ASHLAND REGISTER A R O U N D TH E C O U R T HOUSE R E A L E S T A T E TR A N SF E R S * A. H. Thompson et ux, Samuel F. Coy et ux, W. D. $1600 Ld in DLC Twp 36 S. R. 1 West. Thomas Campbell, I. L. Hutch­ ens et ux, QCD $10.00 Ld is Sec 11 Twp 35 S R 4 West. I. L. Hutchens K ux Arthur B. Clark et uy W D $10.00 SE of |SW Sec 11 Twp 35 S R 4 West. Rachael Mead et vir Wm. Noon- cheater. W. D. $1.00 Lot 3. Blk 7, Queen Anne Add Medford. w ) — < » Barrett Meat Market Easier* B lock Ashlaad, O regon THE BEST OF MEATS AND POULTRY KEPT IN THE BEST OF CONDITION BY Perfect Refrigeration Farmer* and Stockm en are requested to call as I a ia the m arket fo r the ch oicest stock aad pou ltry » Hi XT ASH LAND HAS IT! Some communities speak o f cli­ mate, others o f soil, still others o f scenery, and so on. But each o f these, Ashland can say “ Ashland Has It!” Nature did indeed smile upon Ashland, v In addition to its natural resources, however, a community needs coop­ erative effort directed toward making the most o f these resources. At Ashland— as in almost every other community— the program o f the Chamber o f Commerce is plan­ ned with this end in view. Ashland needs the fullest cooper­ ation of all in furthering these plans. In other words, our Cham­ ber o f Commerce needs your mem­ bership and active support. Has Ashland that? It’s up to you to an­ swer affirm atively! H D C T NATION Al. n A N K L. Nicholls, E. P. Sheaffer et ux Deed $10.00 W 1-2 o f SE, E 1-2 o f SW Sec 4 Twp 34 S. R. I West. Waldemar E. Hummel et ux Marion F. Caster et ux W. D. $10 Ld In Sec 3 Twp 36 S. R. 1W. W. O. Mayfield et ux, D. L. Lewis et ux W D $50.00 Ld in DL C 56 Twp 37 S R 2 West. Harry K. Conrad et ux Elmer H. Morse at ux W D $1.00 Ld m DLC 77 Twp 36 S R 2 W. May me I. Smith, Gustav Eidsvig W D $10.00 Ld in DLC 67 Twp 36 S R 1 West. Louis E. Wakeman et ux, May- ine 1. Smith W D $10.00 Ld in DLC 67 Twp 38 S R 1 W. A. F. Walter Krease et ux W. M. Sheppard, W D $10.00 Lot 14 iilk 3, Queen Aone Add. to Med­ ford. Chas Morgan, Harvey F. Mor­ gan et uv W. D. E 1-2 o f SW Sec 17, N 1-2 of NW Sec. 20 Twp 22 East. H. S. Lynch et ux David A. Hadden W. D. $360.00 Ld in Sec. II Twp 39 S. R. 1 West. Ollie E. Pence Cluron S. Eicher W. D. $10.00 Lots 6 and 7 Blk 70 Central Point. Elsie C. Clay, L. E. Cleven- berg et ux W. D. $10.00 N. 48 ft. lot 3, Blk 81. Medford. Fred Marwick, Dorothy Man- wick, W. D. $10.00 Lot 1„ Blk 2 Summit Heights Add to M.edford. Leroy Peck et ux, H. J. Berrian et ux W. D. $10.00 Lot 5, Blk 2, Ross Add to Medford. Ruth Bain Walden et vir, Daisy Bain, Q C D $1.00 Pt lota 5 Blk 2 Mingue Sub Division to Medford. Linnie Hanscam et al Philip H. Lounsberry et al W. D. $10.00 Lot 18 Blk 1, Siskiyou Heights Add. to Medford. Mollie Keene et vir, Linnie Han- scara et al Q. C. D. $20 Lots 17 A 18, Blk 1, Siskiyou Heights Add. to Medford. Hattie L. Berrian, Chas A. Gil­ more, W. D. $10.00 Lots 3 A l blk 4 Laurelhurst Add to Med­ ford. Fred J. Warner et al Charles Ray aWrner Q. C. D. $10.00 NW of NW S 1-2 of NW, SW o f J4E Sec. 28 Twp 33 S R 1 West. I. C. Robnett et ux E ffie J). Simmons W. D. $10.00 Land ¡in Central Point. Mary A. Bailey, John W. Bailey W. D. Ld in Sec. 34 Twp 38 S. R. 1 W est. M A R R IA G E L IC E N S E S John Herbert Beyers and Mabel Stuart Wilcox. Lawrence Hugh Rhodes, and Myrtle Slatten. Sidney Denniaon and Neva L. Smith. Edward Earl Stephens and Et­ ta Neathamer. Levi Almond Eldridge and Lot­ tie Stepheaon. Glenn