Week Tkf R t fia lr r M ajority o f rra ck n Farm Ik* H oaioa la Southern O rrgoa FORMERLY V O LU M E Such a mysterious disease I imong swine or cattle would be ; vest ¡gated and fought by the government energetically. The Rockefeller Institute is do- j Tig admirable work, but a nation I f 115,000,000 should not leave! uch a task to the generosity of ne man. A SH LA ND . JACKSON C O U N T Y . 3 OPENING WILL BE CENTRAL POINT AND A SH LAND AMERICAN OREGON. T U E SD A Y . NOVEMBER 15. 1927 NUMBER 54 KIWANIS TO BACK Early Ashland Landmark TOUFIST TRAVEL Gives Away to Progress RED CROSS DRIVE — Silty Four Mora Cart I T. H. Simpson of Local Organisa­ With workman busy tearing For the younger generation this Ona Ragittar Thit October Ovar tion It Ganara! Chairman down an old building just hack of ig , rare sight and worth walking Lati O f Campaign Emil Piels implement store. it d#wn to the buiuling, to , ee ex_ 1 marks the passing of one of the iactly how the pioneers overcome Tourist travel through the city The local Kiwanians expect to early Ashland buildings, and of Ashland has shown a decided in­ open the Red Cross membership shows the method of construction difficulties in their buildings, crease this year over last during campaign, immediately following used when nails werei at a prem- The roof and sides were nailed Forty Florida newspapers com- the 12:10 luncheon at the Lithia I ium and .had to be transported; on with nails that were hauled the month of October this year. lined to publish, every two weeks, i Springs Hotel, Friday, November many a weary mile by team. from Crescent City, and the nails this November, according to fig- i special supplement, called “ The 18, 1927. The drive is to be con- The building, according to Em el1 were the old fashioned type cut ures on files in the office of the Farm and Grove Section” . It will 1 ducted by the members of the o rd -! Piel, was first erected in I860, Hails, or square bodies, with a C hamber o f Commerce. During supply people in and out o f the er, on the streets, among friends j just! east of the present residence square head cut from plate. the month if October this year, j state with full information about and acquaintances, until the re- of Mr. Piel. and was built by Jacob In 1887. the barn was moved 164 more tourists registered i.i Florida’s agricultural resources quired quota is raised. T. H. Simp- Wagner father of Postmaster from its Granite street location Ashland than a year ago, and this j ^nd the way to develop them. Mr. Frank R. Hammett, of Jack- Chamber of Commerce Dl- *on explf in*d the different types Wagner who used it for a barn, down the hill, to a place just op- month until the 12th of November profe#sor Q. R Hy«lop o f membership _of the organize- The lumber for the building wa- posite the Park Garage, where in >he increase has been about ten p ^ Agricultural Col- sonville. will have charge of this rectors Vote to bupport i tion, stating hat the Red Cross purchased from the Wagner, Hell 1907, Mr. Piel purchased it, as per cent or twenty-six more for: rrom A g useful work. lege Gives Talk Opening depends upon the dollar member­ man, and Gillette Saw Mills, well as other property’ in this v i-1 the first twelve days o f the month.! ship funds to carry on the nation­ w’hich at that time was located cinity and moved it just back of In October 1926, there were a Wealth and fertility unlimited DELEGATES NAMED al and international programs. j just about where tTie Ice plant is the building ocupied by his im- total of 608 cars registered dur­ MANY ATTEND MEET | are in Florida’s soil. ----------- ] The four types have their own now located. The frame work is plement store, where it done active ing October as compared with 772 I The “ tourist” will a'ways be Local People are Asked to special dues of $ i, $5. $ 1 0 and $25 built o f 6x8 Sugar Pine, dove tails service as a blacksmith shop, and | for the same month in 1927. For Forty Five Farmers and one of the great Florida -rops, but; yearly. Fifty cents from each and motised with holes bored and later a store room. The roof how- the first twelve days in November Kiwanians Attend Joint Present Chamber at Na­ , Florida in a few years will look ! membership is sent to National wooden pins, driven in tfo hold as ever finally succumed to the the ! o f this month there has been 240 Meeting tional Meeting I back with wonder to the lay when Headquarters at Washington D. a substitute for nails, or toe nail­ ravages o f time, and it was neces­ registrations, while a year ago the tourist was the “ principal” 1 ■ sary to dismantle the building. C. the balance remains in the ing as is done in this day. the total for the first twelve days The Ashland Kiwanis club ob­ crop of the State and i.