NO SATISFACTORY club is Local W om an Is Owner of Bones of Ancient Mastodon Em plcyrm eat Service I« Bringing Mrs. W. H. Smith of 166 East least thirty-five feet beneath the Result* for Local Mairt street is the fortunate poss­ earth's surface. Firm*. Turned Down. The fossilised remains of the essor of a wonderful collection of elephant consist of a jaw bone, fossilized shells, sea plants, rocks, The chamber of commerce o f­ Although it is known that many and the remains of a mastodon, with two teeth intact, three loose fice has been a busy place the bids were submitted some of which a specie of the long-haired ele- teeth (molars) which measure sev- last* few days. The employment are believed to have been at very phant now extinct. This prehistor- en by sevbn inches, a tusk five work is steadily growing and an reasonable figures the Post office ic creature was three times the feet in length, one vertebra twelve average of three people a day are ] Department announces that “ no size and twice as heavy as our ele- inches in width, and another verte- being placed in positions. Busi­ suitable proposal was received un­ phant of today. j bra sixteen inches in width. ness men are telephoning in re-1 der the advertisement for the , w, , i The conglomeration of shells,' Evidently these huge creatures quests for men and many restaur- , proposed star route from Klamath and bones werc found in the ‘ roaraed ¡„ the j un(rles and prairies ants, hotels and boarding houses I lalls to Ashland and further ac- place and were intermixed. 0f California and Oregon millions have been supplied with help. The [ t”;’n ln tbe nlatter ,s not expect- xhese ancient specimens were un- j o f years ago. At that time chamber has a good position for a Week Day Bible School A s h la n d Girls take Two.fd at this time. Proposals were earthed by hydraulic pressure in'country was thought to have been Drive this Year will be in C' . . . . . . i _ - Classes First, a 2nd and 6th for called for a daily service for all tbe mine owned and operated* by ¡ ¡ S n l ^ e T a n V ° t h e T lW e Form of a Race Between • vou" K man ot h'*h ¡w -“00* age who j W Vill iU Resume Classes, c * _ * _ U ___________ classes of mail from Ashland to Mr and Mrs. Smith nhm.t two . — tv * _______ : _______ . . . * _ .Ce B . wanU permanent work with a W i t h Mrs. Andrews With Mr. and Mrs. Smith about two tropical. These fossil remains were State Honors Ford & Chevrolet j chance for advancement. Klamath Falls. miles west of Hilt, California on | undoubtedly thrown up from the PI FASED AT RESULTS In an8WCT l° an inquiry PO,t’ lhe Cottonwood creek, over thirty ocean bed at the time o f the * great i WILL « ,,, , HOLD , w-vTrTTj A wru I T T , T Ilf ChambeF CP “ to d j IS NOT COMPULSORY PL E A SC .L J A 1 K L 3 U L 1 9 master F. D. Wagner o f Ashland years ago. They were buried a t ! eruption. BANQUET facilities are now being f°r used ---------- _ _ . - has received the following letter. letter! — - ■ ---- ------------- ! - assist the golf club and the Y. M. _ . /> , ___ i * ____ _J Team is Making Prepara- from the Fourth Assistant Post- 7 Re^UlV .SardSi i ^ f Contest Will Officially ^ A in th' ir “nnual pffort* to crease membership rolls and raise and L-hlldren IvlUSl n a v e tions Already for Next master General: Open on Night of Oct budgets. Permi**ion Years Contests Washington, Sept. 30. 17 with Banquet A new feature has been added . . ... ■ 1 “ In reply to the inquiries con- Next Monday. October 10th, in the placing on file at the main The Ashland Canning i Leagtie and will admit as G. A. Briscoe, and C. J. Read will Leedom and Befh Joy¡ placed sec- that furfbeti action in the matter Southern Oregon, and ihe excel­ members only junior high ami high serve as captains under the leader I of the Bible school in Ashland, Tod, in this division, and Iwanda is advisable at this time.” there were eighty-six per cent of lent location nd later they may de­ en this fall, according to assur­ try and storic*. is "Make the ’best better.” 