TALENT NEWS NOTES weeka Wells, riaiatitt : along the southerly line o f Church and answer within four e*. i street in Ashland. Oregon 117 feet from the date o f first publication Mr. Speir*. janitor at th* Tal­ New York— Captain Charles Cera Cillette, wife af Edgar i to th* westerly line of High street : hereof. ent school was quit« seriously Oliver, formerly of the British N E LLIE D I C K Y . thence south 32 degrees 14' east 1. Gillette, Delia W, Fiske, i hurt Tuesday morning. Mr. Spiers Navy, and Captain Geoffrey Ma- formerly wife af Aloioad C. along said westerly line o f High Attorney for Plaintiff, Resid­ bad placed a hammer on the top lines formeriy of the Brtish army Gillette, also tke unknown i street, 90 feet; thence south 59 ing at Ashland, Oregon. of a stepladder and forgetting who on November 26. 1826 left heir» af A. V. Gillatte, Da- t degrees 46’ west 112.6 feet, thence Date o f first publication Nov. 29, «bout it moved the ladder causing London on motorcycles for a ceased, sad also all atker : north 68 degrees west 12 feet; 1927. the hammer to fall hitting him on ' world wide trip have almost real!- j persons or parties unknown : thence north 32 degrees west 90.7 Date publication Dec. 20, top of the head, severing 'an ar­ I zed their goal, having arrived in claiming any rigkt title, feet to the point of beginning. j 1927. tery. It was some time before he New York on Nov. 29 one year I estate, lien or interest ia : That the title o f the plaintiff is received medical aid and was very- | later. They traveled 22,000 miles tke real estata described ia i good and valid in said premises; weak from the loss o f blood. At ! in 23 difefrent countries through \ tke complaint herein. Defea t that the defandants be forever en­ the time o f this writing his con­ , every kind o f weather. dants. t joined and debarred from assert-1 dition was much improved. To Cora Gillette, wife of Edgar ing any claim whatever in and to Magazine Rack* The Sunday School hour at the DEER DRAGS HUNTRESS I. Gillette, also the unknown heirs said land and premises adverse to I Baptist church is 10:00 A. M. Ev­ of A. V. Gillette, Deceased, and al­ said plaintiff. Sewing Cabinet* ery Sunday. j Easton, Pa.— A fter shooting a so all other persons or parties un­ Under ana oy virtue of| deer while out with friends on a Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dopp and known claiming any right, title, an order made by the Hon. 1 Florence o f Phoenix spent Sunday- recent deer hunt. Miss Frances estate, lien or interest in the real orable O. M. Corkins, Judge Furniture Noveltie* evening at the C. W. Long home Bach approached the deer which estate described in the complaint o f said Court, dated the 23rd day Miss herein, the above named defen­ o f November, 1927, this summons listening to the final contest of had fallen into a thicket. Excellent for Xmai the ten singers five ladies and Bach grabbed it by the horns and dants. is served on the defendants by l was dragged for over a mile thru five men put on by the National IN THE NAM E OF THE publication thereof for four suc­ Pretents Radio Audition o f the A. Atwater brush and past trees until another S TA TE OF OREGON You are cessive weeks in the Ashland Reg­ Kent Foundation o f Philadelphia hunter saw her predicament and hereby required to appear and an­ ister, a semi-weekly newspaper which was broadcasted from New brought the deer down by a shot swer the complaint o f the plain­ printed and published at Ashland, York City over leased wires. The in its legs. t iff in the above entitled court Oregon, and the defendants by Reception was unusually good. now on file with the clerk o f said 1 said order are required to appear CHIMNEY SUDDENLY FALLS court within four weeks from date Mr. and Mrs. Mark MIcNally of Phone 172 of first publication hereon, and I «■= Medford called at the home o f Mr. Bayonne, N. J.— While city o f­ you are hereby notified that if S A N and Mrs. C. W. Long Saturday F R A N C I S C O ficials and expert engineers wer» you fail to appear and answer as evening. Mrs. Gladys Van Riper standing under a giant chimney, hereby required the plaintiff will accompanied them to Medford 365 feet high and weighing 4,000 apply to the court for the relief spending Saturday night and Sun­ tons, discussing plans to remove prayed for in his complaint, to- REOPENED day at their home. it, a cracking sound was heard wit: For a decree of this court that Mr. W elbom Beeson of Ashland and the chimney fell o f its own J. O. Langworthy the defendant* have no estate or called at the Wesley Vogeli home accord. It had withstood recent ¡".terest wi a.soever in or to the H air Cutting last Friday afternoon. to $3.00 terrible explosions and had been following iescribed premises sit Specialist Mr. and Mrs.Elmer Kincaid and dynamited seven times. uated in the county of Jackson, Free G arage daughter Charleen attended the | State o f Oregon, to-wit: Lithian Carnival in Ashland HAS "PERM ISSIO N" TO KILL Adults ................. 