The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, November 01, 1927, Page Page 2, Image 2

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*»*« 2
O. E. S. Party
Üitfr Aöhlatiö &pgtatpr
fo r Chico Cal., w here she will vis­
it h e r sister fo r a sh o rt tim e.
J . E. P atte rso n retu rn ed from
K lam ath C ounty W ednesday. He
expects to leave soon fo r Palo
A lto, Calif.
w ife a t P in eh u rst Inn, re tu rn e d to
her ho-ne Sunday.
P ast M atrons of A lpha C hapter
A m ong those from A shland who
O. E . S. (rave th e ir an n u al p arty .
fo rm e rly the C entral Point and A shland A m erican
d in n er a t P in eh u rst Inn S unday
Monday evening O ctober 31st, in
were Mr.’ and Mrs. T hom as Simp­
* O ffice a t 372 Ea»t Main S tre et
th e Masonic Hall. The o fficers
son. Mr. an d Mrs. F re d W a g i’-r,
and th eir husbands, past w orthy
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D unn Mr. and
One Y e a r ..............
The a ff a ir was d elig h tfu lly Hal- AahU nd w ere a t P in eh u rst Wed- j Mrs. G. S. B utler, Mr. and M ri. A. )
Advertising Rate* Given on Application
lowe’en in n atu re.
E ; K inney. Mr. and
Mrs. Emil
E n te re d a t the P ostoffice a t A shland. O regon, a# Second Claas
The reception com m ittee con-
Mfs. John S w a rtsfa g er who has
Mrs. Ella Mills, Mrs. Ida
M atter, under the A ct of C ongress of M arch 3 . 1879
sisting of
M esdames
W h ittle ,1 been very ill, was tak en to Klam- Neil, Miss A nna H a r g r o v e ,^ llia s
C hurchm an,
Sw edenburg, j a th Falls Sunday
fo r medical A licia A pplegat« and Mr. Foss
and Miss M axine E m ert.
g reeted th e g u ests as ghosts.
trea tm e n t.
Mrs. L. S. Brown was ch air man
M \ and Mrs. J . L. DeArmond
Mr. Sam Sw'oape has moved
T the E n te rta in m e n t C om m ittee, le ft T hursday fo r O reville, Wn., from his hom estead, to th e Me. |
V ar^ius stu n ts and pran k s were to jo in Mr. D eA rm ond’s b ro th er, Dona)d mn i, w here he will be near-
pulled o f f ; dancing with a broom- David. They expect to make th e ir | e r gchool.
in his fascinating "Life and Letters «of Wood-
stick witch, sp e arin g p e a n u ts from 1 hom e In th a t state,
Mrs. N orm an A sh c ra ft teach er
row Wilson,” Kay Stannar Baker tells how Wi-
a huge pum pkin which was s u s - ' A n o th er stage line has sta rted
the low er P in eh u rst
son planned for many years to write a veritable
pended from th e ceiling, th e guests) «»Derating on this road betw een
spent th e week end in A shland.
novum organon of politics. It was to be the most
were blindfolded and used a hatpin M edford and Bend. One stage ar-
She was accom panied by h e r th ree
monumental work of its kind in the history of pol­ as a spear, Mrs. A ndrew M cCallen rives a t P in eh u rst a t 8 a. m. from sons.
w »n the prizi f o r her aptness in ; M edford and one a t 5 P. M. frojn
itical literature. As a young man Wilson turned
this f e a t; while Mrs. V. D. Miller Bend.
it over and over again in his mind. He must make
was th e successful lady- to guess)
F re d T rain o f low er P erry creek
a complete study of the living methods, the his­
the ch a racters p o rtra y ed in the has ju s t re tu rn e d from Sacram en-
Philadelphia. P a.— A llison S to u t )
tory of government iii all civilized states of the
ab leau x : "T h e gh o sts o f y e s te r - |to , Calif., w here he has been hav- 26, h eir to millions, is w orking in
y ear,” Eve w ith th e fata! a p p le ,) ¡ng his eyes tre a te d .
the sto ck er d ep a rtm en t o f th e Ed-
world. Ht* must even' learn German, for he
D iognenes w ith a lighted candle
Mr. D. L. L aw ton of M edford dystone p lan t of th e G eneral E lec­
would have need of German. What a mighty task
tnd a b ath tu b , Barney Google, and was calling on old tim e friends tric com pany and likes th e job. His
ihdeed, but far from appalling the ambitious
y ueen E lizab eth and Sir W alter j** P in eh u rst Tuesday,
f a th e r’s will stip u lated th a t he
young student, it only thrilled him, started zeal­
Mrs. J. T. P atte rso n of A shland m ust prove him self capable before
ous fires burning within his bosom.
