PAGE/FOUR THE ASHLAND REGISTER T h e R E G I S T E R ’S E D I T O R I A L a n d F E A T U R E F a y e C. J. READ, Editor and Publisher âhc Aahlauil üU'yissU'r OREGON S «m i- W evhly P a p e r Publish* *i at Atitlsnd, O r e g o n Formerly tne Central Point ami Ashland American O ffiee at 372 Kant Main Street BUSINES AND NEW S RHONE 95 One $ 2.00 Year Or a Romance and Adventure in and of the West A d v e r tis in g Rates G iv e n on Ap p lic a tion Entered at the Portoffice at Ashland, Oregon, as Second CIUM Matter, under tiie Act of Congress o f March 3, 1870 By D A V ID M A R K M e m b e r STATE E D ITO R IA L ASSO CIATIO N M e m b e r N A T IO N A L E D ITO R IA L A SSO CIATIO N 216 Central Ave., Ashland, Oregon END OF THE RAIN BO W A few days ago the Miami Herald published sixty-two pages 01 legal notices in fine print ad­ vising owners of lots that th uarcels of land de­ scribed will be offered for sale at public auction for the payment of delinquet taxes. The typical tax bill oustanding against these lots amounts to less than $15. The typical assessment is in the neighborhood of one thousand dollars. Appar­ ently, thousands of former owners of boom'lots are ready to permit t^eir property to slip from their hands because of their inability or unwill­ ingness to put up three additional $5 bills. It involves a sharp strain on one’s senses of reality to recall that the lots now advertised as junk were only two years ago the articles of fren­ zied exchange. What kind of madness was this that two or three years ago set tens of thousands o f otherwise rational bank clerks, plumbers’ help­ ers, 1 • •irage keepers and ex-grocery store manag-* era sweeping into Florida in search of lands that they expected to build upon? Imagination is all right in fiction, but it takes more than that to fill 500,000 lots with bunga­ lows. A point was reached when ima/ination went stale. Trading slowed up. Then it slowed down. Then it stopped altogether. Now comes the sheriff. Thousands who “ bought” Florida lots lots have gone back t tending school and keep­ ing store, and will n • :er return to claim them. The lots will return to the la ad ^companies, to the banks, and ultimately will lx* reconsolidated into the truck and citrus farm that they were once up­ on a time and should have remained. It >vill be a long and harrowing process this Squeezing fake values from subdivisions born 50 years before their time, but it will have to be gone through with before they can be returned to sane and use­ ful production. W H A T SCHW AB SAYS < hailes M. Schwab, the steel executive, recent­ ly stated, in response to the question of a woman reporter, “ I am content with my life as 1 lived it and I’m not through yet ” Saying that “ not a single day would 1 change." he corrected it the next day by aiding that he would like tq live ov­ er the (lay he rejected the chance finance the Wright Brothers in their first aviation venture, because he turned them down with the remark that it was a harum-scarum stunt. Most of us would have made .the same mis­ take Schwab is one of the bigg 4'men in the in­ dustrial life of the nation, and may be interest­ ing to some of our readers, particularly the young folks, to get his viewpoint of life. Here is what he says: ■d’li tell you what h happiness and peace o f soul— what w u nia, wi h to emulate, “ It's the satisfaction i ing life that will make you stand well in opinion i >f your fellow- citizens, of having their good \\ islu s and their love and respects. “ To make workingmen content and happy; to make them love their work and have a personal interest in the business that’s the greatest field of engineering I ever entered. "This is a happy land. W e have 5 per cent, of the people of the world and we do 50 per cent of the business of the world. We have peace and plenty and contentment among the high and low, unbounded.” , Others can pass whatever judgment they please on the activities of Mr. Schwab but the young people of Jackson county might find it pro­ fitable to realize that this successful industrialist has taken no credit for hi- work in the fi.