36c Beginning at a point 776.5 feet Free Y e llo w T a x i Saturday evening. ' -.outh and 25.0 feet east o f th» Children ............ 25c 17 POWE1.L STREET A T M ARKET Marvin Squires of Klamath Owensboro, Ky.,— Au unusual corner common to sections 4, 5, Falls and Chester Squires of Ash­ privlege was recently given to 8, and 9 Township The Heart of the City 39, south N ext Register O ffic e land were Suday guests at the J. Mrs. Alice Aubrey of this city by range 1 east o f W. M. Oregon; T. I- F A R R O W W M. Mai., Jr, ~ —- Judge R. E. Watkins. I f any boot­ thence north 59 degrees 24’ east — ■ *■------ ------------ - Speirs home. The usOal church services at the leggers bothers Mrs. Aubrey or M. E. Church Sunday school at mistreats her daughter, she has 11:45 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. permisison to kill the offender. O f m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League course it must be a “ real” both­ ut 6:46 p. m. A ll are invited to er. uttend. Rev. Waggoner pastor. The Talent Basket Ball boys DUCKS SETTLE IN STREETS played a practice game with the Bluefield, W. Va.— Around 3,- Jacksonville team Monday evening 000 wild duck were forced to set­ in the Jacksonville Gymn. Mrs. Jakel the 7th am 8th grade tle on the streets here recently teacher was called to Salem last during a severe wind and sleet Friday by' the death o f her father, storm, many o f which were caught Says W illiam M . Jard in e Mrs. Jakel returned home Friday. by the citixens. Investigations into Miss K»r; Purris who was the widspread inclusion o f duck on Secretary o f Agriculture visting rela i ’«s in Oakland Cat’. f , the menu of city restaurants was begun by State Game officials as since Thanksgiv n«c r .'turned home “ E lectricity has already made im p or­ it is believed many o f the duck last Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Holdridge was a captured were sold to the restaur­ tant contribu tions both to labor saw­ ants, in violation of the law .pro­ Medford shopper last Thursday. ing on the farm and to a m ore m odern, Mr. Bert Simmons o f North hibiting the sale o f game. satisfying rural life. / am confident i t -------------------------- --------- — o Bund Ore., is making an extended LEGALS is going to make fu rth er con trib u ­ visit with his Father T. J. Sim­ mons and brother Earle Simmons V* tions o f equal or greater im p or­ SUMMONS and family at Pumpkin center. tance.” * IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Mr. and Mrs. Klatts who were THE STATE OF OREGON living in the Sleppy home place FOR JACKSON COUNTY moved to Klomath Falls the first o f last week. HAT cheap and abun­ been an increase o f approxi­ Mr. G. L. Beelon of the Talent dant electric power has done for Service Station made u business mately eighty-three percent in trip by motor to San Francisco the industrial worker and hit the number o f farms n«ing elec­ California last Thursday. family in the alleviation o f drudg­ tricity in the last three years. Mrs. Bessie Palmer o f Grants ery and the betterment o f liv­ Pass is spending her two weeks In simplifying the labor pr. biem vacation with hei parents, Mr. and ing and economic conditions, it Mrs. A. T. McMahan. on the farm ; lightening th: kM«d row promise« to do for the The Junior Class o f the high farmer. o f physical toil; and incrcasuig school cons'stlng of the following the comfort, convenience and members: Bessie Connor, Jean Speirs, Lorelln Long, Allie Hart, Through the activities o f the cheer o f the farm home, this ex­ Frank Denhum. Wiley Hill, Clar­ Committee on Rural Electrifi­ tension o f electrical facilities to ence Byrd. Ira Hart, George Sch- CHRISTMAS cation, with the cooperation o f rural communities is rendering a nier, Wayne Mason und Clarence Holdridge are wearing their class electric power companies, farm social and economic service of rings which are yellow gold, black ■electrification is a fact today in utmost national importance. enamel with the letters T. II. S. twenty-three states. S A L E engraved on the enamel. T o insure the continued exten­ Mrs. Pearl McClain o f Riddle, One hundred and forty practical Oregon spent the wek end last sion o f farm