The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, August 26, 1927, Image 1

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irst Sale Is Made Recent
ly to A
Second Thousand in Local
Factory W ill Soon Be
The first sale o f bricks by the
Ashland Clay Products company
was made several days ago. when
one-thousand face bricks wen dis­
posed o f to a resident o f the Bell-
m the test kim waiting proper
baking, and as soon as this oper­
ation ia completed
a thousand
shhrgtes. ordered try a local resi­
dent -will be finished.
Tbix work, seconding to C. E.
Baod.-ch. manager o f the plant,
is ctsiy o f a temporary nature.
A ll ds*vek>pmewt at the plant now
¡reap-- the arrivsQ o t machinery
is,’no the east.
Pi'.s machinery which was to
hive been shipped on the 28th o f
(Jll.V w il' b' capaldc o f manufac
tffrb.g any sort o f day product,
including such thing« as drain tile,
brnamental bricks, face bricks,
decorative tile and shingles.
I t will be possible to complete
"f'lUOO face briiki
a day. Mr.’
F:»ndisch says. It i« his intention
to first m: nufacture the 10.000
I licks Deed'd ir. u e construction
T w in s A r e Bara
The first twins to be recorded
n the >•»'»1 birth record books
«"ce at least the first o f January,
*ere born Thursday morning, to
F. B. Ager, o f Ager. Calif-
>rnia. The newest arrivals were
*>th girls weighing 7 1-4 and 7 1-2
Chief Visits Here
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Pitcher, o f
ottage Grove are visiting Mrs.
“itcher’s mother. Sarah E. Carr,
t ftlamath Junction. Mr. Pitcher
» chief o f police at Cottage Grove
nd haa been doing police work
°r twenty-two vrars.
™r. and Mrs. Charles White
d children, who have been on *
0 week* vacation at Laheview
d other raster* Oregon tid e*
" return tomorrow.
Nr*. K. J. Rains, o f Portland.
'»Co«, owner o f the Ashland nat-
'rturn. is hi the city on business
* » * * accompanied to Ashland
friends from Portland, and
bo ia Ashland for a frw
Fl*math Fall*— Ackley Lomber
>npany reopen* with 66 me*.
AUGUST 26, 1627,
The National Tribune, in a re-
Father said if I went he would
cent issue under the caption rather I would fro with my friends.
“ Army Experiences o f a Country so he n»ve his consent.
an interesting:;
We went to Madison and enlist-
The Rerister is in reoiept o f a
President Coolktge will not vis­ chronicle o f the army experiences ed in Co. K. under CapL Harrison
letter from W. F. Walters, local
it Oregon. This information was o f D. L. Glenn Co. K. 82nd In- McAllister, rot a leave of absence
secretary o i the Y. M. C. A. who
received this morning by V. V. diana. whose residence is in Ash- lor a few days and returned home,
is in Seabeck. Washington attend­
Mills President o f the Chamber of land. Through the courtesy o f T. | but in a few days the 82d was or-
ing the «ummer session for Y. M.
Commerce in a letter from Eve­ H. Simpson the Register is able dered to Louisville and
was al­
C. A. secretaries. The letter is of
rett Sanders, secretary ot the to reproduce it.
ready on the way. When we grot
unusual interest as it tells of the
president. The letter was as fo l­ By D. L. GLENN. Co. K, 82nd i buck we fiund tliul with a lot of
work that is being accomplished
lows :
Ind., 2 Glenn Ave.. Ashland Ore. ¡others we had got left, but we soon
there. It is as follows:
Rapid City. S.D.
I was born in Clermont, Ohio, pot passare on another boat; rot
August 19, 127. 'he 12th o f December, 1844. We i into Louisville a little after sun-
Just to show you that I do think
My Dear Mr. Mills:
moved to Jenninrs county. Ind.. UP ai,rt found the reriment just Former Ashland Woman’s o f the men in the home town at School Officials Place the
The President greatly appre­ when I was hut three years old. filing; out o f an old porkhouse.