L ater in the evening dancing w^° *1HS ^een visiting a t the honiubcing given control o f in h eirtan ce j
her *on P. E. P atte rso n a n d a t the age of 35.
was indulged in.
S en .. W e e k ly
P ublished a l
A .n la o d , O re g o n
At first, says Mr. Baker, “in those ardent early
days, he thought he would be ready for the great
task at 45; when he was 15 he looked forw ard to
50. At 50 he was in a desperate struggle over the
reorganization of Princeton university. Nothing
done ¡Nothing done!” And the years slip by. He
becomes a national figure in politics, goes out
from the cloistered life of the campus to be gov­
ernor of Newr Jersey. He is nominated for presi­
dent of the United States, and elected. But the
great work is not accomplished, the dream has
not come true. The most powerful figure in the
world, he leads a mighty nation—le«~cis the
mightiest of mighty nations—into the most ter­
rific war of all time. He rises to unprecedented
heights, rides the crest, then the sun begins to
His health breaks, death hovers, he beats it
back; the hour strikes for him to leave the office
he has held so capably for eight years—during
nearly a decade. And then—“in the broken days
after his retirement from the presidency the old
vision flared up again. He wrill yet write the great
book! The novum organon of politics! When he
closed his tired eyes for the last time the magnum
opus was still unpenned.”
Is it not true of every last one of us? W'hat
dreahiers we are and what dreams we dream?
Many another man has risen to great heights as
life has swept along to the sunset years without
realizing the one dearest dream of his existence.
It may have been of writing a monumental book,
or of composing an opera, or only owning some
day in his own blessed right a comer of the soil
where he could make the fragrant flowers grow,
where he could sit at evening and watch the stars
come out arid listen to the crickets chirp. No mat­
ter what, he dreams his dream—the dre^m that
won’t come true. Every man has his Carcassonne.
Perhaps it is better so. The wise men tell us,
have always told us, that anticipation is better
than realization, that the yearning to achieve is
more to be desired than the thing achieved. Is not
life itself a tempestuous dream unrealized? There
is forever that mysterious Something that we nev­
er quite make out. Is it not the insoluble enigma -
that lies back of all our metaphysics, that turns
our gaze upward to th 1 heavens and makes real
and indestructible our belief in immortality?
Baffled here, man does not despair, but lifts
his eyes and strives to pierce the veil that shrouds
eternity’s undawned Tomorrow. And he feels, he
dares to hope, that some day, out there beyond
the dark, he will understand.
He dreams his dream the dream that w »n’t
come true. And it is—it must be—better so.
Speaking of talkers, one of the things that
people in a democracy grow most tired of is the
use that is made of the right of free speech. Wit­
less public speakers v aste more time of their fel­
low men—time that might be spent at a movie or
playing poker or reading a detective story than
any other pest. So when Mussolini, the world’s
most popular tryant, signed a decree the other day
forbidding after November 6, “speeches of what­
ever calibre," we were all for packing up and
moving over to Italy.
But there is a joker in that order, after all, that
constrains us to endure freedom a while longer.
Mussolini did an inspired thing when he silenced
the orators and forced them to return to work.
But there is one exception to the rule, and that is
Mussolini himself. He can go on making all the
speeches he wants to. and every reader of the
newspapers knows that Mussolini is one o f ' the
most tireless speakers in the world today.
We can endure a democracy in which every
man has the right to speak. \Ve miffht enjoy an
autocracy in which no man had the right to make
a speech. But we could never stomacn a tryanny
in which only the tyrant has the right to mount a
Mrs. F ra n k Jo rd an had charge
o f thef d eco ratio n s and the dining
room. T he table was b eau tifu l w ith ;
its Ttghted
g rin n in g
tw o-faced
jack o’ la n tern s, its black and yel- j
low vases filled w ith golden, hued-i
dahlias and m arigolds, its baskets
of apples, grapes and pears, gild- )
ed w alnut shells before each g u ests j
place held th e ir fo rtu n e s, while
yellow candles in black holders j
cast th e ir mellow light over the (
festive board. D ainty refresh m en ts!
consisting of Rosy apple salad,
brown an d w hite b read
san d ­
wiches, co ffee and cid er w ere ser­
ved to th e' m erry guests. The p arty
was decidedly a huge success.
One o f the m ost en jo y ab le so­
cial g ath erin g s th a t has taken
place in th e history of the S o u th ­
ern O regon N orm al school, took
place last night in th e form of a
h ard tim e p arty and dance in the
school au ditorium .
