ASHLAND REGISTER FACS 4 a t Àahlanù ¡Srgiatrr W««-kly P a p a r P a b l i i k n l a t Ashland, O reg o n F orm erly th e C entral Point and A shland A m erican O ffice a t 372 Eaat Main S tre e t BL'SINKS AND NEW S PHO N E 95 $ 2.00 O ne Year ‘Quality ‘Where you and Economy Meet” Is our Watchword’ WOMENS WEAfL AND D R Y G O O D S A d v e rtia ia g R a te a C le a n on A p p lic a tio n 142 EAST MAI N S T Second Claas Entered a at t the Poetoffice at Aahland, Oregon, aa Secon M atter, under the A ct of Congreaa of March 3, 1879 ASHLANU^UK^; M em b er S T A T E E D I T O R IA L A S S O C IA T IO N M e m b e r N A T IO N A L E D I T O R IA L A S S O C IA T IO N CHICAGO AND THE DIVORCE EVIL The rather startling and astounding statement comes from Chicago that 17,000 divorce suits have been field in the courts of that city within a year. Hardened aa is that city and as accustomed as it is to doing things on a big scale, the announce­ ment has caused a pause for thought, even there, while the rest of the country fairly gasps. The marriages consummated in the city of Chi­ cago within that same period total 40,000. The di­ vorces are almost 50 per cent of that number. As a matter of course there is much specula­ tion of the cause and reasons advanced. The extravagance of women is one of the ideas iven. Men make the statement that they cannot eep up with the pace; that wives are no longer satisfied with what their husbands can earn and leave the home to enter the business world in or­ der to make more money with which to buy more clothes and to enter into the so-called social life with a wider sphere. The social life is a blight on domesticity; it kills the initiative, dulls the conscience, destroys the love of home and children and leads to di­ vorce courts. Prohibition, of course, enters into the argu­ ment. It is a very convenient handle upon which to hang about all and everything which one feels contributed towards things going wrong. Those who blame prohibition make the claim that there is more drinking by far among women and those who never drank before, and that the younger set among whom a great majority of the marriages are performed are doing the drinking now in stead of the more hardened characters of the pre-prohibition days. Efforts are being made to check up the state­ ment that many young people have contracted marriage while under the influence of bad gin, which latter substance seems to be a prequisite to most “parties” nowadays. Be that as it may, and be the reason prohibition or something else, the fact is alarming that the proportion of divorces is increasing at a rate which causes the most careless and hardened to think about it and wonder what the end will be, and if the marital relation is going on to the social rocks. ► ! SATURDAY SPECIAL ALLEN A SILK AND iVlunsing- 1 \/T . i n e i n r r BELLVIF.W /A gen cy | With the arrival this week of the first shipment of Munsing­ wear we feel that we are very fortunate in being able to tie up to this store another nationally known line of underwear and hosiery. Little needs to be said about Munsingwear but to let you know where you can buy it. ( C om tin a «d From P « n I Mr. Jo« B lackford and w ife of Saa Ftwnriaco, C alif., wer* rtaitora a t IK« hum« o f A lbert C. Joy. T d — d ay and W odnraday o f thia week. Mr. B lackford b an officer la U m reform school at Kldora. la v a . A re ry delightful golf lu:ich«-on was given a t the Fred Home* place by the member* of the golf elab oa T uesday a t one o’clock. The a f f a ir had keen planned for a lawn setting, b a t because of the weather, the tables were n o t w here the gueeta en- pleaaant luncheon hour. Follow ing this, those who cared to went to the golf course and a few holes were played. Bridge was played Indoor* tw o tables being kept up through the aftern o o n . The Aahland C anning Club. M a B elleriew club girl, made an excellent show ing a t the fair last week. They took all the prise* o ffered in th e canning project and ita two team s, o f the first and second division, won first and second places respectfully, in the dem onstration contest. Thia entitles all fo u r girls to com pete at the S tate F air in Salem next week. Mr. Ben Bow ers and some of his friends w ent out h u nting in the * lyton Creek co untry where Mr Bowers has a cabin, an d retu rn ed with four nice bucks. FIBRE 25c KALBURUIE GINGHAMS , 69c J a I SATURDAY SPECIAL SATURDAY SPECIAL i BLUE CRANE SILK TO TOP 36 in. BATHROBE FLANNEL i CHIFFON HOSE I 95c ..REGULAR $1.19 QUALITY.. ! 1 ► ► 1 50 SILK UMBRELLAS ; • 89c 1 1 f--------------------------------------- -----* | 1 16 RIBS, AMBER TIPS, SATIN * Munsingwear hosiery is a new­ er feature, We have three out­ standing numbers. g C Yard < 1 • I SATURDAY SPECIAL 1 27 in. DAISY CLOTH REGU­ 1 OR COLORED BORDERS LAR 25c QUALITY *445 1 9 c Full Fashioned Silk and $ | .00 Rayon f o r .......................... * A silk to top full fashion- $ 1 .50 ed Chiffon ........................ * All silk full fashioned ex- $0-50 tra fine g u ag e.................... ^ ♦ NOTES o A » t I U i i K o U n A a V I a c r o t r U n A a L i S HOSE w ear SWIFT JUSTICE GIVEN Two records were made last month by cities that emphasized the importance of swift justice in criminal cases. In Kansas City on a Monday, a man robbed a filling station. He was arrested shortly after­ ward, and the next day was brought to trial. He was sentenced to 10 years in the penitentiary, all in less than 24 hours. On the same day two men held up a bank at Kingston, Oklahoma. Within an hour both men were captured. The next day, Tuesday, they were brought to trail, convicted and sentenced to 25 years each and inside of an hour were on their wav to the penitentiary. That kind of procedure takes all the profit out of the bandit business. It makes crime unpopular among those who follow' it as a profession. It removes the glamour and heroism in the trade. It creates the publis confidence in law enforcement. It dignifies the criminal courts. It means that with swift justice there will be less crime. It ought not to be so rare as to attract attention. Hasten the day when our courts will treat crim­ inals with swift justice, the outcome of which will be less crime. - -------- T f • - 1 I ’ CARTER’S RAYON UNDERWEAR SPECIALS . $ 1.00 V ests..................... $1.75 Bloomers ........ $1.85 Combinations . . > Í I I « SATURDAY SPECIAL 95c ENOUGH COMFORT CRE­ TONNE FOR A COMFORTER $ 2 65 9 YARDS FOR $ 2 75 $1 -00 Match our offering of fine dress coats if you can. We are certain you cannot Splendid values in stylish dress coats find them more reasonably priced if with shawl or mushroom collars and equal in quality. cuffs of maudel and some with Mauch- urian Wolf sets, and made of Venice or Veloria cloth, crepe linings. When you consider the size and qual­ ity of the set of furs issed on our best coats you will find these coats are un­ beatable at— * 5 9 5 0 . n d I g 9 50 »89°° >■>» loo 00 See th ese C oats S a tu rd a y M adras— Union Oil builds s ta ­ tion to employ a doaen men, Baker M achinery arriv es for Sthton hall mill at K ahbit mine. Susaim lle. Smoker* sta rted 34 fire* and sportsm en 17 fires in D eerhutee national fo rest thia year. Munsingwear Agency W0MINS WEAR. ANO DRY 0 0 0 0 5 M l f MAIN ST ASHLAND,ORE Vanta Infants Wear