ASHLAND RfcXiiSTEk Pa /e 3 — w--- from the War Eagle mine Tues­ Mrs. Powers and daughter El- day morning returning in the a f­ nor, Mrs. Glen WTthrow, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Crawford Mr. J. S. Mr. J oh ro Robison returre»! ternoon. home home from Lodi, Calif., School opened Monday morning Crawford, Mrs. C. W. Long and Thursday o f '1a*P week where he after a two weeks closing and Lorella were Medford shoppers had been called hy the serious quarantine for Infantile Pc.ra'y- ( Tuesday. condition o f his mother, Mrs. H. sis. There were no cases o f the The Queen Esther Circle gave a M. Ribison who was suffering malady in the vicinity o f Talent. hallow’een party Tuesday even­ from a paralitic stroke. Mr. Robi- Mrs. E. L. Stanford o f Grants ing at the home o f Mrs. Harry n was accompanied on the re- Pa-s in company with Mrs. F. P Walter*. The girls entertained a torn trip by his brother and wife j Dona|dson Thursday with number o f invited guests. All re Mr. and Mrs Robison of ! Mrs. Stanford’s mother, M rs.! Porteo are now living ment of fine American Blues to California points the first of this one mile west o f Phoenix. Mr. D. E. Combs died Monday week. Mrs. Irene Wells left last week evening Oct. 24 at his home on Wagner creek after a long illness for a months visit in Iowa. Her of heart trouble. He leaves his sister Mrs. Robison will have j wife and a brother to mourn his charge o f the county farm during I loss. , her absence Mr. H. E. Bowman who is in ’ Mr. an<* Mrs. Fred Brandt and Portland at the home of Dr. I daughter, Catherine o f Medford, Reed is reported as very much sPent Wednesday evening with,1' improved. | her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Tay- Mrs* C. W. Long returned last l° r- Saturday from Eugene, where she! The Library opened Tuesday ev- was called because o f the illness eninR after being closed for three of her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Van weeks- Mrs. C. E. Borg will be in Riper, who under went a major charge until a permanent librar- operation at the Pacific Christion 'an can he secured from now on hospital Mrs. Van Riper is improv­ the library will be open Tuesday ing. evenings from 7 to 9 and Friday Donald Long motored down afternoon from 2 to 5. Delicious, golden brown toast j u s t seems to taste better than ever when made right at the table on a beautiful De I. iixe H O T POINT TO A ST E R Beauty combined with Utility A t the X-L Electric Station Guy G ood Phone 82 “ I admire the leaders oí the electrical industry” Says W illia m G r e e n , President A m erican Federation o f Labor “ W ith a business sagacity which challenges our admiration, the lead­ ers o f the electrical industry adopt and put into force each n ew inven­ tion and discovery as soon as it is perfected and ready for market. A n d I am certain no other industry is devoting so much time, m on ey and effort to the successful expansion o f its service and production. ” * a rO YOU recall the time, just a few yeai-s ago, when the only electrical service available was electric light—and it was a novelty? There are sixty-c ight and a half m illion p e o p le in the U n ited States living in electrically wired hom es; thirty Trillion electric horse power servin g American industry; three million investors owning the comnanies furnishing electric power, heat and light «# The rapidity o f this expansion, and the universal benefit it has conferred, have been due pri­ marily to the courage, initiative, and prophetic vision which have inspired the operations o f the country’s light and power com ­ panies. v Under the sound business ad­ ministration o f these companies, the cost o f domestic current has been reduced since 1914 while the cost o f living has gone up 68 %. » i' C L A S S I F I E D A — D j ■ , FOR SALE: White milch Gonts, 1 Billy Goat, 2 years old, elig­ ible to register. One nanny, year old. Two nanny kids, about five months old. Inquire at 63 Gresham street. 