THE ASHLAND REGISTER PAGE have student teams compete in persona or partine u n ltn een apply to the court for the relief that the defandants be forever en- scholarship instead of in athletics claim ing any righi title, prayed for in his complaint, to- ioined and debarred from assert­ Philadelphia— An annual bud­ has ben issued by Harvard Uni­ estate, lien or intere*« in wit: For a decree of this court that ing any claim whatever in and to get of $1,000,000 for the next five versity to Yale, the winners to re­ thè reni estate described in the defandants have no estate or said land and premises adverse to years is the aim o f the Anti-Sa­ ceive md "idual gold medals and the com plaint herein, D efen interest wl.a.aoever in or to the said plaintiff. loon League, according to Rev. money with which to buy books dents, following iescribed premises sit Under and by virtue of Howard Hyde Russell, Associate for the Univeristy library. The uated in the county of Jackson, an order made by the Hon. Superintendent. The League urges plan is designed to stimulate inter­ To Cora Gillette, wife of Edgar State of Oregon, to-wit: orable O. M. Corkins, Judge I. Gillette, also the unknown heirs 6-year jail term s for violations of est in studies as an ofset to the of A. V. Gillette, Deceased, and al­ Beginning at a point 775.6 feet j of Court> dated th* 23rd dav the Prohibtiion law and also plans emphasis as an offset to the a demand on Congress to eid dergraduate athletics and was pro­ so all other persons or parties un­ south and 2V6 feet east of th e iof November, 1927, this summons known claiming any right, title, corner common to sections 4, 6, is “ rVMl on the defendants by “Bootleg Government.” posed by Dean Alfred C. Hanford estate, lien or interest in the real S, and 9 Township 39, sollth 1 Publication thereof for four _*uc- to the Harvard Student Council. I estate described in the complaint range 1 east of W. M. Oregon; cessive weeks in the Ashland Reg­ W H A LE FIG H TS EN EM IES I herein, the above named defen­ thence north 59 degrees 24’ east ister, a semi-weekly newspaper FA TA L BLIZZARD dants. along the southerly line of Church printed and published at Ashland, New York. N. Y.— South Amer­ Ironwood, Mich.— In attem pting: street in Ashland, Oregon 117 feet Oregon, and the defendants by ican sailors arriving, tell of a to walk from Wmegar. Wis., to! IN THE NAME OF THE to the westerly line of High street^ said order are required to appear thrilling combat between a whale Crab Lake, Ralph Shinners, form- STATE 0E OREGON You are thence south 32 degrees 14’ east and answer within four weeks a thrasher and a black fish, in er New York Baseball player, and h**reby required to appear and an- along said westerly line of High from the date of first publication which the whale leaped clean out his guide, Charles Wilson, became swer th