» • s A SH LAN D REGISTER page 2 A ce," Fox Films latest drama star- in this production at the Vinii visitor here Wednesday. I on her way to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sawyer o f Saw-! ring Tom Mix. Lee has the role o f next Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Albtrt Liehans motored to Yreka Saturday where her daugh- yer Service Station and Miss A l- : a circus manager. Before coming wag manager o f j ter Miss Helen is taking piano les- lie Hutchinson spent last Sunday tQ t^e K K e n New Electric Sign at Crater fjtke. jons from Mrs. Galgano. Carl Hagenbach’s Wild Animal A large electric sign weighing (Continued on page 5) Mr amj Mnt Jegae gUia o f MRS. C. J READ. Editar Show, an organization formed in [nearly five hundred pounds is be. Mt Shasta and giltter Mrs. Wm. Rea. Phone 326-R I .one 95 Hamburg. Germany, the wild ani-M ng erected today fo r the J. c. Actor Plays Ro*e from Bullock o f Tulsa. Okla., were J Penny Company. The sign is , Own L ife For Fox mal mart o f the whole world. Stratton is very much o f a shock. [ Mrs. Mary Campbell returned business visitors here Friday. From Vacation Ri-turt Duke Lee, famous horseman o f So in “ The Circus A ce,” Lee in i beauty, and is o f a type used geB. Reports this morning did not state Monday from a two months stay Mrs. Nellie Staloff o f Ashland a Virginia family o f Lees, is play really drawing on his own experi- erally by the Penny Stores. The in. V. O. N. Smith and Mr. and I in Oakland. the cause o f his death. ! was a business visitor here Sun- ing a real life role in “ The Circus ences for the correct interpret*- [stallation is being done by the X George Francis and two childr Mr. and Mrs. W alter M cC rary' day. tion o f the role. He will be seen L Electric Company. ¡irned Sunday night Emmy Lot Mr*. Berg Hostess and children o f Fort Jones visited I Wm. Roberta o f Sacramento day vacation trip from a t< Mrs. E. M. Berg will be hostess Mrs Ella Fowlpr Saturday. 1 *-ho has been hunting in this y Gu w i l l l i k e 'lorthern part o f the spent in t S' Stough was a Medford | vicinity returned to his home last rip included McMinn- to the Who Do Class o f the Metho- state. Thei week. B visitor Thursday. ville, Tiia. r,k, Seaside and sev- dist church at her home on Mr. and Mrs. Cully Roberts of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Greive and Portlund. According street, Friday afternoon. eral days Dunsmuir who have been sojourn- family motored to Little Shasta Better i f Y o u Stop at , it was a most en- to Mr. .Sr Thursday afternoon. Goes to Eugene 1 in* at C‘ » nabar Springs, spent a on despite the rath- joyablg vi Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hicks Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Mitchel-1 few laat week with relatives le weather they ex- er unfavo here, Susanville spent a few day- “ The Theatre more, and son Lawerence, and perienced i the coast. Mrs. E. P. Creason o f Dunsmuir week as the guests o f their daugh Beautiful” Lorraine Brookmiller expect to S IX T H and SPR IN G STREETS leave Wednesday morning for Eu stopped here Wednesday fo r a ter Mrs. Bernard Driesoerner. Watch This Space For Coming Attractions Death if Portland Dentist L. Brown o f Hilt was a business gene where they will attend a few hours visit with friends while Each Issue Word a received this morn three day evangelistic conference. I ing in Ash d of the sudden death Rev. Mitchelmore expects to re- | M a r « than 3000 Preferred Shareholders o f Dr. Sti on, of Portland. Mrs. turn to Ashland early Saturday Mollie Wi d "/ 104 Laurel street, morning. Thursday and Friday is the root ro f Mrs. Stratton and departed immediately for Port W IL L IA M FOX PRESENTS land to l ? with her daughter. Dr. and M> . Strat’ on and three Tom Mix daughte • were guests o f Mrs. and Woods •; \-M «rd about three Tony weeks ago, and 1 death o f Dr. Í e HORNBROOK NEW S - Mr. and Mrs. G. D. K raft and daughter Mabel left Wednesday by motor for Berkeley wh< re Miss Mabel will enter a business C olley. Mr. and Mrs. Kraft will return this •V ; week. o e 1 E T Y LOS ANGELES ; ,:i 3^ lcl3^Mwar( V ININ G ¡¡A The Wonder Horse in Uu flax, cmr4 UmbU“ “ TH E CIRCUS AC E ” N ew M illion Dollar Annas ISO C o m ie rta b U R oom s A thrilling smashing drama packed with fun, crammed with excitement and jammed with suspense, enacted against the beautiful background of California. $2.00 per day up without bath $2.50 per day up with bath 13 Plate Rubber Case Custoiwer G row th Requires C r a t e r Service Facilities More than 25,0C0satisfied customers in 50 cities ati 1 t ; arc u ; of the utility services sup- ; b'TleC i a Oregon Power Company. He son i .s f< dependable service accounts in a 1 • ,,i measure for this satisfaction. FORD B A T TE R Y ROASTS $ 11.00 For every day in the Ford Batteries Fit 85 per cent o f all Cars Week , I- 1 ' e ye,rc £go the C o m p a n y served only 1'.. 14 customers. This increase of mere than 88 per cent has nee:.-'si rated the investment of lari~e srip j of money f ,r extensive additions to plants and transmission linds. None Better for Car or Radio They are tender, juicy and delicious— a real treat for Sunday din ners and evening meals. We rpchartre Our 3,000 preferred shareholders are receiving dividends regularly by mail every three months as their share of the cash return on this investment. Their money goes d ir e c tly into permanent, useful public utility properties. your Battery Radio Battery 75c Car Battery .......1.00 Also lucimis stakes, any kind you desire. Simply phone or call at the Ford Sales & Service Phone 197 T he C a l if o r n ia O r e g o n P o w e r C »G*jñb Phone 50 182 N. Main Saturday Popular Priced Coffee Shop and Grill W e Cheek T e a r Car at tha Dee* H . C . F R Y M A N , Proprietor H A R R T O W AG BN BR RUM BLE H. W SO U TH ERN OREGON’S M O U N T A IN RESORT “Lake of the Woods Chalets” A t beautiful Lake o f the Woods, nestled among the trees on Rainbow Bay, is the ideal spot for your summer vacation and week-end trips. Furnished cabins, running water and campers supplies are only a few o f the things you will find for your convenience at this pleasant mountain retreat. J Excellent fishing, swimming and boating make life at the lake a glorious diversion from the dull strains and worries o f business. Bring your fam ily— forget such troublesome equipment as tents and staple groceries— and enjoy an out ing at the “ Chalets.” om pany om cis r\ 're* Medford.Gran» Rowburj; Usmatli F