F O R M E R L Y C E N T R A L P O IN T A N D A S H L A N D A M E R IC A N A S H L A N D . JA C K SO N CO UN T Y . OREGON. TU ESD AY, O C TO B E R 4. »927 Bellview Man Is Inventor of Valuable Folding Chair Register’ » Prediction on Opening Day of School I» Verified GRADES ri. SH OW GAIN 'I i>y ’ *»••* • Figures oV High School Not Announced but are Known to he Higher il-’ e. onu on the twenty-fifth of August this year he was awarded a patent upon a folding chair, that inventor. has been described as being far Battery “ B" showed “ em” that acres in superior to any that are now on t could shoot the Springfield rifle for the ] the market. The chief advantages calibre .3'' as veil as the 10-inch rabbits u of Mr. Coles chair is in the way ..'■t de ‘t '.we puns, when they de- ciali: ing ¡he chair collapses, it being an ex­ fuittd a pick d team of Lithians Flemish ceedingly simple matter to fold it at the Naiit nnl Guard Rifle Am rival up and the compactness after it ■va~p Sunday morn.ng by a score Flemish are the most popular wi*h i* folded as well as its strength, it -f e r r i c « 41 . j him and his many pens are proof being so constructed that it is nearly impossible for H to be R inforced by “ Dutch1 Parker ° f 4hi* fact, One hundred and fifty rabbit}, f broken to pieces in ordinary uae- the Leieio:.' Team, m e o f ^the h . spct«"ia Southern Oregon.the 1 '* the average number he keeps on Since the patent has been grant­ Lithians presented a formidable hand all o: f the time, this number *PP*; tai:te Majot Malone an ex- varying slightly with the local de­ ed Mr. Cole* mail has been heav­ sert r,fit man of . itytny yea rs'raan^- The average sale of rabbits ily laden with offers of ntany -and ng, Hatxy McNair who has total about eight a week he says, kinds. some from manufacturers hot oh the Idaho National Guard *nd the pelts bring in a good sia- . earn a. tV.c National Matches at revenue. Mr. Cole is making Crmti Rorry. Ohio, and H. L. Plani "o'*' to get all pedigreed Claycomb, who pulls a wicked at°ck, and this will bring his rev- rigger w iih jii* sporting model ienu* from sa|o* up to a much higher point. Two buildings are used now to house the rabbits, Battery *'B“ to each building having double deck­ ;h*‘ beginning and ed pens. throughout the en About four years ago, this Bell- o i / h cnly '3 poi: view resident while recuperating from an attack of the flu, noticed The complete sec a folding chair around the house l’ ftutvh will be that did not have a back on it. He | -tatted experimenting to see if it 1 * “ — —— « could not be made more comfort- A* was predjejed exclusively in •he Ashland Rqgi^trr some weeks age, the enrollment o f Die Ashland Rubric schooSs this year shows a good increase over that o f a ye ago. This statement is made up- on the basis o f the env;-1;^ -t on October- 1o f this year as . ompared with the same date a year ago. and in the grade schools the enrollment shows an increase f U L I u L n L L U o f fifty two while in the high l i i H l f W r r tA S school, the exact Tigur*-* were not M V ln r p Y I H i i f announced but they ar»> know" «0 H i U l t L I I l l l l l be greater than a year ago. This _ _ 7 “ j .. • __ .. . , O fficer Sara r » m < despite the fact tha* several *nt- pils were sent tp the Junior Hy*i '* '** * “* . ' school this year. w*w>re !a«t v ■ r '* * * ” they w en provided fo r in the high school building. O fficer Sam Pr The total enrollment outside o f KTPslas S ♦the High s-hool fe r this v-ar plU ,h* ir vigorom O ctober First was 7I>0 while the ?K* r honesty and number enrolled a year ago w ire return * 18-® 738. The Washington school jn ' ald e;* hteen dolli 1926 had an enrollment o f 247. ViOUS,y he* n t* k*T ot four more than th;s v«or fV . | 1 p,r!rter af the figures fo r 1927 being 243. T h » ! r,ear A<,hland- Lincoln school show« a gain o f " r* eight with an enrollment o f 290 trouble locally Sat as com pan d to 282; The pTen*»*t j busines« district ai increase is in the Junior H:gh McNabL rar th school, there being 738 enrolled They went ouis’de last year as compared to 790 this ’ *8’ ar,d P®ople liv year. | calitv <'»u if's'nrd pill |P£ Df-Tf) The school enrollment is gener- r^rtment. and th« ally considered an index to the ed *** makp anoth growth o f a community, and th e ' ‘'°n>ply "Y with th showing made this year in the lo -. io pped at the El cal schisil Syc*.