r HE 10 Commandments for Wives Are Compiled by Church Men Chicopee, Mass.— Men of th e , his brethern under the yoke. ASHLAND be ,,The Song o f the Volga Bout- 1. Thou shglt not talk all the Thou shah be patient with veri^’ husband nv*” time; for v w p ’ thy siu u sn s in « j I ^ husband’s shortcomings o c­ wish to be heard at rare intervals. i ' casionally exaggerating his go >d 2. Thou shalt love thy hus-' , .... .. . . , , ...... ... , qualities if he has any before his band if it be possible and prepare j f e|)ow man for him such food as he provides 8 . Thou shalt not make a maid fit for the palate and at regular ! servant o f thy husband except in intervals. 3. Thou shfllt not me,Idle in K.raV* ' '•"'ergencies. remembering , purely masculine affair ,.f that. thy husband was given to thee neither as a cook nor as a ' dish- thv husband. ; 4. Thou shalt not spend hour- washer-, but as a man. it. Thou shalt not give thy f ;t the telephone in I - gos-d; for verily there may be other |5ar- , thoughts wholly to dressing, neith­ .♦ - < in tl:e line whose busines- er shalt thou magnify the import--' giay be o f importance. Neither ! note o f thy social engagements -halt tiiou delight in repeating un­ fo r thy first duty is to thy home founded ru m en about thy neigh- and family. lrt. Remember that at times it 5. Thou shalt not boa<=t o f thy is good fo r thy husband to he i usland b; lore men, remembering nlune. At such times thou shalt h e'd o ireth tlie good will of not disturb thy husband. Chipman & Wandelt PAINTERS Interior Decorators a W e have been in the busi­ ness for 17 years and can guarantee first class work­ manship. Our winter prices are now on and will continue until Mur. 1 . You will profit hy having your Interior De­ coratine done m w. We a! » rerinish nil kinds o f furni­ ture. Country work solicited. <*ur Shop is locai».1 at 51 1st Street Ph ons 288-L Re.. T07. 6 th JUDGE PONDERS CRUELTY finger nails, Mrs. Anna IlauL es­ CF WIFE SILENT 17 YEARS tablished a still in her home w l: : she produced quality stuff. The Los Angeles, The main ques­ tion o f whether a w ife who fo r 17 Magistrate'was sympathetic, how­ years never spoke a word to her ever. but fine,Cher $100 when he hu.-band was guilty o f cruelty, learned that her husband was per- i mitting cronies to sample 20 gal-' - one on which Superi r Judge | Iona which she had on hand. Fletcher Boweron wants ponder before giving a James P. Morgan told years silence in testifying 8 h\- in his suit fo r div, Mary Agnew Morgan. T v. re married in 181*5 a in 1910 Morgan said his v (I n ly ceased to speak to him. Each Sunday morning lie would •t< e the house. SLEEP 16 DAA Weehawken, N. J .— The case o Evelyn Johns, 11, o f 1 .ion City N. J., who. slept fo r sixteeji days " ke up, answered questt 6 u.-, ate ;ttie end then went to sle-p a ,i:i, is attracting much attention oe o f the most unusual cases <.f e-rping sickness known to Tv 1 ’ -icians. It ,s ili,.ught th i‘ "tfll recover howevere. k\ DE BOOZE TO SAV E TEETH h:,-ago.— Claiming that the tf the bootleggers sold her and, who was ill and had to his booze, frequent and pie i - raused hi:: teeth to become ier!e and was eating o f f his | PAGE L A S S IF IE D A D Li FOR SALE MiSCELANEOUS LOST AND FOUND CHINCHILLA R AB BtTS FOR ST R A YE D OR STOLEN DENTISTS SA L E : Must sell at once. Stock and white female 216 Chinchillas Rabbits about spaniel. Dr. Haines. 100 coming prime December, Dr. R. L. Burdic balance 3 to 5 months old. 3400 ST R A YE D OR STO LEN : 8 tur­ cash takes the lot. Also some keys, hens, from Mrs. S. K. j Dentili Barnes, Belleview. fi t ) reward hatches. Write for appointment. Hersey Bldg. LeRoy C. Ostrander, Siskiyou, fo r their whereabouts. Next to Elks Temple Oregon. 54-3t FOUND: Spare truck Tire and FOR S A L E : 2 nicely marked, full- wheel at Pinehurst. Oweuer can have same by identifying blooded Toggenherg milk goats property and paying >nying fo r a.r Dr. C. E. Shinn one fresh, a heavy milker, both vertisement. 