,0g SALE OR EXCHANGE: 4 fine, little dairy farm of 26 acres mostly in alfalfa 70 toi» were cut this season. I NI N “The Theatre Beautiful” Watch This Space For Coming Attractions Each Issue Now Playing America’ s Most ColoYful Figure comes to Life Fred Thomson as ‘JESSE JAMES’ -------oOOo------ Thursday and Friday Lon Chaney Starring in LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT” Saturday Only A slashing Melodrama of the Roaring Rails and Uncle Sams Marines ASHLAND PAGE REGISTER ® tine Milk Cows, some young ible to register. One nanny, 349 Mountain Avenue. Inquire stock, pigs, team, everything year old. Two nanny kida, V 713 Oak street. pd. needed on a farm in the way about five months old. Inquire Good o f tools and implements. 0 BUSINESS FOR SALE: at 63 Gresham street. well established small business room house, large barn, chicken 39-tf easily handled. $1600 will buy. house, garage and wood housu FOR RENT HOUSES H. C. Galey 6$ East Main at. fine well of water with wind­ 63-3 mill or gasoline pump. Water in FOR RENT: 6 room Modern house j the house. Family orchard \-0 FOR SALE: At a bargain Good 121 Bush Street. Phone 289 J. t mile to Talent High school. Call Second hand Ford Truck. Carson- j at 96 Laurel street or Phone FOR RENT: Apartments for rent Fowler Lbr. Co. 289-J Ashland. 63-lMo. Enquire 167 East Main sti^ t. FOR SALE: Birdseye maple three fOR SALE: Smith Quality Whitt* quarter bed complete with mat­ FOR RENT: Five room furnished Leghorns are bred to lay. bound house, 239 Second street. In­ tress and springs. Best quality to pay, and delivered to yout quire at 713 Oak street. and like new. $50.00. brooder at live and let live I l l Laurel street. 2-1 FOR RENT: Furnisneq • 4ou*9. prices. Chix 15c each. $140 pe» Holmes Grocery. WANTED thousand. Why pay more? Savo $5 per thousand more by order« WANTED: Home Laundry work FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ing before Jan 1 . Our best dati* f wanted. 235 Fifth street. 67-10t FOR SALE: One acre o f ground are always gone before that in Berries, five room house, FOR SALE HOUSES time. Reserve yours now. garage, chicken l)Ouse. Inquire Oak street. Phone 295-R FOR SALE: or will exchange for at 713 Oak street. 39-t 64-4-t property in or near Santa Rosa, Calif., or for new car. Lot 6, WANTED: Man or woman wants FOR SALE: Reasonable, 1924 work. 235 Fifth street. 67-10-p Blk. 11 Van Ness avenue. 100 Ford Sedan, also 1926 Ford x200 all street work done. Mrs. roadster Iron Box. These cars LOST AND FOUND C. L. Hawley. Santa Rosa, Cal. like new. 3rd Street Garage. 3- ' r“ 5T: Goodyear Tire and Rim Rt. 2 Bx 491. FOR SALE: Manzanita and Oak FOR SALE: 3 Milk cows 12 work mounted . Finder Return to wood, light single buggy and Auto Electric Shop for Reward. horses with harness, 4 wagons harness. Plough, work harness, Lot o f Farm Machinery. H. V. GOOD BUY: Eight-room plaster and many other useful articles. 63-1-mo. ed house on Boulevard near P. F. Amer. Rt. 2 Bx 64 Normal schoSt, large lot with FOR SALE: White milch Goats, FOR RENT : House for rent at room for 2 more houses, nice 1 Billy Goat, 2 years old, elig- yard, splendid place to take care o f teachers or students. /V FI V F Price only $4400. H. C. Gal eg 65 E. Main. 44-1 or 0 **+gtar'8î+* b M cantil^ * tìjrir otëam mm THE candies for Christmas McNair Bros. The Rexall Store T H E GREAT MAIL ROBBERY’ GIVE Garments PAGING VETERANS Uncle Sam is paging over half a million veterans o f the World War who have not yet applied for the Adjusted Compensation “ bonus” voted by Congress three years ago. The message Uncle Sam has for these veterans is that if they want tneir share o f the Adjusted Com­ pensation, they must apply this month. Coats and Dresses that we are showing at Clearance prices afford a wonderful opportunity to give a really worthwhile gift at a great savings. Application blanks may be ob­ tained at the post office— and one o f our men will be glad to help any veteran, heir, or dependent to cor­ rectly fill out the form.* Discharge papers, or accurate dates of ser­ vice, are necessary, and the appli­ cation should be mailed to the branch o f the service at Washing­ ton with which the veteran last served. C O M M E R C IA L « nSjw 1 r rx $16.75 Values $12.75 Up to $54.50, Now $39.75 $24.50 Values $16.75 N I I it Adorable New Frocks I OREGON *23 .8 á 16 SAFE DEPOSIT S A V IN G S - Up to $69..50 Now $48.00 .. All women’s and children’s coats are now greatly reduced. F irst N ational B ank . ASHLAND Sport Coats Dress Coats $19.75 to $24.50 values in fall dresses and almost all sizes and the favored fall shades. This lot includes O ’Dare and Louise Alcott dresses the worth o f which most >f you women know*. Kerchief* ANNOUNCING THE It Fancy and plain kerchiefs in col- ors most attractive and borders lovely. In neat Xmas boxes or in, dividual. i OPENING O f The The newly remodeled Silk Lingerie So lovely and so at­ tractive. In all colors and sizes. Daring creations, She’ll ad­ mire. and redecorated Sweet Shop is now in full operation and offers a complete line Now at this opportune time we present val­ ues that cannot be equalled! See them. Luxite Silk Garments Formerly the Raggedy Ann Sweet Shop of Candy, Soft Lounging Garments Drinks and Light Lunches. W e cordially invite you to Padded silk robes, flannelette robes. Rayon robes, rayon, pongee and broadcloth pajamas. visit Southern ! I Give her a» many pair a* you want. Every new color, and new heel e f­ fect! Some in Xmas Boxes. Umbrellas $ 4 .7 5 TO $ 0 ,7 5 The acceptable Xma* gift! All col­ orii and »mart handle*. Beautiful­ ly made. Munsing and Carter’s Rayons. Novelty Rayon ments. Gar­ zeeX> ik Gloves $ 2 95 TO S ß .9 5 WOMEN’S WEAR. ANO DRY OOOOS I42F MAIN ST ASHLAND,ORE Every new cu ff ntyle and neatly atitched. Black, tan and other col­ or*- Specially priced. L Oregon’s most attractive Sweet Shop. I Dainty Undergarments 25c T?*l°° Enders SWEET SHOP Hosiery $ J . SO TO $ 2 -5 0 i _____ _____________________ /