ASHLAND REGISTER word “ Universal.” List to be with us and we will do the good. brought to store on Festival Day. Morning w orsh ip 'll a. m. (Continued From Page 11 J. C. Penny Co., will give a prize Young people’s meeting, 6:30 p. in most fresh eggs at regular ' to the one bringing m oldest piece j p( All young people are invited to price of the day, and second prise j of merchandise purchased from attend these seryices. of 25 lb. sack of Fishers Blend to any of the 890 stores: a $.>.00 Special prayer service 6:30 to next on Festival Day. j Marathon hat if winner is a man, . 7 :30. Studio Ashland will give &.lf ' and a *5.00 pair o f shoe, if a l.dyJ Evening worship 7:30 p. m. dozen cabinet photos to lady or Elhart's will give a *3.50 Gonk- Every Wednesday in each week the picture of | lin fountain pen to -party the man bringing in bringing in the oldest letter, news- P ™ *« meting 7:30 p. m on Festival largest family group, paper, magazine or book uook on Fes- Strangers and friends you are Day. cordially invited to spend a hap­ McNair Drug Stre will give tival day. py1 Sunday with us in the worship Simpson Hardware will give a gallon outing jug to party bring­ of God. Stirring singing and gos­ ing in smallest prescription num­ $3.00 kettle to the party spending pel preaching. .he twenty-fifth dollar in their ber on Fall Festival Day. store on Festival Day. Herbert Grocery will give a 3 lb. First National Bank will give a can of Royal Club Coffee to party bringing in largest apple on Festi-|$5.00 cash prize for first and val Day. and a 25 lb. sack of Mar- $2.50 cash prize for second to the vel flour to party bringing in larg­ district having most represents -1 tives register at the bank on Fes­ est potato on Festival Day. Miller’s Toggery will give a tival Day. MERCHANTS PRICE LIST L A S S IF IE D AD , Ratea: One cent a word fir»t insertion, ball cent a word thereafter FOR SALE MISCELANEOUS at 63 Gresham street. 39-tf FOR SALE: A white rotary trie sewing machine, Martha FOR SALE: Fresh Jersey milch Washington type. In very good cow. Pigs for sale. R. Scheide­ condition, and has not been reiter, Route 1, Box 213. used long. It costs *160 and will 39-3t sell for half price. Write Bx B care the Register. 39-ft FOR SALE: Fryers and Hens, Corn Fattened, 25 cents per pound. Phone 17F2. '*FOR SALE: Sixty Apple Boxes 10c each. 311 Mountain Ave. FOR SALE: 2 Brood sows and Phone 251-R C. W. Fraley. 3-t pigs. F. E. Garle, Rhone 6F14. 37-4t HOME LAUNDRY : Work guaran­ FOR RENT HOUSES teed. Mrs. Hedrick 165 B streettl FOR SALE: 1023 Ford Touring FOR RENT: Five room furnished! Reconditioned with License. house, 239 Second street, In- Price *135.00. Phone 50 Clay- quire at 713 Oak street. comp Motor Co. 25-tf FOR SALE OR RENT: Have sev­ FOR SALE: Dodge Delivery for eral nieces of land taken in on light Trucking. Priced $175.00 federal farm loans, which can Claycomb Motor So. be purchased on attractive terms. Also have some desirable FOR SALE: 1924 Roadster . Re­ pieces for rent. F. L. Nutter. conditioned with license. Price 37-4t $175.00. Phone 50, Claycomb 240 East Main. Motor Co. 25-tf. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE: White milch Goats, 1 Billy Goat, 2 years old, elig­ ible to register. One nanny, • year old. Two nanny kids, about five months old. Inquire 13 Plate Rubber Case FORD BATTERY $ 11.00 , Hardeman hat to the one bringing! in old-st usable Hart-Shaffner and | AT THE CHURCHES Marx suit on Festival Day. Ashland Register will give a sil­ First Presbyterian Church ver loving cup to the Ashland With Illuminated Bulletin merchant having best dressed win­ ! “ Education” will be the theme dow on Festival Day. J. O. Rigg will give a half gal­ of the address at the 11:00 a. m. lon Rubber Cement floor paint for service. The pastor Rev. Hugh T. tallest corn stalk brought in to Mitchelmore will preach at both servees. In the evening the theme store on Festival Day. Maddens Tire Shop will give a being “ Christ The Great Teach­ FOR RENT: 5 Room House, part­ Goodyear tube to one guessing er.” ly furnished: chicken houses, nearest mileage of old Goodyear Bible School: 9:45 a. m. Wirt garage. 244 Grant Street. casing in their window on Fall M. Wright, Superintendent. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. FOR RENT: hurnisnea •lousy. Festival Day. M. C. Lininger Hardware will j Wednesday 7:30 P. M. “ The Holmes Grocery. give either a Wcarever From i S'udies in Personal W’ ork,” will be FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Fryer or cookie pan for largest continued. This is open to all. FOR SALE OR TRADE: for small spitzenberg apple brought in on ranch Modern house two lots, Festival Day. Hardy Brothers will give a case BAPTIST CHURCH fruit berries, 163 Auburn street. o f Enders Best Tomatoea to oldest M. S. Woodworth, Pastor 35-10t customer registering in their store 0- WANTED TO BUY: A second on Festival Day. Sabbath School, 9:45 a m. hand Piano. Call 231 Gresham Sehroeders 10c Store will give Preaching, 11:00 a. m. street. a pair of bedroom slippers for Preaching, 7 :30 a. m. largest onion brought in their Note: Besides the regular Wed­ WANTED: Used Band Instru- store on Festival Day. nesday night prayer meeting, we ments. Bring yours to us at East Side Pharmacy will give are having some cottage prayer once if you want to sell. Elharts $3.00 perfume a omizer to most meetings. We hope thus to reach Book and *Music Store.' 