PAGE THE TWO ASHLAND REGISTER elected president o f the club and only twelve Mrs. Bert Hinthorne, secretary. COCIETV MRS Phase 93 C. J. READ. Editor Re. Phone 32« R A Much interest and members but they hope to reach a membership 0f enthusiasm twenty before the first o f the is expresseu by the different mem- year, bers for the work outlined fo r the t ! ■ coming year. At present they have M i.. O.mua Honored . returned to Ashland late Saturday ... ... , _ evening. The young women report Misses Helene and Gertrude " ' ______ Biede were the gracious hostess's at a birthday surprise party given Tm A t t e n d M e etin g at their home on Nob Hill, Satur- Secretary W alter of the local day evening. The pleasant affa ir V. M. C. A. leaves the latter part was in honor o f Miss Ruth Osmun o f the week fo r Seattle, and As- Games were the amusement o f the toria where he has been selected evening. Gladys Applegate was1 a* one o f the leaders in the 01d“ r winner o f the first prize for her Boy’s Conference which meets it efficiency and skill in this form Astoria December 9, 10, 11. The o f entertainment.' and Miss Kth'-I principal speaker at this meeting Shrum was granted the consol»- j will be Tracy Strong o f Geneva, tion. Those who were present to Mr. Strong was formerly the Boy’s wish Miss Osmun many happy re- secretary o f the V. M. C. A. at turns o f the day were. The guest Seattle, for 13 years, and is very o f honor Miss Osmun, her aunt, well known throughout the United kicharcl D ix . Mary Brian and. Jocelyn Lee in 'Shanghai Bound* A Paramount Picture _ Mrs. Sarah’ Mosier, Mrs. Charlotte States for his efficient work in Biegle, Mrs. Guy Applewhite, Mrs. this line. At the Vining Thursday and Friday George Bloomenauer, Mrs. Dan Kay, and Misses Marie Walker, M o a d a y E v en in g Art Club chapter on Gehrkens, “ Fundamen­ very fine victrola in the parlors on school building Wednesday even- Lita Walker, Emma Jenkins, Geòr­ Mrs. C liff Jenkins ana Mrs. J. tals o f Music," this chapter deals which several records were play-i*n8 when the girls o f the High gie Coffee, Gladys Applegate, Cal­ Edward Thornton delightfully en- .. , . u School cooking classes will prepare . * _• I with the harmonic basis o f music- ed to illustrate the subject o f Har - 1 la Biegel, Ethel Shrum, and the I tertained the members o f the and serve the dinner. Dinner will two hostesses, Helene and Gert­ Harmony, the last o f the three mony. Monday evening Art Club, at the I be served at 5 o ’clock and a short j rude Biede. Late in the to develop The next meeting ot the club i program and entertainment will ... . evening attractive home o f Mrs. Jenkins on musical elements dainty refreshments were served Pioneer Avenue, Monday evening. (rythm, melody and narmony) falling on December 3«, Has been follow. by the hostesses. The evening was spent pleasantly was much slower to take form. advanced to December 19. Mrs. in conversation and needlework. Mrs. H. S. Aikins spoke on the John Fuller will have charge o f N e w St udy Club Most satisfying refreshments were Influence o f Harmony on Form; this program. The subject o f the Holiday at Russslla „ ... . i .__ Several members o f the old A.«h- . A jolly group o f local school served by Mesdames Jenkins and Mrs. Alice Willits expatiated on evening will be “ Form and Design , Thornton to the following ladies, Harmony as an element o f beau- in Music.” As this is very near the j “ “ * “ Ve, r* - ° ‘ * * " ‘*- teachers enjoyed the Thanksgiv­ Mrs. ty; Mrs. Hugh Mitchelmore gave birthday anniversary o f the fam- w j(| ^ known "as “ The* W ing holidays at Rusell’s camp in Mrs. Clinton Baughman, Monday the Siskiyous, where they rented Charles May, Mra. John Ruger, a most interesting exposition o f ous composer Mac Dowell, atten- Afternoon Study s Club.” p The meet­ modern tendencies in Harmonic | tion, and exposition o f his works a cabin and cooked their meals and Mrs. David Whittle. ing are to be held each Monday Assets and played two piano num- and took hikes to Pilot Rock and afternoon in the Ashland Public M utic Study Club bers to demonstrate her talk: I. High Schol Faculty W ill B« Entsr- other points o f interest in that vi­ Library. The Ashland Music Study Club “ The River," by Harl McDonald; taiaud at Diaaer cinity. The members are taking up the met Monday. November 28, in the 2. “ The Open Road” by Gordon Members o f the High school The young ladies who indulged study o f Oregon History. parlors o f the Presbyterian church Balch Nevin. ! faculty and their families will be in this real "back to the wilder­ Mrs. Charles Robertson for their regular meeting. Mrs. E. Elharts Music Store placed a entertained at dinner at the High ness celebration o f the national A. Woods, president o f the order holidays, were Misses Eva White, opened the meeting and after Irene Clark, Ellen Waters. Betty ■ihort business session turned th e! Heileman, Caroline Radde, M is. l - tv ' *ndi me« tin» » ” «• to the progrVw “ a / y motn” , j <**inn«n. Miss Ruth Louise Voder up f a mp ridmy afternoon and | who presented a very interesting V Read the advertisements. I NI N “The Theatre Beautiful” G Watch This Space For Coming Attractions Each Issue Now Playing “N E V A D A ” Zane Grays Great Western Picture Starring Gary Cooper Thursday and Friday “S H A N G H A I B O U N D ” A Melodrama of Modern China, with Dix as the Bucko Captain* of a Yangtse River Boat Saturday Only Hoot Gibson in “G A L L O P IN G F U R Y ” 0t ••¡hare m i rings arm ELKS B U IL D IN G PH O N E 3 A S H LA N D . OREGON Lithia Springs Pharmacy G ift lie s for That M an * Christmas Holiday Sale ot S W H A T E R S Y O U RCHECKING AC C O U N T $ 2 95 and $ ß ,4 5 Nearly everyone with a stated in­ come has a checking account these days, but few run their accounts in the most approved and efficient manner. The first place, your checking ac­ count should be a record of all money you receive. This can only be so if you deposit all your income, and draw cash or pay bills by check against your ac­ count. Adopt t h i s plan, and you w i l l Vour checking account of fai A special pre- holiday «ale o f a fine «election of sport ahd dress sweaters in a color range to please the mo«t particular. Sweaters with clever pattern e f ­ fect*. new neck­ line* and smart sleeves! Just the 1 i s * Select your Christmas Ties from our big display. All One quality silks in all the newest color-effects; bias ■tripes, Persians. iquar-t, dots — anything you want. A*! full, generously-cut— Give Underwear * T o Any Mias The feminine heart thrills , to a gift off I i a g e r i • every time I Rayon gar­ ments are irresistible. 98c to $2.98 Tailar«« stylet — aai f r i l l y laoa trimmed and appliqued gar­ ments. Our prices ara moderate, too. ¡The More Feminine Shoes Smarter Women Are Wearing No longer is it chic * i wear only sports shoes during- 4a>ti»ie aobra. This sht c of Black Patent with its mod­ ish black suede trim is distinctly graceful in line. :-otn its slender heel to its flat­ tering! \ roundc 1 toe. U ift Handbags | Sho Will Lika I A roomy pouch is a tun • hade t a match h e r c o a t , per­ haps — or any of a number of other smart shapes and colors. 98c to $4.98 Bath Towels M aay F a a cy P s tte r o s • Fancy towels with novelty borders, many kind«. From 25c to 69c Gift Hose ro- Men j i n o W L Ì T-J