ASHLAND REGISTER J+ W t « The Register’s News of Community Interest —- — TALENT NEWS ■ — ' . Mr. G. L. Bullen of the Talent | Service Station motored to Sams | At the regular meeting of the Valley and return Wednesday of school board was held Monday ev­ last week. ening, a discussion of the infantile Neil Spiers who, spent the past j paralysis situation and the ad­ two months working at Calview in I visability of closing the school was Eastern Oregon returned home taken up and decided that the Wednesday evening of last week. | school would continue and that all Mr. Croft instructor of the Ash­ students must stay away from ad­ land school band was at the Tal­ joining cities and off the streets in ent Wednesday last seeing Talent only when going and com­ about school a band from the ing from school. No Infantile Par­ Talent organizing and Phonix schools. alysis cases have been reported in Billia Glenn recently had his the vicinity of Talent. tonsils and adnoids removed and Mr. Everett Boone left Satur­ Glenn has been quite ill day evening for Columbia City Louise after receiving a wire that his with the mumps. father t . T. Boone had died that The Copco Comapny unloaded morning of a paraletic stroke. He three more carloads of light poles returned Monday accompanied by near the Tulent depot last week. his step mother bringing the re­ The Co., have several men here mains to Tulent. Mr. Stock of Ash­ that will set a new line of poles land took charge of the body. The from Prospect to Copco. funeral was held at the f M. E. Mrs. Denham ana Frank ac­ companied Mrs. Denhams son Church at 2:00 p. m. Tuesday. Mrs. H. B. Mye spent Friday Lloyd Turner and family as far afternon with Mrs. Wesley Vcgeli. as Castella, Calif., on their return home to Oakland, Monday of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Melott who trip last week spending three days at came from Colorado and spent the Castella and fishring. Mrs. summer in W ashington spent Mon­ Denham hunting and Frank day at the G. F. Hamilton home. Wednesday evening. returned home Mrs. Ed. Robispn of W agner Mr. and Mrs. Chapin and fam ­ creek and Mrs. L. Brown were call­ ily are moving from the Keith ers at the home o’P Mrs. J. Ferrill property to the Suncrest to take Monday. charge of the boarding house. Mr. J. D. Eaton of Medford call­ Mr. Otto Rosander is on the ed at the Wesley Vogeli home sick list this week. Sunday. ( Dareld Beckwith of Klamath Mr. Wesley Vogeli was a busi­ Falls, Alta H art and Bessie Con­ ness caller in Medford last Satur­ nor were Sunday dinner guests of day. Miss Ella Hamilton. Mrg. Ed. Chaplin of Leeth Nate Hamilton whoh as been in bridge, Alberta, Canada arrived Central Point will make his home Tuesday to attend the funeral of this winter with his brother Mr. her G randfather, Mr. E. T. Boone. G. F. Hamilton. Mrs. Chaplin will spend the re­ Mrs. A. T. Gall and son and mainder of the week at the home Mrs. Morris of Medford called on of her uncle Mr. Everette Boone. Mrs. Hanscomb at the Wm. Glein G. L. Bullen motored to Klam­ home on W agner creek on Wed­ nesday of last week. ath Falls on Thursday, The school board at a meeting Dan Combs of W agner creek is last week employed A. C. Mahony reported very ill and in a critical • to remodel the assembly hall in condition. the high school. A partition is to Mrs. O. L. Lindley and Mrs. be put in the room and make a Chas. Holdridge spent the after­ separate typew riting room. The noon at the home of Mrs. C. E. seats in the assembly will be re­ Clemens last Saturday. arranged in order to get the light Mrs. Geo. Dodson of Castella, at the proper angle. Also a new Calif., who is a guest of Mrs. teacher, Miss Mildred Beeson has Turner of Ashland spent Satur­ been hired to assist Mrs. Lillian day afternoon with Mrs. Turner's Scott in the primary room. Owing sister Mrs. Cora Denham. to the large number of pupils it Mr. and Mrs. John White of is necessary to divide the first and Medford visited at the home of second grades. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reams at their Mrs. Geo. C arter and Mrs. Ev­ summer home on W agner creek erett Beeson, teachers in the Med­ Monday. ford schools are at home during Mr. J. S. Spitzer is reshingling the closing of the Medford schools. his building on the highway pre­ Mr. Frank Muncer sold his vul­ paratory ta Mr. A. 7'. M ahaa’~ canising business to Mr. Oral moving in. Franklin of the Quality Service Mr. H. E. Bowman who has Station and has bought a wood been in poor health for some ranch on Coleman creek. They months has been gro wing worse the past week. Alec Bowman will moved on the ranch Friday. Mr. Wm. Wood of, Keno, Ore., take his father’s place on the ru r­ visited at the home of his cousins al route until he is again able to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long over the be out. Glasgo Straten and Chas Petrie week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson and returned from a hunting trip on son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1 W bgner Butte Tuesday evening M arguess and Mrs. C. W. Long with a fine buck. were Ashland