39-tf S\ FOR RENT: Five room furnished house, 229 Second street. In­ quire at 713 Oak street. FOR RENT: Two steam heated offices. Weil located, rent reason­ able. Inquire First National bank. 41-8t. liO U S O . TRADE: Come in and look over FOR RENT ROOMS AND my long list of properties for APARTMENTS trade in various parts of Ore­ gon, Washington and California FOR RENT: Furnished three room front npnrtment. Call at Shook and a few farther east. You may apts. 49-lt find something that you want in exchange for your property. FOR S A L E R E A L E S T A T E II. C. Galey, 65 East Main St. 49-2t FOR SALE OR TRADE: for small ranch Modern house two lots, FOR RENT: Two garages at 96 fruit berries, 163 Auburn street. Laurel Street. 35-1 Ot new lochtion. The Community Club held their regular meeting at the club rooms Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clinton and small son loft the last o f the week for Portland, they were hold up at Cnnyonville on account o f the quarantine. They returned to Grants Pass going north by the way o f Crescent City and up the coast to Portland. The Ladies Aid held an all day meeting at the Church Thursday. A covered dish luncheon was serv­ ed to a large attendance. Mr. and Mr*. Theodore Williams servants at the E. R. Ream* home on Wagner creek left for San Francisco on Train 13 Wednesday o f last week. ■*) B usiness and P rofessional D irectory LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE: Fryers and Hens, Corn Fattened, 25 cents per FOR RENT: Furnisneu pound. Phone 17F2. Holmes Grocery. FOR SALE: One acre o f ground in Berries, five room house, garage, chicken house. Inquire at 713 Oak street. 89-t WANTED: Used Band Instru- ments. Bring yours to us at once if you want to sell. Elharts Book and Music Store. 39-2t 39-tf is slowly improving. Harold Burnette in Company with Arthur More o f Medford left Wednesday morning by motor for Riverside, Calif., The boys will be employed in the fruit. HORNBROCK NEWS NOTES Mrs. Willie Lowe anil daughter M-a. Alex Cavin were Ashland vis- P-'rs Thursday. M F *». ' drug’ I left Thursday o f la*t week on train John and Allie Hutchinson, 13 for San Francisco. Mr. Reams Misses Bernice and Lucile Jacobs, will return in a couple o f weeks. Mrs. Otis Tyrcr and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Maxon who spent j Ruth attended the dr.nce in Yre- the summer with their son Mr j ka Friday evening. Ed. Maxon and family left by train Mr. and Mrs. Tom Preyer of Monday for their home in Sacra­ Ashland visited friends here Sun­ mento, Calif. day. Mrs. C. f f . Long ha* received Mrs. Mnry Johnson and Mrs. Al­ word from her cousin Mr. Wm. Ward o f Keno, Ore., that their; bert Lichen were Yreka visitors daughter Mabel who was taken ill ^ Friday. ;th Infantile Paralysis Oct. 9th, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Minich 553353= s ä g R E A L E STA TE DENTISTS Dr. R. L. Burdic Beaver Realty Co. I A. M. Beaxer Denti»! Tel. 68 Horsey Bldg. 176 E. Main St. Next to Elks Temple Ashland, Oregon Dr. C. E. Shinn Dentistry Open evenings by appointment Residence 151-L O ffice Phone 151-J JACKSON COUNTY A B S T R A C T CO. Established in 1885 The Only Complete Title Sys­ tem in Jackson County Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance Citizen» Bank Bldg. Residence Phone 184 ASHLAND, OREGON PHYSICIAN Are you going to Buy or Build a H em e in Ashland 7 7 7 W r ilo JOHN B .SHELEY Central Point, Oregon f o r LO AN S -IO year County A g en t f o r the Benefit Saving» & Loan Association We make loans on town prop­ erty anywhere in tha county. Dr. Chiirle» A. Haine* Physician and Surfcoa REAL Office Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L Office Hour»! 10 to 12 A. M.— 2 to 6 P M Hershey Building G o o d City ESTATE Country for — Buys and Trades— F. L. NUTTEP "-«P r Me in Ashland, O regon MISCELANEOUS Ashland, Oregon Convalescent Home 1S3 Granite Dr. W . J. Crandall Osteopathic Where the sick and aged art cared for in pleasant home surroundings. Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office Phono 128 First National Bank Building W hittle Transfer & Storage Co. COAL. WOOD and S T O R A C I Parbir.g, Crating ai,d Shipping Long Distanca Hauling G. W . Gregg. M. D. AUTO FREIGHT TERMINAL Citizens Bank Bldg. Phone 117 Office Hour* 10-1; A. M 2-6 P. M. Office 89 Oak St. I Phones-69 (office) 222-R(res) D. M. B R O W E R . M. D. C L IF F B U R L IN G A M E Uses Radio Heat Theraphy in connection with other in« usures in treating dis- ease. Office at Residence. f a i n t e r and I -orator Papering, Ti ing Phone 45u 21 6 Central Ave Phone 498-R PUM PKIN CENTER Specials! Delicious Apples Muscat Grapes Thompson Seedless Toquet Grapes Rosa-Perll Wholesale or Retail Orders filled for can­ ning Fruits PainU, Oils, Glass Var- 1 rush, Building Paper, • Felts, Enamels, D rcor- ette and Varnish ’’ •'»in#. W hen you need a paint­ er or anything in the painting line call J. O. RIGG Phone 172 * Lithia Springs Hotel 0 You who have helped to build the electrical age, and who have profited from it in comfort, con­ venience and happiness, can safe­ guard its future growth by con- uaued support o f the American principle o f individual initiative. ANNOUNCES A T T R A C T IV E W IN TE R R A TE S For Permanent Guests T he C alifornia O regon P ower C o m p a n y 14 ------------------------------- • ---------- *— ^ A R a t e i : One cent a word first insertion, one belf cent a word th rcafter FOR SALE: 10 gal. water tunk LOST: Lost near Moon' Saw Mill and fittings with electric heat­ on Logging Road Bill Fold con­ taining valuable papers. Prop­ er. Elks Bldg., Barber Shop. erty Chas. Wimer. Return to FOR SALE: Red and White Register Office and receive re­ Grapes 34c. Blackberries 50c ward. 2-t per crate on vines. 430 Holly. LOST: A fountain pen and a FOR SALE: A white rotury elec­ Conklin pencil. Finder please tric sewing machine, Martha leave at Register office. Liber­ Washington type. In very good al Reward . 47-Jt condition, and has not been used long. It costs $160 and will FOUND: Spare truck Tire and wheel at Pinehurst. Owcner sell for half price. Write Bx B van have same by identifying care the Register. 39-ft property and paying for ad­ vertisement. 4-t FOR S A IE : 1933 Ford Touring Reconditioned v ith License. FOR RENT HOUSES Price $135.00. P jne 60 Clay- comp Motor Co. 25-tf FOR RENT: A clean comfortable six room hojse, mostly furnished. FOR SALE: Dodp Delivery for There is one acre of ground and light Trucking. Priced $175.00 housing for several hundred Clnycomb Motor So. chickens. Rent $30. 1307 Iowa street. 49-2t FOR SALE: 1924 Roadster . Re­ FOR RENT: 6 room Modern house conditioned with license. Price 121 Bush Street. Phone 289 J. $175.00. Phone Clnycomb Motor Co. 25-tf. FOR RENT: Apartments for rent Enquire 167 East Muin street». FOR SALE LIVE STOCK In the hands o f these companies the public is assured a continuous expansion o f electrical service to meet the needs o f our national development—and at decreasing rates as more current is used. . OFFICES. Medford.Grants Pass.Roscburg Klamath Falls-Oregon .Yreka. D unsm uir-C alifornia ^ FOR SALE MISCELANEOUS *Completc text of Mr. Green’s address will be furnished upon request. rrsfj “ NEWS I SisS • || $25.00 Per Month and Up See the Management for Further Details Yreka stopped for a short visit with friends Sunday while on their way to Ashland. Best Paints— — Best W orkm en Lu Hakes formerly o f this place dropped dead on the streeta of Oakland one day last week. When were Yreka business visitors Mon­ here he was employed by the S. day. P. 'Company as the Depot agent, j Mr. and Mr*. Cronkite and Lee Myers motored tg Oakland | daughter Nelda of Dunsmuir call­ ¿6 Monday on business. ed on friends here Sunday. 3 Vi«g Rae Dumas m«rtored to Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Stagg of 3 | Yreka Friday. Hilt were business visitors here Ed Seipel was a Yreka business 1 ■ Saturday. £3 | visitor Friday. to Li | S. M. Stough, Fred Coven. Ed. i Miss Clara Todd motored r and sons Vernon an«} Wag- * Ashland Monday. ner were Yreka busines visitor? M. A. Gunst and party o f 12 Friday. arrived from San Francisco Sat- Mrs. Lnran Bunch o f Weed was urday on their annual fishing trip. a Sunday dinner guest o f Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Kraft motor­ Lloyd Preyer. ed to Medford Sunday. Guy Roberts was a Yreka ri»i-l Mrs. Ale* Cavin of Dunsmuir tor Friday. spent la*t week a guest o f her Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Jaquette re- mother Mrs. William Lowe, tamed from Atlantic City, New Albert Hagerdom o f the Nig- Jersey last week, where they spent ger Boy mine spent the week end the past two months. On arriving here. home Jaquette was very ill, but S. M. Stough was a Montague !* improving though is still con-'visitor Wednesday. fined to his bed. Rev. and Mrs. Moore o f Sheri- John Clyburn and Tom Caper Continued » a Page 4