Pi PAGE TWO Galey, H. O. Anderson, Gordon MacCracken and H. A. Stearns, of Ashland; and Mesdames C. M. Belcher A. R. Clement, Glen Fab- rick, Fred Cummings, and H. N. Waltermire o f Medford. Rebekahl Meet I sol Tu Me in Mi ini lo» ho Sa th< sa! no st< Mi lit lai an kn as h» lai Ol Ivi wi th br wi ali er tii w a M G hi T A ei fi d n h guitar and the harmonica; Daisy Mrs. Mary Husted o f Portland,' be the diversion o f the evening's Yeoman gave a delightful affa ir Tuesday evening at the Moose Y ary an gave a rending and Victor Oregon was present at this meet- entertainment. Hall. About 150 Yeoman and York also delivered a reading ing, which was called for gener- --------- their friends were present. The The program was followed by a al inspection. A large attendance W ill Eatertaia following delightful program was dance by the Yeoman Orchestra, was present add a profitable and j Mys. J. M. Wagner, Mrs. ¥t D. a splendid orchestra composed of enjoyable time enjoyed hy the Wagner, and Miss Lydia McCall enjoyed. six pieces. Refreshments wen Several piano duets by the Mit- members. "e will entertain with an evening of served at midnight. Bridge on Friday November 11th, chel twins, silo, by Floyd Young, P. E. O. Moots at the F. D. Wagner residence on accompanied at -the piano by Mary T o E a t e r t a i a Sa tu rda y The Local Chapter o f AC. P. £. Reedsport — Contractor Ken- 47 Granite street. j Galey; solo by Letha Miles, ac- 0. was entertained at the resi-1 Mrs. C. A. Haines , will enter- strom moves 92,000 yards rock jjjr j --------- j companied by Mary Galey at the dence o f Mrs. J. W. McCoy on j tain a group of friends at Yeoman M e e t in g ' piano; Ward. Parkinson and Mil- and earth in 5 weeks on Roost - u North . u u’ Main . a ^ Wednesday, j xt ____________ ____ _ on _ n ____u street, Saturday, Novem -, home Church The Brotherhood o f American ! ton Franklin favored with the steel velt highway ber Ôth, 1927. ' November the twelvth. Bridge will ies: Mesdames 0. W. Long, Don­ ald Whitney, Frank Merrill, G. H. H eiberg, C. A. Shutts, Tony Fran­ co, J. D. McRae, C. I. J. Porter, Dewey Sackett, Elsie Churchman and H. H. Gillette. Hope Rebekah Lodge met Tues­ day evening the 8th in regular session. Plans for the annual Homecoming were discussed. It was planned to have a covered luncheon at sic o’clock in the din­ Jolly Bunch Club ing room, then a varied program Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Roberts and and dance later on in the evening. A ll Odd Fellows their wives, and Mr. and Mrs. Koch entertained ill Rebekahs and their husbands the Jilly Bunch Club at the Rob- .« is ............. - s or*« rosi.lpncp nn Church utrpet. V ’ u o a f the valley are expected to at- ertf residence on Church street, tend and help make this occasion Wednesday evening with four one long to U remembered. tables o f Five Hundred. -----'-------------- Th e committee for the evening was. Mrs. Lulu Wilson, chairman, Mrs. Anna Walker. Mis, Lets Walker Mr. and Mrs. Worthing- ton. Mrs. Delia Acklin, Miss Jean AiUheson, Miss Josephine Barber, Mrs. Nellie Beeson. