R E G I S T E R ' ■ . i ■ thousand Ram- im sugar with a much o f a poet, it adds to the fun Oregon o f ten and two thirds whijg sugar with a SOUND AS RE CO RD ED ON ' canion. w drop« _______ r . i rlavoring. You to answer in rhyme. But whatever bouillett sheep by commissioners SH E E T few o f ___ maple THE SIL V E R ^will be pleased with the flavor o f y 0U do, Answ er! Do not keep-the frojn the United Soviet States of S u n d a y S ch o o l C o n v e n t io n * _ — pie 1 _ »» . , , . , moving •----- picture o f a S" * d , . your hostess ill th* proverbial “ kettle K j* 3ia was announced here A Sunday School conven-.i.jvi 1 The ------------- Nararene - * ------- now*, h»» OR t «| | "cmiaren ..chiWren utce sieameu -teafned Bostop ^ .iswreur - been captured - d o sio * 0f 0j j hot water” uiftil th* last mom- yesterday. The Hay Creek ranch. will be held at the ehurch, commenting the even in g, scre* * in t’pe of 1 * mo8t e ec thrown bread this time o f yeaf fo r enL MRS. C. J. READ, ed itor J k near Madras, Ore., which sold the 'tiv e and unusual akota ever ma le ,^ ^ ,UMh#fc j;ave your riraie w l Res. Phone 326-R o f November 6th. Phone >5 Uc riieep will ship 44 cars Monday and .Dr. E. P. E fly v b , Editor o f the * camera. „ ffe e and baking powder cans to 10,000 OREGON SHEEP | 06 cars about five days later. Th, Sunday School publications, and It is the roll o f the war d r u m s !steam It in. The fallow ing*is an C oif Luacheon at Home of Mrs. N O V E M B E R WARMTH BOUGHT FOR SOVIET Rev. Mrs. M. Emily Ellyson wh '»If and g o lf enthusiasts are looking heart, * ‘ o f the vTorld \\ ar. First is shown sour milk, t beaten egg. Mix thor- j forward to the luncheon with keen Eight new pupils have entered a German drummer, marching at oughly, fill greased Your friends will gladly ’ »tgy. tins J r o 1 anticipation. NEW SAUER KRAUT the Junior High school within thè the head o f a miiity band. Then a thirds full, cover and steam three 3 POUNDS FOR a,t two weeks. T o u t enrolluo.it French, then Belgian, then Aus- hours. nalflI1, mny m Buueu IU E a tr r ta iiu at B n d g a M u sic S tu d y C lu b . Raisins may be added to in the Junior High School now trial», then English-and on and on mixture if desired. Sliced thin and Mr. and Mra. S. A. Peter« Jr., The Ashland Music Study d u b H O M E GROW N SORGHUM r dissolving one into the other. spread with a chopped nut or dried delightfully entertained with thr-e. met in regular session in the Pres- % 2 1-2 LB. TINS A T .................... a ll S«iuad The first appears small ........ fruit ........ filling, bread table* o f bridge, Thursday even-j byterian church parlors on Mon- * The e. Junior u n ,or. High ** footb 001 >a ---- - figure’ - ------ «** the I brown .v w .. u.cw« ing, November 3rd, at their plea- day night, October 31. The abject aV<, . een 0,nir some strenuous | on the 3fr(,en, then grows larger makes delicious lunches fo r young ONE BATH TO W EL FREE W IT H 10 sant home on Iowa street. discussed was the F.le- ^ prepa,atu'n ior the ***ne and larger, until the rattling folk’s parties. BARS OF DONA CASTILE SOAP Q g c r riday at three o . ’clock with the I drums seem to be sweeping out . .. The rooms were beautifully d •- ment in Music,” and the leader, Medford Junior high team. All broadcast from the screen. A T .............. .........