Brush Co. TW T’ Pen? ov R t|t»ISr M a ja n t y •( reo chea Fara» Ha la S o a t h r r a ( V « g « a VOLUM E 3 A SH LA N D . JACKSON COUN TY. OREGON. T U E S D A Y . D E C E M B E R C. 1*27 PRIZES AWARDED Aï Hundreds Attend Annual M S CIRCUS ch m ll,," c E stim a ted O a e T k ew sa a d P e e A tte n d e d the O p e n in g N igh t O f C ircu s Generally speaking we are pros­ perous, those willing to work set »long- But Mrs. Hildegar Wpais did not find it so. She struggled for five years with four children feeding, clothing, paying rent, asshing, cooking, and working a« "garment presiser” for $25 a week. She scorched one expen- five dress. That took a week’s pay. Each month the rent took a week's pay. Pro«prrou* America was not prosperous enough for Mrs. Wy- wias. She broke the gas meter, op­ ened all the jets, then knelt by the bed where here five-year-old son was sleeping, her three little girls asleep nearby. V a H were dead, when found, with no more rent or food bills to pay. There is still room at the BOT­ TOM for those that would make conditions better. Birth control and publishing in­ formation about it are approved by Britain's “ National Council of Public Morals.” Theoretically women should have the right to deride how many children they will have. But it is well that understand­ ing of birth control has been post­ poned. It might have prevented the arrival of Napoleon and Car­ lyle, and surely would have pre­ vented the arrival of Caruso, a nineteenth child. Mrs. Peabody, head of the Wo­ men's Committee for Law En­ forcement. says “ ten million wo­ men are not only talking and pray­ ing. but working to retain prohibi­ tion. and see that is enforced.” They need not work or pray to keep prohibition in the Constitu­ tion; nothing can get it out. As for enforcement, there is room for much working and pray­ ing in that direction. A DeMILLES PAINTINGS ATTRACT ATTENTION The group of oil paintings, wa­ ter color sketches, and pen and ink drawings, exhibited in the window of the Register office, which have excited so much interest and ad­ miration, is the work of Mr. R. M. Dt-Mille, well known local sign A'nter of ability. Mr. DeMille •tidied f r a number o f years u i- der the two noted western artists, C. M. R -sel. and Mr. Paxton. H's paintings, all original were glean­ ed from actual experience and •tudy of pioneer life. Mr. DeMille went one year with the Blackfoot Indians, and two years with "the »1st Head Indians on the reserva­ tions in Montana, making a pract­ ical study of Indain life and char­ acter. • Mr. DeMille came to Ashland seven years ago. and with his fam­ ily resides on Third street during the winter months; he has an at­ tractive farm in the Bellview dis­ trict where he and his family en­ joy the summer months. It is Mr. DeMille'» plan to build * typical log cabin pioneer studio if A-hland or on the outskirts o* tk* city, where he may develop kis work o f art, and have classes. Here he will teach the new genrr- •tion how to develop themes of the old pioneer life and oustend- ®r incidents. It is of interest to note that Mr. BeMille’» father was a first cousin the famous motion picture pro­ p e r , Cecil DeMille. *r*. Scott o f Klamath Fa. Is *•" >n town Sunday and «pent the end visiting with Miss Hazel ^ * v*r and Mrs Mary Shaver of • and C street*. Mrs. Scott form- **7 Iried in Ashland and was glad ** tteet old friend* again. Tudor Model is Brought Here From Factor> Branch at Portland IS A SURPRISE Lines and General Ap' pearance Meets Approv­ al of Many Visitors i Occupying a prominent place upon a special platform in the cen­ ter of the Claycomb Motor Com­ pany show room, the new model Ford Tudor, for whose advent the public has anxiously been waiting, was the center of attraction in Ashland today. The Ford, was a surprise to mnry, for no longer does the familiar lines of the old Model T grace the newest creation of Henry Ford. In its phu-e was a modern» ".oropean in line, with a radiator closely re­ sembling its big sister the Loncoln. All day long hundreds of people came, to see and went away satis­ fied. Satisfied that the advance publicity had not erred in its de­ scription of the car. H. L. Clay- comb, throughout the day pointed out to the many visitors some of the new things about the par, call­ ing special attention to the wheels, the motor, the body, the brakes and the finish, while a factory re­ presentative gave out special liter­ ature concerning the car. AH in all it was a great day for the Ford in Ashland and it was an equally great day for Ashland peo­ ple who had been waiting months for this day to come. M URRAY PURCHASES SHOE DEPARTMENT Mr. J. W. Murray has taken ov­ er the shoe department at McGees store and the department will Jiereafter be known a« “ The Shoe ’ Den.” Mr. Murray has purchased an entire new' stock of shoes and plans to make many changes in the department. The Shoe Den will be completed within the next ten days. Mr. Murray will carry a com­ plete line of Queen Quality and Hagerty Shoes, these shoes are all custom made and the best to be had on the market. The stock will be complete in all widths from the narrow triple A’s to the widest widths, anything narrower than the triple A may be ordered through the efficient mail order service, direct from the factory. The new department will have the appearance of a den, when it