The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, October 04, 1927, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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T h e R E G I S T E R ’S E D I T O R I A L a n d F E A T U R E
C. J. READ, Editor and Publisher
Along the Concrete
ÜII k Aslilattù 2fcgist?r
Pap« r Published al A*».«od, Oregon
Formerly the Central Point and Aahland Ameritan
O ffice at 372 East Main Street
$ 2.00
Advertising Ralas Given on Application
i Entered at the Postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, as Second CIs
Matter, under the Act o f Congress of March 3, 1879
A t the town meeting held Friday night, secre­
tary o f the Chamber o f Commerce E. G. Harlan
told o f the conditions in Tacoma, Washington
when the rail road shops were moved to Seattle,
how the business district was nearly paralysed
tor some time, and how after they had once re­
gained their confidence, the city enjoyed a great­
er and more substantial growth than it had ever
had before. This is a message that Ashland can
take to heart. For years and years business has
progressed locallv, with the serene confidence
o f a community tnat knows it has a large payroll
from which to make its living. No effort has been
made to rightfully hold that which belonged to
it. There was no particular reason for attempting
to build up outside trade territories, or develop
local resources, for business was good because o f
the railroad pay roll.
Then one day Ashland folks woke up to the full
realization that families who had resided here
for years were moved, forced to move into other
communities, that ties of friendship, established
over a period of years were being broken and
business relations were severed over night. This
created a feeling o f dispair in Ashland’s future.
The prop that we had been leaning on for so
many years had been kicked out from under us
and we were left suspended in mid air with ap­
parently nothing to light on. However as the
months go by, we find that we have a compara­
tively soft place to land. W e find that the pop­
ulation is just about the same, or if anything a lit­
tle larger. We find that Normal school students
spend considerable money, we find that there
are many people living in the outside districts
who would prefer to come to Ashland to do their
shopping, and we find that the rail roads can­
not take away the greatest thing we have, our na­
tural resources.
Our job now is to come to the full realization
that our future lies in our own hands. W e can do
as Tacoma has done. Hut it will require the unit­
ed efforts o f every interested individual. The fu­
ture o f the City o f Ashland is greater than that o f
any individual and by working out our destiny
together, it can be greater and more successful.
There has been some criticism directed to the
board o f health for their action in prohibiting all
children under sixteen to attend Sunday school
and other gathering places, but still allowing the
schools to remain open. The Register feels that
this criticism is based upon a misunderstanding
ot the motive o f the board rather than anything
else, and that a brief explanation as to the reason
for this action would not be out o f place.
According to members o f the health board,
there has not been one single case o f infantile
paralysis originate in Ashland, the one case that
was discovered here was brought in from the out­
side. The board of health arrived at this conclu­
sion,^ that as long as there were no cases originat­
ing in Ashland, the nrobable source o f the dis­
ease was not in Ashland and if there could be
some means adopted to keep local children from
coming in contact with outside districts, the
chances for the spread o f the disease would be
considerably minimized, and there would not be
the great loss entailed in the closing o f the
O f course only the future can tell the wisdom o f
this course but it would seem that the boards rea­
soning was logical.
a g r o u n d l e s s id io s y n c r a c y
Herbert Hoover proposes a question very per­
tinent to the time wnen he says: “ I often wonder
why it is that insurance must be secured by soli­
It is a peculiar fact that, with the exception o f
fire insurance, practically everyone has to be
“ sold” by the ability and tenacity o f the agent,
rather than by their own wish to purchase an in­
dispensable commodity.
Yet the hazards o f death, accident, liability,
and the rest are every bit as imminent as the
UHeWarat Ran<je
Described In a
Jer i « Dy an Officer of
M arines —
Capl. JoK nW
lu*èr#èed by the Author from j ~
;kclc)v«j Med« or
Six hundred yards to go; Xeep strap* and a button or two, and
'ie Bols well away— well atar- looted Its bosom of such papers as
ird. as you Leatherneck* say; there were-- those being details the
oine back the same route. Wheat. complete acout officer must attend
More explosions, and voices
Little gully here. Craters just be- to.
. ond Main line at least a hundred bleating 'KuiuaradcB!” — terrible
meters buck
Good I Let’s call up anxious vuifes— In hla ear
The dlalllusloued sergeant, a
Terry and see If he’ll give you the
men. . . . Terry would gh e hltn practical man, had ducked into the
twenty-five men and two chuut- crater right behind the acout officer.
ehuuts and not a marine more. The raiding party In hla rear bad
immediately fired their weapons In
Who wanted a raid any wav? Send
A great many rifles
Irg two support companies up to all directions
the Bols as soon us It's dark. Looks on forward stabbed the dark with
sharp flame, aud soma of these were
'nlerestln' on the right.