39-2t recent bride visiting their store on all o f our Baptist membership and 39-tf Festival Day. congregation. Upon invitation we . L. L. Leedom will give a U. S. should be glad to hold such a meet­ FOR SALE: One acre of ground in Berries, five room house. tube to party travelling greatest ing in each house. The two weeks of prayer at the church were uni­ garage, chicken house. Inquire distance to attend Fall Festival. formly and deeply spiritual. In Claycomb Motor Co., will give at 713 Oak street. 39-t a 30 x 3-12 tire to party driving the ministry o f prayer is the — TO TRADE: A good bicycle for oldest Ford car into their Garage church’s hope o f victory. shotgun. Phone 407-R. 39-4t on Festival Day. Ashland Electric Supply Co., CHURCH OF THE Reedsport— U. S. harbor dredge will give the choice of any $6.00 moves 111,700 yards at 17 cents lectric fixture to man or woman a yard Fourt and C Street* turning greatest number o f words Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Mr. T. S. Wiley. Superintendent. At 11 o’clock, Morning Worship with sermon. At 6:30 P. M. Young Peopled Meeting. , At 7 :30 P. M. Praise servi(6; followed with sermon from the subject “ Drifting.” The regular mid-week prayer meeting will be held on Wednes­ day evening at 7 :30 p. m. A hearty welcome to all. Barrett None Better for Car or Radio Meat Market We recharge your Battery Radio B attery___75c Car Battery ....... 1.00 Enders Block Ashland, Oregon THE BEST OF MEATS AND POULTRY KEPT IN THE BEST OF CONDITION BY 0- CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Phone 50 Perfect Refrigeration I Farmer« and Stockmen are requested to call as I am in tha I / market for the choicest stock and poultry FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE J. E. MURPHY, Pastor — -------- ö I real Sunday School 9:45, | I Sunday School with classes for i all ages you are welcome. Come PUMPKIN CENTER Specials! ININ “ The Theatre Beautiful” Watch This Space For Coming Attractions Each Issue Last Time Saturday— Delicious Apples Muscat Grapes Thompson Seedless Toquet Granes Rosa-Perll W holesale or Retail Orders filled for can­ ning Fruits W . C. Field* in “ RUNNING W ILD ” GET GUNS AND AMMUNITION NOW AT The WINCHESTER Store Sunday Only— Best 50c It’s the story of a sheltered girl’s first love, of disillusionment in ran * and regenration of the battle fields of France William Fox Present* “ IS Z A T S O ?” A prize fighter and his manager in high society W ednesday— Ben Lyon and Pauline Stark in “ DANCE M A G IC ’ A Beautiful and Colorful Vaudeville j “ ’n ie Winchester Stör** ‘ I ft MINERAL OIL Pint Lois Moran in “ THE W HIRLW IND OF Y O U T H ” Monday and Tuesday— Where you are SURE o f getting the very DENTISTS CH IROPRACTOR Dr. R. L. Burdic DR. E. B. ANGELL P tO N K K K u i l ò l ò e e s . s i t l o r o ^ 117 O ffice 89 Oak St. Phone 257-R Chns A A llliii& l CLIFF BURLINGAME Social ^Secretary | •’ aintar and Decorata* Paparing, Tinting THE SUNNY SIDE Phone 45S "Where did you get that fine new hat from ?” "I bought it ten years ago. Sev­ en years ago I had it newly press­ LEGALS ed. Three years ago it was dyed 0 -------------------------------------------< black. The year before last I had NOTICE OF SALE a new band put around it. Last NOTICE IS HEREBY GIY week I exchanged it at the res­ That in pursuance of an Orde> taurant.” — Jugend (Munich). the County Court o f the County Jackson, State o f Oregon, in Matter o f the estate of Mary < • Paints, Oils, Glass Var­ deceased, the undersigned, the Every cloud has a Silver nish, Building Paper, minister o f said Estate, will, « . after the 15th day o f Octoh Felts, Enamels, O^cor- 1927, sell at private sale, to ■ lining. highest bidder, for cash, and ette and Varnish " ’ 'ins. ject to confirmation by said < at the office of L. A. Roberts When you need a paint­ 26 or 29 Piece Dinner Seta I Ashland, Oregon, all the right tit. er or anything in the interest and Estate of the $17.50 •• *35 00 Mary Cole, at the time of painting line call dea*h, had in and to all tSi of land in Jackson Coe-*w. Osa- J. O. RIGG gon, described as folio— • Lots Nine (9) an« J - Phone 172 (10) in Block “ G” od i. Railroad Addition ta * - Best Paints— City o f 4 «Mend HNRMAN V. M U d ’ ’ —-Heat W orkm en r A SH L A N D s ta h b s im r. 4t- O R E . n Cfms/UlUuL I« XZ I*“" Ì