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Brown. ^ r*‘ George Eib won a lovely i » “ fo r carrying o ff the first P * * « iot '“ dle* » nd Mr G‘'or* e E' b w** ^ successful gentlemen, Tbe consolation prizes were taken b> Mr* E C‘ F* y ne ,nd Mr Mont- gomery. The decorations were beautiful bouquets o f colorful chrysanthemums scattered about ’ the rooms and at the tables. Deli- E n te rtain * at Luncheon Mrs. Louis Dodge delightfully ' cious refreshments were served by entertained at her beautiful home the ‘ he evening, on the Boulevard, Wednesday af-j The guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ternoon, w|th a one o'clock lun-1 erts and Mr. and Mrs. Koch were rheou fo r the Ashland and* Med-j Mr. and Mrs. George Eib, Mr. and ford ieleg a te » who assisted her'at -Mrs. George Crapsey, Mr. and th* P. T , A ¿a te convention held Mr*. E. C. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. in La Grande* in October. J- C. Hersey, Mr. and Mrs. Mont- A t the beautifully decorated [.gomery, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mad- and perfectly appointed table, den and Mrs. Jennie Gilbert. place* 'were laid fo r twelve guests. Very interesting and laugh pro­ E le ve n O 'c lo c k B rid g e voking were the place cards in Mrs. Dyrud delightfully enter­ blue and gold (the P. T. A. colors) tained the Eleven o’clock bridge these cards held some laughable c|ub Wednesday evening at her or outstanding incident that took home on Fourth gtreet. place at the convention. The table Three ub)eg o f bri(f(fe were in was beautiful with its huge ten- ,,lay durin<( the evenin(r. H lgh , terpiece o f tf.lden chrysanthe More wai) won by Mrg 0 w mums, as were the rooms, the color and Mrg. Dona|d Whitney receiv-| scheme o f blue and gold being ar­ ed thd consolation. tistically carried out. Mrs. Dyrud’t guests for the A fter luncheon, plans wdVe evening were the following lad- made for the betterment o f Par­ ent-Teachers work in the tenth district (this district.) A letter o f congratulation was sent to Mr. A. Walker o f Grants Mrs. Nellie Seilaff’ s Pass, who was elected vice-presi­ Kindergarten dent o f this district, he was o ffe r ­ ed the help and cooperation o f the and Nursery ladies in theenth district in the preparation and work to be done 133 Hargadine Street fo r the state convention to be held in Grante Pass in 1929. Tuition $5 per month The ladies who enjoyed Mrs. Hours to suit parents Dodge's hospitality were: Mes­ convenience. dames C. J. Baughman, M. M. Brower, F. W. Hitchcock, A. C. d W e G ive Greater LOTS OF PIECE GOODS FOR QUICKER CLOSE OUT * Plan your Christmas Gift making now and select the f k c i Our First Car hand made- $16.75 values Sport Coats at .......A..................... $13.75 $29.75 Values Sport Coats a t .......................... $26.50 « $34.50 Values Sport Coats a t ..........................$29 75 $49.75 Values Sport Coats at ............. .•........... $39.75 $59.50 Values Sport Coats a t ............................$48.00 Fur Trimmed Velour Coats in Pretty Shades $ 0 0 - 7 5 of Tans, Women’s S iz e s ................................ Green Venice Cloth, all splendidly set o ff 12 Womens. Jumpers ........................... 59- 50 Everfast Suiting now ...................... 3oc 98c Baronette Satin 79c Everfast Shantone now ..................49c ......................... 6.'* • $1.25 Spun Silk .....................................98c 59c Everfast Gingham Cloth $1.50 to $1.95 Wash Satin or at .............. 50c Everfast Prints now .....................39c Messali-ie 98c $1.50 Everfast Super Broadcloth, under­ wear, Shades ........ !..88c 39c 75e Everfast Voile ................... - ....... 55c RIBBONS A N D LACES $1.00 Everfast Brilete, a drop atitch ray­ on check ...... - ............ .. ...... ............... 09c ‘ d» 50c Lingerie Check ...... TT..30C Can be made into pretty gifts and at very little coat because o f our sale price. $1.19 Bathrobe Flannel ..... 