-rn hailed with d* - 1 ' ,on *° ''e‘ ' om“ light by business men. as it tends ° onp '"1 f he imi to refute prediction that Ashland nP e WOTt'rii was not going ahead. j 0 contends o f A gricu ltural C «»liage ta Span* Jackson County Agricultural C ollaga Three Position» aro L ocated M onday thv* O pening Three parties were located in ' positions on Monday of this week when the chamber of commerce started it« employment work. Th;s is the first step in the program < outlined by Secretary E. C. Harlan for making the chamber a real ser­ vice ’ nst^ution in the community. The chamber desires that aU business hour*'! ord o’ hers ij| Trying Days of Seventeen whom people are daily applying Figure* Compiled hv Pre­ for positions to refer such appli­ sident Churchill Show Seventy are Recounted cants to the chamber office where Expenditure $18,540 in Newspaper every effort will he made to place them in good positions. A great SPENT LOYALLY BOYS W ERE KILLED deal of time is taken to talk with persons applying for employment Boston Newspaper Gives and the chamber stands ready to Faculty Turns Loose A p ­ Graphic Account of take this burden o ff the store­ proximately $5,000 Per keepers hands. Month Event Before W ar Any one desiring help should, A complete story of that inter­ call the chamber office and list 1 esting historical event, the Boston their positions or the work they Massacre was told in the Boston wish done snd applicants best suit­ Gazette, winner .of the Register’s ed for the work will be sent out. old newspaper contest and owned From eight to nine o’clock in the by Mrs. Bertha Smith. This story morning? is the time set aside for is reproduced exactly as it was employment service. At the pre­ printed in the winning paper, with sent time there are several par the exception of the peculiar spell­ Mes wanting work. school. While these figures will ing of that day. The story is as come as a surprise to many who follows: do not fully appreciate the value of the Normal school to the city On the evening of Monday, be- I tt/n S S j of Ashland from a stnctly dol­ ing the Mil Current, several sol-j VVl JIYIf lars and cents standpoint, never­ diers of the 29th regiment were theless they are based upon an seen parading the streets with . . _ . • . „ , , . Mr*. Dea I actual expenditure for only tho their drawn Cutlasses and bay- . _ . aral B o o k necessities. »nets, abusing and wounding num­ The total figure was arrived tn bers of the inhabitants. this manner. The average amount A few minutes after nine o’­ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Don Carlos. clock. four youths, named Ed­ o f lawrence. Ksnsn* are guests of of money paid for board and* room ward Archbald. William Merchant, j j r an(j ¡vjrs. ,j H. Monroe, at -per student is $81.0A per month. Francis Archbald and John Leach Monrovia Ranch, having arrived It must be understod of course Jr., came down Comhill together in Ashland from Bend. Saturday, that thore are some who pay less and separating at Doctor Loring’s Mr. and Mr« Don Carlos are mak- than this amount and there are a oorner. the two former were pass- ¡n(r a tour of the western states great many more, that find their ing the narrow alley leading to on business for the Central Surety <>urd and room eaceada this fig­ average Murray « barrack, in which was a Company of Kanras City, a cor- ure, consequently the price per month has h»-en placed so'dic-r brandishing a broad sword p„ration with which MV Don Car- of an uncommon size against the ]oa ha« been connected for many at $31.00. This in itself amounts walla, out of which he struck fire yaara. On* of the directors of this to $10,230 per month, going into plentifully. A p«r«or of a mean corporation is a well known west- the hands of many Ashland fami­ countenance armed with a large Prn man, r a . Long, of the Long- lies, which in turn is spent with the grocers, the butcher, the cloth­ cudgel bore him company. Edward Bell Lumber Company. ing stores and department stores, Archbald admonished Mr. Mer- .. n . . , ., ,, Mrs. Don Carlos is a nationally for in many cases this is the sole chant to take care of the sword, on . _ known woman. She is the author revenue o f some families. * ' ,-h .he soldier turned around of book, #mon, which Then there are the school books. aid struck Arebald on the arm. ar„ „ A fh„ Rmokp>.. then pushed a. Merchant and «Virginia’s Inheritance.” and . A Normal school student must p reed through his doth-s inside book of f>jry tal„ _ Rhe is also s spend $28.00 per year for hooks M e arm c ! om U» th* armpit * . many mAsrazme* or on an average of $7.00 per y and poet#*M o f » not*, quarter this brings the revenue to havfnjr publi*h#»d h*r verne. Dur- - Strikes S o l d i e r ing the war. Mrs. Don Carlos wan Ashland, for every hook is bought Merchant then sti < k the sol- director of Women in France, he- locally .up to $9240 per year or a dier with a short stick he had and ing connected with the Y. M. C. | monthly average o f $700.00 of I the other person ran to the h ar-iA. work overseas. She writes un- iContinued on Pnge 2) der the name of Cooke Don Car- T h irty-F ive muíate are Named to For Plans on T a a R edaction Professor I. E. Vining of Ash­ land was named as a member on the state wide committee of thirty five men. appointed by Speaker o f House John H. Carkin of Med­ ford, to formulate plans whereby property taxes may be reduced. In eluded in the line of duty of the committee o f 35 will be the study o f the various plans for the relief o f the tax burden on reai property. Method« whereby the fi­ nancial requirements of Oregon