All set.
Start your cov­ >ery near. The sergeant tossed a
ering fire at 23 hours It*
Take grenade at the nearest; he had
you six minutes to get over, huh? toted that Frog citron grenade
around fur quite a while, some­
'All right, colonel bonne chance!”
Just before dark the colonel and what against his Judgment; bs now
t’aptaln de Stegur were ai bat­ reflected that It was good business
talion heudquartera.
“ Whitehead —“ grenades— I hope to spit In yo’
will give you your men. and I'm mess-kit they are— ask the man
«ending my acout officer along. that used one— " It was good busi­
Needa that sort of thing. Be sure ness. for It fell fair In the other cra­
«mu come buck where you went out. ter, thirty feet away, where the
t’ rahbe’s to the right o f there You rest o f that front-post squad were
beginning to react like the brave
know Crabbe Shoots quick."
chance o f fire, perhaps more so. This idiosyn­
"But. My Colonel." represented German men they were.
Two of
cracy of entire races o f people, to “ dodge” the
Mrs. Geo. Netherlands, whs was raptulu de Stegur "one should ar­ these survived, much shaken, and
insurance sellers, is groundless and foolish. It has
in the Medford hospital for blood range. one should explain, one scuttled Into the clever tittle tun­
Instruct— In
oue nel that connected them with the
poisoning is now at home with
gone to the extent where insurance selling is the
should rehearse— "
Feldrltter'a crater, emerging with
"Rehearse hell, sir! I’m due In pacific cries at the sergeant’s very
basis fo r numberless jokes. But the humor quick­
Netherlands left for their home in Baris tomorrow night.
Where feet. Being a man not given to ex­
ly reacts on the joker when he dies leaving a
Winters, Calif. Wednesday, Mrs. those marines, major? I’ll tell 'em citement, he accepted them nllvq,
penniless family, or is injured, or has his business
the while he dragged the scout offi­
Netherlands will follow Sunday. what I want—”
So tt was that a wedge o f men cer standing. “ We got our prison­
wiped out by court judgment.
Mrs. E. E. Cooke and Mrs. Dix debouched Into the wheat at 23 ers. sir. Let's best It,” he suggest­
Persons will eventually realize that they should
visited with Mrs. Wesley Vogelli hours 19 minutes. It being guff ed. “Their lines Is waktn' up. sir.
,‘lenity dark.
It's gonna be bad here— "
Sunday evening.
give every assistance toward furthering anything
The battalion scout officer and
The colonel, aa gallant a man as
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford are pack­ a
with ever lived, but Dot fast, barked
so entirely for their own safety and benefit. And
ing tomatoes at Mr. Vogeli’s and
“ Brlsonersf
when that comes to pass, more people will come
The men w, re echeloned How many? Two? Excellent, by
hauling them to Klamath Falla.
hark, right, and left with an auto­ G od! Give 'em here, young man !*’
to the insurance dealer’s office, instead o f trying
Frank Straten in company with matic rifle on each flank. In (he and he seised the unhappy Bocbes
to avoid him in theirs.
Merrick Thornton o f Ashland are ■ enter marched the colonel, smok­ bv their collars and shook them
"Thought you'd start
leaving Saturday in the Thornton ing. to the horror o f all. a cigar. violently.
Smoking was not done up there,
Coupe for an extended trip in Can­ sifter dark. With him was the el­ something, hey? Thought you'd
start something, he.v?"
ada. They will visit at Eugene,
egant French captain, who ap­
The scout offli-er now blew his
whistle, the sergeant shouted In a
signed to It. The story would, he
to Victoria, B. C. and points in
voice of brass, and the colonel made
reflected, amaze and delight hta
the kind of remark a colonel
The annual conference of state governors and
Alberta Province.
mess If he ever got hack with It'
makes. It it related by truthful
several institutes and economic congresses have
Fred Rupp, chairman o f the
marines there present that every
remember Just what this colonel
school board visited the
puzzled themselves how to curb growing state
German lu Von Boehn’s army fired
said: a type. Nom de D teu! If only
on them as they went back, but no
he had o**t worn hta new uniform—
two agree as to the manner o f their
Mrs. John Robison made
The Institute of Public Affairs wracked its
“ turn
It la. however, established
■oncelve. . . .
