The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, January 20, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Slip Aaljlauò Síiujiatcr
b ru n - W e e k ly P a p e r PuLdi.h.d at A . id a n d , O r e g o n
Formerly the Central Point and Ashland American
O ffice at 372 Cast Main Street
O m
Y 1 - r ............................................................
.......... .
A d v e r tis in g R a ta . G ivan on A p p lic a tio n
Entered at the Postoffice ut Ashland, Oregon, as S e e n d Class
Matter, under the Act o f Congres* o f March 3. 1879
M em b er S T A T E E D I T O R I A L A S S O C I A T I O N
While the two friends and com­
rades were talking they had bieil
busily engaged in getting the ho-\
and nosel together.
Col. Lindbergh has about completed his tour
o f Central America, and will, we presume, be
back in the United States soon. His trip has
demonstrated the possibilities of aircraft trans­
portation in a new section and has done much to
aid aviation in the countries visited.
Late in the night they heard
rounds that jonvinced them that
the enemy were preparing for an
attack. Hartley lenving his friend
Waldo in the entrance went inside»
and told the two ladies and tho
three judges to get ready to leave
the cave at a minutes notice.
The journey has done more than stir interest
in aviation. It has been a potent factor in im­
proving the relations between the United State
and I*atin America. While this may not be logi­
cal in the eyes of* world diplomats, it is a fact.
International relations bring peace or war ac­
cording to the feeling which exists in one coun­
try towards the people of another. Anything
which tends to produce popular favor for a fore­
igner in any country betters the future prospect
for his nation.
Lindbergh has done a great service by his
flight. He has represented the United States to
millions of people, many of whom had rather
poor ideas of Americans. By his modest manner
and good judgment he has visited other peo­
ples and won their admiration and good washes.
His triumph hail been one of personality, un­
matched by anything that has occurred in mod­
ern times.
While the Register believes in the party sys­
tem of government, as it exists in the United
States, we do not think any citizen should be
so hidebound into his party that he fails to recog­
nize the good that comes from other people or
the danger that both of the large parties may be
dominated by the same forces.
For that reason, we advise all our readers to
¿dopt a more or less independent attitude in
thinking about all national problems. The ternal
welfare of the republic depends upon freedom of
thought and not upon fidelity to party lines.
When the day comes that there exists in this na­
tion only the partisan members of the twTo great
parties then the early end of this republican gov­
ernment is apparent.
The average citizen may not fancy internation­
al politics for example, but if iie expects to be
Worthy of the ballot he should make it his busi­
ness to understand something about what is hap­
pening in the world. He should, if he expects
democracy to succeed, become interested in the
matters that affect the United States of Ameri­
ca and in the attitude which his nation adopts to
the other people of the world.
The motor World is agog with excitement.
There seems to be a real effort underway to give
the Fords some competition. This new and unex­
pected move on the part of his competitors in­
cludes price cuts w hich put other cars within the
price class.
C hevrolet, V\ hippet ami Star cars are being o f­
fered at prices which equal, in some instances,
the Ford price. The new Ford, o ff to a^Iimping
start because of an inability to supply the de­
mand, will be months in catching up. Meanwhile
the other manufacturers are offering immediate
This battle royal in the industrial world will
echo into Ashland. It is the biggest struggle that
Big Business has ever witnessed. Where it will
end no one can tell.
There are now registered in the United State
23,125,000 motor vehicles, of w hich 20,140,000
art* passenger cars. These automobiles can seat, it
is estimated. 00,000.000 people, or 20 times as
many as our railway cars. The ramifications of
the motor business are everywhere and all are apt
to be affected by any disastrous price war.
* j
. With the exclusive announcement in Friday's
Register of the plans o f the county commission­
ers to spend between twenty-five and thirty-five
thousand dollars on the Dead Indian road, comes
the realization of a dream of many years stand­
Willi:.m Briggs, local attorney and good*road
enthusi: st has worked on this project for many
many years, he has been -assisted by other mem­
bers of the Chamber of Commerce and those in­
terested in the development of Ashland. Farmers
residing in this section have long waited this step,
and now it seems that the dreams are to be real­
Just how far this amount of money will go, lo­
cal people are loath to say. But they do unite in
saying that the first step will undoubtedly be fol­
lowed by others which will mean eventually that
one of the main tributary roads to Ashland will
be a permanent road, and those farmers residing
in this section will be able to get in to Ashland to
do their trading. It means that a new section will
be opened up, and this will contribute its mite to
the future prosperity and growth of Ashland.