service, it is essen­ week with her father and brother applications o f electricity to the tial that the American principle C O N TINUE D and family at Pumpkin center. farm have already been de­ o f individual initiative, by means Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long and veloped. As a result o f the co­ Mrs. Gladys Van Riper visited the o f which these advantages have Peasley studio in Medford Thurs­ operation between farmers and been made possible, should be day o f last week. the power companies there has encouraged and maintained. C. W. Long and H. E. Wood were business visitors in Medford Tuesday. • T V com p lete text o f S ecreta ry Jm rdm e’t o d d re t u riil be f- — rrftrff The young people enjoyed th« sleighing up Wagner Creek while the snow lasted. The Talent Community Club OFFICES held their regular meeting Wed­ Medford. Grants Pau. Roscburg. Klamath FaJta-Onguu nesday o f last week. The ladies Yreka Duitemuir—California w4il have their regular Christmas party at their next meeting, Dec. “Winchester Store” j 21st. Each lady is to bring a small gift which will be exchanged. Final arrangements will be made for the annual Community Christmas tree. Refreshments will be served. The employees at the Suncrest orchard had a very enjoyable time Saturday evening when they all assembled and had a dancing par­ I I ty • ! Mrs. Wm. Schreyer and son i i Syril and Mrs. Hayes and small i I son from Tacoma, Wn.. and Mrs. I I Ray T a ft o f Medford spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Marion i i Tryer. Mrs. Schreyer and Mrs. T o ft are sisters o f Mr. Tryer. é I Read the aUvcrueemcnta. K B TURPIN HOTEL Electricity!— The New Helper on the Farm” N W Meat Market Eager* Block Athlaad. Orego, THE BEST OF MEATS AND POULTRY' KEPT IN BEST OF CONDITION BY Perfect Refrigeration Farmer* ta4 Sleckmea are requeued to call a* I am ia tka market for tke ckeicect *tock an* poultry B usiness and P rofessional D irectory DENTISTS CHIROPRACTOR Dr. R. L. Burdic Southern Oregon Sanitarium D*a:i*t-, CH IRO PRAC TIC Hpracy Bldg. Electrotheraphy — Electronic Electric Cabinet ano miner­ al buth* — all drug!«»* method*. Good Care, Pleaxant Surrounding* Rute* Reasonable. General O ffice Practice 4. Next to Kike Temple Dr. C. E. Shinn Deatletry Open evening* by ajipointmant Residence 151-L Office Phone 151-J C itiiea* Beak Bldg. Residence Phone 184 ASHLAND, OREGON DR. E. B. A N G K LL 460 Boulevard Pkene 4S R E A L ESTATE Beaver Realty Co. i A. M. Beaxer Tal. M 176 E. Main Si. PH YSIC IAN Aahlnnd, Oregon Dr. Charles A. Haine* Pkyalclaa aad Sorgane O ffica Pbona 164 J Home Phona 1#4-L JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Extabllehed in 1881 The Only Complete Title Sca­ teni in Jackson County Aktlracl* of Title and Title Insurance O ffice Heurct 10 te 12 A. M.— 2 Hershey to 6 P. M Building AehlanJ, Oregon . T he C a l if o r n ia O r e g o n P ow er C o m p a n y THE Are you going te Buy ee Build a Home in Athlaad t i l Write JOHN B SHELEY Central Point, Oragea far LOANS-10 year Cennty Agent for the Been fit Saving* a Lean Atteeietlee We rank« loan* on town prop­ erty anywhere in th* county. Dr. W . J. Crandall R EAL ESTATE O*teapethio Good City for Cooutry Physician and Surgeon — Buy* and Trade* F. L. NU TTER ■»••* " Aakland, Oregea M Rye, Ear. Note and Threat Offica Phan# 12* First National M ISCELAN EO US Bank Building Convalescent Home 163 Graaite G. W . Gregg. M. D. Citiaea* Beak Bldg. Where the aick and aged aye cared for in pleaxant k * M •urroundinga. *______ O f f * « Hours 10-11 A. M. 2 6 P M. Phene*-69 (o ffic e ) 222 R (m a) D. M. BROWER. M. D. Uae* Radio Heat Theraphy in connection with ether measure* in treating die- ea*r. O ffice at Re«idenca. 216 Central A v e Phone 498-R Whittle Transfer St Storage Co. COAL, WOOD and STORACI Parking, Crating and Skipp4a* Long Dittane* Hauliag AUTO FREIGHT TERMINAI Phona 117 O ffic# 8» Oak St. SIMPSON HARDARE P h o n e 75 f o r D r u g s A d d in D r u g S to re !! DEPENDABLE DRUGGISTS Chipraan dt W*ndell CLIFF BURLINGAM E PAINTERS Maialar aad P 'tarala« Papering, T. iag leteriec Decorator* We barn been in tke bu*i- aeaa for 17 year* and can guarantee fir*t cla** work­ manship. Oar winter price* are new an and will continue until Mar. I. Yeu will profit by having your tnierior De­ corating done new. W e al*o refint*h all kind* o f furai- tnr*. reen try work solicited. Our Shop it located at SI l i t Street Rhea* >66.L Ree 107. 6th Phone 4Sd When doing the X m u Shopping I*eave y o u r . children at— Mrs. Nellie SieUff’s Nuraery Mothers Care given to infants rvenings. 133 Hergedine Ave.