-ld of steel. a HONOR F.MANCI ’ ATORS i \ I W re hasten to call your alien ion to ihe group «if windows recently dedicated by tin Unitarian eiicrch of Lancaster, Fa. to the memo* / o f the “ great emancipator» of the human race." W e do this because no national or credal lines have been drawn in the selection of the men thus memorial­ ized. Jew ami Gentile. Catholic and Protestant are represented and even Socrates that wise man who lived five centuries be ft Fhrist, is given his place. O f course, there mnv I readers of The Regis- 1er who could suggest other liâmes for such re The room prepared for them and thut Society gives birth to or adopts or rest,” said Hartley. “ The creates when she gentlemen may come into the amends a Charter for a City or a guest and dining room. It Constitution for à State or Nation. is u od fo r both as rooms Said person exist in the mind o f were hard to make in this rock. the Judiciary. The form, charact­ The electric current both heats eristics, powers, duties and obli­ and lights the cavern so well that gations thereof being discerned conditions are not so bad as one by the Courts upon their inquiry might expect.# ‘ 'A ll the members into the Charters and Constitution. of the party were highly pleased Plus laws governing in American . e. laws " I t is not so bad for housekeeping created by Judicial precedent, and man ye are,” said Molly O’Toole, not void by Constitutional provis­ at all,” she continued with a mis- ion. From this we can readily see chiveous look at Donald. “ It might how important Constitutional pro­ he worse,” said Donald, “ H ow evfr visions are. We also can see how mere is no lawn in front neither important Charter provisions are is there a garden in the rear.” as governing the Form, character­ “ Rest here,” said Hartley to th* istics, powers and duties o f the three Judges.” Waldo and I will legal person created when Chart­ get the baggage the drivers are ers are adopted or amended. In bringing down. It is quite a lot. things that make as to usefulness, The truck was well loaded with helpfulness beauty or righteous­ 1 ■ plenty o f bedding and grub and ness Charter Provisions play an ORECON IN D U S T R IA L NEW S utensils, arms and ammunition.” important part so also as to u>rm “ Looks like we were expected to and characteristic. Successive Snlem — Telephone expansion stand 4 siege. Guess the authora- Oregon’s follow each other as fast fo r all as the people amend the Consti- requires more room fo r exchange tles wanted us ready kinds o f trouble.” “ Let us hope tution. Ditto Cities as regards City service. we won’t hove it,” said Hartley. Charters. The effect o f amend­ During 11127, Washington coun­ Half an hour later the two young ments on statute or more proper­ TH E W A Y TO LOSE IS TO G IV E UP ty graded 24.15 miles surfaced 27. men finished their task and Hart­ ly Municipal law, whether made by I f you hung on and preserve you may not succeed anyhow, but if 3 miles and oiled 27.3 miles mar­ ley with the assistance o f Molly enactment or by precedent if they you give up you are sure to lose. «in had the morning meal ready. conflict is to make them void. Albert Payson Terhunc listed recently a number o f things about ket roads. failures who hung on and finally succeeded. All were hungry and did ample The Constitution adopted in He tells of Garibaldi, who had lost everything and was in prison Oregon City Woolen Mills have justice to the eooks by eating a 1851) was left untouched for near­ and condemned to death, yet he never lost his grip and lived to be 800 employees in factory and heavy meal, later all but Hart­ ly half a century in 1902 the the Saviour o f Italy. ley laid down for a much need­ amendment known as the Initia­ A middle-aged man peddled cordwpod in St. Louis in a shabby old clothing plant.' army overcoat, yet this figure was General Grant, who afterwards was ed rest and sleep. A fte r the noon tive and Referendum amendment elected President o f the United States. Deschutes Power & Light co. lunch was eaten and work done. was adopted. This amendment was An obscure country furmer w aited to come to America and his 23-mile line, Raymond to They all gathered around the the most radical ch a n g e^ except