tfihe Aaltlatid Spyiativ Sami-W eekly P a p e r Published a t /«»bland, O re g o n Form erly the C entral P oint and A shland A m erican O ffice a t 372 E ast Main S tre e t BUSINES AND NEW S PHONE 95 A d vertisin g R atas Given on A p plication - tó ® ? *Ti RC- WAi> G uaranteed TfeN THOUSAND MICE5 E n tered a t the P ostoffice a t A shland, O regon, as Second M atter, u nder the A ct o f Congress of March 3, 1879 M em ber S T A T E E D I T O R IA L A S S O C IA T IO N M em ber N A T IO N A L E D I T O R IA L A S S O C IA T IO N A LESSON FROM CHILDREN irgood friend, Santa Claus, is a busy man these days. We wonder how many clerks he must have to help,him pet his toys and gifts ar­ ranged for the boys and girls who want them. Every day his mailbags are filled to overflowing aicTthe letters keep pouring in. From Ashland go "countless missives each winging a plea to Santa Claus for something dear to a child’s heart. How earnestly the old man strives to make his supply go around! How hard he works to bring happiness and good cheer to youthful souls! The reading public is privileged to read many of the letters sent to Santa Claus through the ress. Whoever can do so without a tug on the eartetrings and a great desire to be Santa’s as­ sistant in an endeavor to reach all of tender age is a man tougher than we estimate. The editor of The Register has read many let­ ters to Santa Claus. He is struck by the childish faith, the innocence of complete frankness and the ever reverberation of “don’t forget the oth­ er children” and “remember the poor children.” In the midst of their delightful anticipation of Santa’s visit and keenly alert to inform him of their desires the childish heart pauses to add a line, to hope that happiness may be spread to many, and that others may share the delightful friendship of the gift-giving visitor from the North. Can a little child go much further in leading men, Is it strange that it is written that unless we become as one of these we cannot enter the king­ dom of Heaven. Surely the grown-ups of Ashland will help to answer the prayer of countless chil­ dren and make this community a happy place for every little boy and girl on Christmas dav. S WHAT WILL ASHLAND DO? In the process of building Ashland there is use of course for money and plenty of it, but the rowth and progress of a community does not epend upon the presence of rich men, who are willing to gamble everything on their faith in a town. • We have, among our citizens, hundreds of in­ dividuals of small means when one considers the millionaires of the land. These people are the ones who will make or break Ashland. Until they are willing to sacrifice and to invest some of their money in the future of their native home the ones who are better able to spend will not do S so. W hat is necessary before these people of moderate means feel the urge of city growth, be fore they will be willing to strain a financial budget in order to provide contributions to worthy projects? It is simply morale, a feeling that by cooperating together great good can be accomplished. The readers of this article have heard of the marvellous prosperity of towns and cities. In each case they heard of the community spirit that puts things over. This is nothing but the re- lization that cooperation spells success, that any place can grow and prosper if the people who live in it get together, stay together and work to a common goal. This is all that is needed in Ashland and while we have something like good humor prevalent in our midst there must be a more positive con viction. We must undertake some definite, sin­ gle achievement that will positively demonstrate the power of joint action. PRAISES PUBLIC SCHOOLS Those who are pleas *d to criticise the public schools should consider the report made after a survey by a professor, at an eastern university, which concludes that public schools should con­ sider the report made after a survey by a profes­ sor, at an easter nurtiversity, which concludes and in self-support, the report shows the public that public school graduates rank ahead of those of private schools in nearly every way. In college grades, in percentage to graduate in intelligence tests, in number of resignations school men well in the lead, stating also that the “percentage of public school men who fail to complete their course is less than that of private school men.” The intelligence test revealed an average per­ centage of 71.25 for public school graduates and T he nine thousandth NINE HUNDREDTH N NlNETV-NINTh MU.É- “ H ath w ronged th e poor and needy, hath tak en by robbery, hath n o t resto red th e pledge and hast lifted up his eyes to th e idols, hath com m itted abom inations, hath giv­ en fo rth upon in te re st and hath tak en in crease; shall he then live? He shall n ot live; he hath done a'.l these ab o m in atio n s; he sh^ll su re­ ly d ie; his blood shall be upon him .” Ezeekiel 18; 12 to 14 Revis­ ed Version. “ H eaven pity said Molly, “ Why d id n ’t th e P reach ers, L ecturers, L aw yers and w riters tell us th e word of God condem ned in te .e st and o th e r form s of exp lo itation? Some did i. e. ju s t a few of us” replied th e Judge. “ People who m ake th e ir living w rong can n o t live rig h t b u t are blind to th e ir iniquity. People who have th e courage to tell them of th e ir sin are tre a te d like th e ab o litio n ists w ere in the S outh, b efo re th e Civil W ar, E ith e r persecu ted or ignored. (C«vrrl(kl.W M. U ) 69.88 for the product of private schools. In the academic grades public school men averaged 73 94 as compared with 68.60 for the private ? school group. Farm Pointers the m unicipal law governing co rporation o f M unicipalities i laws governing incorporation M unicipalities and laws govern ing adoption of C harters by ini. tiation of the p. .— * — » o f Public It- o th e r m ethod. 1„ r The nutting season comes to a close. Like­ fo r politic* %ere deceivers and he -,n d . r r ° m nm ,i,oner ot Finance, — N early 500 cars celery ing deceived. T heir blind leaders | ^ m~ e r o f S afety. wise football, electioneering and automobile ill Salem f 1—- * M **-■ ‘ (T o be C ontinued) * in be *** shipped »hipped from Lake Iahish had them into the ditch touring. d istric t this year. politics the deceiver of the whole ----------------;------------------ 1 aoT they W a do? . Tacoma — Java-Pacific steam- w orld? W ----- hat lnP>- should W Five year term marriages, with option of re­ Cascade Locks— Permit asked the way to safety backw ards or **C *° O rient will open newal, are advocated by a California judge. Well 1 for 21.000 h. p. power project on fo rw ard s? Should they reject noil '* rvic* h« * - oa __!l . . 4 , that insures the “married” vote for him i Mt. Hood fo rest fo r wood pulp tire Dos. a* **11 unclean thing manufacture. or hug the serpent to th e ir bosom ” Portland— Ü. S. N ational Bank All who intend to shop early this Christmas f P o rtlan d m unicipal p ort may It w a s m the first few years of the here increases capital and s u r ­ ”*cond q u a rte r o f the 19th cen­ plus to S5.000.000. will please stand up. build an o th er 450.000 bushel gram tu ry th a t men and women who had elevator. a vm.on of b etter th in g , seeing the M ultnom ah C o u n ty ’s share of Raying un old debts is one way to make your 1 '"H y of retam ing an archaic and T er w illiger B oulevard to Oswego O ntario— C. E. Saecoy gets 2tf ' money hard to keep. f i V\ hat you say isn’t near its important as when ? you keep your mouth shut , -------------------------------- i ► History never will suit everybody. { j* \ L h*>- TaC'Xan^1«, 1 ha!WÌ" Jzrr,v O regon - ba;.k b - crowing«, $19.- M *r r ~ " f w p d ,n ,hp tut-ona! p r.,v „ ion, due th . , dopt I 4 ,8 .2 6 2 , in 1 1 “ 20. - r e now only Benton County ha* retired avings and depo. the r *m*n,lmcnL »dnpted in S1.7S7.364. S S87.1 indebtedness already this r *,r*t q u a rte r of th e c cen e n tu tu ry n r , .lit* 29.8 per oer c e n t in 1920. I ts. 29.8 * " * ' N“ **' rule fo r Cities a n d ' now 38.4 per cent. M Fi I CON