The Register Majority o f reach's Farm ths Hansa* In Southern O r e g o n FO RM ERLY VOLUME 3 By Arthur Brisbane . V NIGHT CLUB LA D Y. et her m a r r y " John Sevbold, seventy-one, a arnttr? Wants back $7,500 paid n le d ia f Seybold talked to a spir- t iw il'il “ Sarah,” liked Sarah’s oiee,1 paid fo r Sarah’s wedding res-:, at her request donated $500 or wayward girls. Then after he i ad spent $7,500 to please Sar- j h. on her promise to come to | arth fend marry him, “ Sarah," ays t ie farmer, "never showed p.” Do not laugh. This old farmer imply pnid in advance for hap- iness to come later. Believers in ome of many religions on earth, Arrangements he false or.os, are now doing the Elaborate ante and will be disappointed as Made by Chamber of 'armer Seybold was disappoint- Commerce d. Their disappointment will ome hereafter. OPENING PUNS ARE C E N T R A L P O IN T AND A SH LA N D AM ERICAN A SH LAN D , JACKSON C O U N T Y , OREGON, Hkis All Of EVANGELIST Ï0 BE Claim Ashland Essentials for Rabbit Raising HERE OEC. 14TH j no MADDEN IS FT NUMBER 5*. TU E SD A Y, NOVEMBER 34», 1987 E BALL TEAM A rlie Worrel who owns an at-i Very recently he sold $7 pounds i tractive home aa two feres of to the M edford cannery. Although Twenty-Eight from Squad and Aimer Semple McPherson to land at 470 Norm Main Street the new Zealand Reds are more Faculty Enjoy Banquet at Speak at the Ashland n this city, thinks Ashland has 1 slow in maturing than the Flemish Lithia Hotel Armory all the essentials necessary for the i Giants, Mr. Worrel claims there 1« rabbit industry. Mr. W orrel came as much profit to be made from Ficticious telegrams and song- Aimee Semple McPherson, well ,‘ o r to this city in the early 1 them in the long run. The market by two trios o f renute .were two of I known evangelist will make her spring from Klamath Falls anil value on rabbit hide* is twenty- the mBjn features of a dinner a' Ashland debut on the night o f Dv- startetM n 'o - the rabbit business.1 five centa per skin, and out o f the i the Lithia Springs Hotel last 1 cember 14, according to H. O. He i- quite enthusiastic on the hundred million hides used yearly night given by Pres. J. A. Church- : Butterfie.d. chairman o f a local ubject tr.d much pleased with by the » ’ -.ked States only two per in ¡n honor of the football team [committee in charge o f her vi.-it he utcome g f his project, :cent archaised in this country, the nf the Southern Oregon N orm n'' ito this city. .dr. Wot 1 raise« rabbits both 'U 't majority are imported . School. Several members o f the According to Mr B itterfle1«! -oi .e market and breeding pur- Mr. W rrel is building an ex- faculty were present including the Ashland Armory has be n se- >>ses in the following «train*: 1 tensive enclosed rahbitry and ex - 1 Ceach McNeal which made ag rand ■ cured for r. night meeting on this New Zei. ir.d Reds. Flemish Gian'.- pect* to have 108 hatches install- total of twenty-eight for those Battery B Are Hoats to date, with the evangelist as the Himalayas, White Flemish Giant«, i td by early summer. The rabbits present. Members of Foot Ball main speaker. She will come to I and Silvers (or Champagne d< thrive or, roiled '« ley and atfal- Preceding the dinner. President Ashland from a series o f meet­ Team A rgenele). The Himalayas are fa with an occasional bit of green Churchill made a shori address at! ing« in Eugene. It is not known principally ‘show rabbits’ having gras . So well doe* the Ashland w'**ch time Be introduced John) , whether she will be here for more VO TE ON PLAYER LIGHTS ON 7:30 a pure white body marked with ■ r|irna> ^ hjg Mr | Fuller, member o f the board ) than one meeting or not. black ears, nose and feet. Several o f regents, to those present. Fob William Hohenzollen’s sister. ! o f Mr. W orrei’s original stock rab- oril‘ tlult ®e dom does h® lowing this, President Churchill I Kenneth Madden Center Schaumberg- Merchants Windows W ill Princess Victoria bit* took first prize at the Jack- j *‘vt'r °ther than under the made the statement, he was w -II Is Named as Most Compete for Beautiful Lippe, agtd sixty-one, wants to ! county fair this year. butcher’« knife. aware o f the fact o f how a man Valuable marry a young Russian only twen-1 Silver Cup — I felt about making speeches at a ty-seven. Lutheran clergyman re -1 --------- | dinner and that he would refrain ' Shortly after drill Monday night fuses to marry them, the With elaborate plans being from doing so and bid every one at the local Armory an informal difference in age makes it ‘ un- rushed to completion everything . ___ ___ t° make the most o f their oppor- hot tamale feed was given the Well Known Local Man Succumbs ewical. points to the second