that the eolonel bringing up the
brains two weeks at Charlottesville, Ya., and
The 75s flew with angry whines
car. halted about half-way over,
that arched across the sky and
came to the conclusion that what the states need­
drew his hitherto virgin pistol, and
Mrs. Bessie Palmer o f Grants -mote with red and green flame* wheeled around for a parting shot
ed was “ wiser, not less state spending.” As the
. . There waa a
Pass while enroute to Talent Tues­ along a Hue.
something In the nature of un
spatter o f rtfle Are toward the
states have pyramided their expenditures from
Seeing this, the tall
day was hit bya car cutting in on l ight : flares went up over the dark beau geste
$2,227,000,000 in 1913 to $7,400,000,000 in
the highway, no one was hurt but ,mill of the Bols; a «‘ertnlu violence French captain to hta rear and left,
r machine guu lire grew uu and drew tils pistol and wheeled also,
her car was damaged. Mrs. Palm­
1925, in addition to Federal taxes, the statesmen
maglnlng pursuit.
The colonel —
waxed lo great volume, hut always
er visited her parents Mr. and 0 the right.
of the high school of public extravagance agreed
Forward, where the and to this attest the scout officer
.Mrs. A. T. McMahan.
-hells were breakiug. there was ind his sergeant— then shot the
that some form of economy in state affairs was
Frenchman through the— aa sea­
A surprise party was given for noihing. . . .
necessary, not so much fewer dollars spent as bet­
The acout officer, leading, had going marl ties say— stern sheets
Elton Hart at the G. F. Hamilton out his canteen and wet his dry
Ttie scout officer and the ser­
ter use of the dollars, “ increasing the efficiency
home Wednesday evening.
He waa acutely conscious geant got him buck same way, both
and modernizing the conduct of public business.”
His mind filled with admiration at hla lan­
Mrs. John Robison entertained o f his empty stomach.
dwelt yearningly
the m e«*klt. guage
There was much learned talk about "econom­
Mrs. Edith Cochran and Esther freighted nobly with monkey-meat
By the time they stumbled
ies in the use o f the tax dollars” by the various
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Childers end tomatoes, awaiting him In the through the nervous outpoets te
ihetr own place, the French cer­
and John at dinner Sunday even­ dependable Tommy's musette.
governors attending, but none of these governors
A hundred meters forward the tain bad lapsed tnto English
could show that the total expenditures had not
ust sheila burst, and he saw new a wound, you perceive It la good
But It is not a
Ahead, a spot darker thuD for a permission
risen by leaps and bounds during their brilliant
It la an Indignity! And.
land visited at her parents Mr. lie dark ; he went up to It. Away wound
economy administrations.”
and Mrs. Vogeli Sunday.
They ,ii the right a (lare soared, aud besides my eew breeches!
omethlng gleamed dull In the IMou de Dteu! O sale coiooel-ct I
The basic fact remains that state politicians
took Mr. and Mrs. Vogeli for a
idock hole at his feet— a round, Whaf will my wife say! That one.
are constantly multiplying functions in the form
nice ride Sunday afternoon.
leep helmet with the pale blur of she «'hose the doth herself! Tou-
of new’ activities, duplicating federal activities
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
and . tu'-e under I t ; a dick and the nerre de canon!"—end he sank Into
«trteken silence.
daughter Constance o f Medford shadow of a movement there and
and fashions in other states, all making places for
1 little flicker; a matter of spill
The raiding party shook down
spent Monday evening with her econds: the scout officer hail »
high salaried easy jobs which increase employes
in several boles, praised God. and
P*rent* Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley ':i.\»net In hi* stomach, almost
went to sleep.
