TU« Regl*t**r M ajority of reach*-* Farm The «»'■«wlafion of thi* ■•- ll« I A l * •ue i* more than. H ou*«* 1900 In Southern Oregon FO» ' " - M Y N A S H L A N D , JAC KSON COUN T Y , VO LU M E 3 INCREASE M B TO RJft HERE '• OREGON, '• • r A N P A S H L A N D A M E R IC A N TUESD AY, Candidates La Popularity Contest N U M B E R 40. L.iBER 27, 1927. i m e f í f f l HÍS ö AN EMI ■ Charlie Talent in Four Y ear* Make* 865 A rre*t* u n i Only 2 Plead N ot Guilty i Coach Cripe W orking Local ! Y ou n g»t rs on Funddtpcntali o f Football FESTIVAL DAY ARE Chief o f Police McNabb, and ‘ The Ashland High school team the Register Editor were having) in the first outside game o f the an interesting discussion this j s ».son will meet th« Yreka high morning on the prosecution o f var- j school football team on the local ions cases when T ra ffic O fficer C. field n t‘ t Saturday afternoon. P. Talent entered the Police sta- j But little is known o f th" north­ tion, ard when asked his view on 1 ern Californ.a youngsters other this, said that out o f a total of than the enrollment at the Yre- ■ t*A arrests made over a period o f k \ school is high and they have an four years, but two had pleaded j ;.T uhdance o f material to whip a not guilty, every other arrest R u #, „ e y8 Men Will Wear team into «hape. O! ' Fits1 • G* i To- More Than Twice a* Many made resulted in their being sen­ Coach Gripes’ G rizzfics suffer- Overalls Until TTy trsrlay A r S t a g e d l- y Cham­ tenced without the expense o f a j Boys as Last Year En­ U no ill effects from Saturday’s To Advertise Event ber of Commerce Fri. trial. These two who pleaded not I tussle with the Alumni, and in­ rolled, More to Come guilty, were both arrested on a 1 tensive signal practice with part P.OVIDE AMUSEMENT charge o f driving a car while in­ REGISTER GIVES CUP o f the time devoted to the funda EQUIPMENT ORDERED toxicated. and incident!)' they mentals o f foot ball, has been the Farmers Will Judfce Win­ were convicted o f the charge. Cluvirman the F.rter- order from the roach -for this Classes are Rearranged .so dow P«plays, and Win­ .veek. While the team made a sat- This rather startling record, t>itun*nt C m ¡ t^e has That Only 25 or 30 will fuetory appearance Saturday lead to further qoustioning o f the ners will be Awarded Snecia! ü lan« * Be in a Class emacn tfr pe is tar from satisfied popular traffic officer, and it was Defensiv iy, the team exceeded Business men will fnce the ter­ j “ It is to be a good old fashion­ found that in 1925, he recovered The three-hundred and thirty- exportât’ ' ns, but on the offense twenty-two stolen cars,‘and made rors o f u kangaroo court if they ed tow;, meeting, with every one * third N ‘final • student v s they api arod ragged and much 1 ted ind wi‘.h every one given a total o f thirteen arrests in a do not wear overalls from Monday registered at two-thirty this after-1 e ffo rt will be devoted to putting n opportunity to get up and say connection with them. This was a until Thursday o f next week ae- noon bring the present registra­ a smooth working organization on ust what he wants to,” said K. banner year, with 1926 but one ord 'ig to the edicts o f the gen- tion high above th' mos* optim­ the field Saturday. juld uppurt the L.thians ; G. Harlan, secretary o f the Ash­ behind when a total f twenty one | ,,ra| committee, in working out the The Ashland Armory is re­ istic expectations o f officials of in ears were recovered, and 16 peo­ details o f the fall Festival to ¡>e money derived from land Chamber o f Commerce the school. O f this number fifty - sounding these days to the bang the general ple were arrested for the thefts. held on Thursday, October 6th. spent in boosting the commenting upon two were boys, while last year the o f the hammers and buzz saws as i meeting to be held next Friday This is a record among state of- city o f A¡ hland. More than three dozen mer­ entire boys registration for the workmen are putting the final nvcning at eight o’clock, at the. f'cers, and speaks well for the ac- chants are offering special prize» >th pc first s< mester was twenty-eight. Armory. i tivity o f the local man who is re- for events to be staged on this touches to the Lithian’s Indoor , p- ........... . According to President J. II. “ While we have arrang'd a pur-J vonsible tor