annual'Christ- members o f the High school foot­ To Long Illness; Funeral To To refuse marriage to t se en- mas opening o f the Ashland mer- ball team and their coach, Russell be Held Thursday titled to marry seems uneti :hical. ^ chants to be held on Friday Night --------- I ■ I pd by Roland Parks was next sung Cripe, in honor o f the successes The Alone counts are many December 2, as being one that will H. L. Claycomb Local Dealer Hitlayh Templi- Has Honor ot and then the fireworks started. attained the past season. The o ffi­ a woman of sixty-three is younger ,)Ut do the initial event. The event Herman Mattern. fo r many First on the program was a song cers and members of Battery H Makes Plans for First Big Being First Purchaser of in spirw than thousands o f others ¡, being sponsored by the Chr.iv years prominent and respected dedicated to the past football trio w ire host* to the hoys and the Sh owin g Xmas Seals at twenty-three. her o f Commerce with Homer Bili- [ citizen o f Ashland, passed away composed o f Coach McNeal, aud, feed, which-was o f an informal na­ «, , ,, --------- ings chairman o f f he Retail Trades -at-six o’clock Monday evening a t; . . . „ .. - , The full story o f the new Ford Hillah Temple was the first Profesosrs Cnldwell and Taylor. ture, was most thoroughly enjoyed And what about Sarah whose connrittee as general chairman for his home on Hnrgadine street. Mr much by all present. automobile, described by Henry I Ashland ofganiaztion to purchase No one realized that so husband, Abraham, was 107 years evenings festivities, and J. H. Mc- Mattern had been in ill heAlth fo r i c- , _ . . .. . - . , . Captain Slack gave a short talk . , , . . ' , Ford as being “ superior in design Christmas seals according to Rose ability and talent lie in the fac­ old when her son Isaac was bornj Gye cluiipman o f the advertising some tin y and his death wak not , ” and performance to any now avail- Tavurner Robinette Chairman of ulty. Intermitently, there arriv- on the purpose of the National and Sarah not so much .you n ger*: computtee cWojferatingE unexpected. His family w8s pres- ,,KI„ ■ , ... . . a ." . * able in the low price, light car the Ashland district. The seals e iorpman o f Lakeside Yeo- the Automotive shop was d?c!ar- very well known in Ashland where he numbered his friends .by the man I^odge, J. B. Dos* atu| A. 1?. discovered in the lava beds u erculosis patients. ed the winner. (Continued on Page 5) T ou paid $180 for fl standard Cornelius o f Ashland, were out nt Modoc county, and later on a hun H ISTO R IC A L SOCIETY The fights in the down town dis­ Tule Jake shooting geese for the' drtd more such chimneys wen W IL L HOLD A DANCE v' ' r 1 hauls. h Regular Get Together Meeting trict will 5e all turned out until Banquet and as the tables showed ( found, hut the, nature o f the ga _______ You helped finnr nee 38 free AUER CONCERT IS seven thirty then as the band W ill Be Held at The j with good success. has not been determined by th< marches up through the main thor- ENJOYABLE A F F A IR The West Coast Historical ***• W were Armory scientists, however it is thought U The Birds were pfepared , in ’ ofare stopping at intervals to en- --------- I Screen Society is to hold its firat I vhi H ous home* ami a big part o f he composed o f very deadly prop The concert given Friday even- ‘lance Friday eyening, December! V y" U H “*' t '• with two A r-Jular, get-to-gether meeting ’ '>ri;" n fhe crowds, the lights will them roasted at the Franklin: erties, because it is not only kill 7700 >s U> vbe held tonight in the Ash- l,e ^ asf'e'• ” t .t y . *,aat- • T* . ' ' . ' . * !'*“ *a t” * n'i _ (oa-t Hist,ical Screen Society as A very enoy.ble and interesting spite the inclement weather. j Childhood Class” o f new candi­ dug down into the ground withi Several prizes will be given to lenveio I \ o b es n A.tfUnd and Oregon. n<>m( who hroujrh. „ trem<>|y pression, class is in Illinois an second in uf and Tucker’s Old Time orchestra with brilliancy Oklahoma. The Ashland band will furnish instructive and inspiring message scintillated Give* Clock Away dressed in costume will bring back Jewelry Sak wusic and a number o f prominent to the asembled members and movement. The drill .... team made its debut i The large clock for some tim . , _ . . , . . . . . i th,> e* rlY western spirit. Charles A. White local jeweler . Leonard Pettit, local v i o l i n i s t , __________________ » IT speak on the subject of guests. He «poke on the present ha* been the envious attraction o has announced a pre Christmas I ,h® - f r - ‘ ln (ine order. the moff-n picture industry and Chinese situation, the cause o f the endeared himself anew to his Ash-1 many local women, as. it sets mt BOY IS HELD sale of jewelry, and has marked _______ _ _ ^ »hat it means to Ashland, jestically in the window o f th revolution and the ftutura o f land friends with His esthetic . . in-} . . Conrad Gaillonette a A fter the initiation o f the hun­ down every article in the store. a I terpretations on the violin. Miss 0jd v i _ _ „ v .. China. *•"------------------------ 1 , . . . . . . . e « . 