shoppers last Sat­ Mr. and Mrs.' Louie Brown and family who have resided in Talent urday. Earle Edmundson had the mis­ for the past eighteen years are fortune to fall while playing foot­ moving to Ashland next Saturday ball . on the schood grounds last Mr. Brown was in the grocery Friday afternoon and fractured business here for a num ber of the s. me bone about three inches fears, selling his business to Thos. Hill now of Ashland. Their many above the foot. Earle Simmons proprietor ofi friends are sorry to have them Pumpkin Center is sending two leake and wish them all success tons of apples twice a week to in their new surroundings. Continued on Pag* 4 Sacramento Calif. AS AN ADDED INDUCEMENT FOR CASH TRANCACTIONS \ * ■ t 'A# '-A t'A f M f-M f W f W W Page —— im a \\\ Great Expansion Sale! This is the first of a series of three big events which are going to take place in this store during the month of October. We are going to discontinue the handling of Dry Goods and will close out our entire stock of this merchandise at extremely low prices be­ tween now and November First. The next event will be announced in about ten days. Be sure and watch this paper tor the announcement, lor it will bring you a real message Remember this sale starts on Saturday morning! VOILE ROBE FLANNEL 6 9 e .nd 89' 3 9 ‘ A beautiful array of colors in fine quality Voile. This material has sold regularly at 50c a yard and at this special price is a big saving. EVERFAST VOILE 55* A fine selection of beautiful fast colors. This is a regular 75c Voile and thrifty shoppers will buy many yards ut this special price. PRINTED VOILES AND DIMITIES 3 9 c New shades and patterns in this material that has been a wonderful seller at 50c a yard. At our spe­ cial price it is an exceptional saving. __ L1NGERE CHECKS 3 9 c Every woman and girl likes pretty underthinf* and here is your chance to get them at an unusual saving. NAINSOOK CHECKS 1 9 c White and colored Nainsook Checks of extra fine quality m aterial that has sold regularly at 25c a yard. This is a big value a t our special price. WHITE VOILES £ 9 C and 4 9 C This is a beautiful fine quality material that has sold regularlyat 45c and G.r>c a yard. It will make many pretty things and at the price is an exception­ al value. HANDKERCHIEFS LINEN $1 .19 A beautiful extra fine quality white linen that will mnke pretty handkerchiefs for Christmas gifts. Buy what you will need now at this extrem ely low price. FLAXON 3 9 ‘ W hite Flaxon in pluin, checked and striped ma­ terial. This is n very fine quality and has sold reg­ ularly at 50c to 65c the yard. SATEEN 25* A regular .",5c and 39c Sateen in beautiful colors and fine quality material. Here Is an opportunity to save money at this special low price. EVERFAST SATEEN 4 9 ( This beautiful fine quality fast color material that has been sold regularly at 75c and 85c the yard is an unusual saving at this special low price. TABLE LINEN *2 39 Many beautiful patterns in 72 inch white table linen that has sold regularly at $3.50 the yard. You will want enough of this fine material for several table cloths at this extremey low price. COTTON CHARMEUSE 4 9 ‘ A beautiful array of colors in this fine material. When you see it you will appreciate the exceptional value. BROADCLOTH 9 8 ‘ Kverfast Super Broadcloth in many- new shades that has sold regularly at $1.50 the yard. This won­ derful material is an unusual saving at our special low price. SHANTONE 5 9 ‘ Beautiful colors in Shantono Fineweave that has sold regularly at H5c the yard. This fine material has many uses and is an exceptional value at this low price. SUPER GINGHAM 4 9 ' Many pretty colors in checked super Gingham. T his is fast color m aterial that has sold regularly at 69c the yard. Now it your chance to make fine house dresses and aprons at an unusual saving. EVERFAST LINEN -7QC A regular $1.25 fast color linen of extra fine quality that will make wonderful dresaes for house or street wear. PRINTED OUTING Q O C Beautiful shades and patterns in fine heavy qual­ ity outing Flannel. This material will make fin# sleeping garm ents for these cold nights. FLAT CREPE A fine quality Flennel in good colors and pat­ terns that bus sold regularly at $1.00 and $1.19 the yard. Now is the time to save money on your win­ ter Bath Robe. KIMONA CREPE 2 5 c Many colors in Serpintine Kiniona Crepe that wRl make very pretty dressing robes. This is an unus­ ual saving. CORDUROY ROBING g 0 C , $ |.i 9 Many beautiful colors and patterns in plain and printed, corduroy robing that has sold regularly ut 98c and $1.69 the yard. Save money and buy this material now at this great saving. EVERFAST DRAPERY g 0 C, $ J 9 8 A large and beautiful selection of Drapery ma­ terial that ranges in width from 36 to 50 inches. This is very fine quality material and has sold reg­ ularly from 75c to $2.66 a yard. Now is the, time to dress up your rooms for winter at thesei great savings. RAYON CURTAIN NETS 6 5 c AND 8 5 c Regular 89c and $1.19 Curtain Nets in 36 and 45 inch width. Now is the time to re-curtain your win­ dows or buy curtains for the new home. MARQUISETTE