T he evenings e n te rta in m e n t op­
ened un with the play "A n d The
Light W en t O u t,” presen ted by
th e A lpha T au ri, a d ram atic so­
ciety. T he play was a sad love
story' p resen ted in com edy form
which k ep t it’s sp ectato rs in an
u p ro ar o f la u g h ter to th e end. Joe
M ercer, th e lover, whose attem p t
to win him self a m other-in-law .
fu rn ish ed the la rg e r p o rtion of
la u g h ter by his clown antics. The
cast included the read er, Mias Fay
A rth u r; the heroine, Ann F ed o r;
th e hero, A ubrey H a a n ; th e m oth­
er. F lorence S tew art, and the vil-
lian Jo e M ercer.
The rem ain d er o f th e e v e n in g 1
was spent dancing, the music being
fu rn ish ed by D ickey's d ance or-1
•hestra. The refresh m en ts consis - 1
ted o f a ten gallon k eg o f cider:
which did not last long a f te r the
dancing sta rted . All m em bers of
th e fac u lty were present w ith th eir
wives which made a to tal o f over
th ree hundred fo r those presen t. I
Dallis— $15,806 c o n tra cts
au- buys F irst N ational of Donald, and
th o rized fo r co n stru ctio n o f new will consolidate,
co unty office building an d jail.
Oswego votes $53,000 bonds for
A u ro ra— F ist N ational Bank m odern school building.
We Have a Supply
of Select
Red, White (Smooth or Wire Cut) Tapestry
and Autumn Brown
A Fire Place Chimney built of one of these
Special Bricks adds class to your home.—
They are also suitable for inside Fire Places
Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co.
Foremost among the things we of
Jackson County share with one another
is Opportunity, and because of this we
share also the responsibility for the best
development of the resources of this
section in which.we all have a com­
mon interest.
Copco Preferred Stock
Increases in Price
How this may, best be accomplished
deserves very definite consideration
upon the part of on^ and all. By work­
ing together, each one may be sure of
earning the reward of personal prosper­
November 16
Effective November 16, 1927, the price of 6°V-
cummulative preferred shares of The California
Oregon Power Company will be advanced to
Progress—both community and in­
dividual—is the aim of the banking
service we offer the people of this sec­
tion. We consider it a privilege to count
vou as one of our customers.
$97 a Share
Orders received up to and including Tuesday,
November 15, will* be filled at the present price
of $96 a share.
F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k
In fo rm atio n ab o u t o u r investm ent o ffe rin g to cus­
tom ers will he ch eerfu lly furnished by any m em ber
of o u r o rg anization. S hares m ay be purchased for
cash or on gur convenient m onthly investm ent plan.
T h e C a l if o r n ia O r e g o n P o w e r C o m p a n y
(£ £ ¿ 0
j s j . 'J
M edford.Grants hi«» Rruebu.-g.Klamath F«ll»-Oirjon
Yrelu. D u iu m u ir-C a lifo rn ia
Mr. an d Mrs. Lloyd B ry an t and
son Thom as, w ere ^¿siting in Ash­
land and M edford S unday en ro u te
jto th e ir home at Pi-ie Ridge in Kla-
matl- county. Mr. B ryunt le it his
^ul crip tio n fo r the R egister while
Livestock % M is s I). M . S m ith
Exposition m
|< » C 0 »
The Theatre
Watch This Space For Coming Attractions
Each Issue
Mrs. L. E. G reen left S atu rd ay
»T I 9
A stirring story of the Spanish
American War
Will be at our Store on
Friday and Saturday
November 4th and 5th
Portland. Oro. Oct. 29-Mov. S
$100,000 in
Premi ums
And, will give practical demonstrations on
the decoration of furniture, brica brae and
Christmas novelties.
ITtftl An
C om bine* Dairy Product*
S h o w , w o r ld -r e n o w n e d
tio n r Show, National W ool
Show, Noethwr«t Foa Show,
M an u l.»crur -»s’ and Land
Product;- Show. Bor»’ and
Girts’ d u t» W ork. Cover«
10 acre*, exhibiting Amor-
Ica’* p rit# Pure Bred Beef
and D airy C attle. Horma.
Sheep. Haga, C ro a , Föne«.
We invite all of the women in South
em Oregon to call and take advantage
of the many helpful suggestions that
Miss Smith will make.
J. O. Riggs
Tuesday and Wednesday
Thursday and Friday
im i
A wonderful melodrama of weak souls
and strong
Starring Warner Baxter
Saturday Only
a Ralph I nee Production