Woods at 96 Laurel street or Phone come and take part in this Conrad Veidt Exchange. 131 East Main st. 289-J Ashland. 63-lMo. feting. B A P T IS T NOTES in 74-lt [Wednesday evening worship, Rev. Charles E. Dunham, who FOR SALE L IV E STOCK |::0 p. m. so ably filled the pulpit o f tho “A M A N ’S PA S T ” SW APS [Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Baptist church last Sunday will FOR S A L E : A good dairy heard [Thursday afternoon 2 p. m. lad» ! again preach for us both morning FOR T R A D E : W ill trade auto, The griri and gripping story of a prison Registered Guernsey Bull and prayer meeting at the church. and evening the coming Sunday. Empire Milking machine. Elec, wood or plough not very par­ scarred man who made his way back. [Friday evening 7:30 tarry meet- To which services a cordial invi- trie separator. Call 371 R l. ticular how, fo r good brood tation is extended to the public Saturday Only |You will find a real welcome to and it is hoped that all Baptists -------- Tho ly or all o f these services. Ther« i will attend these services. W . C. Fields and Chester Conklin I [ work fo r all o f us to do i f wt i Young People o f the church will Puzzle Picture: in re to be “ laborers together with i do well to hear Bro. Dunham. Tl.s Dinner for Eight, Silver bd.” We believe that the hand of music committee have arranged “T W O F LA M IN G Y O U T H S ” for Six. pd is up on us to do good. I f this for special music and splendid A comedy in which the owner of a circus so, then we desire to share that choir singing, inviting the congre­ Sets o f 8 in Holme* and Ed­ A SEVENTH OF A LIFETIM E A T with you. gation to join. The services will side show and a small town sheriff battle wards Gorham and Community he held at the usual church hour for thejove of a wealthy widow. Plate. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH and a splendid day is predicted. . H A R D LA B O R Second and A The Sunday school is growing Sunday Only --------------------------------------- 0 and some mighty interesting class­ |You are cordially invited to at- Florence Vidor in nd the services o f this church: es are extending you an invitatio:! and will take half price. Terms street. j O V E R L A N D SHOE SH O P C L A S S IF IE D Advertisements V j 3uòòesiionj> G I NI N Cfo&A.Ulhitój fl) Social ■rar* t C /iasM 'hite [Bible school 9:45 a. m. Communion Service 11:00. |Morning Service 11:15 on the bject “ The Victories o f Faith.” [Christian Endeavor 0:30 ;i. m. Evening church service 7:31^ mon subject “ Conversion.” Some now, let us reason togeth- saith Jehovah. M ETHODIST E PISC O PA L ■ N o r t h Mam and Laurel Sts. | H. F. Pemberton. Pastor — --------------------------------- o Morning worship at 11 o'clock, rmon subject: Our Faith in tho >ly Spirit. Evening worship at 7:30: Ex» me, please. [Junior church for all children tom 7 to 13 at 11 a. m. Sunday school fo r everybody .1 j:15. Epworth League for young peo- le from 14 years old upward at pl5. i Wesley Forum for Norma! stud- nts and all teachers at 6:15. Prayer meeting Wednesday ev JEWELER We SPE C IALIZE Is the sentence of the house manager, who 272 EAST M A I N ST. has to do her own washing. One day every z se i tft A S H L A N D O R E . “H O N E Y M O O N H A T E ” She married him to teach him a lesson. However, she was the lady who learned it. week is drudge-day unless you have found out what millions of others* know, and that On is that tjie laundry cleans clothes cleaner FORDS and at less cost than you can do it yourself. .»AY CASH A H ELPFU E PA Y LESS STORE. : NO BILLS Have your work clone P A Y LESS, TO DISTRESS CE T M O RE I ) where savin ns are sreatest *' here and save money. Best equipped shop in Southern Oregon. * C LA Y C O M B M OTOR CO. The Laundry Does It Best THRIFT VALUES A S H L A N D L A U N D R Y CO Phone 165 in our Shoes for the Family Ford Sales & Service Quite A t Ease if I f Sure to Please Let’s Talk It Over Buy Your Our Pl.iy Shoe* for •.hildren are tturdy and otigwcaring and built for trowing toe* Bring the youngster* in to rhooie their footwear They will take better rare of fhort they teally like. Tickets Now For ‘Eyes of Love’ The American Legion Are You a Slave T o The Washboard? Do you always have that tired feeling? Why not free yourself from the op­ pression of Blue Monday with a Mead­ ows Electric Washer? W e’ll Give You a Free Trial 180 E. Main I I ; | J $4.98 At The L o o k A t M y Shoes VINIHC THEATRE drama featuring local people. Reserv­ Admission 50c and 75c For Tender Feet Are your feet tender? Then try the»e comfort­ able Oxford* of »oft black kid with rubber tap heel. You’ll know what rest foot comfort means. after­ $3.98 7 comedy noon at the Vining box office. Kid Shoes A re Best ■ JANUARY 23, 24 ed seats may be secured every Jordan Electric Co. $1.19 to $2.98 There’* nothing like plen- ty of foot-room and just the right inugnen around the ankle* to win a man’s heart. Gun Metal Calf. Hey! Fellers! act M Pric-s Range From Annual Show Eyes o f Love is a three sPlay Shoes No wonder he’s pleased. His new Tan Oxfords are as stylish as Dad’s a n d , even a boy knows when the price is a mighty good buy. ’ | College Style hoot wear r s • i if * or lo u r. ,er G irL High school girl* mi wear coM.-ge style*, but ! c. need f .v • igned hr r