Inventions are Used by times when I am away from home, Number at Three Hun­
ciates the kind and cordial invita­ There we lived on a farm where where they had been sheltered for
1 am cutting one class period just
dred, Possibly More
Many Cities
tion o f the Ashland Chamber -f much o f the timber land then was | the night.
at this time to write a few letter
Commerce to visit Oregon and in its native State, and. o f course'
and you happen to be on the list.
had some little difficulty
wishes he might accept, but un­ we children had a rood time o la v-■' n r*"tt’ nr located in a rood camp
We are having a perfectly won­
fortunately he finds it impossible inr in the deep-tanrled w iH wood,, "h e re there was room fo r drill
derful time here this year. For
to take so long a trip at this time. where nuts and wild fruits were and camp duty, but finally hit on Mrs. V. Phillips Carter’s
Being Re’
all there is a lot to do, still there Inquiries are
Very Truly ' Yours.
what was later known as Camp
Devices Endorsed by is time for fellowship, which by ceived From Over the
No place I have ever found were Grasshopper, so-called because of
Traffic Assns.
way is wonderful to say the least.
State as W ell as Others
Secretary to the President
wild fruits and different kinds o f j
abundance o f these
We have some exceptionally storng
birds and wild animals more plen-, there.
men here this year, among them
At leant three hundred Normal
G e ttin g H ard en ed
M A N Y AR E EXPECTED tiful than there.
clamor o f the city, eager for the | being; Dr. Ambrose Bailey pastor school «tudent* will enroll for the
Father sold the first farm and*
W ' did * ,ot
dr'll «nd camp sound o f clashing horns, scuffling o f First Baptist Church. Seattle;
Fall term starting September 27th,
went to Iowa and bourht several duty. and went on long scouts to feet and the shrill o f traffic signal, Lester C. Haworth, General Sec­
according to the estimate o f Kath­
eyes that long for the spectacle of retary o f St. Louis Y. M. C. A .; erine M. Vincent. Registrar, and
a million lights flashing in a gor­ Dr. Bever o f the Y. M. C. A. Col­ Professor A. C. Strange head o f
tramp south on the
geous and dassling nrray o f beau­ lege. Chicago; A. J. Gregg and the department o f education. This
Pike, and was late getting hack. ty, need no longer go farther than A. W. Alley o f
the National estimate is based upon the num­
The regiment was marching the city limits to gain this effect— 1
I Council, New York; and a num- ber o f inquiries that are being re­
around the rond to camp, and some that is if one is lucky enough to be i
ceived, and will exceed last yeara
o f us boys broke ranks aaad cut shown into the home o f Mrs. L.
registration by a substantial fig ­
across lots, but w hen we got io the A. Phillips. 1068 Fast Main street.
ure. According to the Normal o f­
camp the guard arrested us, and For there one finds First and
men from local fields.
Classes ficials, the interest manifested al­
we were put on camp guard that Market streets, or
Broadway start with Bible Study, “ History ready this year, indicating that
Interest in this game ia unus­
night with extra duty.
and Washington, minimised.
o f Christianity, under Dr. Bailey the popularity o f the school is in­
ually keen, as each team has won
That was my first and last ex­
There are no skyscrapers, taxi­ at 8 A. M.; “ Educational Methods” creasing generally throughout the
a half o f the seasons games and
perience o f that kind. The 82d Ind. cab« or street cars, but ther is an under Gregg at 8:66; "Associa­
arc winner o f a game apiece in
state, and present indications are
was mustered in Aug. 2?, 1862, so interesting array o f stop signs, tion Principles" under Haworth
the final series. The Boas have
that many from outside the state
we had only been out a few weeks, caution signs and illuminated traf- at 9:50; “ Principles and Methods
found it necessary to secure an-
v.ill be enroll'd.
fie signals. 1
invented and manu- o f County and Community W ork” 1 The rogis* ration day has been
other base man, and president o f
well as men.
faetured by
Phillips under Fred M. Hansen o f
San 1 nit for Sep: emb» r 26th, and school
the league, A. C. Niniger says that
(Continued on Page 2)
Carter, daughter o f Mrs, Phillips. Francisco, at 11:06; the
whole will o fficially open on t ie follov>-
the Boa management is not spar-
W » t F o rm e r R e s id e **
school then uniting for a period ing doy. The course o f study as
expense in their efforts to se-
Mrs. Carter lived for a number on "Religious Emphasis,” at 12:00| 1 outlined in the annual catalogue
cure up layer who will -measure CHIEF IS A W A Y
B U LLE T IN B O A R D o f years in Ashland having grad­ M. The afternoon is turned over which has just been isaued will
up to the fast pace set by other
uated from the high school here. to Recreation, Vespers are at 7:15 include six terms o f work in En-
member« o f the team.