The colonel, with
in the public service.
ddrltter Kurt Iden. <'«onpuny Slv his prisoners, received the compli­
The more the state is called upon to do for the
ilie Margrave of Hraudeuburg ments of the haltalloo headquar-
Donald Long motored
glmeut (this estahti-t.ed later by iers and departed for Brigade The
people (outside the function of governing) what
from War Eagle mine and return
. it. tile Intelligence uu exainina
scout officer observed to Ms araaxe-
they could do for themselves, the higher the cost
Wednesday afternoon.
ion o f the payhook of the de
't**nt. that they had been oat of
A dinner party was enjoyed at cased*, being on frout post with their lines less than twenty min­
of government mounts. The result is more public
“ Where s the Forty ninth r
the home o f F. L. Holdridge Sun­ ,t.» -quad, beard a noise hard on ute«
jobs at high pay. The simple-minded producer
he cessation o f the shelling, and he wanted to know flrst.
day. Sept. 25th, to celebrate the
ut out hla neck l*ear God. shoot ’ Mm. they went np to the Bote right
from the soil anti industries must foo the bill in
birthday o f D. O. Hurley. Frank Hhoot! qu ickly!
site- ihe major sent for you A „.
the form of increased taxes. Could anything be
The scout officer was conscious
Reed. F. L. Holdridge and Esther
W ere moving bet.
s i m p l e r ? ___________________
»lion headquarter« up there now.
Holdridge and Aunt Martha Mat- o f ■ monstrous «urge o f fewper.
teaon. The guests were, C. W. He gathered hla feet under him. 7 * •V>ar r* ° f >,e ,B<J “«me along.
and hla hands crooked like claws, Artaok or something*
STATEMENT OF THE OWNER. nient, management.
Holdridge and family. Mr. and and he hurled biiusell In the same
After a very full night, the scoot
1. That the names and addresses Mrs. D. O. Hurley. Mr. and Mrs. breath there was a mug bright ofll.-er crawled and scuttled along
LATION. ETC.. REQUIRED BY of the publisher, editor, managing Frank Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Vimont flash, right under hla arm. and the
he last tip o f the Bole de Beilewu
The looking for a hole that a battalia«
THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF editor, and business managers are: and Will, Alice Gleon and Mr. and mad crack o f a Springfield.
disillusioned sergeant
had estl
runner told him about “ Seen the
AUGUST 14, 1911.
Editor. C. J. Read. Aahland. Ore­ Mrs. Albert Moore and Andrew
mated tbs situation, loosed off from I on ten ant dlggta
business manager.
C. J. Moore o f Medford.
the hip at perhaps aeveo feet, and lest Maxim gun air. Right at the
O f TH E A SH LA N D REGISTER, Read. Aahland, Oregon.
The W H. M S. will meet with thot-the German through the throat. noee o f the Wood« where the big
Too late to atop bluiaelf. the
publluhfil semi weekly at Aahland.
2. That the owner is: C. J. Read Mrs. Chas Estes Thursday Oct. 4th
mhovX • <!"*•«> dead
scout officer went head 11 rat into Hrtnl^.
Helnle« 1 aytn by . btg tree, all
at 2:30 P. M.
Or»*>>n far October l, 1927.
Ashland Oregon.
• he crater, hla hand* locking on ge her Csn't miss tt. «|r “
Siat«- o f Oregon, County of Jack-
Mr and Mrs. Chaa Estes and something wet and hairy. Just the
3. That the known bond holders,
v>ut officer had no desire to be
mortgagee«, and other security Fay spent Saturday night at thq alxe to 411 them; and presently he
«G ng l i the ,-oot of the morning
at the bottom of the crater,
Before me, a Notary Public in holders owning or holding 1 per home of Mr and Mrs. Gregory on dirt In hla meuth and a butting
|f posothte and If you moved
anti for the «tat? and county cent or more o f total amount o f Green Spring. While there Mr. In hla head, strangling something asleep
here the old Bo. he b, d , ^
aforesaid, personally appeared C. bonds, mortgages, or other securi­ Estes went hunting.Mrs Gregory's (hat flopped and gurgi~d aad made
■' N *
with WG <hat
mother accompanied them home emarkabie Boise« under hla hands * l'k -d .
J. Rea.!, who. having been duly ties are; None.
flat trajectory
* ««* .,
There weie explosion* and people
returning to her home Tuesday.
bat be followed an 0rge to «,
«worn according to law. deposes
stepped hard on his h».-t and lc*x " « lv Ton tide could stir. ,1-
and «ays that he is the owner o f Sworn to and subacnb«-d before
He bees me mine again and real­
(T o be continued)
1 “ tl* r Grove— Heavy
pear ised that whatever It was it was
the Ashland Register and that , me this 3 «lay o f October. 1927.
He groped in hla putioe* for
the following Is, to the beet c f hie t Seal I
G. H. B IL U N G S .
hie ►win* sad cot off lu so aider
Stay-ton— Com ento*« laid
knowledge and belief, a true atale­ My commtaatoa expiree 4-1-192$ en e orchards.
15.000 community house.