* chief fi-l Steps were taken at the regular treasury of the local chapter for was 214. served their annual farmers day naneial reliance. meeting of the Board of Directors home work. Two other types o No l arlH ul.ii reason for this in 1 Friday when about forty M M Industries will be < ‘ nblished i of the Chamber of Commerce held membership are provided in addi-1 j creHse has been offered by the guests from the surrounding ter­ jnd factories built tnrjughout >a*t ni8ht to a8ain have a Christ- tion to the annual memberships; j Chamber o f Commerce officials, ritory heard Professor, G. R. Hy- - lorida as they are building now mas opening similar to the one last and the pat- I although it is known that the fall slop, from the Oregon Agricultur­ n California. year when Ashland’s streets were the life membership . . . the this year has been more conducive al college discuss some of thronged with hundreds of people r‘ ,n s rn®m >hip. A life member- No one can estimate ’ ’ ip future | to travel than a year ago due to problems that confront agriculture i to view the windows o f the local J ? ip ia * or * dollar Pa> ’- of that great State only TEMPO-! Lithians to Have Charge of th« Twenty Round, of Boxing Will | the fine sun shiny days that have today. m*nA *.*"d..a patron’s membership RARILY set back by l cal estate merchants. This matter was refer-, a Roteburg Game, and makr Be One of the The Big $100 dollar payment. These fees prevailed throughout southern ed to the Retail Merchants com- In view of the fact that this talk booming and foolishness. Plant Feature* Oregon. mittee, and it is thought that some i *b*!' ent’ reO > 8” to the Nation- contained so much valuable in­ definite announcement of the date, a e >«>- treasury and are add- formation it is given in detnil, Albert Edward Davies, twenty-, The Ashland Lithians will dedi- The Ashland Lodge No. 944, B. made ‘ ed lo tbe endowment fund. The through the courtesy of Ralph Bill­ eight, was told by doctors that his andthe ‘feneI*Bl plan w,n be annual Red Cross is dependent upon the cate the High School Grand stand P. O. E. will give the ings chairman of the meeting. three-year-old daughter must die 1 annual dues to carry on its exten- when the Grizzlies meet the fast Thanksgiving Smoker, on Satur-! His talk was as fqllows: The directors passed upon two i sive proirram of septic pneumonia; it was only Roseburg team here next Friday | day, November 19th, in the Elks1 Nine years ago today the civiliz­ refertndums submitted by the Un- _ . „ _ . a matter of days. The child was afternoon. S. A. Peters Jr., has Temple. Each member is privileg- i ed world was l u l l e d over the suc­ n ’ 88 rl e' put 0:1 m been named as general chairman ed to invite one guest, eligible4 to in dreadful agony. The father ited States Chamber of Commerce . . ,.e * cessful ending of its greatest drowned her in the bathtub to end the first being on the proposed f * " 8* by tbe Mtd,ord Ki* » n' of the day’s activities, and has a p -1 membership, but no minors will Approximately Four Hundred struggle. Few of us realized the four hundred million dollar t a x ,'? ” ' ’ 1 8 K" ln* " Ver 80 b'K ,bat her suffering. “ I could not bear they were forced to borrow Red pointed Major C. A. Malone as be admitted. | Were Here for Visit of Po­ serious problems of returning to „ to see her suffer anyi longer.” he reduction. It was unanimous op- chairman of the ticket sales com­ A fine one hundred and fifty | tentate . i i k rt o .