The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, September 30, 1927, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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shipping left for his home in
Portland on train No. 14 Monday
(Continued From Pug» 6)
evning. Mr. R. E. Badger arrived
I Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock Monday to take charge at the de­
at bis home on Gibson avenue. Mr. pot.
Roberts has been in poor health
Mr. M. L. Alford o f Medford
for some time. The family lived in
was looking after business inter­
I Ashland for some years previous
ests in Talent, Friday last.
to their moving to their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill o f Ash­
Mr. and Mrs. t . C. Gardner in
called at Pumpkin center last
company with Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Burke o f Medford motored to Saturday.
The students from Talent at­
Crater Lake Sunday. They return­
tending the State Normal at Ash­
ed by way o f Diamond Lake.
The Medford
Librarian has land this year, are. Misses Betty
sent word that the libraries in the Brown, Dorris Applegate and Ruth
rural districts are to remain clos­ Bowman and Messrs. Will Vimorit,
ed during the Infantile Paralysis Verne Spiers and Akex Bowman.
A farewell party
epidemic. So the Talent library
will not be open after Friday even­
age for Rev. and Mrs. Vimont and
ing September 30th.
Mr. and Mrs. oral Franklin of M l WIIL Rev. Vimorat has filled
the Quality service station motor­ the pulpit at the M. E. Church
ed to Yreka and return Sunday. in Talent the past three years.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Turner of Rev. G. O. Waggoner will be pas­
Oakland arrived by motor from tor for the ensuing year.
Dr. M. M. Reid o f Portland
Oakland last Friday and visited
— —
with his mother Mrs. Cora Den­
ham. They left for their home
Monday for a few days stay.
The high school parly held Fri- j
day evening was a very successful I
affair. The Freshmen and new [
students felt they had been well j
initiated. Principal Miller
daughters Walletta and Jannita
and Elvis Cochran gave musical
selections and readings which was
enjoyed by the students.
Mr. Oswald Stanford and sister
Mrs. Win. Mosier and little son,
returned to their home in Seattle
after spending two weeks with |
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Evans and I
family o f Chiloquin stopped
Talent on their way to Medford
last Saturday. They brought Miss |
Anna to Ashland where she enter­
ed the normal.
Mr. Ralph Robison o f Palo Alto,
California, who with his w ife and
baby have been visiting at the
home o f W. W. Robison’s left,
Sunday for his home. Mrs. Robi­
son will remain for a month to vis- I
it here and in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Keese and
Children o f Medford called in Tal-
end Sunday. Mr. Keese taught in )
the Talent school last year.
Axel Amendsm is having a item j
garage built.
C. W. Long and Charlie spent
Saturday night with home folks
They returned to their work on f
the War Eagle mine Sunday morn­
ing. Mr. H. E. Wood accompanied
Mrs. O. I.. Lindley and he r
mother Mrs. Mulster o f the Suit-
crest orchard spent Monday after­
noon in Talent.
M. Ray Barshfield who was sent
here by the Southern Pacific to be
depot agent during the
Mr. Geo. Trepren o f Ashland the end o f the week.
.pent Monday calling on Talent
E. C. Gardner started tneir ap-1
fri nds. He spent the night at the called on M. Tryer Monday after­
pie picking last Monday. Dr. Mc-
Wm. High home. I>r. Reid wis noon.
a former pastor o f the M. E.
The Queen Esther Circle meets Fadden commenced his picking
church o f this place.
with Miss Sdna Newly this Friday Wednesday.
Mr. H. H. Lowe manager o f the
Mrs. Lee Connor and son Gene evening.
and daughter Geraldine o f Green
Mr. Earle Simmons proprietor Sun Gold Rabbitry shipped
Spring mountain visited in Talent o f Pumpkin Center is planning to pedigreed white rabbits to Indiana
and Medford last Friday.
enlarge his stand and building this the first o f the week. He also
made a fine shipment o f New Zeal-
Wilbur Raymond of Kiddle, Ore. fall.
land reds and whites to California.
who is employed by Copco Co.,
Mrs. Geo. McClarn o f Riddle,
Mrs. Glen Saltmarsh o f Little
spent one day last week with Mr. Ore., spent two days last week
and Mrs. Earle Simmons at Pump­ with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Simmons [ Applegate spent the week with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ham­
kin Center.
| at Pumpkin Center.
ilton. Mr. Saltmarsh spent the
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pace and Mr.