-..................................... corated in an Autumn scheme o f Mrs. H. C. Beebe presented the A n sw e rin g In v ita tio n s pupils wishing to attend the gume j ___________________ chrysanthemums and autumn following very interesting pro­ wp* be excused from class work. If we are sometimes puzled as H O M E H IN T S leaves. This scheme was further uram. Students o f the Junior High I to how to answer invitations, we carried out in the table decora-' Discussion o f Origin and Devel- have been trying out for yell lead- The Fine With Register is fortunate in can never do the wron* thin* if tions, the napkins, the place cards opment o f Melody, Mrs. H. C. er, at the Friday’s game. This h o n -; , we remember to answer in the and the favors were festive in j Beebe. cm respondent in Ash- same Mme mood in which the invitation or >r was won by Melbourne Mast , avin,f , „ deed, and the table fairly glowed I Russian folk song, “ Song o f the ind his assistant will be Opal Wh° 18 " e,l-k n °*n for her is written. If form ally, answer for- with its huge centerpiece o f chry­ Volga Boatman,” V ictor Record. Biaker. art’ She haa to th .| malIy. usin(f the form Mr. or Mrg ! Register snmp santhemums and autumn leaves. The element o f Tonality in Mel­ some pnnlrm» cooking ki«*.. hints 4L.s that I 1 « and 30, in the third person, The evening’ repast consisted o f ody, Mrs. H. C. Beebe. re mo> ime y an also a tested though speaking o f your self your- PER PKG. .delicious fried chicken, biscuits, reep e which many mothers will 8elf, and , oUow the wording o f The two types o f Melody repre­ S. o. N. S. N O TES salad and coffee. be anxious to try, fo r children’s sented by eary and sacred secular the invitation as closely as poss- j lunches. High score fo r the ladies for music, Mrs. Alice Willita. A big spectacular, PEP rally is ible. I f the invitation is written 1 Housewives would probably in informal style, the evening was won by Mrs. J. Representative melodiek from to take place tonight in the streets infor- _, . , . r ----- * *« *0101 mai siyie, answer inior- Andrew McGee, Mrs. Gerald Wen- Robert Schumann. “ Slumber Song o f Ashland. A number o f the stud­ . L h“ b* " d! by b,k in * mal1^ if in iottity, answer in the W E DELIVER ner had low score for the ladies, from Forest Scenes, "E ntrance,” ents will make things lively on pumpkin and custard pies more same spirit; if in rhyme, though • often were it not that it takes the Eve," Mr. Domino Provost was the for­ “ Song on New Y ear’s skates^ . others you may not consider yourself ------ ----- . 1--------- --------- will appear on tunate gentleman o f the evening Northern Song on Gade,” Greet- trucks, many will be a-foot or custard so long to “ set.” By beat­ or and J. Andrew McGee received ing to Gade, “ In Memorium," mayhap horseback, it is rumored ing hot milk into the eggs the consolation. written on the death o f Mendels­ that there will be “ policemen” to pumpkin mixture, the time o f bak­ ing ig cut down about half.” Mr. and Mm. Peter’s guests sohn, played by Mrs. H. T. Mit- keep the peace and clowns to go chelmore. “ In place o f maple sugar call­ were the following named: Mr. the "p a ce” and it is certain that ed for in many pumpkin pie re- Representative melodies from hilarity will reign4 There is to be and Mm. J. Andrew McGee, Mr. ceipes, try using one third sugar : Piano.” I a large bon fire and before its in and Mrs. Gerald Wenner, Dr. and Chopin, the " P o ^ e t 'o f the ---- • I --- " ......... as III- i^ rg o from “ Fantaisie Im prom p, ®pirin* flame« the Triple C. Club Mra. R. L. Hurdle, Dr. and Mrs. t tu,” i l " “ “ Angel’s I n L ?___ »» • .... _I I I ___ . Song,” from “ Fun­ will present a humerous skit. Oh, Charles Haines and Mr. and Mrs. eral March,” “ Preludes” Op. 28 yes the SONS will make things Dora Provost. Kantleak Rubber No. 6 and 7, “ Raindrops” prelude P0P1 , Op. 28, No. 15, played by Mrs Celebrates Birthday A me**ting was called T uesday; Goods Hugh T. Mitchelmore. in the Assembly for the purpose Mr. M N. Long o f 323 Granite Folk song and Art song, Miss o f organizing a V » om en’s League I street celebrated his 80th birth­ are the best money can buy. Blanche Hicks. “ where savings are greatest” Lois Joy Hansen, vice president' day anniversary -Monday, evening, “ Nobody Knows de Trouble o f the Senior Class, acted as chair­ PHONE 3 ASHLAND, OREGON October 31st. Only a f ew neigh­ ELKS BUILDING They are guaranteed to give man at the meeting. A nominat­ bors and the immediate family I ve Seen,” V ictor record. satisfaction or money refund The Quality o f Melody, Mrs. H. ing committee was named to se­ were present at this delightful o c­ C. Beebe. lect officers fo r this organization casion, , ed. , “ Prelude No. 3 and - — .... 