it. , day, and a complete list o f these Circus which opens nc-.t Monday. Friday night at 9 p. m. at which Churchill the registration this tial program for the year it w ill] will be announced soon according contiuu , '*• “ ls '' year will exceed three hundr d M-». Fr'-d Home* Receive* In ter­ October third and to W. P. W alter chairman o f this sull not be completed until after Fri-1 thoughout the wet and fifty , while last years regis­ esting L etter From Form er eo day night’s meeting when every ( committee. d Special decora’ ions and illumin tration fo r the same semester was Resident* n-ie will be given an opportunity i cond. The ace >m- Use a cic ------- — | ations will be installed in the A t -| Vi The free lunch at noon will be two hundred and sixty-six, or a should Center, Mi.-s Rosalind V' ise, how- classes, and the ordering o f addi­ be glad to have recent news from public one o f th best for delivery. The Hi-Y club w ill Methodist M eeting will he «Kfttributeri to ev- attempted here, and er left to right are the Misses me«'.oi do the serving according to ten­ tional equipment, fifty lecture them. In a letter from Mrs. Gruel- shows ever house in in Ashland, Ashland, and and the, support <>f thv? entire Josephine Barber and Cleo Wiltse. vry house chairs being ordered «by wire this le to Mrs. Fred Homes, she gave meri s the tative arrangements. Other fea­ (.iiambor secretary has issued a Dr G. M. Gregg was named one some interesting news o f their a c-1 community. Every citizea o f Ash- i'hotors by Darling Studio. morning. tures o f the entertainment are not special invitation to people living o f the four state delegates to the ] i complete but it was known that President Churchill stated to­ tivities during the past summer, i on the outside o f Ashland to at­ Methodist Episcopal Church Gen­ there will be at least two bands The summer was spent at their day, that notwithstanding the fact tend the Friday night’s meeting. eral conference to be held in Kan­ ! and there is a strong possibility that the school authorities had not summer home at Norwalk, Con- Lao Hansen, chairman o f the. sas City the entire month o f May j 7f~the Medford Drum CoTp. b eln i many delightful anticipated such a heavy increase necticutt and entertainment committee is in 1928, at the Laymens state con-1 h#nd for thi„ oeCB8ion. Several, in enrollment, classes were being hours, the guests arriving at 2'30i ! charge o f Friday night’s meeting, ference held In conjunction with I cjpcuii >cU wi|) bp thrU|rh_ so arranged that there would not imming. Their son, Worth, be-i Ù ÌC lllò l and is arrangeing a brand o f en- th«- general conference at Salem ^ ,hp d#y 0„ thp prin,.ipa| ,tret. be more than twenty-five or thirty | fan,e most proficient in the oper-i ------- M illard Grub Nearly Reache* tcTtainmcnt that cun be univer- “ ,st w fl ' 'o f Ashland, and with other enter- in any one class, which would ai- 4tion o f his own boat and for his Many Star* From Ore-gon School, Stardom, But a H ole Stop. »«Uy n.ioyed. Every e ffo r t is be- The election o f Dr. Gregg is a fainment n,,t yet announced Ash- low fo r the personal work with ” ex* summer’s vacation, he has R «»p o »d to Fire* Football Hrm ing made to h avj this meeting one distinct honor, for this conference land will provide ample amuse­ the faculty, which did so much °P P °rtunity to become sales- . Practice _ I o f the best attended in local his- is held but once in four years. the I ment for those who visit this city last year to place the school to man and demonstrator fo r • V, and as a business man said The local man was the laymen’ s The Alumni got a hear by th* ________ The first Normal school f*ot- on that day. the front from a scholastic stand­ type o f boat he operates. When Mr. and Mrs. GrueUe and' bail team took a h-*ithy work out u.. Saturday afternoon ¡; id il l- his morning. “ A person should representative from the Ashland point. Chairman of the Publicity * • criticize the CYiamber o f Com- hurrh at the state gathering. family came out to the Pacific I Monday night whan Cach Mac- n’t want to 1 « loos«- o f it, when Committee G. M. Green has some Coast several years ago. and lo -1 had about twenty-five out I '• bou„ fifte'-u A skies o f former uerre if they are not interested clever and novel publicity ideas cated for a year in Ashland. they for the first call. High senoul »tarsi 'J ■ irs, tang!'