'has been working on the project announcing the start of the race. I ance given County Judge C. G. cide to go into the dairy bust ---------- | The course is optional with the Tor some time arid has optimistic The various teams named are as Gillette who returned Thursday Final check on the 66th Oregon I j and F"T the ljme deVoted to it being Gilmore, Henry Enders. the bureau of public roads and o f wo mews’ and childrens’ shoes, Ella Schultz Wilson, secretary r e -jone bour a week by each pupil. "V. O. Mi. SMITH. Captain Mr*. Carnee A n d re w * C om p lete* ’ t’ *f k #r. G. W . (iregg. Don Spencer, M w H veitera T r ip ; V isit* regard t» the widen mg and was in- : Qf piece goods whicn, will be sold the downpour totalled more than out by the teachers to the pupils Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hopper re­ G. TJ. Eubanks, Wm. Briggs, G. S ix t e e n State*. _______ formed that this rs to be d on e'0 ut to make room Itor this new de- turned Lome Monday the average precipitation for the which were taken home for the evening H. "Yeo, C. W. Portmiller. entire month, state fair week this parent’s signatures, signifying ^ without delay. A steam shovel will , partment. J. W. Murrv. o f Port-, from a trip to then r>d home m J. O R1GG, Captain Mrs. Grace E. Andrews return- bp brolJ(cht here from the M t,'iandi Oregon an experienced sh o e Ness CYty. Kan*** where they have year, was one of the wettest in his- their desire that their children 'G. H. Billings, H. T . Mitchel- ed horn« this week from an extend Hood road and wni be put V j work., man win bave charge o f the new, spent several days visitmg tory. The h-ggest year on record should receive this course of study, mure, S. D. Taylor, J. A. Putman, ed trip which took her thru six- , m . j n t e r considerable work j department for Mr. McGee. friends and relatives. Thev also was immediately after the war The instructor, Mrs. Andrews, E. M. Weren. R. L. Burdic. teen of the western and middle I wag d(nw, jn elimination — ' - — ----------- - ---------------- o f cer- Mr. Murry was at one time em­ visited other cifres, including Kan­ when 110,000 for the week. j cnlls at the school building for G. A . B R IS C O E , Captain ulates. On August first. Mrs. An- tain bad curves. The work this ployed ln tbe QUeeri Quality shoe sas City and WAvchitu, ret urn tg t-o _ . _ .. u r n , * or t' me *n , her classes nnd escorts them to the rtrews left Ashland, going first to wi„ter will be the widening o f the j f actory. lias had several years ex- Ashland by way oT Los Angrtes *i ,H- P*mb*rtoil, years that the state fair has been ' church where the classes are held, Spokane. where she was a guest at remainder of the highway, making perience m retail selling and and San Francisco. They had a H. II. r.Uiart, A. M. Beaver, (.. staged admission to the grounds grounds returning returning them them to to the the «rhnol school nt at the home of Reverend and Mrs- - - i ft full width for the eight miles ; eomeg b;g new position well j most delightful trip and renewed 5L Green, F. S. Engle. was charged for eight days, the j the conclusion of the class. I I, . A "1 .. -- - - — I \* 4 U A w V* A W * 1 C . J. B A U G H M A N . C a p t a in C. Ko ehler, minister o f the Knox from the bottom the mountain J equipped to handle the details of many old friesrl'hip* and ac- u , fair and exhibitors holding over On the first two and one-half Presbyterian church at Spokane. to the -resort. ily d e ’ t oung, B H. McNam, | Sunday. Thig proved a fin»nci*l j d«ya o f the week, the classes will | the new department. Anittmnce- quaintarve*. Rev. and Mrs. Koehler were form­ G. W. McNabb, K K Whittle, G ., success and $7930 were collected, be held for Washington school pu- ! ment will be soon as to the lines I erly of Ashland, Bov. Koehler hav­ Has U n u s u a l W i n d o w that will be carried. Edselt, accompanied by , t J ' r E A D . ' ^ I ' ^ " dmiMi° ni- !t P ^ bable, pil, . t the Methodist Church and F. W ing been the Presbyterian minis- The window in Bert Miller’s that the eight day fair may be | from Wednesday noon for the re­ Mrs. Edse’1 1 . of the Tfreen Springs J. W. McCoy, L H. Hansen, held next year. ter here years ago. They are most -]g a veritable picture of The Campfire Girls have made mainder o f the week, at the Con­ happily situated at Spokane, and ^ utumn Dahlias in red shaded to -plans to publish a monthly paper. Mountain district, were in town ¡ jfl. s, Woodworth, W. V. Barney, gregational Church for puipils of No races or extra attraction T. S. Wiley, C. D. Gaffney. Mrs. Andrews enjoyed her stay orangf>i variegated scarlet avl gold Mig(, Lucille Carson won the hon- Wednesday shopping. other than concessions were ot- Lincoln school. with them.' | yellow, orchid and white produce or 0f choosing; the name for this ; fered Sunday, a feature being a Last year there was an enroll­ Dry Farm Corn. Miss Katherine Vincent, Regis- From Spokane, Mrs. Andrews a vivid nnd charming Autumnal publication, she chose the Indian ! free horse show in the stadium. So ment of over 500 children and in­ An excellent sample o f d ry, at the trar at the Normal school, is now went to Grenville, South Dakota setting for the brown business s«it nxrne, “ Missak. meaning ...... .....