4-t|l bred. At 416 Lilserty street. Dentistry Ashland Oregon. J. L. FOR RENT HOUSES Open evenings by appointment wood. It FOR R K N T : 6 room Modern house Residence 151-L FOR SA L E : Red S< ■d Oats. I.. H. 121 Bush Street. Phone 289 J. Gallatin, 18F3. 54-tf FOR RENT: Apartments for rent O ffice Phone la l-J Enquire 167 East Main street. FOR S A L E : Day Bed, new, oak Citizen» Bank Bldg. Dining Table and Chnirs, Some FOR KENT: Five room furnished other furniture. Call foreji-on -, house, 239 Second street. In-J. Residence Phone 184 F. F. Watson, 81 Strawberry quire at 713 Oal» street. ASHLAND, OREGON I,ane. FOR R EN T: rutm snea •4011*7. FOR S A L E : 24 Rh ode Island Red Holmes Grocery. PHYSICIAN pullets. Ready to lay. $J.5U. Rt. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 1 Bx 158 Ashlar d, Oregon. 52-2t-p FOR S A I.E : One Here o f ground Dr. Charles A. Haines Pumpkin The most pie you in Berries, five room house, garage, chicken house. Inquire j at 713 Oak street. 39-t | Physician and Surgeon O ffice Phone 164-.Î FOR S A L E : 10 gal. water tank | Home Phone 164-L and fittirvr* with electric heat­ W A N TED : Used Band Instru­ ments. Bring yours to us at j er. Elks Bldg., Barber Shop. Office Hour»: once if you want to sell. Elhnrtsj 10 to 12 A. M .— 8 to 5 P. M FOR S A L E : Red a n d - White Book and Music Store. 39-2t Tirapes 34c. P '- ’ kberri s 50c 89-tf | Hershey Building per crate on Vines. 430 Holly. TO TRADE— 9 room hou c, !-i Ashland, Oregon FOR SA L E : A white rotary elec­ ern improvements, lot 82x140,, tric sewing machine, Martha with $1509 equity; also 37 no. Washington type. In very good 4 miles west o f Central Point, condition, and has not been $1650 equity, to trade for small used long. It costs '16 0 and will Dr. W . J. Crandall acreage close to Ashland. W rite! sell fo r half price. Write Bx B C. A. Thompson, Central Point I care the Register. 39-ft Oregon. 51-2* Osteopathic Deli l ClOUS ever tasted and the whole family will say so too. Fine, solid pumpkin in a crisp crust. Only the finest matt rials used. FOR RENT: Three room apart-1 369 Hargndine street. Just j FOIL SA L E : or will exchange for around White House G rocery.! property in or nei ir Santa- Rose, 62-lt Calif., o r ’ for re v cor. Lot 6 , Blk. 1 1 Van N o i avenue. 100 FOR SAI.E: The Kirk Walnut! x 200 all street w irk done. Mrs. Trees. In Brownsville. Oregon, C. L. Hawley, S : ita Rosa, Cal. stands the Kirk walnut tree. Il i Rt. 2 Bx Mil. is the most remarkable and the ! FOR SALE LIVE STOCK OR SA L E : WM te rnllch Goats. 1 Billy Gt>at, 2 yea rs 0 ]Id, ellg- -ibi e to re gister. )ne nanny. year old. Two m nny kids. nb out five momthe ..id. Inquire Qt 63 Gresham Stre ct. 39-tf OR SA L E : Try ers and Hens, orn Fatteneü, 25 cents per pound. Phone 1 7F2 ‘OR RENT: Two gar ages at Laurel Street. 96 family would like to rent few acres for gardening, with house or small ranch with stock on -shares. Route 1 B\ 119. 55-2; HEARING NOTICE OF FINAL the County Court « lha State of Oregon for J« ikson County fn the Matter of the Estate of Arc hihald A. B rown, Deceased 5 5 -!t NOTICE TO CREDITORS M. Beaver Tel. <8 175 E. Main S t Ashland, Oregon JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Established in 1885 The Only Complete Title Sys­ tem in Jackson County Abstract» of Titlo and Title Insurance Are you going to Buy or Build a Home in Ashland 7 7 7 Write JOHN R .SHELEY Central Point, Oregon for LOANS-IO year County Agent for the Benefit Savings & Loan Association W e make loans on town prop­ erty anywhere in the county. REAL ESTATE Good City for Country ■— Buys and Trades L. NUTTER ' to Ashland, Oregon M, MISCELANEOUS Convalescent Home lb3 Granite Where the sick and aged are cared fo r in pleasant home surroundings. ____ O ffice Phone 128 Packing, Crating and Shipping Long Distance Hauling AUTO FREIGHT TERM INAL Phone 488-R MINA TROTTER, Administratrix. 