Orr Friday, January 27th, Ashland will be
hosts to the sheepmen of Jackson county. This
occasion will be in the form o f an all day meet­
ing to be held probably in the city hall and at­
tended by sheep men from every section of the
country. Three phases o f the sheep industry will
bo discussed at this meeting, and of course the
marketing of wool will be one o f the important
topics for discussion. A representative from tho
Cooperative Wool Exchange on
the Pacific
coast will handle this topic and undoubtedly
will bring out many things of a valuable nature
to sheep men generally.
In connection with this, business men should
take notice, for meetings of this kind are held
for only one purpose ana that to show the sheep
men how they can make larger profits.
more they have the more they will have to spend,
and Ashland business men if for no other rea­
son than pure selfishness, should not overlook
the opportunity to welcome these men to this
The sweet young thing who broke o ff friend­
ly relations with five swain just after receiving
> hristmas presents appears to have all the
tributes! of a diplomat in addition to those of a
When the citizens of this community take the
words of mail order catalogues in preference to
the assurance of merchants of Ashland it will be
time for somebody to enlarge Mr. Barnum's esti­
Not every wearer o f overalls knows
W e are about to begin a political year.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. W . McGrew
and infant spent last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Briner. Mrs.
Brim r is Mr. McGrew’s aunt.'
Mr. G. A .Briner who has beet»
seriously ill is able now to work in
his blncksmith shop.
Miss Rachael Williams of W ag­
ner creek called to Ashland last
Monday to care fo r her mother
Mrs. Charley Cowan who has been
seriously ill. She took sick at the
j home o f some relatives and she
; expected to be moved home last
You can’t pay your debts with money that you
Soon all were ready to start.
With a cheery, “ Maybe,” we will
see you later” to the two boun I
men they started' on their way trf
home and friends. A fte r about teif
minues from leaving the camp,
Hartley remarked, “ This car act»
af if it were about out o f gas,'*
“ What a fool I was not to havn
examined the gas tank
starting. Perhaps we could havd
increased our supply from th j
other cars.”
a f,r,'ani- Donald did not wait the hill one fourth mile back to-
Mr. Leon and Charles Lockwood !" '**' ° r h<ar more' The c°up had ward the falls.
a success.
More he
he did
did not
were in Talent last Tuesday oni been
“ ” ess- -'lore
The meal finished the
j ' a" ' 0 kn,’ w- Luckily taking the
Ora! and Glenn
hr, veranda enjoying the liakt
k>- H irti.y ,
h J o T «.,. »
n came to thp foot o f the Stair- >'Owfng .«id
are engaged in sawing now an 1
^ way . „ d in a few minutes he h a V > o u ,T o n
expect to be through in a day or
R o b b e r '. P r a n k C a u s e . D e a t h
T ’" H
i t *
■ ♦
but I was very muet#
'• -
- i
us in how"';
(T o be Continued)
J " “ Up ,he * U“ « L The others « , y
Tall City. X e b .- O v s r 500 pen.
slowly .nd wk
.........Mg and one short whistle
Goldman >
T L an T atta
’Z i
"»P -
‘ been sufferimr
ring Z
’- e s u m a i ^ h,c<ou‘-hs since Decembor ] t ,
«ilion .«rr*
«-» heard and in a minute all Man-T o f thè sugjustiona include!
drain I M nr * ject.
Id id n ’t k n o w ! " * 0"
1 uld run ... fast panted Louise c*** has baff J S-aician*. wl »
along P i,
» • I l in thè lead o f th. m* rvel *t his vitality. f 0r aa a ru «
ass to Ash*
mners o f thè party, she hic° uirh case« prove fatai
frasped thè rxtended
hand o f three weeks.
h id
fr<-, k «*’ reconW:¡^teriilOU,rX ° ^ ¡ ^ Cha,]¡
St. Louis.— A fte r robbing el
¿ ¡J
en persons in a drug store a i three hundrS
waiting to play a, prank on them A couple o f men and several Au­
by forcing them to drink sodasi tos are in the camp.
Ernest Helds, a former soda dis-
Waldo and I will g,, , head and|
I Mo
I Yo
I We
|F r i
“ There is a Swiss or Germaif
st^tlement at least their ancestor»
were, by the name o f Goblet wh<l
settled here many years ago. It
is not far ahead. Said Miss Leon­
ard. I know some o f them. Thera
is about three or four dozen fam,
ilies living there. I f we can get
there we are sure o f kind treat­
ment and if we cannot get gas wa
can phone for some to our friend»
at Salem.