„ ______ the crowd, that exhi- dications point to a large atten­ | to be at her otTiee at the f.rm corn Is being displayed in ^ at where she visited her brother. Mr. within their midst. The brown of f 00t 0f tb(. mountain. the Billings I bitor" had trouble ,n K' ttin* the,r dance again this year. Miss Ellen Watery is the presi- Normal school building for a short the window of A. D. Owens and his family. From the suit blends harmoniously bito h° ™ * M ° thr " rena " V "t-nd- there, her itinerary took her to [ the riot o f color. dent o f the Campfire Girls, Miss while each «ay* She is recovering agency (Ma week. The corn was ! mg room was at a premimum. by G. W. Hake, and has Winter Garden Dane*. Minneapolis, St. Paul, south thru [ This glorious host o f dahlias was Meli Carter is vice president and ««tisfactorily from hev aecent au- attracted much attention due to Iowa, and to Missouri and Kansas, furnished by Mr. Clyde Costello Mies Ellen McLeod is secretary. The first of a series o f dancea tosaobile aeejen t. Talent School* Clote. its size and uniformity. Mrs. Andrews visited at her old who resides at 36 Church st. Mr. to be given in the Winter Garden The Talent public schools were home in Kansas, and with a broth- Costello derives much pleasure and dance hall will be staged Satur­ closed last night by special order Dr. Brow er to Spook day night, according to Domino er, I. L. Owens in Monet, of the pride in the growing o f these Dr. D. M. Brower will give a ot ttie *cho°* '»"«rd, due to the Provost, manager o f the dances. 05'hitelake country. Motor trips handsome plants. lecture sermon at the church of infanti,p par«!y*i« epidemnic. Special music has been secured, were taken through parts o f Ark- ---------------------------- the Brethem chapel Sunday even­ There are no cases o f the dread and a most delightful time ia be­ ansas and Oklahoma, and Mrs. j j 0 Speak Tonight. ing. October 9, at R p. m. on the disease in Talent, and the measure ing anticipated. Andrews was impressed by the ex- Mrs. Paul Brsee will sneak at will contribute to the Ashland Rejnster, subject, “ Peace or Christianity was taken purely as a precaution. cellent roads through this part of the Nazarene church tonight a t 1 « starting next week. At a recent meeting of vs. War.'” Those who are inter­ the country. In all the middle wes- j ^ ¡30 on her recently completed J FIGHT PICTURES HERE Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hays return­ ested in the subject will be gladly the Ministerial Association, Ashland minis­ tern states, the crops looked won- trip to Africa. M m Brsee visited I The Dempsey-Tunney fight pic­ welcomed. ed the first of the week from a ters voted to accept the offer of the Register derfully well, and the country was a)| o f the Naaarene missions I tures will be shown at the Vin­ visit to Seattle. Portland, and Cot- green and beautiful. This was while on her trip and has an in- | editor that they contribute once a week an ing theatre, Friday and Saturday Mr. Ralph Vining o f Oakland. u *p Grove. They were on a plea- Mrs. Andrews first trip back to teresting message. j editorial based upon some topic of general October 14th and 16th According Calif., son of Mrs. Mary Vining *ure trip visiting friends and re- her old home in fourteen years., ---------------------------- ( to an announcement made today interest. The ministers will take turns, and on Granite street, is spending » l*tl»es in the northern cities, and she noticed a remakable im- j Mr. Irving Vining came in from i by Manager Hurst. it is thought the first editorial will appear few days at the home o f his moth ---------- provement and growth. the Lake of the Woods Tuesday ! In reparts from other cities j i er, and his sister Mrs. Grainger, next Friday, Rev. J. E. Murphy o f the Full From Kansas City, Mrs. An- evening, atfer having closed his J j i He has now gone on a deer hunt- Gospel Church will go to Wagner where the pictures were shown drews went to Denver, and from j cabin for the winter. He departed I they are said to be unusually good Ing trip in the mountains, in com -! creek Sunday afternoon to precah. there, oa the Ria Irsn Je thru th*. last evening for Washington, D. C. j It will be written by Rev. H. T. Mitchel- particularly in the seventh round pany with Otto Winter. The sermon will be given in the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, on a business trip. when Dempsey knocked Tunney more of the Presbyterian church. This inter­ ■ ■ ! Wagner creek school house at .1 thence to L