may be aaet by indirect taxation will be considered. The group will »be known as the property tax re­ lief commission. The appointment o f the comrr s- sion was under authority o f a re­ solution adopted by the houae during the last legislation session. The commission. Mr. Carkin said < Continued on page 5) Tn Speak Friday Mrs. Paul Breese of Los An­ gele* who has just recently re­ turned from a trip to Africa will •peak ^t the Nazarene church Fri­ day night at 7:3*. Mrs. Breeae while in Africa vim ted the Nazar­ ene church misino ns and has an in tren d in g ------ ngr QUEE” r n n o v r ,T ir ,ç USED IN FARCE A coffin, a brace o f dueling pistols, a spiritualist’s gazing cry­ stal. a perambulator, a bottle of wine, a battery o f anti-aircraft guns ard four captive balloons were some o f the “ 'prop«*’ [ used in filming “ Time to Love,1 Raymond Griffith’s Paramount «tarring comedy, which reaches the Vining Theatre next Thursday and Fri­ day. Vera Voronina, new Rusvtan screen discovery and William Pow­ ell, veteran villian. are featured. Frank Tuttle directed Alfred Sav­ ior’s farce-comedy. It waa adopt­ ed for1 the screen by Pierre Col­ ling». t t Announcement has also been made by Manager Hurst o f Die Vining. that the Dem ■-«* Tunney fight pictures will be * shown In Ashland on Friday and Saturday, October 14, and 15. Mis* Gertrude Carlton o f Ash­ land. who has been emnloyed as bookeeper at the Ashland cream­ ery for the paat few months, will begin her duties aL the home of- fiee of the California Oregon Pow­ er Company in Medford, next Wednesday. Miss Carlton formerly worked at the Copco warehouse in Medford.— Mail Tribune. A baby daughter was born on September 29. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenaiston. at their hem« ea B street. Fortmillvr Returns From Buying Trip lately, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and daughter, Ruth, departed in their car for Spokane, where they will attend the funeral. Mr. Thomas was the husband of Mrs. Hardy’s sister, and his death was very sud- den Mr and Mrs. Hardy will re­ in Spokane a few days af­ GET LARGE BUCK o f their order* for spring on this ter the funeral and viait with V. D. Miller, Mr. Kreasler, and Mrs. Hardy’s aged father, who Jack Jesvett, returned late last One hundred and eight store makes hi* home in Spokaae. night from a week end bunting manager« attended this meeting, trip which resulted In the bringing and according to Mr. Fortmiller, in o f one &f the largest bocks (hot • general tone o f optimism re­ in the Klamath Falls region. Mr. carding business conditions on th* Kreasler operate* the Log Cabin coast prevailed. Poultry Farm on the Green | — — — Spring* and the trip was started The Miases Helen and Alice from his pace and extended into Walton o f Jacksonville are spend- the Hayden district. While the ing a few day* visiting Helen Bao- huck was not weighed it was disrh on Walker Avenue, known to be considerably over Mrs. Ghalor and family, whe Otto H. Giene o f Oakland. Cali­ have been visiting her mother Mrs. two hundred pounds in weight. fornia. is visiting at the home e f E. M. Wilson of Medford for the Mr*. E. M. Wilson of Medford W . A. Bihhy on Osk str past few weeks, returned to their visited her mother. Mr*. A. L. Har­ home at Klamath Falls one day vey at 237 B street Saturday, re­ Charles L. McWilliams snd Mr. last week. turning home the same day. and Mrs. J. E. Perk of El Contra, California, were railed to Ashland Roy DeMille and family, who Mr. and Mr*. Lewis Marrh o f this week hy the illness o f their have been living out on their ranch near the over-head bridge, Prospect spent Sunday with Mr. father. F. G. Mr Williams, who Is a for the past two yearn, have and Mrs. Lee Million at the Hardy patient at the Convalescent home. Second ■ ■ ■■■ moved into Ashland, to send their A part men ta en South children to school. *l w t - Mr. and Mrs Hodkinaon of ML ---------- Shasta City, former residents of E. V. CARTER BREAKS HIS ARM SATU R D A Y D istrict Sagt. Tn Speak Rev. De Lanae Wallace, district superintendent of the Nazarene church will speak at the church tonight at seven-thirty. The Loyal Woman’s class of the Christian church will lold a cook­ ed food sale at Hardy Brothers grocery store, Saturday, October 8. All food to be sold must be brought in by $ a. m. Emmet Gil huge and O. A. Paul Miss Mildred Barber left day morning for a week’s «"fb her brother, Marshal Barber, and his wife, at C< Grove. The latter aro propr of the Gray Goose Cafe and fectionery thero. Mr. and Mr*. Francis Ca Bc'lingham. Washington have been visiting at the ho Mra Call’, pareata, Mr. anr E. F. Smith on Oak street f pest three week’s returned tc home in Washington .Sunday. A. V. Hardy and Henry Enden this city, spent several days viait- eemd returned Ñenday evvatag Mn. M. R Jones has rat werv In Danach Falle Meadey ea mg with thew d a r t e r , Mrs. AJ- from a hunting trip hi the G rew U this city after a few was ■■■*■» ■* MerrU, Deems*.