*«! v ,h th<: Grizzilies, nough in their ity to lake part that are being worked out, the n this meeting.” lie high schoef am, —i’ h ne ‘ came primarily fo r the health o f tro m Southern Oregon and many t f ’rst o f wh'ch will be the use o f Mr. Gruelle and son W r h . N * » j points in Noxthara < a Hernia' *’ *ide regiararlng registering a rounL The •arrier pi reons to carry a message moi Hre V i? Bit tie opening OC I. PEOPLE W IN they are in the best o f health, and were burned f good will and an invitation tJT' .t ll ______ j Wor.h is taking up athletics to a | n*Kbt ant* 1 IN FLOW ER SH O W from the Ashland Chamber of n fi mg into “ ¡íi his' tul Lillian Gi.h new S ta-yin « Vehicle « Teat He is now at the C u l-! y» rJ» a h-I' 1 Commerce to Medford and Grant» i nler like a ve - j The Flower Show which was Representative* From Independent “ Annie Laurie.” H ere Thur.- \ ver Miiitary School in Indiana, fo r Die local s< O Cil. Pass Civic organization to be pre-. 'ofc'ii C.” in desperation held at the Hotel Medford "n Fri- | Company Enthux d O ver Helm »■ ’O turned out ' l'r;- day and Friday :*nd tbe fam ily made the trip b v 1 Arawni' thos sent on this day. i fill the wide open •lay »^nd Saturday o f last week | Ranch _______ motor from Norwalk to Culver the IT.-. ni„-ht TP-e j\ ' land Re, st< r will pro­ th vnH \ r o f t:;e line call’ d rt'h coiim J rai le favorable L v ic i The Prince o f Wales, heir to I 7I: ltinK man>' interesting place? ran*! c •red Madden from full I attention from Southern Oregon, Representativee o f an Indepen- vide the cup to be present'd to England’s throne, has contributed en rt>1 e- They visited friends in j Mercer, U zru -i •ark ti center and Saturday's re- and from points in California, d*mt movie company from Holly- the merchant v hr has the h< it >rd ; to the making o f an American 1 ' Tonapolis for several days af- Ixibanon Tncs decorated windo* for this day. motion picture. F re e in g \S orth located at Cul­ “ Blondy” Hefner, South Pasa­ oil's, proveo that. th. move was a ( "ortjand and eastern cities. H. H. wceid will be in Ashland Wednes­ The cup will bt i display fo r ver. day when there is a strong possi­ good one. Brown and Moore in Hosier and Mrs. Lewis Jacks o f dena, C a lif.; H otoit Dickson, ’ ’ This is one o f the odd facts in some time previot to the Festival Dunsmuir; Harlan Cantree, Ruch; i ’ < ir in ial appearance as guards Ashland were well represented at bility o f a deal being closed fo r connection with Lillian Gish’s new , ' Day. the 240 aere ranrh o f A. D. Helms, did better than was expe-ted the Flower Show, and they receiv- “ Chuck” Colby, Svuth Pasadena; starring vehicle, “ Annie Laurie,” School Foot- while the balance o f the line look- . d many prizes. List . * prizes won located at the Ashland Klamath With every member o f tha a spectacular romance o f Scot- ball S u i t * Are Here “ Connie” Conrad, Medford; Ro­ P * ul Kincaid, Grants Pass, I standing stars, that is. they w ere 3rd. H. H. Hosier 2 Tennis, 1st’ vestigation the Helm T A F T . A T 70, SEES ranch is ranch in Candtia and started rals- McNeal o f the Normal achool. standing on the outside a ronsid-1 H. H. Hosier, 2nd H. H. Hosier ideally located fo r the movie com- H A P P Y DAYS A H EAD ; hig them there. The bovine actors ordpr ¡, one o f tnp ^ LIEUT. NOVILLE TO S T A Y S IN HARNESS in the picture are some o f the ever placrd locally, and will total SPEAK OVER RADIO ’ I X ' í f t “nd! Í . T J r * ' Pa"‘M purp°“ wWU th # m *n y sunshiny day* and the geneml »b-| herd. more than nine hundred dollars, Murray Bay, Que.,— “ It --------- I [ o r the “ Ha" Beeners.” covered i 1st H. H. Hosier, 3rd H H Ho*- sence o f fogs make it highly de- The new picture, a historical the local merchant said. They have Local manager, Earl Crow o f himself with dust instead o f ler. 5. Largest and best .p e el-, sirable. feel* fine to be 70. In fact, drama based on the Glencoe Mass­ been on display for several days, . the Standard Oil Company is to g'lory, when he grabbed up a fum- men, H. JI. Hosier It doesn't fee! a bit d iffer­ acre. and the stirring romance o f and attracted much attention. receipt o f a communication from "nd with an open field dxeh- ent than It felt to be 69,” Mr. Hosier has the prize flow-, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Riehard- Annie Laurie, the Scotch heroine ------------------------- ; the head offices at Portland ad- ^ the goal tine, only to have This was William noward Lithia son have relatives visiting them whose marriage into an enemy Reverend and Mrs. Howard vising him o f a radio talk to be bl» feet g -t tangled up in • hole * ra on display at the T a ft’a greetings to America clan brought peace that u nified, ( ^ Br 0f Grants Pas* visited in given by Lieutenant G. O. Neville In the field, and he came to m Springs Pharmacy, and super!