55 4t > | SUMMONS j In the Circujt Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jackvon j County STATE OF OREGON. PLAINTIFF J. W. W A R D and MABEL >n, Ne 3 FINNEY OF THE FORCE ^ COAL, WOOD and STORAGE the County Court of the Stato WARD, Hi* Wife, I that .tica is hereby gi and of Oregon for Jackson "signed, executoi >f the GEORGE I«. LOY. and o f Archibald A. County ROSETTA R. LOY, Hit k have M ed th the Matter of tha Eitatf i final WiTe, Defandant*. Deceased. : n said county court and o f Job n 1. Uri Noti* time mntl , cj*tatf* to prese em v state i t Ore­ .r the hearing 0 t any oh- 1 er vou<■hers wi six there may b«- t 0 the sai27. CH ARLES OS BORNE We i fr By F. O. Alexander , Eye, Ear, Nosa and Throat best known nut tree in the State I because o f its wonderful y e ild 1 and its power to transmit to its I G. W . Gregg. M. D. seeding all its own qualities. I Citizens Bank Bldg. Experiments have proven that i O tficc Hours 10-1} A. M in a grove planted with an equal i 2-5 P. M. quantity o f nursery stock and Phones-69 (o ffic e ) 222-R(re«> the kirk trees, the form er were j outrivaled. Experiments have proven that trees from these I D. M. BROW ER. M. D. walnutj^are just as good, if not ! Uses Radio Heat better, than the original tr-m. 1 Theraphy in connection with I am agent for the Kirk waih.u other measures in treating dis­ ' —trees. Anyone wanting trees, see ease. O ffice at Residence. m e'a t 713 Oak Street. M. C. 216 Central Ave Dozier. I 53 .o H I ; Braver Realty Co. Physician and Surgeon First National Bank Building FOR RENT— Pasture V. V. Haul- ey, Walker Ave. : outh 51 tf W A N TED : To Care for children. Mrs. Dan Combs. Rt. 1 Talent, Oregon. 53 -St St. Helens— C on tra e« let .foi 30,000 high school aditorium. W ANTED TO R EN T: Man with LF.tALS REAL ESTATE Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. FOR SALE HOUSES delicious SEVEN B usiness and P rofessional D irectory Hates: One cent a word first insertion, one half cent t word thereafter F (TA SALE— Hay, V. V. Hauley, Walker ave., South. 51 tf Pie Don't depend u p o n luck. The word o f a reli- Hke the 4 I un 0 :i. heck, stnuO o.'j is go- j j ng to sing “ F^addlin’ .M a d e lin e 1 * Home” again. Whit? Methodist Church here met | 6. W h e n t h o u s h .lt quarrel' -Tillam ook Headlight” is now ne evening recently and drew up k i t h thy husband or when thou twice a week newspaper, 10 commandments fo r wives, ns j findeth it necessary to scold him, j follows: make it snappy and forget it. c REGISTER Hysterics? ? Phone 117 O ffice 89 Oak St. CLIFF BURLINGAME .'aintrr and f -orntor Papering, T> ing Phone 45J PUMPKIN CENTER Specials! Delicious Apples Muscat Grapes Thompson Seedless Toquet Grapes Rosa-Perll W holesale or Retail Orders filled for can­ ning Fruits tnd if yoti fail to appear within * «aid time, the plaintiff will apply to the cou rt for the relief demand- I sd in the said Complaint, to-w it: ! the name being the date o f the t firat publication o f this Summons, That the plaintiff have ju dg­ ment and decree foreclosing that | certain real property mortgage covering lots 8 u> 41 inclusive in Block 10 o f Central addition to the j City o f Engle Point, in Jackson County, Oregon, which Mortgn>ru was executed by J. W . Ward and ' Mabel Ward, his wife and dated .N ovem ber 25th, 1925 and o f re­ cord in Vol. 69, 01 1 p a * 1' to * 159 Inclusive, of Reforda o f Jacksoi 1 county, Ore- | gon, on which pro pert y a second mortgage was exec uted unto you, | and which mortgng f should be de- I creed second and inferior to the I claim o f the plaintiff. By order o f the Honorable Or- , ando M. Corkin, Judge, made 1 and dated October 26th, 1927, this Summons ia ser- d upon you liy ! publication fo r four successive weeks in the Ashland Register, I published at Ashland, said Jack- •on County, and .ipyearance ,nu.-t ■ be made within fou r weeks from ; the date o f the first publication . which ia O ctober 27th. 1927. « Wm M. BRIGGS. Attorney for plaintiff. P. O. Address, fio n e e r block, ■Ashland, Oregon. 9-4times O