is completed, charming, comfort­ able, and practicable; a place in which the public will be welcome at all times to drop in and rest in the depths of the cozy chairs, or on the lounges; and desks at which the busy shopper may write letters or notes. With an estimated attendance of nearly one thousand the Ash­ land Lithians Indoor Circus, open­ ed last night at the Ashland Ar­ mory. The six circus acts included dazzling array o f brilliant trapeze performances that more than pleased the large crowd while the concessions, drew their share of patronage and attention. All concessions with one excep­ tion are handled by members of the Lithians. and some of the boys seemed to be veterans at the art of ballyhooing, and otherwise dis­ posing of their wares. The presentation o f the prizes took place during the evening with Miss Cleo Wiltse being presented with a check for (300.00 as the first prize, Mrs. Marske, a dia­ mond cluster ring, second prize, Norma Wuthrich, a diamond soli- tare. third prize, and a pearl neck­ lace to Rosaland Wise as fourth prize, and Miss Josephine Barber wns presented with a gold com­ pact. The show will continue all this week. ASHLAND HIGH MAY MEET COLLEGE TEAM There is a strong possibility that the Ashland High school bas­ ket ball team will meet both the O. A. C. Rooks and the Oregon Freshman some time in January or February according to Princi­ pal of the High School, B. C. For­ sythe, who attended a meeting of school authorities yesterday in Medford. According to the arrangement made yesterday, M^/iford , qjtd Ashland would distribute equa>y the cost of bringing the two teams to Southern Oregon; and each team would p la / one game. While advance prediction are not highly optimistic over the lo­ cal high schools chances in basket ball this year, school authorities agree that the team will be better than the average. E. W. Redifer o f Manzineta street was visiting his brother, Andrew Redifer at Myrtle Creek a few days this past week Mrs. James Putman o f Holly street was visitine re< ently with friends in Montague. Mrs. Viola Sanford of Scenic Drive who was ill during the past «leek was able to be out again Sunday. J. E. Haney, who lives east of town is in Portland at present visiting his son, Robert Hnney. Mrs. Sarah Boots o f B street, who has been confined to her bed with illness is reported slight­ ly improved. Mrs. Mabel Moore is the nurse in charge. The Christian church people en­ joyed a basket dinner at ttieir Church dining room Sunday after which a business meeting was held. The Baptist Church and Sunday School are making plans for a splendid program on Christmas, Enlisting all the boys and girls of McGees will carry hose in all the school. colors and shades to match all shoes in stock. Llqyd Bryant of Klamath coun­ ty was in town last week visiting Mrs. L. Jacobs, daughter Mrs. in Ashland and Medford. Stewart and grandson of Klamath Falls, brought little Shirley En- Mr*. Val Inlow o f Mountain der* home last Saturday. Shirley Avenue was saddened last week has been visiting her grandparents to hear of the sudden death o f Mr. and Mrs. L. Jacobs in Kla­ her niece Eva McKinnis, of math Falls for several weeks. Mrs. Springfield. Oregon. The McKin­ Jacobs, Mrs. Stewart and son re­ nis family formerly lived in Ash­ turned to their home in Klamath land and have a number of friends Falls Sunday. here who sympathise with them in the loss o f their young daughter. Mr. and Mr*. Hodkinson. form­ er residents o f this eity, but now Mim Otter dale and Misa Bur living in Shasta City, California, nett, employees o f the Parirte are visiting their daughter and Telegraph and Telephone Com­ family. Mr. and Mr*. Allen Autrey pany were businem visitors is Medford Saturday. of th-s city. J The Automotive Shop. owned by found it a very diffieuh task U> Dan Kay was awarded the find as nearly every window showed A n n iv e r s a r y E ven t W ill B e H eld prise in the Window .Contest at much effort and forethought ex­ • I the H igh S ch o o l G y m a a isu m the '"hristma* Open inf last Fri­ pended, as-'well as the touch of N e a t M on da y E v en in g day night. The contest was based •Hi»try and originality of ex- on originality and cleverness o f preeuou. brought out in such a The high school anniversary idea, arrangement, decoration, col­ manner as to show the worth and play “ His Majesty. Bunker Bean” or scheme and attention to detail. selling qualities of each different will be presented at the High The Automotive Shop carried particular exhibit. away the first pnxe last year al- The Provost Hardware Com­ school gymnasium on Monday De­ ! so with the “ Merry snow storm” so pany displayed an appealing home cember 12th. according to an an­ realistically depicted. This year scene of the modern child sur­ nouncement made today by Hifrh Mr. Kay most «•jcccesfully work­ rounded with all the luxuries of school authorities. .The Anniver­ ed out the slogan “ Ashland has the up to the minute bathroom, sary play was first adopted some it” in a placid and charming pas­ with its joy of Christmas much fifteen or twenty years ago. and haf priate coloring employed; also the held the kiddies breathless with in­ Directors o f the Chamber of Com­ unusual symetrical display in the terest and speculation. merce held last it was the decision J. C. Penny’s windows glowed of that