On the veranda o f the Ashland She has lived in San Francisco for; p. m. and Forum periods and Com- i
Hundreds attended last
Chief o f Police G. W. McNabb
■.rlbh, embracing the
Hotel, th' re is a new bulletin the last three or four years, where 1 mission work from eight to ten
day game, and due to the fact is spending a two weeks vacation
tals o f grammar and composition
board, arranged fo r the conven­ she has become noted
for her P. M. So you see we are here fo r |
that thi« Sunday will «ee the eham- settleing up the affairs o f the late
1 as wrl) as methods for teaching
ience o f travelers, strangers and traffic devices and her unusual j business, and are really getting
pion emerge, it is predim
raph op-
over night guests at the hotel. The knowledge o f traffic mnnagemenL somewhere too. The Registration these subjects and a survey o f lit­
the largest crowd to ever
while on
erature with special emphasis on
bulletin hoard informs the visitor
The signs designed
Mrs. is exceptionally large, there being
Sou'hern Oregon baseball
team j a vacation trip to Caifomia. The
o f current attractions, whether Carter, are octagon shaped, con­ over 100 enrolled. Besides this childrens literature.
iviM be on hand.
chief was named administrator o f
The unnual catalogue has the
in the theatre, church or at Lithia structed o f heavy metal with yel­ number there are over fifty wo­
I the estate. A fte r this matter is set-
Park. On Thursday, was displayed low porcelain veneers. On one side men and children o f the Secre­ follow ing to say regarding
tied the chief plans on taking his
the fart that the Ashland hand the large letters “ stop” are dis­
taries families.
r E R family and going to Bandon by
Professional courses will include
would play in Ijithia Park at 8 tinctly displayed by a flashing
the See for the balance o f his
The .School closes
Thursday introduction to teaching; primary
o'clock, and
information globe situated inside the device,
allotted time.
I plan to intermediate and advanced meth­
makes it* possible fo r strangers to with such other wording
leave early that
morning and ods; three terms o f work in osy-
selv el
Charlie attend evening end afternoon at­
“ through street”
“ arterial”
history o f
**nt!v C1* U" niFirt o ffic e r
be in tractions which otherwise they “ boulevard.” On the reverse side spend Friday in Portland visit­ chology;
j charge o f the local station. Friends
ing my parents and hope to re­
might miss.
usually is found the street-name.
turn home Saturday and will sure­
such I 0i
bran kidding him
Conference Recommends
ly he glad to get hack on the job
ami*. about
il* '»1 n g that
V *a Is ’Received
The octagon shape was recom­
get things under way. Have
lined- th*‘ thr* * y* * T* o f n*E*rt work haa
O fficer* o f the local W. C. T. mended by the Hoover conference
t the rn* de ^ impossible to see well in
U. are m receipt o f a letter from as being the most effective o f any
r that thp d“ V thne. None ®r t^em how- the W. C. T. U. o f some o f the design fo r the stop signal.
ppar- ever have Pol them to the test. southern states in the path o f the
Mrs. Carter is sincere in her
tnd a Charlie admits that wM? the night
recent Mississippi, floods thanking belief o f auto-suggestion, and she
e re- work has not affectet* *
eves in
the local ornranixaiton for th*> five put this thought into the construc­
* will
way. he fmdr b CTTioilt to
hundred Th. box o f clothing recent­ tion o f th" large automatic tra f­
»no in that :»ble the teacher to simply prac-
ly shipped to them.
fic signals she recently lias com­
-nlarge o u r1 tical health education. One term
The box was an exceptionally pleted. Movement, more than col­
.juatcly oc- ,,f principles o f geography and
fine one, those in charge o f the or, she believes is important to
one o f economic geography wiil
G iv e d S p ecial Shells
work o f gathering the clothing us­ electrically operated traffic de­
extend bevond the common inter-
Acting Chief o f Poliee Charlie
ing care hi the selection o f only vices, because a large portion of
prefation o f geogranhy and wil!
