The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, October 18, 1927, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Qtyr Aehlattò Äpgtatrr
5 « « iW » rW I, P aper PublU hrd a l A»hl»ad, O r « |H
F orm erly the C entre! P oint and Aahlnnd A m erican
O ffice a t 372 E ast Main S tre e t
___ 92.00
O ne Y ea r __
A d v e rtis in g R ates G ir e n e n A p p lica tio n
E n te re d a t th e P ostoffice a t Ashland Oregon as Second Class
M atter, under th e Act o f Congress of March 3, 1879
their citzenship papers intend to strike for a
six-hour day and five-day week.
Starts to» bed envying the old maid and the
foreign-bom miner.
Goes to children’s room to see if every­
thing is all right, stoops over and kisses them
Then she changes her mind.
She’s glad she’s a mother after ail.
You say we have overdrawn the picture?
Overdrawn it, your grandmother.
It isn’t every home, of course, but some of
you astigmatic lads look over your own home
and see if it don’t fit.
Pacific In tern atio n al Livestock ber 89,-w ill be biggest in its hi*.
“ I f the race is a d raw ,“ Bones
says, “th e benzine buggy and its Show a t P o rtlan d , sta rtin g Octo- tory, with $100,000 premiums.
d riv er lose anyhow. In fa c t the
only way really to win is to lose by
reaching the crossing about ten
seconds o r m ore a f te r the ■ Iron
1 Horse has dragged its tail o a t of
the way.
The Ashland Register believes, and rightly,
Legion Auxiliary S t I i
that laws prohibiting prizefighting should be en­ American
D u rin g the relaxation period,
The Auxiliary to the A m erican
acted before laws prohibiting the broadcasting
Louis Dodge read an am using
Legion m et in reg u la r session Mon-
of prize fights by radio. It observes that the cart
ilay n ig h t a t th e Pioneer Cabin on article from H arp er’s M agazine.
of reform is hitched ahead of the horse, precise­ J W inburn Way.
Mr. a n d Mrs. M c C o y E n t e r t a i n at
ly as it is hitched in the law which forbids the cir­
The social com m ittee in charge
D inner
culation* of prize fight motion pictures. As long j was composed o f the follow ing Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. McCoy are |
ladies: Mrs. J . A ndrew McGee,
as prizefighting is permitted, just as. long will
th is even­
Mrs. S. A. P eters, J r., and Mrs. C.
people be keenly interested in itv declares the
ing, having as th eir guests Mr. and
A. Malone.
Register, and for exactly that length of time it
Mrs. Lew H ansen and Mr. E. G.
A fte r the business o f the even­
H arlan. D inner will be served at
will be necessary to* give the public the news of
ing had been taken care o f a so­
6 :30 and the evening spent in fo r­
the prize ring—by print, by radio and by film.
cial tim e was enjoyed
by the
m em bers, carp et rags were torn
It sums the situation in these words:
assem bled in balls to be sent
“Prize fighting is rotten. It disgraces an in­ and
to the V eterans H ospital n u m b er,
I t ’s quite possible to com m it
telligent civilization. But it is interesting.”
77 in P o rtland. R efreshm ents of “ r s 'f suicide,” acco rd :ng to Sain
The Register very properly concludes that in­ delicious sandwiches and c o f f e e 1 Bones, retired S o u th e ri Pacific
terest in pugilism, in the drama of the event, is were served b u ffet-sty le on a I co rt.u cto r and safety sage, who
not peculiar to ungodly men. A minister, if he is long tab le beautifully decorated I ««■•«■ th a t race suicide is what
with huge bouquets o f zennias and happens when s.oorting biood at
candid, would frequently confess that he has
m s and sprays o f color­ the wheel of a b o n zin : buggy tries
been following the pugilistic news, as a cham­ n ful astu au rtiu
tu m n leaves. T he n ex t m eet­ to beat a fa st train to a crossing
pionship fight approaches, with quite unclerical
ing will occur on the firs t M onday by a hair.
emotions, declares the Ashland newspaper.
in Novem ber.
Touching upon this very statement we remember
A s h l a n d S t u d y C l u b M o a ts
an illustrative instance.