«< 1 t k A S __ ____ ' roSi" supplies from Ashland to normal peace time activities and inion of the board that any action said when he gave himself up. mittee. L. L. Leedom and Arthur dollar dining room set will be help them out. -ome are still wondering if peace taken by the President should be M. Peters will have charge of the given away as first prize; a lib- At the hour of 10:30 last night, The judge said he was bound to backed up and it was so votefl. music, and B. C. Forsythe will rary table as second prize; and a | Hillah Temple again ended anoth­ time normalcy has yet arrived. It is therefore fitting today on >>!1 the jury; “ Had this poor The board also unanimously voted took after the decorations. j decorated floor lamp, as third er ceremonial; one this time thnt this greatest of our national holi­ child been an animal instead of *n favor of Federal aid, in the Every effort will be ^jnade a e-iP r' ze- These prizes are on display will live long in the memory of days that we pause to think over a human being the man would m“ tter of Missippi, flood contruLj wording to Chairman Peters to at J. P. Dodge and Sons. those who attended. our mutual achievements and to have been actually liable to pun- Members plannig on going to Haw- make this the greatest day in the Turkeys and hams, as well as It was marked with unusual consider our joint or mutual ishment if he had not put it out of aii were °f>c>aIly certified as dele- history of Ashland High school mfcny other useful articles will be achievement from every stand- problems. its misery. 7 hat is the law.” The Kates from this Chamber of Member* of Congregational football. Arrangements are being dispensed. Twenty two fast [ point and much credit is due to This is the time when we need jury acquitted the man. Commerce, to the National Cham- j chul ch Observe Church made to secure the services of the rounds have been arranged | the committees and members who organizations of builders; those Birth control ladies will be m- ber o i Commerce meeting to b e ! Dedication band, and the Lithians Will meet for the athletic fans, with Gen# contributed to it’s success. After who are looking ahead in all voca­ terested in his case. His wife was held there. Announcement o f those j _______ and attend the game in a body. O’Grady of Ashland and Pat Me- a busy session of confering the tion that we may avoid too much tubercular, had four children in irom A^land that will make the The Ashland Congregational The dedication ceremonies have Fadden o f Klamath Falls as head first and third sections, which j of class misunderstandings and four years, died in the fouth child- *r’ p wl^ be mad* soon. church started a campaign Sunday not been announced as yet, but liners. took pl%ce in the afternoon, came ! prejudices and really progress to- birth. The law would have pun- ------------------------- 1 morning for raising the 1928 'preliminary plans call for an un- The annual big crab feed will the one session that was probab­ ward constructive ideals for a bet­ ished anybody showing her how to j^ jp yy js jp MRS FNDERS Eburcb budget. This was the first usual and impressive service at conclude the evening’s entertain­ ly as impressive as any; the ban­ ter community and state and na­ avoid that. the game. ment. All profits derived from this quet held in the Elks Temple at tional success. HOME FROM TRIP Z Z lT rS "L T event goes to the Christmas Char­ 6:45, Annual Day made to the budget were more CHAMBER RECEIVES ity Fund. Surely no one ever dreamed of Today is your annual Kiwanis Mr. and Mrs. John Enders re- than generous, n better one and the Plaza, under agriculturial day. the day o f agri­ M ANY MAGAZINES turned Friday night from a busi- Reverend C. H. Harrison of whose management the banquet culture in your organization and (ness trip to San Francisco, where . ¡ Portland, . superintendent , -------------- .. of — the "a s served is to be congratulated. I am to tell you of some o f the The Ashland Chamber o f Com­ they purchased an extensive line Oregon Congregational confer- During this hour, musical selec­ things the Department of Agricul­ merce is delighted with the way I of merchandise, ladies’ wearing an- ence spoke warmly of the fine tions by Prof. Franz Auer and ture and the Experiment stations Moroni Olsen Player* in Second : parei( beautiful novelties for the work thp loca, ch'urch haf, done the citizens of Ashland have re­ Dinge Bros. dance orchestra, and the Extension Service of the sponded to their call for ol<| ma­ Season* Appearance Make ¡Christmas trade, shoes and hats, (luring the last year. were given which were met with Agricultural College are doing and gazines. newspapers, etc. These! — ■ ■ Hit , >■ ,. 