Franklin Raker and Edith Gertrude Hoffman. Bvron Anthonv Lvnde and Besn 0. Fitzgibbon. MAN SMS « ritory in the familiar and well-ap­ pointed Red-Top busses without the inconvenience of changing cars at Roseburg. The new thru service will become effective on and after September 1, 1927. The acquisition of the Interur- ban line, enabling as it does, the Oregon Stages, Inc., to extend its operations from the North to ex­ treme South o f the State over the Pacific Highway, ennsummates a long felt desire on the part o f the Oregon Stages to operate this im­ portant route under one manage­ ment and incidentally furnishes un interesting sidelight to the suc­ cessful efforts put forth by Mr. Lemen and hia association in bringing the Red-Top busses into the front rank o f auto-stage op­ erations in this country. Pag*- 3 her kitchen when she is working there. It would save the busy kit­ chen worker much sweltering if the electric fan were used in the kitchen. For kitchen comfort alone the electric fan ^justifies itself. Not only is the kitchen hotter, on ac­ count o f the heat o f the fire, but the steam of cooking foods adds ita heat. Gases from the flame and cooking odors could be ventilated out of the kitchen by using the electric fan there. Thrifty women, who are so accustomed to pinching pennies, need to consider this health as well as economy stunt to save their vigor and their disposi­ tion* and their clean linen. Poquille— First National Had Sm all Start Beginning in a very modest way | some years ago when this method of transportation for hire was car- j ried on by the "flivver” type o f I car, Mr. Lemen and several other | individuals commenced operations between Portland and Salem. Finding that by working together equalizing the fares and running frequent schedules from the same depots in the two cities, rather than by their individual irregular and conflicting efforts, better! served the public, increased their revenue and reduced their expens­ es, further efforts were put forth and connections made at Salem with the cars o f another group of 1 individuals operating similarly be-| tween Salem and Eugene. The re­ sult was mutually gratifying to the travelling public and the op­ erators o f the two groups formed the old Portland. Salem, Albany Stage Line. Another group of in­ dividuals operating similarly be­ tween Eugene and Roseburg then began to connect with the line, thru tickets were honored and bag­ gage checked thru from Portland to Roseburg. Stimulated by the e f­ fects of co-operating the three line later incorporated as the Ore­ gon Stages, Inc., with the termin­ als at Portland and Roseburg. installs burglar ’ proof deposit vaults. Portland— $40,000 movie theat­ er to be built at Powell and Mil­ waukee. Myrtle Point— Coos and Curry County Fair planned for Sept­ Vale— Wheat up to 60 bushels ember 23-26. and barley 86 busTiels per aore re­ ported. North Bend—-“ Coo# Bay Har­ bor” to move in|o fine new quart- Chiloquin— Schools here plan ora new $6,000 gymnasium. Bank THE OWL v^íouttct At/rrtjo&i C o u ic (m £ u rtu X ! Skft taci­ tò fuwC BORATED BAY RUM 45c Qt. 25c Pt. T S ** Cc rot* This lotion contains menthol and boracic acid which adds to its antiseptic qualities, thus making it an ideal preparation to use after shaving. IM O A id i___ •YWtftcrt/AVCJ. J X oUd'VtC "pxhsL -hiAs tó/o mwvMtti to Lithia Springs Pharmacy ■&4CO truAvq OnJL^_ T T lo G j1¿A l ! _ “ Use the Mail” TIRES THAT STAND THE “GAFF” MILE