TW Register Majority of rrtck 't Farm The circulation of the tkia io- •uc ia moro tkaa Heaaoa ■ ^4 1900 la Southern Oregon FORMERLY CENTRAL POINT AND A SH LAND AM ERICAN ------------------------------------------------------------------ ASHLAND. JACKSON C O U N T Y . VOLUME 3 MANY E M 10 Sit 18947752 .... . FARMEI Pretence of Surveying Crewe ia Chamber of Commerce to Take An Interest ia Outside Mountains Attract Muck District Attention FOR FIRST OREGON. T U E SD A Y , NOVEMBER 1. 1927. NUMBER SO mcw ran iSr BY ASSESSOR Local Product« arc on Play at Chamber of Commerce IE Members of Budget Committee Will Meet With City Officials Tonight EXPECTED 10 BE HERE - The proposed city budget will Among the local exhibits on dis- Medford— There are sign“- that Homer Billings, chairman of the j play in the Chamber o f Commerce occupy the attention o f the city the Rogue River Valley and tribu- i retail and trade committee of the | | window is a huge sunflower which council tonight when the members i tary sections will experience some Chamber of Commerce, has sent \ : measures sixteen jnches in diamet- of the budget committee will meet I railroad development work in the out a number o f letters to the | | er. This mammoth flower was with the city officials at 8:16. The | spring hints along that line have farmers in this section, outlining : grown by T. W\ Praytor who re­ council has been spending consid­ many a program which will be carried | > been floating: about for sides on 393 Granite Street. This erable time on the budget for the on during the winter months for j [ weeks. | exhibit has excited much interest. year, and tonight the committee A surveying crew of the Sou­ the benefit of the farmers. This There are some extra fine chry­ will receive it for consideration. thern Pacific railroad has been committee will take up all farm I santhemums in the oaler color, It is understood the budget will I problems, and experts from O. A .. surveying in the Siskiyous this fall C. will be brought here to talk to Total Taxable v*r* ’ n*r on ‘ be pastel order. These then be taken under advisement Annual VUitation of 1m-’ Ray Conway of Portland ,s silent' a® a)1 surveying crews Value of ___ __ - _ _ _ _ mm mm a * m n o n n A n W a ia n K t O /'flV t i . « D . . . . 4 4 flowers were grown by Mr. Clyde for a period of twenty day«, b e -: | n are upon t their objective. They Qie farmers. Besides the following Will Talk to Member* of were measuring and sighting at suggestions outlined by the com­ Property i* Nearly 28 Costello who resides on Church fore final adoption. P « "« 1 Potentate to At- _________ _ tract Many Million Chamber of Commerce I the landscape thru miscroscopes on mittee, farmers are urged to make street and takes much pride in the ---------- I annual growing of these handsome NORMAL TO PLAY a tripod, where their present right- suggestions on other subjects of | -------- PROGRAM GIVEN VALUE CORPORATION plants. ENLARGE COMMITTEE of-way horshoes around the moun- interest. ALBANY SATURDAY . ---------- ' S A very fine pumpkin casts its Suggestions from county agent ! tain. This has given rise to the The Southern Oregon Normal Imperial Potentate to Ar- Chairman George Dunn -ewii-official report that the rail­ Fowler are: Feeding for Milk Pro­ Are A**e**ed at More thah kolden beauty in the window also. pumpkin was grown by a football team resumed it’s prac- i rive Here on Morning of Names Member* fcr For­ road is planning on boring1 a five duction, Soils and Fertilizers (lo­ Five Million Dollar* for ^ .1 school boy Manley Leggett who is tice last night for the coming 1 mile tunnel to eliminate heavy cal). Field Crops, Hatching and November 14th um Luncheons Ul e l e a r seven years old. ; freight and passenger traffic, ov- Brooding Chicks, Poultry Manage­ game with Albany College next . , , A cluster of Newtown apples Saturday, on the high school field. ment, General Livestock; Hogs, Betwen two hundred and fifty The total value of taxable prop- _ . ^ Mr. George Dunn has enlarged | er the mountains. Beef, Sheep, Sheep Management: Local observers say it may be his committee which has il.r.rge of erty in Jackson county this year ^ by A ‘ 0w * " 8 ° f Aahla" d The “ Son*.” are more determined and Three hundred members of d*"“ f*vc?" than ever to make a good showing Hillah Temple will be in Ashland ♦he Chamber of Commerce For­ that the Southern Pacific is pre- Lambs for market, Wool Grades, is »27,992.900, according to a ^ °‘ UWd " - .. . .. , able comment because of their next Saturday as they have been Monday, November 14th, when ums. The committee with the add­ j paring against the day of compe- Breeding. summary of the assessment roll re- ; County agent Wilcox suggests: cently completed by County As* "cheated” out of all games so far the Imeprigl Potentate Clarence * » . A _ . . . ed names now reads: George A. | tition