1 Mr. . . and Mrs. Enders visited ah A very fine dinner was enjoy­ magazines are being distributed to M *mb«r* to Hold Meeting Next enthusiasm unbound, especially building and passing on fo the de­ wholesale houses and exclti- when Prof. Auer started playing velopment of better farming. 'lhur»d«y Evening at Athland . ‘ i .• Moroni Giscn Players up- PjVP department stores, gathering ed in the church parlors follow­ people who li\e out in 'distant old time songs such a* “ Old Ri „ ing the morning services, by the (Continued on Page 6 ) trade points. Mr. Harlan, secre- Hotel ibid their splendid reputation la-t tbe newest and th best in ide.; ---------- Joe.” “ The Side Walks o f New members and families of the tary of the Chamber o f Commerce 1 e vening at the Southern Oregon | aru| goods. < church. Mr. 11. C. Galey, _ The Tourist Publicity Group, ' o r a n < ^ t»any others o f equal Apple Display Don ¡stales that these people are pro­ Normal auditorium in presenting The Lilies o f the Field - a spark-1 End/ rs, states tbat }•*'*'* Spencer and Rev. C. D. ' Gaffn'oy fuse in their thanks, and appre­ sponsored by the Ashland Cham-! eons«’ilu«ncea, Mr. Albert Johnson of 601 W’ al- afternoon frock3 may he had in were the comnvittee*in charge of ciate the efforts of the people in ber o f Commerce will meet at fC following the banquet came the nut street has on display in tha ling Comedy of modern English flat crepes, georgette, velvets, sa - ! the affajr. During the afternoon their behalf. ’clock Thursday evening at the 8< < >nd and busiest section o f the | window of the Chamber of Com- life, by John Hastings Turner, and ins. and soft wools, in the neutral members were solicited, and it is Ashland Hotel. J. A. McGee is i c<’rf“m°nial; that in which the can- merce one of the Gnest apple ex­ the crowd which filled the auditor­ shades mostly but the styles a r c , thought the campaign will be | chariman o f this group which ¡f l din. He hu. „ box ium received the production with very versatile. Sports dresses, are completed within the next few j SPFCIAL RATES MADE composed o f the business men o f] to act tor themselves. During this of Winter Bananas, a box o f genuine enthusiasm. OVER THE in flannels, jerseys, and wools, i days. Reports of the various de- _____ HOLIDAYS the town who come in direc t con-J many speakers were heard Newtowns, a box of Golden Deli­ -x. The Moroni Olsen Repertory some in somber hues and some in j „artments o f the church show re-1 ¡tact with tourists and strangers |8 n j morou# remark* «nd then settlVd T. W . Hudson of Scenic Drive W ORKING GIRL GOOD BREAK in O'’* * 0" ’ California, and Neva­ investigate the attractions and op- doWn to * mor* »erious composure has on display clusters of Ever­ of two young English girls who i Tbe evenin* fr0ck m,y_ b* th* da, where the one way fare does portunities of Ashland, before ¡ L*,,lnir o f the importance of the green and Himalaya blackberries, are twin daughters of a Vicar and plaine!“ of th* plain o r*it may ^ not exceed $30.00. fraternity; of what it should going on their way. _ _____ his wife. The grandmother from elab<>r* U ,y Paying the part of Janet mean which have aroused the curiosity Tickets for children between the to f\ ery member; of the thousands 'and admiration of tourists and London is the cause of some tense The outstanding colors of the W'olls, private secretary to an ab- A t this first meeting of the that the strangers. moments in the play and the s***on ar* black and brown. Felt; sent minded business man in “ Fig- ages of 5 to 12 * t half adult rates. Publicity group, Mr. V. V. Mills of crippled children i M L DEDICATE THE ELKS SMOKER TO BE HELD SATURDAY H U H TEMPII WAS HOSTS TO M M M I P M S IM IO “EILIES OF FIELD” PIEUSE AUDIENCE «rrandmother’s part was taken hat* in a’ * c° l ors ° f rainbow most admirably by Janet Young. are worn. but metallic hat, bo has become a great favorite ! small, close fitting and somewhnt into great *'*h Ashland theatrn goers. Mor­ irregular is coming oni Olsen