«- at their home on Third street for, recently. Scotland, was staged on an elab- Ashland a few day* last week at “ ne o f the successful partici- inglorious end. when several from tive* are too mild to describe the a few days thia week. They are “ Everything In the wnr’d orate scale. the home o f Mrs. Gear’s parents, * n ‘ s in recent «vi»tio n activities1’ h* Grizzlliea squad pounced on beauty o f the blooms. The basket Mrs, Richardson’» father, Mr. J. o f dahlias which won blue ribbons F. Hall, and her sister», Mrs. Roy looks splendid,” he continu­ ------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Payne, on the ¡over and, •l,"i while he tried to regain hi« on t h K. * : E. X.. Portland ed. “ I look in the future stride. Thi* wa* : m __ »e a r as the in every class, is a most gorgeous! Nicoson "d Miss Margaret Hall, m. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Boulevard., They returned home Thursday evening at 8 p. WBm with high optimism and t.he Lieutenant N eville participated hi* h to ¿ r t n g ~ t h f r I ^ _ * * * : " r‘ .‘r'. n- ^ ™ DOES SOME DAM AGE u,t s“tor4*v CUrk ,a>n" *,,n nusual hand made design, and j also accompanied by Miss Hazel belief that the worries a id _____ o f Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Payne is in the Byrd Artie Expedition to I ,in* cro“ i‘d- there are many admirers fo r the Young, o f Elgin, and she and Mar­ trouble that have beset the Treka will meet the s* Grtzizlies, ^ j ECa I***0 ^ aewe v * b c- it in f w at * s the ■ ■ w i i home v iiiv w a f I* * -» , * I™ « v T rth III I Pol", , r» and 11 »J A fun w IIV i t I si* »S BBS • ■•■•*■ s S, 1 I ««» Medford t o h.‘ Claire Graham o f garet will stay at the Richardson, world’s path are passing.” w rr,ie *ide P*r*’ r t*. and »ril1 remain here fo r -.he Byrd Tran »-Atlantic flight es n*‘ 7, '<'*| u f*l*y on the local field pr,zf ‘ ,r'm*’ while driving on the ” I _ * 1 .* ! * V • _ ’.L . . . . a e. ■ * . t _ A nn W ith B IU lfy.A S » i ■ - M f intan. / home and attend Normal school; and with another week * a two weeks vacation. He ia w i’ h assistant pilot a*"«! flight engineer. Three score years and ten o f the «treet in an effo rt to dodge rilling. Coach Gripes’ young-1 Mra- A - ** Harvay baa the new this term. Mr. Hall and M rs.; at ' Whil his mesage will be largely make no differnca to the • car that was backing out o f the the Standard Oil Company Decs should present a creditable ro° * on **** homo about eomplet- Nicoson will return to Elgin to-1 curb "vaehad feto • ear being d riv-1 » " k e l e y , CaHfornia. former president. devoted to the part Red Crown o aranee. against the boys from wb 'r b adds much to ita ap- morrow en by W. F. Kiev.as, who resides and Ztrobn e played in the fl.ght, alifortlia. pearanee. ‘‘ I plan to stay in ha’ on th» Green Springs Hightsay Mr and Mr*. W ilfred Brown o f it will also be an intereating r**- nesa,” he said, “ There la Miss Esther Brown o f Camae causing considerable damage to Camas Valley, were p a t i at tha Mrs. Jamea Bnncoe o f Misa Charlotte Harmnge o f Leb- Valley, ia one among the many nothing like work to keep a Hedrick home on B street S a tu r-I'“ " » « o f • * f* ’rience» the avia- 175 the K ’ enas car. The matter young man fit and happy.” Mead street visited friends on V «non. Oregon, ia in Ashland to at- students, who »rill attend Normal aattled oat o f court when Graham day evening, and Sunday. Mrs.| tor rent through in tha two ■freet, ona day Ust week. tend Normal this »sinter. thia year. paid for the damagaa I Brown m a n»e«e o f Mr. iUdricka. [. les mm ^0 FRifc Eli. GREGG B lffO GENERAL NORMAL L O O M PRLlCt m m Ï 0 it PICTURES LOCATE NEAR HERE,; i q GO! AND HIGH SCHOOL A LU M rAÍL SCORE is m i