King would not let him. That fnrnierTTtprwards becam«1 r.Tler o f Eng­ plans Culver. land, Oliver Cromwell. ( hief Justice and the paramount one, o f which I will mention later, Patrick Henry could not make good in the grocery business or on question being, government by that has been made since 1859. his farm, but became one o f most famous orators. Government is putting in nine law. All by common accord re- Not only was a new Oregon A t middle age Stonewall Jackson wus an absouro college instructor. emergency airplane fields south of I quested him to give them a re brought into being at tha; time He lived to he the idol of the South, i Bulwer Lyton thought he was a failure when young and though he Grants Pass. sume of the Judicial history o f but he had a new form. A form | was a hopeless invalid he hung on and was afterwards one o f the j Oregon. To tell them o f the things that differed from his predeces­ ! most famous English writers and a member o f the peerage. Mnupin— New Oak Springs that were the things that are and sor. The first Oregon had a Poli­ Thomas A. Edison, as a hard-up newsboy-candy butcher was thrown found that probably would be hereafter. tico-Republican form. The second from a train and his fall injured his hearing. He got up and tackled power plant t* stod and good. He declined at the first but later Oregon had a Politico-Democra- his tasks anew and you know whut he became afterwards. Alexander Graham Bell was not tmu h o f a success in his youth, but * after much persuasion he consen­ tico-Republican form. His form ------ those who bought his stock when h* was peddling it at a cheap rate Oregon’s honey crop about 400 ted. So reclining on a rude settee was political because o f Judicial are now rich. Robert Louis Stevenson, a consumptive, sat on a bench in a San tons a year and o f highest grade. made comfortable by placing bed­ succession from Babylon and be­ ding on it he began. Francisco park, middle-aged and penniless. He became one o f the most cause o f Court precedent. All laws famous writers in the world. FLU ’ effective in the English Common “ To Begin at the beginning,” he Napoleon the Third fled to England, was dead broke and made a bare living in America. Afterwards he became Emperor o f the French. said, “ Oregon as a Municipal Cor­ law not made void by constitution­ Napoleon Bonaparte was considered a failure when a young man, I f there is a dragon— ^ hydra- poration, State Government or al Provision, are constitutional or hut by a change o f fortune became the foremost man o f the ei«th. headed monster within the domain effective. It is because an English legal person. We prefer to speak So, if you can’t do anything else you can hold on. Nobody knows . influenza is Common law compelled the Courts o f him as a legal person, as he when the lightning is going to strike or where. _ o f !,er,ou'; doubtless its deputy destroyer. really is such was born or creat­ to recognize that it is the legal About all the intelligent physicians ed at the first. He at that time right and duty o f the Government cognition or advance reasons why some name can do when confronted by this bad no predecessors, in the. year to use his police powers to enforce should have been omitted. Nevertheless, we are enemy, is, to treat the most out- 1859 A. 1). His Father, the people exploitation upon the laboring standing symptons vigorously, in His Mother,. Society, or the pou- people. giving you their names, which include three such a manner as to conserve ev­ alnoo is creator, if the last is pre- and to protect the exploiter and presidents of this country and we wonder how ery atom o f the patient’s strength ferable. were a people o f Anglo- profiteer while they lived o ff the many o f our readers know the great achievement — and, trust to a merciful God for Saxon Stock. Sturdy pioneers common people or o ff of others of each. Wo confess that we will have to be advis­ the rest. That wp must have a from the Mississippi Valley, large­ that the form o r n r ^ o .i was poli­ ed about several o f them, but we intend to look summer variety o f this scourge, is ly. Only n few from east o f the tical. His form was