0 *vlamath rails young man was In addition to this Mr. White has dred and twenty eight candidates, Johnson jew elry is to be give Galey, local girl, daughter o f Mr. Hi-Y M ea ti.g taken into custody Monday by offered some extra special bar­ the newly organized Yeoman or­ away free to the person guessin Mr. Todnem is an authority on A Senior Hi-Y meeting will be the subject and before sailing for and Mrs. H. C. Galey, proved her Federal O fficer Talent and Sam gains for various days during the chestra under the leadership o f W. the nearest to the length o f tim held this evening st the Y. M. C. the United States made a tour o f ability as an outstanding artist, Prescott. Gaillonette was driving ‘‘•I* that are attracting consider- V. Croft opened the musical pro­ the clock will run, all which toub $260.00. A. hesdquàrters in Pioneer Hall. the principal cities in China, where and won the warmest praise for s 1927 Star Coupe loaded with 50 able attention, gram, comprising several vocal Thi* contest is in conection witi The haior guest will be Lawrence he interviewed revolution leaders her excellent work. gallons o f moonshine liquor, in ■ — p and instrumental numbers. a Jewelry sale being staged by Mi Todnem, Y. M. C. A. missionary in and gathered information first­ five ten gallon kegs. The youth A. C. Cornelius awsrded the Johnson. Mr. Phil Stanshury and Mar- TW O M AKE ESCAPE China, who will be the principal hand— as it were. During the brill­ was on his way over the Siakiyous shall Talent o f this city and I prize* to the winner* in the cam- Two prisoners escaped from the *P*»ker o f the evening. Among iant discourse. Mr. Todnem from Weed to Klamath Falls friends from Medford enjoyed a paign. First prize $25 in gold went > I lip. and Mrs. John Enders an n ests will he Leslie Miller, ed that China was within an epoch. eounty jail at Yreka, Sunday, by when arrest was made. motor trip to Portland last week, to Litha Miles, second prize, $15 Mr. and Mr*. J. Andrew MrGe Principal o f the Talent High such as comes to any country that sawing a bar o ff the jail window. The car owned by a relative o f | They arrived home Saturday even -! in gold to Walter McDonough and returned Sunday from a combin *hool. and twelve high school | is filled with nnre«t and dis-satis- Carl Emmerson. 14. 5 ft. 8 inches blue eye* and brown hair and youn* Gaillonette. Mrs. Noel Ca‘ l- ing. third prixe $5 to W. Wakefield, ed business and pleasure trip t r >y’ from city. Mr. Don faction with pi^wnt conditions. wearing a dark gray suit and cap; ala° ° f Klamath Falls, will j —■ Twelve member* had distin- Portland and other northern Or* • Pencer leader o f the newly or- He feels confident that China will and an Italian boy 18 years. 5 *** confiscated by the federal gov- Mr*. Elsie Churchman, who i* j guished themselves by winning the g»n cities. They report very w* ""■zed Junior Hi-Y Club will al- emerge from her present throes o f feet, 7 inches, black hair and Prnn>mt. and Mr. Caillonette was an employee at Isaac’s store, has 1 gold meritorious emblems, weather during the entire tri *° 'P*“ 11 at t*"» ’•«"»' The meeting wretchedness to a better and more brown eye*, and wesring khaki ■77*'t7*pd before justice o f the returned from a visit in Portland) The short remainder o f the suc- with the exception o f the day a promises to he very interesting progressive future. pants and an old shirt and a ahah- P**c* Glenn Taylor, Monday af- with her mother, Mrs. Patterson j ceasful evening was passed in the big football game in Portlan« •n y i Mrs. Frank Walker o f Liberty Mr. Herman Mattern is serious- j V. O. N. Smith and O. F. Carson Emel Sterns o f Oakland. Calif Mr». Janet Townry o f 7 street Mrs. Burnt, Miss Eva White, and the watchfulness of Shasta street is reported convelescent af- ly ill at his home on Hargadine ( were visitor* in Portland and vi- visited with his mother, Mrs. Lue b * « ’ the week end with friend* ter some weeks of ¡lines* I street. cers and local police. I« Stern* o f Pine street last weel cinity last week. Donald Wright. •* Ccming. California. 0 AS VALUABLE PEAVER DIED LAST NIGHT f i l l STORY Of m FIDS! C M FOR FORD TOED FRIDAY SEALS RECEIVED “ S r *... „..... YEOMAN CLASS IS LARGEST IN HISTORY MODOC COUNTY LAVA BEDS ARE STRANGE REAL PICTURES TO PE TAKEN TONIGHT