M any B enefits The result of incorporation, centralized control and all its at­ tendant benefits under the abl< management of Mr. Lemen and i staff o f competent officials, can be seen and realized any day be­ tween Roseburg and Portland and the important cities intermediat' thereto. Eight thru schedules are maintained daily between Portland and Roseburg; between Portland and Eugene more than double thatj number, and on the more congest­ ed Salem-Portland Division sn hourly schedule each way or 32 schedules are maintained. This fre­ quent regular service for the transportation o f passengers, bag­ gage, express and newspapers; well appointed depots with ticket agents in all the cities en r< utc; courteous and dependable drivers and safe, comfortable and up to the minute equipment has had no AFTER MILE PH O N E 16« And forget your laundry troubles. Let our skilled workers and machinery remove this unpleasant household duty. You will be surprised to find how much easier it make« the burden of the houaewife and the Leedoms Tire Shop Ashland, Oregon W ater Stras* Announcement is made by Mr. R. W. Lemon, President and Gen­ eral Manager of the Oregon ¡Mages lnc„ of the purchase by his com pany of the Internrban iitage Company, oeprated by Wm. L M erger to B en efit Lewis between Ashland. Medford That the merger of the Interur- and Roaeburg. This announcement is o f para­ ban Line under the management mount importance to the people o f the Oregon Stages, Inc., will be o f Southern Oregon, the Willamet- o f benefit to the travelling public Dinner Secrets Yeur noon or eveninr can be made attractive and tasty by serving breads and Pastrys prepared by expert Bakers. Surprise the Fan ily with Deli­ DEER SEASON cio ue— Opens September 10 GET i/rtnSh give t i the whole o f thi territory a sage service second to none in the country and a service from which the Southern end of -he State m particular will benefit and to v.i.ich they are righly en­ titled. 30x3*/j— U»ro— $6.90 3 0 x 3 % — Royal- -$8.95 32x4 Usco— $13.95 3^x4 Royal— $18.85 29x4.40— Usco— $9.45 29x4.40 Royal— $12.55 31x5.25 Usco— $16.00 31x5,25 *?oval— $21 40 33x6.00 Usco— $19.15 33x6.00 Royal— $25.85 Trade in your old tires. Try the Rough-Dry Plan— It saves you money and en­ ergy. upbuilding of the cities, t"wn* and communities along the route traversed by the Oregon Stages. In addition to. this splendid local ser­ vice the Oregon Stages, Inc , has been pioneer in and instrumental in effecting joint ticketing of pas­ sengers over some fifteen other stage lines embracing the territory between Vancouver, B. C. to all points in Oergon, the Redwood Highway section o f California and Washington. be enabled to travel between the Southern Oregon will be improved important cities in the above ter- and the reclining chair day and * night coach service thru to Port­ land, connecting at Roseburg with Coos Bay points; Grants Pass with Redwood Highway points like Eu­ reka and San Francisco and M*d- Smooth, easy miles— over bumps, boulders and ruts— United States tires are world-known as tires that stand up under the most trying con­ ditions. Put on a U. S. Royal or an USCO bal­ loon and then note their advantages— you will find them many. GUNS AND AMMUNITION NOW AT WINCHESTER Store MADE EVERY DAY AND SOLD AT THE O'CLOCK STORE AT EACH MORNING 11:00 Franklin Bakery “ Quality and C leanliness Prevail” Makers O f FRANKLIN SUPERIOR MILK BREAD 132 E. Main St. ------- Ashland, Oregon