89c $1.00 Bathrobe Flannel 69e ........ Peggy O’Dare and Louise attractive price of— »23 .85 (♦ bow ............... ...... $2.4$ $4.60 to $1.00 Wool V e lo u r...... ....... $2.4* $10.75, $13.75 and $16.75 $6.00 Heather Velour C oatin g........ or mol-ring- ........ $3.75 54-iach Haevy Serge $10# ...„......... $1.9$ $1.9« $3.00 48-ia Wool Tw o piece and one piece Dresses for school, sporta, $2.75 40-iack Wool Crepe Porret Twill black, $$.00 Strip* W on ted ...... ........ ....... $1.69 brown, beaver One lot $1.45 fancy w onted suiting» wool One lot wool flannels plaid and fancy np batiste er serge now _____ ____ ______..$$# to $1.05 at $ 1 .« .............. .$1.49 FLO U R SPERRYS 3 LB. PKG. .... 29 ? 5 LB. STRAIN- £ Q c ED, A T V V SPERRYS 10 LB. SACK ßQc 10 LB P A IL $1 .37 STRAINED A T 1 BUCKW HEAT .O Q 3 LB. PKG. . NATIONALLY KNOWN HOSIERY LINES And no Better Offered at the Prices A LLE N HOSE Full Fashioned $1.00 Hose, One thread ray- Our $1.50 service Hose now $1.46. This has been our big selling long wearing num­ ber. Silk to hem service weight ............$1.45 Silk to hem Chiffon weight ............. $1.50 Silk to Top fin* Chiffon ___ _______ $2.50 CRANBERRIES Now that the winter rams 35 ‘ ic e and the cold weather has started it is time to think of Pointed Heel $1.00 Hose Pure silk to, the Kewpie Twin Shoes for the Kiddies. A com­ plete stock of Shoes and Oxfords in W E DELIVER FREE INSIDE C IT Y LIM ITS Hardy Brothers [I $1.89 Dancing Chiffon now _____ $1.7* The new Taper Heel, long pointed, fine 4b^ ,on ............... ...................... — ....... $2.00 I — u hem Blue C n n e service weight. RELIEF CORP FOOD SALE S A T U R D A Y i — M U N SIN G W EAR HOSE on to three threads o f silk ........ ...... $1.00 FRESH 2 LBS. FOR I .aces and Dress Trimmings 1-3 to 1-2 O ff with pretty $4.00 Broadcloth SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY THOSE LARGE Q c CANS One lot wide faacy ribbons 85c to $1.25 values at ..... ........................................ 49c One lot 5 to 6 inch fancy and plain rib­ bons 9c yard. Jersey Sport Drea*ca W e are featuring a lot of Alcott Dresses at the very TO M A T O SOUP ............ 39c W OOL GOODS FURTHER REDUCED ;• r 43 ' ........................52-75 fur sets and lined with crepe. Misses and $4_Q-00 Women’s sizes a t ............................................ GET YO UR W IN TE R S U PP LY N O W COMB 2 FOR USE EVERFAST $1.95 Crepe-de-Chine ..................... _$1.49 50e Everfast Voile ............... 1.80 H O TC AKE Smocks, Childrens Dresses or any gift where fast color is an important item Best of all would be o f Skinners Crepe, « heavy $2.95 quality at ....................... $2.19 $2.50 flat Crepe at $24.50 Values Sport Coats a t .......................... $19.75 Dress Coats in black broadcloth, or tan, navy, brown or BUT W E N O W H AV E SOME MORE OF TH E SAME KIND, G U ARANTEED , A T — HONEY For Bridge Sets, Table Covers For Pretty Underthings O f special interest is our large showing o f wonderful LASTED JUST 10 DAYS $ * C OF K L A M A T H NETTED GEM PO TATO ES makings here. It will lessen the cost and add sentiment to the gift if its P V I V li s t t Reductions on .-J Blue Crane $1.19 Hose all silk to top, rt.y fine Chiffon, a wonder hose at $1.19. both black artd tan leathers. GoMard Corsets S A TU R D A Y IS B ALLO O N D A Y TH E CHILDREN FOR Munsingwear W0MEM5 WCML AND DUT ÚOO¿S H Z E MAIN ST ASH LAN D ,O RE Agency