1 Prelude ii'imic and a committee ....... ...... to draw - up a .Besides the delicious lunch that ♦ ---------- ---------------------- ♦ 'Vp. 2 1, played by Miss Immogene con*tituti°n was also chosen at was served lute in the evening Wallace this time. there was a beautiful birthday At the c lo s e ,n f this most In-' A we,,|< from Wednesday The We have our full line ship­ cake decorated with frosted flow ­ (cresting program, Prof. Franz TriP,e C Club expects to put on a ers and lighted candles. Those pre­ ment o f KANTLEAK rub­ Lustrous Finish! Inexpensive! Auer, a guest o f the evening, >rr,^ra” ' before the Assembly, sent to wish Mr. Long many more played several numbers • on the c *ub i" composed o f students ber goods on display. happy birthdays were his wife, The ideal spread to dress »I ‘cello, accompanied on the piano from f ’oos, County. Mrs. M. N. Long, his son-in-law ♦ ----------- ----------------------------------- — — ♦ your bedroom— lustrous finish by Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchelmore. ----------- i he old idea that und his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. material striked in self color or “ Avo Maria.” Bach-Gounod; B A P T IS T C H U R C H { iriii families spend W. Clark their two children, Mr. Hot water Bottles, Fountain white with color. “ The Swan,” Saint Saens; “ My Sunday School 0 :t 5 a. m. r iui.h less for clothing and Mrs. Harris Dean, and Mr. Heart at Thy Sweet V oice.” Saint Preaching at eleven o ’clock by Syringes, Atomizers, etc. t i. n their city cousins, and Mrs. frank Jo»ilan. Fancy Stripes Saens; “ The Rosary,” Nevln and ! Dr. Norton. *1 1.-' , just been exploded “ Träumerei,“ Schumann. Young peoples meeting 7:30. An unusual stripe pattern and scal­ Business Girls Club by the Bureau of Home Rev. Sedgworth will occupy the loped edges add to the beauty of the --- I The Misses Marie and Leta Economics at Washing- First Card Party. pulpit fo r the evening service. Walker will entertain the Busi- The Altar society o f “ Our : n. A n intensive mar- nesa Girl’s Club this evening at Ijtdy o f the Mountain" Catholic S8c to $4.98 t otudy indicates that thei.- home on East Main street. church will give their first card the clothing allowances Embroidery and convefsation will party o f the sea n. Friday, No­ The Stere . ,e :>r:.ctically the same be thb diversions o f the evening. vember 4, at t!v> Eniscot nl Parish fur both grou_v}#except Dinner will be served th© guests house. The ploying will begin “ Penco” “ Nation-Wide” asen or f a m i h h a v ­ later on in the evening, in the spa­ promptly at 8 o ’clock P. M. OUTING cious dining room. ing incomes wen above OUTING fine grade in many pret- Vi»;:« Crater Lake. the average. To he ex­ Guests o f the Misses Walk t Our own fam ous grade—- rntteras, 36 in. wide. will be: Misses Helene and Ger­ act the average ,e > y Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson, tona 36 in. wide in light a 1 14c trude Biede, Calia Biegal, Gladys Kidwell, Geraldine Gunn. Milton fcrr^ly spends h23S a dafk patterns. Applegate, F.I.-. • Alexander, Ruth Franklin and Marlin Meutholp > -ar on clothing, t .e We can h onestly recom ­ Osinun, Emma Jenkins, Ethel inr.le a trip to Crater hike the 'at- ! 