J g C AND 2 9 C A fine assortment of M arquisette of extra good weight and quality. Thrifty Shoppers will buy this material fnst at our extremely low price. CURTAIN NET 6 9 ( This is just the kind of m aterial you will like to make curtains of for your windows. Wise and thrifty buyers will appreciate this wonderful value. PRINTS 3 9 ' Kverfast and Peter Pan Prints in scores of new shades and patterns that have sold regularly from 50c to 65c a yard. These Prints are unusual values and you will want to select many yards from these beautiful pieces. CRETONE 2 9 c *nd 4 9 ' Regular 45c and 69c fast color Cretonnes in a wore of beautiful patterns that will make pretty , hangings and coverings. EVERFAST SUITING 3 9 ' Beautiful shudes in Kverfast Suiting that will make fine house and school dresses. This is an un­ usually low price and will be a big saving to you. GINGHAMS 15* These Kalburnie Ginghams will make excellent dresses, aprons und rompers. There is a wide var­ iety of colors and patterns and you will not be able to appreciate this value until you see it. FANCY OUTING 1 7 c Fine heavy quality 36-inch Fancy Outing Flan­ nel that is an exceptional value at this special price. 27 and 36 inch DAISY CLOTH 1 7 c *“ * 2 1 c Regular 27-inch Daisy Cloth at a price that you will appreciate. This heuvy weight Outing Flannel is an exceptional saving at this special price. CREPE-de CHINE $ *|‘ .49 A very fine quality m aterial that will make beau­ tiful party and evening dresses at an unusual sav­ ing._______________________________________________ GEORGETTE CREPE $ 1 .49 Here is another fine material at an unusual sav­ ing that will make beautiful dresses to complete vour wardrobe. TABLE LINEN $£.75 to $ 9 .75 All White pure linen Table Cloths and Napkins to match that are unusual values. They have sold regularly from $8.60 to $14.50 a set. Some of these *ets have mix napkins and some have twelve. The Cloths range in size from 48x68 inches to 70x108 inches nnd the napkins range fro m20x20 inches to 22x22 inches. .95 Regular $2.50 Flat Crepe for beautiful dresses that you will be proud to wear for any party. SATIN CREPE * 2 ‘9 Many beautiful colors in Satin Crepe that has sold regularly at $2.95 a yard. This extra fine qual­ ity material! is a great saving at such a low price. SATIN CREPE $ 2 »5 Skinners beautiful Satin Crepe that is a regular $4.60 value is marked for this sale at this extrem e­ ly low price. This is such an unusual value that it will notl ast long so you had better come early for your selection. Crepe de Chine and Spun Silk 9 8 c New and beautiful shades in this m aterial that has sold regularly at $1.46 a yard la an exceptional value at such an unusual price. BARONETTE SATIN 6 9 ' Regular 98c Baronette Satin in all the new Fall Shades. This ia wonderful m aterial for making slips. The price at this sale is most unusual. SATIN CREPE * 219 Satin Crepe that we have sold regularly at $3.45 and $3.75 a yard are a great saving at this ex­ tremely low price. WOOL CHALL1E 9 8 ' A beautiful array o f’new fall colors snd patterns. This material will make wonderful dresses for win­ ter street wear. FANCY WORSTEDS $ 1 .9 5 Regular $3.75 striped and fancy worsted for winter dresaes. This material is 54 inches wide and priced extremely low. COATINGS .95 Fancy all wool 56-inch coatings at a great sav­ ing during this special event. NEWSHEEN TWILL $ £ .4 9 “ Beautiful all wool Twill Ithat has sold regularly it $5.00 a yard. This material «rill make you an ax- relient dress at a great saving. 27 inch FLANNELS .49 Regular values in this m aterial to $1.98 are In­ cluded in this special sale at a great saving to you. WOOL CASHMERE 9 8 c All Wool Batiste and Cashmere in 36-inch and 39-inch «ridth that have sold regularly a t $1.45 a yard, are a great saving at such a low pries. WOOL BROADCLOTH $ 2 » 5 Fine quality and good weight 60-inch Wool Broadcloth that is a regular $3.76 value. This is an excellent material for winter dresaes at an unus­ ual saving. TURKISH TOWELS 4 9 ? a Good weight fancy Turkish Towels, Size 18x36 inches In many beautiful colors. These are regular 65c and 76c towels and a wonderful saving at this price. TURKISH TOWELS 1 O C Another towel value that will please the wise and thrifty shopped. This towel is medium weight site 18x36 Inches and a big value at this very low price. TURKISH TOWELS 3 9 ? Heavy weight white with blue border alse 22x48 inches. This la a wonderful bath towel and so ex­ ceptional value at this extremely low price. TOWELS 3 for O C C Small size, medium weight turkish towels that *r* fine for the wash room. They are a big value at this price. RAYON SPREADS $^ .9 5 An extra fine quality 61x108 seamless bed spread beautiful Rayon material. There is an exception­ al selection of colors In these snreads and this is a value that you will appreciate when you see them. All I^aces, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons and Buttons, one-third to one-half ott Call and get a Souvenir on Sat­ urday ’Quality U our WOMEN'S WEAR. AND DRY GOODS \4li MAIN ST A S H L A N D ,O R t • « l w ê t • » Watchword*