democratic quite beyond ray understanding; Allegany mountains. They them up in reference books, and we advise you to were because in the enactment o f laws I have met the most widelv-differ- mi n , f the out o f doors. Free men. | becauae ° f their power o f initia- do the same- mg symptons in so many patient’s Men hating oppression, courageous ,ion’ th* electorate could make Here are the ten countries, represented by the each diagnosed “ summer flu ” that men, Men with a vision, lovers o f s° me laws by the voice o f tl the poo­ selected names: I am more than ever bewilder, i liberty. They were alarmed n, J , P1 *- His form was also ren rly. They were alarmed at the ple‘ form was aJ*° republican United States: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lin­ sometimes. conditions disturbing the Nation because bY retaining the legisla- Summer coln. Woodrow Wilson. flu in my experience, at tl at time. The people within the ture they through it made laws by Great Britain: Tyndale, Graher, Latimer, Mil- creates its havoc in the stomach Territorial limits described to r« P «* n t a t iv e s . To recapitulate, and bowels; a short season o f de- Congress, at the time o f his ad-|He’ 0 re* ° n was political because ton, Priestly* Newton, Darwin, Ridley, Lindsey, lke<’ n in tbt’ re-j minion into the family o f States. by thp u*e o f hi* Police powers Martineau. gion attacked; a very much dis-1 wen descendant» o f an ancestry hp enforced exploitation. He was France: Pere Hvacinthe. turbed heart-action; very little r o f | who forced King John to sing Eng-1 ,democratic b* cause some o f the Italy: Gallileo, Columbus, Socinus nausea, s m itin g , or diarrhoea: se- land Magna Chart.. They were ôr l ,aW* wer* mad* bV the people di Germany: Luther, Melanthon, Cellafrius, Gut- r. headache, brief darts o f keen many o f them were decendants o f, rect‘ H<* was Republican because headache; a cool, damp skin; tenberg. men who signed the American De- * °m* ,nw* wer* mad* bY the leg- sudden hurst into a fever o f It).’ Greece: Socrates. with deliriutn at tim e s -a t others.1' ,an,ti° n ° f !ndeppndpncp who W ~ * « * « “ « that O r - 'light for the’ principals declared f ° n had * Political form that when Spain: Servetus. the patient's perceptions arc | re therein. Sec. ( 1 ) o f Art, o f „ functi°"e d he brought forth Holland Erasmus of Rotterdam. greatly heightened: the picture . " " Constitution, u „ „ llu tlo n . tt|lt „ , adopt dopt i . l 1 1 ---- ------------- _ '* the that w was in<«uir«’d Miss Leonard. Hungary: Francis David. too terrible to paint her. tnp •doption o f which gave birth ! .. wa"’” r f Pli,d Judge B. Poland: Copernicus. C* H ** appropriate name to or created the legal man we call, Y * caRt have a government with- ratild vr * c n. read*. AH men when they Politico can ye? put in Molly Tool*. Jack Dempsey thinks the boxing game . ^'"'»¡»¡ni-'g form a social compact are equal in • 2 T .°« " Y ** w<‘ ca*> *»*d Judge rights; That all power is in the 1 But not if the government has should have a dictator----- like Landis in base- the tract, it mi People, and that all free govern- 1 « political form. And it was all be- ball and Hayes in the movies That’s fair enough moved by that channel. A ment* «re formed on their author- 1 rause he was built that. Was it*” and on the record President Calles has made in citrate of m .»* . « tr, rea. '«.v and are instituted for their ; smd Molly. -Yes. that handling opposing factors in Mexico— we nonti-¡ ,iminsr>' treatment—* fun pea* e safety and happiness and ! •or. replied the Judge. A lodge ha. | Most families know o f nate him for the boxing job up here. ^ nav<* «ilI tilTIffi a I -atemal form and when a lodge right to o f Soda; fivs grain* < *he govern f notions fratemalism is the re- hours will do good— uni ecclesiaa- Chicago Bill Thompson’s army o f 15ik> load I tor arrives with somrthi k * r“ * nn« r a* th-y < «u lt A church ha, 1 er There pre natvl t" ,n Lforw * " d wh*" »he function, into Washington in the interests of Flood Relief Allow plenty o f go J r brings forth ecclesi.stici«. the Mother o f Or».-- was a great relief— from the one-man war on ing-water and remembei