19c mend it. Its pure tone, ONE farm family ¿ 2 2 5. Shrum, Georgia C offee und Mrs. ter r >rt o f last week. They started Dial operation and stead­ A n n iv e rs a r y fast reliability are im pensi hie U u o u roau s u dd m e Dan Kay. | at 4 P. M. Saturday and s pped ] tobest. Ask foe a demonstra- automobile have, of • at Prosjiect for dinner, and camp- COTTON BATTS lion TOD AY. R r id y r Party | ed a few miles beyond f r the course, played a largo Com fort Size In R ondo Cambric Th ey arrived at the lake The A u«diary to the Trinity j night part in bringing this 3 Founds A few yards of these at­ Guild had a Bridge party at the early in Lie morning) There was about, «3 there is today tractive p ‘ints in various Pariah House Wednesday evening , t four inches o f snow at the lak-. ' EVEREADY A «rood fra d e o f clean cot­ little cliiference in the patterns will refresh youft October 2nd There were fou r but despite this fact the day was j ton. diversions and social M o o n O . Ml-euhe, Osr D u t Rever house frock supply. tables o f Bridge during the eve 1 pleasant and cls>ar. However, therj OrvtiiluK- áai>br.i vshmo N life of the two groups. ing. Hostesses fo r the occasion °nly a few cars parked at j RADIO BATTERIES 69c Each 14c and 19c $54.00 Some of the creah, were Mra. Fred C lik i a f and Miss) the rim. On their return they sto;: however, should be _ ped at Mill creek falls where thev \ Calls Hirgel Dainty refreshment» were serv- ■ enjoyed lunch. They arrive! given to bctt~. mer­ • • ed to the member* after the home at 6 o'clock. — they last longer. chandising method. games. Mrs. Edwin Dunn was the Monis. \ 0 % ah -«u he. O n * Dui Ret cm*. W e like to feel that For economy and sat- Thunk O ffe rin f Ten winner o f the first prize in Bridge; Suini tatbofiiìv cibtnet the 885 stcrca of the j . ra «rive and Mrs. (Jerald Wenner received 1 Th » Thanh O ffering '.ju i ,- » i l u v t i o u n $70 00 i.-faction use— Ev- C. Penney Com par--, at the Congregational Mans the consolation. Yet Sm artly Plain Thuradaty afternoon was delight scattered - thruoui w eready Dry Cells and fully eniteri ai ned by Mia. Davi* o M e e t in Jack ion ville states, have played r Colorful Trim O f f taira» Pa*t Malvoni, an*l this cit) f who gave a talk on “ Jar Hot Shot Batteries. small part in providing Part Patrona o f Alhpa Chapter D< the farmer and his tern* rèni to th* No. ! O. K. S. met with the J io k * P en^ ily \v-i'h Big City com­ »oliviIN© Clisp tfr Tíiur»dsy r ven­ childIrrn o f Japan. Mra, Dacia ii ' forts and stjde at a p: the dauirhtftr o f Sidney I.„ Gulick. Ing, in that rity. ; is even lover t! m n fo nrn-r Miaionarv to Jiipan who ■ - ... i il now Secretary o f thf hr formerly paid for • - r OQtfftl Held R fl« U r M fd i n f M ont F titiu Speekcf G j Com ncil o f the Church o f Christ in ore fW ktc nnsA tud toor>. feruor rncrch^ndi c. V - c S. Al l>ha Clfin|it**r N<$. I. O. Kie to hiKfcvt fc*iM*f held their rftffuUr’ rn*M*f injr T IMNk Amf rica. She was horn in Japan feel a responavruty or $ ? 6 .0 0 day, November the Ut. At thU ; «od lived there until o f hi)Ifh acho'il "rvT cci.v cf ii 4 . These slippers manage to he new dash- Brown ( • 1 •«V ao there wan a very pe ninnai be holy frivolous and proper time M i«s KlfAiior n frocks, be — with their gay trim on twear it se­ Southern Oregon Normal Stud«»nt) , tourh to all she said and aiIso to the glistening Patent, and cor­ u l Pat- Japanese Curios she displayed was initiated into this order. rectly low heeL is ecc tny m its Her talk was followed by m A fter the meeting dainty re­ Guy Good vocal and instrum©' \tal freshment« were served to the both Phone 82 $3.98 $ 4 .9 8 members in the dining room. Me. There was a good attendance anv , at the afternoon’s close, all S. A. Peters Sr., acted as chair­ ; that it had utfcn a profitable man on this committee. PAGE T H E TWO A S H T L A N D C O C 1 E T Y HERBERT’S QUO 1CERY 25 45= Cream ette MACAR0NI 09 J Í | « j r « H »• f. Ol H bi th to M Cl 1«. fo ed How .Much Docs The Farmer Spend For. H13 Clothes? [25* Anniversary J Cheery Colored Spreads M’NAIR BROS. A tw ater RADIO 1 > | Colorful Prints Sophisticated! Sports Heel IORDAN ELECTRIC CO. % X-L Electric Station • i