r h ring Pi* -oof ite r 5.00 -5 0 0 " C ard P a rty j x h r -5 0 0 ” C a rd .p a rty given a t I. O. O. F. H all T ueaaay eveu- „ well attcr. I ‘ 1 a gplen- IU time was cnj«>ye«l by th e jol- erur d present. Mr*. E. C liff #vne and Mis- M arcella S crib n er fre the hostesses fo r th e even­ - TO OUR iron hair ing, and Mrs. Paul Mar* and Mrs. »core fo r ladies, an d Mr. Jam es C alahan had charge o f the dining , U ersey was the fo rtu n a te man room , w here splendid re fre sh ­ who took first honors; Mrs. Floyd m ents were served th e guests at Dickey was aw arded »he consola- th e close o f the evening’s e n te r­ t - mi lo r th e ladies, and Mr. Ed. tainm ent. h ig h fo r the men. ers o f muaic in S o u th ern O regon. The aim s o f th is society is to b ring about higher an d b e tte r i m usical sta n d ard s and prom ote frb idship betw een music lovers. Miss Leona M arsters. supervis­ Mrs. Georgb E ’h rec. ived a very or of the music a t th e S o u th ern Mu •ic TricK er« A n n . p re tty present f a r holding high ciregop N orm al school o rg an ised M embers o f the Jack so n County a Music T ea ch e r’s C h ap ter in K la­ ch ap ter 0 / th e S tate Music T each­ m ath Falls, last year. The K lam ­ e rs' Association met Tuesday at ath Falls C h a p te r and the Jack - the H otel M edford, w here they en ­ son C ounty C h ap ter a re am ong joyed luncheon. This was the first the largest in th e sta te . The m em ­ m eeting o f the season. bership o f th^ local ch a p te r has The Jackson eounty c h a p te r was g rea tly increased since its o rg a n ­ organized !a„t year and is com -| ization and they a re looking ahead posed of music teachers and lov­ f l) a V P B P a itiS O a o d Skw A# ficiency of the p resid en t. Miss Leona M arsters. The local ch a p te r expressed much in te rest in plans fo r the sta te convention which will occur n ex t May a t M edford. At this event m any o f P o rtlan d 's bestm usicians will be p resen t and take an active p art. It waa decid­ ed to divide the ch a p te r in to com ­ m ittees; piano, violin, and voice, w ith an active chairm an on each com m ittee, fo r the purpose of aid ­ ing the music professionals. The nam es of these ch airm an s will be disclosed a t a la te r d ate. T he next Covered Disk L u eck sea On T hursday evening, th e S en ­ ior C h ristian E ndeavor society of the F irst P resb y terian church, held a m ost successful covered reg u lar m eeting of the society will dish luncheon. T here were th irty - be held a t th e L ithia Springe Ho- five m em bers an d guests from th e Rural Customers »re- aw- 2t tel th ere will also be a luncheon. A shland m em bers p resen t a t the m eeting T uesday w ere Misa Leona M arstera, E stelle A lbert, Im m ogene W allace, Ruth Louise Y oder. L aura Raguse, Mesda ts.it J. R. Robertson,- and H arold Ait- kins, and M m » F ran z A. A uer, and W ard V. C roft. H igh school an d N orm al school, p resen t. S everal m iking gam es w ere played a t th e beginning of th e evening to stim u la te sociabil­ ity and in te rest. L uncheon was served a t aix th irty , a fte rw a rd a th e re follow ed a sh o rt business m eetin g in p re p a ra tio n fo r th a ■ ally Day p rogram , w hich is to be held n ex t S unday. Lloyd H ach, th e W estern Union T eleg rap h com pany’s m essenger boy, fell from his bicycle T h u rs­ day a t the Plaxa and su stain e d n p ain fu lly sprained w rist. R aym ond S te n n e t is fillin g his place. W hen you come to Ashland bring along th at pair of worn »hoes and take them back repaired in the best possible Manner! six rar- en- per iw- W e G iv e ¿).V/. G rf . en D iscount S tamps Always Real Service— Best M aterial The Latest Method! % i-2t ing ■ert * a 135 Overland ¡¡¡“ 1-t Greater Reductions on “Your feet will bring U back ceoooccceoecooeoocc LOTS OF PIECE GOODS FOR QUICKER CLOSE OUT Plan your Christmas Gift making now and select the makings here. It will lessen the cost and add sentiment to the gift if its Blox hand made. Ashland Lumber Company For Pretty Underthings BUILDING MATERIAL PHONE 20 OAK S T — AT RY. CROSSING Best of all would be of Skin­ ners Crepe, a heavy $2.95 quality at ......................... $2.19 WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE $2.50 flat Crepe at ....... $2.75 Roofing $1.95 Crepe-de-Chine _$1.49 $13.75 12 Womens Jum pers........59c $24.50 Values Sport Coats at ........................ $19.75 98c Baronette Satin ........ 69c $16.75 values Sport Coats at ...... ^ 1 |V J' J h sctÄ » $29.75 V alues Sport Coats at...................... $26.50 \ USE EVERFAST 50c Everfast Suiting now' ..35c 79c Everfast Shantone .... 49c 50c Everfast Prints a t ........39c $1.25 Spun Silk .................98c $49.75 Sport Coats at ..................................... $39.75 $59.50 \ alues Sport Coats at ........................ $48.00 50c Everfast Voile ............ 39c Fur Trimmed Velour Coats in Pretty $ O Q .7 5 Shades of Tans, Women’s S iz e s ........... Smocks, Childrens Dresses or any gift where fast color is an important item. 59c Everfast Gingham ...... 39c $1.50 to $1.95 Wash Satin or Messaline a t ...........7.'............98c $1.50 Everfast Super Broad­ cloth, underwear, Shades ..88c $34.50 Values Sport Coats at .......................... $29.75 For Bridge Sets, Table Covers • RIBBONS AND LACES 75c Everfast Voile ............ 55c Can be made into pretty gifts and at very little cost because of our sale price. $1.00 Everfast Brilete, a drop stitch rayon check ............ 69c One lot wide fancy ribbons 85c to $1.25 values a t ................ 49c 50c Lingerie C h eck............ 39c One lot 5 to 6 inch fancy and plain ribbons 9c yard. •c* $119 Bathrobe Flannel ... 89c $1.00 Bathrobe Flannel ... 69c / ( m- ÎWt 1 A wonderful line of very pretty 'LjtfUJ I l/YUfUj (AfhoJt G_ kcruAt foarïfc ,| oX. SHOES FOR EVENING W EAR 3 ju x m c a m sls - m i a / n A Kcon, Swift Empire y___(None Sliced at this Price) [& G Soap 10 Bars 31c 35c , 1 !I Nut Chewing Tobacco 3 for pglish W alnuts, New Crop, 2 lbs 20c j h^Crop Local Pink Beans 3 lbs P u t , Butter substitute, 3 lb 25c Dainty one strap slippers and plain strip pumps in black Satin amr patent leather are quite the vogue with the evening gown. These are perfect fitting shoes in combination lasts and widths from A A to B. Net Paper 6 Rolls V.9^ (M l , ua C jj M *6 50 to *8 L . honest weight and lowest prices. Balloons, Tops and Crickets for the Kiddies on Saturday *297S Allen A Hosiery WOMEN’S WEAR. ANO DR.Y GOODS M i r MAIN ST ASHLANO.ORC — i ------------------ .J L . m Ï Georgous Beaded Dresses in Pastel Crepes lAshland Cash & Carry N D eliver for kM*