organization that decorated doorway. The Ashland they Electric won third place by the with the twinklingolights o f the would lend every possible assist­ tasteful and uniform arrangement revolving Christmas trees in the ance to the Three A asso­ of furniture for the home in one midst of toys and gifts of every : ciation in order that there might window, and the oustanding elec­ description. The window with the be established here an office to tric refrigerator display in the showing of ladies and misses hand­ cooperate with the local Chamber other window standing coldly and some afternoon gowns with all of commerce in the handling of proudly aloof in its snowy setting their requisite accessories was es­ the tourist traffic. plainly conveying the idea o f 'the pecially attractive. According to the plan present­ frigid’ at all times and seasons. The W hite’ House Grocery had ed by Three A officials they are to Tom Swem of Medford was se­ a fine showing of raisins, nuts,1 contribute so much each month to­ lected to judge the window dis- j and holiday sweetmeats. wards defraying the expense of (Continued on Page 6) plays. Mr. Swem asserted that He | office help in the Chamber of Commerce,^ if the Chamber Will assist them in securing members. LOCAL MEN JUDGE MEDFORD W INDOW S P. K. H am m ond D e liv e r» R o g u e R iv e r M in iste ria l A asoria lio n H old R e g u la r M ee tin g Earl Isaacs, K. G. Harlan, and j C. J. Read were the judges nam­ In T a lo n t ed by the Medford Chamber of The Rogue River Ministeral As­ Commerce to select winners for Christmas opening E. held their annual Memorial sociation held their regular meet­ the annual window .display contest held last Services Sunday afternoon, for ing yesterday, when the ladies of night at Medford. The judges were brother Elks who have passed on the Talent M. E. Church, enter­ tained them with a dinner at Tal­ unanimous in giving Mann’s de- during the past year. ! partment store first place, The A fitting memorial to the de­ ent. The meeting was of a busi- part was delivered by Reverend 1 ” «** nature with Rev. H. F. Pem- Bootery second, and the Groceter­ ia third. P. K. Hammond, Chaplain of the berton, pastor of the local Metho- I dist church and president of the local order. V in in g * C h ristm as P ictu re J. Edward Thornton read the Association leader of the Dcvo- The Vining Theater announces '• tional part o f the meeting. roll call of “ Our absent brothers, Rev. Mitchelmore of Ashland that it’s Christmas picture will oe a complete list of the names of all members of the Ashland lodge who made a report on the week day “ London After Midnight” , fea have passed to the great beyond, Bible school that is proving such turing Lon Chaney one o f Amer­ since the organization of the local a huge success and Rev. Law­ ica’s greatest characters of the rence of Medftird, reported on the screen. This picture wax to have order. The Memorial Services were Laymen’s Evangelistic team that played in Ashland, Monday Tues­ conducted by the officers of the is to he in Medford on January day, and Wednesday of this week lodge. William Brigg“, exalted 15 for a series o f meetings. This but due to the great demand for ruler, Clyde Young, esteemed team is from Davenport, Iowa, it’s performance in Portland, the leading knight, E. J. Burnett, es­ and is headed by A. K. Harp«;- of picture was held over there. Mod teemed loyal knight; E. O. Gill- Villisca. The men are financing every one is familiar with Lon Chaney; not only for his charac­ ings, esteemed lecturing knight, the trip themselves. ter portrayals, but for his genius J. Edward Thornton, secretary; P. Those in attendance at this Provost, treasurer; E. E. Miller, meeting were, Rev. and Mrs. II. at make-up. Those who have seen his per­ tiler; Edwin Dunn, esquire; Rev. F. Pemberton, Rev. and Mrs. H. P. H. Hammond, chaplain, Elmer T. Mitchelmore. Rev. and Mrs. C. formance in such pictures as the Smrih, inner guard and O. '.Vinter, D. Gaffney. W. P. Walters, and "Hunch-hack of Notre Dame,” musician. Bertha E. Pease of Ashland, J. E. “ The Phantom of the Opera” , and Musical numbers were furnished McDonald, Rev. K. P. Lawrence, "Three Faces East," need not to by the Misses Qgley, Madge and C. J. Melt, W. H. Eaton, T. I,. be told of his ability. There will Marie Mitchell aruTL. H. Hansen. I Thimler, E. E. Iverson, and Mr. ■i“” be other features such as the Vining has the reputation of hav­ Brother Elks who have answer­ and Mrs. W. W. Belcher o f Med­ ing on that date and the people of ford. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson ed the final call within the last Ashland may feel certain of a pro­ year are; H. G. Enders Sr.; Geo. I o f Central Point. Rev. E. E. Mc- gram worth while. T. Watson, Charles Evans, Her­ Vicker of Jacksonville, Mr. and man Mattern, Frank Mix, Otis Mrs. W. M. Carl o f Rogue River Helman, F. C. Buckley, and Rev and Mrs. J. E. Ladd, Rev. J. L. Webster. Rev. C. C. Rorick of Charles Haight. Grants Pass and Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Wagner of Talent. Mr* G. C. Kim nul of the Neil Greek d isir.t wax shopping In city Monday. Mr. F. E. Holister of Portland was an Ashland visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. I Mr. E. M. f.'hiicote a pr oninont Mr. H. T. Slago of Talent was East Main street were J real estate n.