THE — W h y pay * 1 2 0 .0 0 fo r a W hite I s U r y Saw ing machine from • gen t? W hen you c o o ba y oa* Jwa* as goad fo r $ 5 0.00 at Foil's, A lso asw iag m achine, fo r rea l by the month at Pail’ * C oraor. Asb- la ad. If Friends of Mr*. Jerry O’Neal be glad to learn that she i* expected home for the holidays, Mr*. O’Neal ha* been undergoing a course of treatm ent at the San- atarium at Jacksonville. t Mr. Ha^ry Richey, form er re­ sident of this city, was over from Klanjpth Kail* Saturday on a short business trip to this city. Kay Neil student of tbe Uni- , ver*ity of Oregon i* in Ashland to spend the Christmas holiday* with relatives and friend*. Mr. W. P. Barnum who resides on Palm Avenue is in very ill health. Professor Well* of the S. O. N. w ijl S. faculty left Saturday for Eu gene where he will spend the I Christmas holidays with his par ents. Don Smith and Kay Arthur, Normal students accompanied the professor as far as Roseburg, from that city they took the stage to Marshfield where they expect to spend Christmas with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose who live on Vista street are leaving some time this week for San Kran- eisCo where they will spend the holiday season with friends and relatives. Miss Bonnie Schiles, student of the Southern Oregon Normal school, left on Number 14 Sun­ day for her home in Albany. Mr. Al Van Lindt and Mrs. Mary Keeler of Fifth Street have returned from Portland wher* they spent several days visiting friends. ASHLAND REGISTER A NATION W/D/ l INSTITUTION- Bring the Kiddies TO SEE ME AT "w here savings are grcaie»,. Elks Bldg. Chone 6 z-vaniand, O re. Velvet Collar'j Ccshioa Sole Every day between the hours of 10 a. m. IST p. m. and 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. Do without pretty slippers for the sake of comfort in the evening? It isn’t neces­ sary when you can choose this dainty Hylo with a vel­ vet collar and cushion sole. It is both restful and pretty. $1.19 Solid Comfort In Kid Everetts .... Every man likes his tomfort in “after-supper" hours and these Everetts with cushion sole and rayon lining help make evenings at home a suc­ cess. $1 98 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Nothing is more appropriate than a soft comfortable house slipper made of felt or leather. We have practically every size and a large variety of colors and styles to pick from. HOUSE SLIPPERS FOR MOTHER For the Tiny Tot* Pretty little Slippers in Bright colors all Trimmed—All Sizes - Plain or fancy in practically any color. Mother would welcome a pair as she must be kept comfortable. 69c T0 9&c SeeThese Shoes Our first shipment of Queen Quality Shoes IS on our shelves. These are America’s Finest Shoes. The styles in­ clude— I Genuine Rogers’ SILVERWARE At An Extremely Low Price Convince Yourself By Having a Pair Fitted to Your Feet Th^ Shoe Den At McGee* Shoe of Merit Only iii ■ ■ -..I GIVE DAD A PAIR SLIPPERS $ J.6 0 AND UP Rogers’ Guaranteed A n n iversary Pattern In Silver F in .tb Cass Electro Silverplate Tableware $2 00 PAIR A? there is nothing that will give him more pleasure. Ol'.r slippers are soft, pliable and good looking. Their wear­ ing qualities are unsurpassable. Many colors and styles to choose from. 26-Piece Set of Deautiful Silver STRAP SLIPPERS, PUMPS TIES, SPORT OXFORDS The New Styles feature Patent and Kid Leather* Black* Satin and Tan Combination*. Width* from AAA to C. These shoes are all built in Combination lasts and we specialise in fitting narrow heels. $ J .00 TO HOUSE SLIPPERS FOR KIDDIES We have a large variety of styles made of felt and leath­ er, they are extremely comfortable and durable and will make a lasting Xma« gift. Sizes 0 to 00. 85C'AND UP For the benefit of those who are unable to shop during the da/ we will keep open Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights until 8:30 P. M. ■ F orks • Knives 6 T easpooas C T ablespoons * 26« U Ordtrtd by Mail Made of highest quality nickel silver metal with heavy deposit of pure silver. Knives have quadruple silverplated handles with steel blades that will not stain or corrode. Spoons and Forks have reidforced plate where wear is greatest. The chaste lines and exquisite design will always be in good taste in every home and for every occasion. i BufiVr KnTfL You know that it is barely possible to bay oven tbe moat ordinary land of Tableware at this extraordinary low price. n..., N«ui (n r r h r id m s i Q ifts ! Dainty Gifts tor the Youthful Miss ■ - .......... Miss Ruth Ho11opet«*r, Norm*! school student is spending thu Christmas vacation with relatives in the Applegate district Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor if Harrison street, will leave in *• few months in different cities it* the southern part of that state. Mr. J. M. Watkins hi.- been a shut-in for several days owing to a bad cold. il\tmiimirt«tnmminniimmntiiuinnti»iii>i Hab-a-dash Inn Merry Christmas Folks! Open Every Evening This Week Xmas is the time to (five Under- things to her. Why? Because it is a practical gift. Mrs. Thompson our expert, will help you select your choice, con­ fidentially. Great Sale of Undergarments Now at this opportune time we present val­ ues that cannot be equalled! See them. .98 AND S ^-95 XMAS GIFTS GALORE FOR HIM Shop W here He Shops Buy W here He Buys Haas’ FRESH Candy Christmas Packages A deles Drug Store PHONE 75 Miller’s Toggery Silk Lingerie So lovely and so attractive. In all colors and sizes. Daring creations, she’ll admire. $1 .98 We Urge Early* Choosing As These Values Will Go Fast! ISAAC’S I he Christmas Store SILK GOWNS An array of Silk gowns, of fine and so rare in •quality, style and trimming. N e w colors. .95