Clause was presented with a box
the best available.
the motorists are either color blind
treat n f its social oolitic*! and
o f ^»eeial cartridges yesterday by
or ignorant o f the meaning o f the
: c t e d economic phases. Because the
a member o f the Berkley police
Mr. and Mrs. William But* who
HOOLS teacher’s field is fa r more com­
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wraeland
force. These cartridges are only
have been spending the summer in nals.
prehensive than the subject mat­
available for oficers. and the end spent one day this week in Mod-
Ashland visiting at the W.
ter which he teaches, two courses
is made so that it will expand, giv­ ford on business. Mrs. Wineland
She therefore ha« constructed
home adjoining
i V*
be offered in the organisa-
ing it a mooahroom effect. Many going on business connected with
land. and also at the A. H. Pracht a signal with moving tight*, a
* Hon o f society designed to pre-
officers from out o f state cities the Wineland Millinery.
home on Vista street, are plan-
. M.
P, r * lb « teacher to function as ■»
are passing through Ashland and
(Continued on Page 6)
ning to leave soon fo r California
. ' ' ' " useful member o f the community
every day sees visitors dropping
Mr. C. F. Billings o f the Billings where they will spend some time
tss nf which he is a member, as well
into the police station.
Agency is «pending a few days vn- before »turning to their home in
” i**p * "
pupils to assume their
cation * t Newport.
Clnrinr *t1. Ohio. Mr. and
Mrs. U P . prop«, privileges and responsihiH-
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith
But* have made an many friends
adet, Miss t v * in *ociety.
and family o f Etna, California are
Mrs. M. E. Fraser o f Grant* here this summer, and like Ash­
spending a week in Ashland on Pas*, who haa been spending sev­
land so well, that is is possible
- n throughout the two-year course,
pleasure and also for the purpose eral wsehn at tbo Barbour Con­
they may come next year te re­
o f consulting Ashland dentists. Mr valescent home returned to her
. * « « W,n h* d*‘ *i« T’ rd to prepare the
main permanently.
rything *• teacher not only to o ffe r inetruc-
Smith ia interested in resort prop­ home at Grants Pass.
* “ fMl • " * tion in physical training hot to
erty near Etas, and has an auto
Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeJim et*
supply leadership in athletic and
stage line between Etna and Yan­
Mrs. J. H McBride. motfwr ®P and MP». F. E. Beyle o f Butte
recreational actfritfea.
ks. California. They are guest« at
Mrs. A. H. Pracht. haa retura ed Falls were in Ashland Wednesday
who eon-
Work in music and * r i does not
the Ashland H otel
C d ber daqgbtrr'a Home in Ashland •hopping and visiting with fri suda.
w home on aim at the development o f Indi-
where she will rema in. after ririt- Mrs. De Jara et t spent some timo
k e a weoh*{T idu*l talent hi fine art. in th*
Mr. and Mrs. O. MrKeon o f
tng seme rime in Portland. Ora­
temher 1st ( prospective teacher, hot endeavors
Redding. California were guest*
September | to instill the appreciation. the un-
Wednesday o f Mr. and Mr«. Lew
model her dem anding o f fundamental., and
Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. McKeown
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. W ilkin* and
Boh Collier. A. W. Moon and
convenient the knowledge n f methods which
are proprietors o f the New Red­
ndergarten ( will result in good service fn « *
ding Hotel, and have bran on ■ daughters. Puriine sad Lillian, and Hugh Bate* spent last week sad
rda, sand elementary grade* Th* Instruct -
tour o f the Northwest, going at Mias Hatel Day drove up from hi the Dead Indian country where
ent will he ors in art. music and physical
far north a* Vancouver. B. C. Dunam uir .Sunday and spent »he they spent several days fishing.
They departed Thursday morning day as guest* at the W. B. Pra-h* Ther returned to Ashland Mon­
day evening.
for their home in Redding.
Rragan- C Amrth reporta 61
New Automatic T ra ffic Signal bushels wheat per acra for 46
Portland— Bids asked »s
Myrtle Point— Oil found hi wvP
designed by M m Carter.
Majestic Theater to cost 120'» 006 hora starts drilling plana