played the part of popularity, especially for dances h- naby Hadden, the antiquarian and afternoon affairs. Mr. Enders *nd falls in love with the Vicar’s has purchased a wonderful line of d* *hter, Elizabeth, played by shoes in suedes, patents, satins, al! the newest pumps, straps and D’ r' thy Adams. hrvon Kay Foulger. who has ties in the prevailing mode, suit- •Ppcared here on several previous able for dress wear, and general •«asions presented the character street. The Enders Store ia add- ®f the Vicar in true English style ing a gift department this is to ures Don’t Lie” which reaches the Vining next Tuesday, Wednesday *nd Thursday and Friday. Esth- er Ralston takes a role that she has always wanted to portray, The, "working girl” theme has al- ways been of special interest to the blonde paramount star she de­ dares and she has wanted for a long time U portray such a girl, " I wanted to see the working girl get a fair break in pictures,” Miss Ralston said. “ You see I Sale dates according to Mr. Kram- er * rf 1° be in effect on Novem­ ber 22nd-23rd and 24th with re­ turn limit November 28th. Nor­ mal school students as well as the general public may be able to Uke advantage of these rates during the Thanksgiving holiday season. P op C ora D isplayed will give a talk on the purpose of Xhrme were taking care of. . „ d of his future work while in office. He the class. also spoke of what d great coun­ Earl Crow will speak on the try the Northwest was, and of his Opportunity of Selling Ashland at various impressions since leav­ the service stations. ing Providence. R. I. J.*t July 8th. J. B. Saundcr.i, will tell of the And lastly, he demonstrated his Opportunity to "Sell Ashland” at ability! as a musician by p|ay two the Barber shops. trumpet solos, accompanied by the Harry Harrison will explain the Shrine “ Dutch Band.” It is estfi °fPl^ rt“ n*tU'', ** lh* GmT*** mn* "«•ted that nearly 400 Nobles at­ J. E. Parr, the opportunity at the tended the ceremonial, many com- Hotel Desk. ' " 8 in late just in time to get in on the events of the evening. It These meetings promise to be both beneficial and interesting. •« safe to « y that Hillah Temple They will convene every two made a lasting impression on the members o f the Imperial party weeks. •nd that it win long remember Among the school teachers who Southern Oregon. Busin«** Men's CUs* The Young Business men's class of the Presbyterian Church met Sunday at the church in their first regular meeting. About eight or nine'young men were present, and Rev. Mitchel- more who is class leader expects about fifteen or twenty present next Sunday. This class promises to be very interesting and the election of officers will take place next Sunday. A plate of popcorn on display at the Chamber of Commerce, :a causing much comment. This com *nd accent. All of the other mem- ** v* ry «o»P*«te. here everything worked mighty hard as a young yellow in color, and each ear at b‘'r' of the company were well may be found in the latest novel- *ter although I never was a steno- least ten inches in length, arms Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Badger ra»’ and the audience was gener- ri**’ *“ *u b l* ior Christmas gifts, »rapher. I have seen the working grown by W . J. Albert and he stopped o ff to visit Mrs. Badger’s 0u* and appreciative. — — ff>r! ridiculed and burlesqued and would be pleased to hear from ex­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adamaon perts on the subject. The Moroni Olsen Players will The Southern Oregon Chapter 1 didn't feel that she was getting north of Ashland on their way $*•>' another engagement in <»f the State Music Teachers asso fair treatment. home to California. Mr. and Mrs. Coming at Miss Mary Anderson has return­ attended the Home ^ ' !and under the auspices o f the ! cition met today in their first1 -------------------------------- Baker— Plans accepted for 103 Badger attended tbe Home Corn* Misées Jo them Oregon Normal school meeting of the season with at Mr. J. L Greenwood who rqr ed from Eugene where she took in Eugene last week were ing at Eugene. Dwyer, Johnson. Begg and Milne room $200,000 hotel. ** Jznuanf. luncheon at the Hotel Medford. *>dee on Liberty street is very ilL I the Home Coming.