When all were ready, Hartley
joined Wuldo at the entrance. It
was very dark and all was quiet as
he cautiously crept to the side of
his companion and comrade in
When within sight o f the towif
peril. “ Take this flashlight
he the car stopped, “ W ell” said Hart­
whispered, “ When you are ready ley “ The rest o f the way is dow*»
to follow us go inside and turn of* hill, I guess Waldo and myself cu>»
the switch at the left o f the guest push the car the rest o f the way’*
Mrs. E. E. Capp le ft one day room then hug the wall on the left Within a few minutes the car roil,
until you have passed the second into town propelled by hand potv-
o f last week fo r Oakland, C a lif­
entrance. There you will find tho er. It was four A. M. Daylight w.i#
ornia where she will make an ex­
bottom step o f the stairway. Theil well advanced. Smoke was comin »
tended visit with relatives.
come a running. W e will be w ait-¡from one o f the many chimney !
Mrs. Williams Tormerly o f Kla-
ing you at the top. Stay here un- showing that some one was up an I
muth Falls Oregon has been visit*
til the enemy attacks or gets clos stirring.
" ‘
ing at the home o f Mr. and Mrs.
er. Then by standing within and
Following a hearty hail
0 }
F. W. Combs.
at the side o f the entrance, when
There will be an evening meet­ the enemy gets a footing on t i* “ House” the occupants theroc |
were soon at the side o f the ca •,
ing o f the Wagner creek parent shelf above the pool turn
teachers association on the tent)! nosel their way and turn
the* who on learning the personnel an |
■ f February. The Parent Teachet* j switch that holds back the water situation o f the party were insi «
Assn, committee met last Monday As none could stand before the tant on their coming in and en­
afternoon at the W agner creek force o f the water, methink» the joying their hospitality.
‘ehool house to arrange this meet* water will be ns effective as bul­
From some unusual cause, therq
ing. There will be a nice program lets in clearing tho shelf. I doubt was no gas in the hamlet. How.
and a big feed. Everyone invited. if they will ever return to
seo ever there was phone co»nectm n«
with Salem. Unfortunately
p ,
Mr. Hadden this district an old what caused their Waterloo.
time fiddler called on Mr.
i connection could be made unt f
Like a flash o f light they wen.
Mrs. G. A. Briner and played 3 swept o ff the ledge.
-ix o clock. This was disappointir. »
number o f pieces that Mr. BrinJ
but meanwhile they could rest an »
Although he had done it pre- eat.
er had not heard fo r a number o f
and had partly plan­
years. Those present were Mr. and
Soon after five o’clock a boun.
•Mrs. G. A. Briner. Mr. Hadden. ned the execution. Waldo could tiful morning meal was partake |
Mr. Cirtus McGrew and Mr. and hardly hMieve what his eyes told o f b>’ thp quests and resident«» , #
1 Mrs. C. E. Green. Everyone en­ when he looked upon an empty the village in a common dintr. |
space where twenty-five men stoo.j! room. As
joyed the evening.
a precautionary mcnsui »
only a moment before.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jones and
° e l° re’ A
the possibility o f the e, *
’ . .I and Sadie were
, ‘ f
oud r*P®rt» o f a emy left at the Falls a guard , t
visitor at the home o f Mr. and ((ff ..
* Un* ;ls thp mpn fpH two y*°ung men. residents o f th#
Mr. M. W*. McGrew is engaged
in putting in a second transmis­
sion in his ('hevrolet truck, this is
a fine improvement to anyone
having a small truck. It gives the
truck nine gears ahead and three
back, giving you sufficient power
to go any where.
> »
Hurriedly they prepared to go.
“ Fuith,” said Molly O’Toole, “ I
takes me gun. The beggars won’ «
get me. Not as long as I
-hoot,” Miss Leonard was quit*
pale but as she carefully exam­
ined her gun and saw to it, that
it was in good working order and
that the magazine was full
leaded shells she looked all that
Molly had said. The three judgt *
were also well armed; that is th*
two younger ones were. The aged
Chief Justice was to feeble
carry a gun and climb the stair­
way. He said “ That it did not mat­
ter much any way as he, at the*
best had not long to live and hi
did not want to kill any one even
in self defense. Most o f
thought it might be safer to re­
main in the cave but by vacating
they avoided the shedding of much
blood. Then by retreating they
had a chance o f rejoining theif
friends sooner. Then it should be
remembered that they had been
placed in the cave, by their well
meaning friends without
Donald Waldo. “ I will be vfery,
very glad when I get you well out
pf here” said as he drew»
close to himself. Two men wera
laying on the ground, bound han<|
and foot. A seven passenger ca$
was confiscated by the party an,(
the two ladies and the
judges climbed in.” Guess we had
best remove the carburetors front
the other cars,” said Hartley. “ Tint
rascals will be somewhat handi­
capped inj making their get nway*
if we do.” With the help o f Wal­
do, he soon had the other car.-»
useless fo r traveling until some»
necessary parts were
What the captured and bound en­
emies said while lokir.g on at th *
proceeded would not look well i:f