for the fruit tonnage of the Providence Briscoe, Reverend P. K. Ham­ j valley, which this season, for pears Pruning fruit trees, pruning of sessor J. B. Coleman. / '* * * * o f l mU' t- col° '- this season, due to the Infantile Martin Dunbar, o f mond. A. C. Strange, Mist Regina alone, amounted to over 2300 cars. Cane Fruits, Fertilizers for fruit The value of taxable preperty u th' ir Paralysis quarantine throughout Rhode Island will make his visita­ is a crops, selection of berry varie- last year was »26,748,050 show- ^ tion. Johnson, Mrs. Earl '¿row, Mrs. E. Southern part of the state, ,he m0t,*y th™ * 4 the country. ties and their planting, grafting ,nR an jncre^ . jn the va,u<> of ,ax_ These beauties were grown by likely prospect, and there has been Spears, a former University of The program for this important G. Swedenburg, John R .jg, Rev. , L H- Jack8 o i t," B ci‘ y Oregon student, was added to the meeting will be as follows: H. S. Pemberton, Nate Bates, *. much talk about it. The railroad and Budding, Cherry Pollination, abl; DroD„ rtv of ti 174 sfio in a year * niuch interested in the line up and is playing a back field j Morning hours will be devoted W. Murphy, Ralph Bowen, and W. that hauled the Roses and Bart- Vegetable Culture, Diseases letts the quickest to the East, na­ Fruit Trees, Diseases o f Can Corporation Valuabl. R ow ing o f flowers position; The team will be in the ^ to perfecting general arrange­ H.’ McNair. their I Thr {igureg do not inelude pub. , Among the most interesting of pink of condition as they £ave had ments, reception o f visiting dele­ the hauling. Fruits, Insect Pests and • The first forum meeting will turally would get which' d,,,play" *• a bunch o f winter- six weeks of continuous practice. gations, committe conference, et<5. take place on Friday evening Nov-1 While the Natron cut-off elimin- Control, Sprays and Spraying, Ir-1 ]ic , ervice corporations o f Several members, who were injur­ headquarters being at Lithia ember fourth at the Lithia Springs ted considerable time between ngation and Drainage, Fruit Thin-1 were agM,ssed for the year 1926 | rlP‘-ned blue grass, a piece Hotel. It will be in the form of a ! Portland and San Francisco, it did I ning and Cover Crops and Soil j at »5 226 564 93 For 192o eor trreen grass in the sod. and a bot- ed in the earlier part o f the sea­ Springs Hotel. 1 ltut eliminate the heavy tonnage | Improvement. | Orations were' aast e o ____ ’.rf, 0,- |tle o f c l e a n e d seed. This son, will be hack as regulars for Imperial Potentate Dunbar and dinner at six o’clock. ---------------------- ! 255.23. ¡grass furnishes n splendid pasture the game wit)\ Albany and will party will arrive in Ashland from Ray Conway of Portland will \ between Eugene and Ashland. through the entire winter and add h great deal of strength to the Portland, at 10:56 a. m. on Mon­ Last" summer, James H. Owen, give a talk on the scenic spots of Coleman’s summary shows 865, - 1 T. , ’ spring. The plants dry up and re- team. These are: "Blondy” Heff- day, November 14, und leave at Oregon. His talk will be illustrat- general manager of the Owen-1 159 acres of land in Jackson coun­ j main dormant during the summer. ner; “ Chuck” Prouse and Dick ! 1 a. m. on Tuesday, Novcm- ed*with reels of pictures. Mr. Con Oregon Lumber company of this ty, with a total value of $14,069,- | It starts growth again about the Budleson. | her 16, for Sacramento. way is an interesting and exper- clty’ ‘ n?Pt‘c‘ e1 o f Mr. and wedding day in Luchestershire, 463,320. he given prior to the talk. Mr. How old is the oldest blanket or killing of Manford Zimmerlee, al­ chairman, Medford; R. Fi. Crego, Mis. J. IT. McGee of Vista »tree4 Hansen promises several surprise England. The service was divided | The value of logging railroads spread in your home? Have you leged bootlegger. His case was Klamath Falls; Stanton Rowell, has been pledged to the Alpha Del­ and handed down to transferred to federal court here numbers for the folks. one that is 78 years old? The Reg. difefrent ta Sigma an advertising fratern­ members of the family until Mrs. and rolling stock is $94.800. Man­ istcr had the pleasure of seeing a« the request of United States Grants Pass. ufacturing machinery in the coun­ Decoration: F. F. Whittle, chair,, ity at the University of Oregon in William Hardy’s mother in 1 one that was woven in 1849. The Attorney Neuner, who ia (great man; H. G. Enders, J. H. Hardy, Eugene. This pledge is indeed a grandmother o f Frances Hardy) ty is valued at $791,320. Mer­ ! proud possessor o f this spread is ; charge of his defense. chandise and stock in tr"de in the Glenn Simpson, Ashland. high honor as the members of Al- gave the set of spoons to 46 S. 2nd st. ________ her count;- is valued at $1.562 0 6 0 . Mrs. , . . . A. . . S. . Clawson, _ Membership: L. P. Older, chair­ 1 phu Delta Sigma o f the University daughter on her fifth birthday and while farming implements are pla- Aihland/, Mr"4 C|a™ >" *( Woodmen Meetings to Start on November 9th of arms that is not known, the lion uses that, some of the Fuller pro-1 P“ “ ™ " " 4 During his splendid lertur* Mr. ‘ h*4 most r.