The A shland S tudy Club m et
Back in the times when Jeffries was prepar­ M onday
aftern o o n a t th e home of
ing for the conflict with Johnson, and was ac­
Mrs. Louis Dodge on th e Boule­
corded the partisanship of millions who believed
that the heavyweight belt should be worn by a
The a fte rn o o n 's w ork proved
exceptionally p ro fitab le and in ­
white man, there was a mid-western minister
terestin g .
whose habit it was to drop into the country print­
to $3.00
Mrs. Fred W agner had the m a­
ing office and read the metropolitan exchanges.
jo r topic o f the afte rn o o n , instead
In his college days he had played football. Now
Free Garage
o f the usual review she gave a
all his ways were ordered and devout. Yet it was
very in stru ctiv e acco u n t o f the
Free Yellow Taxi
observed that invariably ho turned to the sports
history of W ebster’s In tern atio n al
Fxt. s t r e e t a t m a r k e t
pages and read with avidity every line pertain­ D ictionary.
The Heart of the City
Mrs. A. G. Adams had the m inor
ing to the impending conflict. This he, did more
topic, she gave a pleasing ta lk o f j T. E. fa rro w
W. M. SELL. j».
or less by stealth and w holly without subsequent
the “ Island o f St. H elena.”
allusion, until one day he chanced upon a col­
umn of type which declared the chances of Jef­
fries to be null and void. Springing to his feet,
his face empurpled, the reverend gentleman hurl­
ed the offending journal to the floor.
“I have no use for prize fighting!” he roared.
“’Tis brutal! ’Tis degrading! A coon has the
championship, and I’m glad of it! But I’ll bet any
man ten dollars that if Jeffries ever gets him in
‘where saving« are greatest”
the ring he’ll knock him out before the fifth!”—
Morning Oregonian.
■ = "
Elks Bldg.
Phone 3
Ashland, Ore.
The various and comnlicated duties of “moth­
er” have been described in story and song, but it
remained for a Minnesota editor, Billy Noonan,
of the Baudette Region, to tell the world Mother’s
troubles in plain English. Billy writes:
Mother has a soft snap, hasn’t she?
She gets up at six o’clock, feeds the fire,
tunes up the kitchen orchestra and starts
cooking breakfast.
Then she calls dad, and he rolls over on
the other ear for another yard of sleep.
Then she calls the children and dresses
the younger ones.
Calls dad again, and he gets up growling
like a strange bulldog.
After breakfast she sends the children to
school and washes the dishes.
Then she tidies up the house and gets a
backache picking up things father has scat­
tered around.
Then she dies up a couple of his shirts and
chaperones a ne- lie over t’’j place where he
ripped them.
The children are hard on their clothes and
she puts in an hour mending garments.
Then she cooks dinner, : rves it and sends
the children back to schtol.
Business of washin dishes again.
The church is goin* to have a food sale, so
she bakes a cake for ¡„.
Dad’s best suit, w hich she pressed the oth­
er day, is ail over cigar ashes and has more
wrinkles in it than an accordion, so she
presses it again.
Then she mends hei own clothes.
It is muring supner time, so she gets busy
in the kitchen again.
Now she has her daily vacation, so she
hunts up her husband’s peekaboo socks, gets
out the kniting bayonets and mends the foot
So it isn’t much of a vacation after all.
The children are sleepy, so she puts them
to bed.
By thus time she is ready for bed herself,
but steals a few minutes to look over the-
Reads that miners, who haven’t taken out
25 th Anniversary]
Suits With Personality
Distinctive in Cut and Patterns
Tim ely styles, too—
A n d manly lines,
Serviceable fabrics.
N o doubt of these
Values at—
Drop in and Look
over our Stock.
Not necessary to Buy.
M en’s suits in serges and
w orsteds, plain and attra c tiv e
stripes in blue, brow n and gray.
T h ree-b u tto n , sin g le-breasted
New Top£Coats
In the New Fall Styles«
Beautiful Blues«. Greys, and Browns
For Young Men
An Exceptional Value
$19 75
“ The au to ist who w ants to know
w hat makes the world go around
and finds th e answ er in m oonshine
usually disproves th e old
ab o u t experience being the best
teach er. Som etim es he isn’t able
to cash in on the lesson because
he has “ cashed in ’’ in course o f ex­
experim ent.
" I f Moses had been w riting
com m andm ents in the 20th cen-
tu ry th e re would have been thir-
instead o f ten, and not the
least o f these would have been
ST 0P> L00K
L IS T E N .’’
Factory Soap