Mr. Wm. Childers ia driving a
and Mrs. Charlie Thompson and new Ford Coupe since last Sat­ time at Wagner Gap hunting.
Charliene Kincaid gave a slum­
family <<re moving to Ashland urday.
ber patry on Saturday night of
next week.
The Talent Rebekah Club will
last week, her guests were Cath­
Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Manning meet next Friday Oct. 7th at the
Brandt o f Medford and
moved this week into the house­ home o f Mrs. Ed. Robison on Wag­
keeping apartments upstairs in the ner Creek.
Rev. and Mrs. Vimont and Will
Ames building.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Driskell
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Connor of and little son arrived by motor returned last Saturday from Salem
Green Spring visited his brother, from Butte Falls Monday. They where they had been attending the
Mr. Rudy Connor and family, will start for Portland Thursday Methodist Episcopal Conf rt nee.
morning, returning to Butte Falls Mr. and Mrs. Vimont will •«on
October 6, 7, and 8
Thursday, Friday and Sat.
s b m h u k
Implement Paints and Roof Paints
o ffer the maximum
against rain, snow, frost, heat,
cold, sun and other destroying in­
fluences. They are made firat of
all for protection. They increase
the life o f your buildings and
equipment —they will increase the
value o f your property.
Painting is cheaper than repairs.
Paint your home, bams ailoa, out
buildings and machinery now be
for your busy season begins.
Lumber Co.
CorvaioMT 1927 U*m«o DauoCa
The war demonstrated that the
country that couldn’t feed itself
in a time o f national peril was
continually in danger. The farm­
er is the man who makes poss­
ible the feeding o f this or any
Farm values today are at toj^|
notch prices. Farmers have in ­
vested millions in buildings ami
equipment. A il this equipment, all
the buildings, represent an invest­
ment which should have the best
protection against depreciatiun in
The greatest enemy o f farm i
buildings and machinery ia wrath
er. Decay causes losses of many
millions annually.
against weather is one o f the best
insurance policies in which the
farmer can invest. Good paint. I
properly applied furnishes this
move to Ashland where they will
Mr* M. Learning. Annabell and
spend the winter. Will is attending
Berth, were Ashland shoppvr.
the State Normal.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton o f San Die­
- Mr. and Mr,. Harold Milner
go. Calif., spent Monday and Tues­
Klamath .Falls passed through l a -
day with Mrs. Ellens father and
ent Sunday on their way to me
brother Mr. Simmons and Earl
State Fair. Mrs. Milner was form­
at Pumpkin Center.
erly Miss Ruth Genoway who
Mr. Archie Estes o f Gold Hill
taught in Talent High school last
spent Wednesday with his par­
ents Mr. and Mrs. W . W. Estes.
Miss Ruth Howard of Medford
The Crater Lake Camp Fire
Girls voted to change the time of was a Sunday dinner guest at the
meeting from Monday evening to G. F. Hamilton home.
Friday. The next meeting will be
Mr H H. Lowe and Mr. Kin­
at the home o f Margaret Higgins ney went to Ashland to listen in
the first Friday in October when a on the Tunney and Dempsey fight.
general get-together meeting and
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord
iuffy pull will be held.
daughter Elsia and Mrs. Smith of
There were 43 callers register­ Medford called at the H. H. Lowe
ed at the Sun Gold Rabbitry this
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMahan,
Mr. Wm. Hart and Mr. H. H.
have rented the J. S. SpiUer build­
Lowe sent rabbits to the State
ing on the highway and will move
Fair in Salem. Mr. Hart sent one
barber shop soon.
of his Gold Medal Winners at the
(To Be Continued Tuesday)
‘ ounty Fair this year to the state
Toilet Goods, Stationery, Puretest Household Products,
Rexall Remedies, Candy, Hot Water Bottles and other
Drug Sundries, every article is guaranteed to give
10c article, 2 for 11c; 25c article, 2 for 26c; 35c articls, 2 for 36c; 50c article, 2
for 51c; 75c article, 2 for 76c; $1.00 article, 2 for $1.01c, etc.
$2.00 Hot W a te r
Bottles, 2 for $2.0lc; 1-lb. W riting Paper, 50c, 2-lb. for 51c.
l ° tch
•w ith
•w ith
McNair Bros.
The Rexall Store
at you r
Ashland, Oegaa