- the M- thodist Church South nnd Home From California the dragon, the letter S, and the ducts can be put to. 1 markable one is, that it has only pr«c ¡red for Fasten asserted that “ W’ hy?” fits m.11 y year»' in Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Murphy of king. It bears the monogram on The women o f Ashland A*hl»nri and . ~ J ! b*“cn once in all those valley. Mr. Potter followed After a mid season vacation the into all ages, times, and places. his Woodmen o f the World will re­ ! For instance “ W’ hy did Judas be­ the Full Gospel Church returned the front S. C. R. Sara Caladine Southern Oregon are invited to * father’s faith. sume their regular schedule of tray 'his master, for thirty pieces Saturday from an evenagelistic Raynes. The information and his­ attend this demonstration, which . Clawv)n further »‘ « ‘ ••d Mr. Potter moved to Ashland .IS wai will only be held two days. j that th* »Pr«4««* was brought to meetings starting with Wednes­ " f silver and then be so filled with campaign which embraced the fol­ tory regarding this spoon ________________ Oregon by her father in 1871, who years ago, he conducted a grocery day Nov. 9 according to Council Mrs. Willian.3 remorse that he must needs hang lowing cities: Stockton, Lodi, Sac- gleaned from «tore for a number o f years and commander V. D. Miller. These himself? Why should a man of im­ mento, Dunsmuir, Weed, and oth­ Hardy, the young girl’s grand­ T h row . A w . , C rotch«. t h a t t ' m ' ‘ r , m ‘ ‘ t o As’q >nd »nrMt4 th^ •»■*! pai,,t thi* W“ k visited their daughter Mrs. F. E. -------— -------------- aculous “ come-back” to break all gon and came down with the IT. o f Medford. Mr. Potter was a faith­ George Lowe, son of Mr. ml «on Patty have gone to Portland j O. Frosh football squad. Mr. H ai- ful member o f the Woodmen of Mrs. D. W. Lowe who own* a his former records. I Corliss who lives in Sacramento. An estimable automobile deal- ' to spend a ten days vacation with "W e are glad to get back home | er and a popular young barber o f In the Olympic Games o f 1912! *** had bM‘n plaJ,inK on ‘ he team the World lodge in this city J rancH the Suncrest Orchards, was I friends and relatives. Mrs. Crow’ s FuneraL services were to Ashland." said Rev. Murphy.” this city were out pheaaant hunt- Stockholm, Paoli represented but because o f an injured knee, he held j in Ashland with the U. o f O. foot- Barents, and a sister live in Port- was not able to play in the after­ Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock ball squad. Mr. Lowe is a grad­ native country, France in the when they ” VMVJ ' return C I U I U * » ’ --------- vuvr | ’ and.- and also Mr. Crow's sister, No where did we find any b etterin g last week, noon game. I at the Congregational church. Rev. uate o f the Ashland high school. | vhere they will visit before their climate, water, or conditions, and j ed at nooa, the automobile dealer j ,l" ot put an ****»■ throw. He held C. D. Gaffney had charge o f the He plays the position o f guard on especially cleanliness.” j found that he had left his firearm , th* F r,w h records .in both o f -»turn to Ashland the fore part at th« second Frosh team o f U. o f O. Mr«. Cedric Meyer spent the services. Burial was made “ ' | out in the hunting grounds prop- j events and was considered ' f the week. r ,,. Mountain View cemetery. H. C. Mr. George Scribner and l i r . . P*d against a tree. Friends are i h e a t all-round athelete in Eur- week* end in Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briggs and j iting with her husband ia cm- Stock had charge o f the funeral. Mr H. C. Stock was huntinr Bill Van Dyke were visiting their puzzled to know whether the hunt-1 #p*4 Mr. and Mrs. James McNair left ployed by the Southeri« Pacific Pa- | Sunday in Klamath county. Mr. families in Ashland over Sunday. 1 ,ng proved to exciting or wheth- 1 Myer.{Company in that city, Mrs. Harry *‘ 8V- .Conlee and M Roseburg — Umpqua Highway for Portland the latter part of Stock expressed much surprise be- Mr Scribner and Mr. Van Dyke 8r ‘ be gun eras only left there as Association organised at recent last week where they will sperd are working for the Southern P a -'a forethought and convenience f o r ' Kelsey, and Dill returned Monday Carlton o f Union street accompan ause o f the number o f hunters to a week visiting friends. meeting held here. • % 1*° lb*,r borne in Et’ feno j ied Mrs. Meyer. b* seen in out o f the way | lares. cific Company in Klamath Falls.1 future hunting? I j OVER CENTURY O l D SEVENTY EiGÍtT YEAR OLD SPREAD ATTRACTS AT LECTURE r *