ASHLAND REGISTER home. Mr. and Mr». Burt Weedon ar­ rived last Saturday from Van­ ’ n LI! 1 . 1 . A L J n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S e m i- W e e k ly Paper Pu b lis h e d « I A shlan d, O r e g o n couver, B. C. and are visiting for Formerly the Central Point and Ashland American some time with Mrs. Weedon’s Office at 372 East Main Street brothers, Rudy Connor and Lee BUSINES AND NEWS PHONE 96 Connor and families. 92 .00 One Year Mr. and Mrs. Minor Barton and fumily of Dryad, Wash., arrived A d v e rtis in g Rates Given on Application Fntered at the Poatoffice at Ashland, Oregon, as Second Class Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 Connor until Tuesday, when they Member S T A T E E D IT O R IA L A S S O C IA T IO N left for Tuscon, Ariz. M e m b e r N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L A S S O C IA T IO N Mrs. Glenn Saltmarsh of Little ‘‘Ashland Has It", the slogan adopted by the Lith- Applegate came over Saturday ev­ ian Committee is one that can be used most efefctive- ening to spend Sunday with her ly. It opens opportunities to parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ham­ Ashland get before the strangers in ilton Sunday was Mr. Hamilton’s Ha* It v this city the many natural ad- birthday. Mrs. Elia Patterson, Mrs. Ed. advantages that Ashland does Jacobs, Willie Jacobs and Tom have. It provides a means to sell our own people up­ Edmundson returned Thursday of on the resources of this community, and it is doubly last week from Stockton, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamb of valuable because of the phsycology that can be used Klamath Agency arrived Saturday in connection with it. The arousing of natural evening and visited until Sunday ity by the simple statement that “Ashland Has It”, evening u* the home of Tom Lnmh. the fact that people are very human and will natur­ Miss Velma Mason went home with ally ask the question “Well, what have they?” should them for a two weeks visit. be the means of conveying to many in an effective Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Maharrv and family went to Chiloquin last manner just what we do have. «t* , However there is one possible danger, the town Saturday where Mr. Maharry has wag, the one who can see no good in anything, the work. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bowman and one who thinks he is building up by tearing down, party returned. Sunday evening can put the reverse upon the good intent of the com­ from Crescent City via Bandon. mittee By their selection. Any effort to do this should Mr. and Mrs. James Dopp spent be met with a vigorous protest by interested citizens. Sunday evening at the C. W. Long For there are those who will think they are witty, home. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Proctor have when they attempt to place the wrong interpretation both been quite ill with Flu the on it. past week. They were taken to Ashland Tuesday and are staying W. G. Ide, manager of the State Chamber of Com­ with friends. merce recently declared that the middle west was Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rooks, have been visiting for sev­ discussing Oregon in a who eral weeks in Medford were in Getting Our favorable manner, and that Talent Tuesday afternoon calling House In Order he expected a decided influx op Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tryon. of settlers from that territory. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turnbaugh He based this assertion upon the fact that those who of Chiloquin spent the week-end were coming into this state were doing so because with relatives in Medford They were in Talent Monday calling on they had been told by others that Oregon presented friends. good possibilities. If this fact be true then it behooves Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pratt of Dal­ Southern Oregon in general,and Ashland in particular las, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pratt of Los Angeles visited to get “Our house in order.” We have something to offer the new comer in Friday and Saturday with Mr. J. F. Webster. Southern Oregon we have just as much or more to and Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. Holdridge offer him, as has other sections of the state. But un­ and Doris returned Sunday from less we offer it to him, he will not come, for the com­ a motor trip to Seattle. Miss Lu- petition is too keen, other communities are busily en­ cile Holdridge who has been visit­ gaged in presenting their attractions in as favorable a ing in Seattle the past month re­ manner as possible, and if we are to compete then turned with them. and Mrs. Roy Hi’.l and Mrs. we, should emulate them in so far as it would be con­ L. Mr. C. Hill motored to Lake of the sistent. ' Woods Friday returning home Sat­ Merely as a suggestion along this line, in our opin­ urday evening. ®hp Aöhlanö Srgiatpr curios­ A sect is defined by Webster in books have been softened and re­ its first meaning as “a way or moved. mode of life, hence a faith in ier- The procedure leading to the Good, tain prerepts for the guidance of adoption of the text book resolu­ life; a religion; a faith,” and in its 1 tion does not justify the unkind Old-Fashioned second as “those attached to a cer­ accusation by Shipley that the at­ tain opinion or set of opinions.” titude of the board constituted a Buttered Evolution is held by many excell- : “political device” or his pointed ent authorities to be a religion complaint that no member of the in its contradiction of the biblical board is a scientist. belief of creation. The followers TO M AK E STENCIL “ Whereas, this state board of of the evolutonary sect in their ' education is in receipt of numer­ anti-biblical propaganda are no j The ingenuous housewife may a ous communications, and argu­ less earnest anr enthusiastic than make her own stencils. Use ments both written and oral, re- j the so called fundamental religion -1 heavy parchment paper and put the pattern on this with carbon presenting various and difefrent I ists. schools of thought on the subject : Evolution suggests, if not teach­ paper. With a sharp pointed knife es, the animal o rigin of man,which cut out the design. If you plan to of evolution; therefore, be it “ Resolved, that it is the policy is diametrically anti-religious. The use two or three colors, make sep­ Easy to have it of this board to list no books that | teaching of evolution as a fact is arate cutouts on separate pieces thus prohibited by the state con -1 of parchment patterns, cutting out i.ow w’ith an teach evolution other than as a stitution. only the parts colored one color theory.” ELECTRIC In a joint letter signed by nine \ on one piece of paper, and only I CORN- The state board of education has no authority to do the thing California college presidents, in­ those colored the other color on POPPER the piece of paper. Designs may be j o f which it is publicly accused by cluding the presidents of the Uni- j selected from wall paper patterns. Shipley, that is order the teacher versities of California and of I Priced at only— The simpler patterns are likely to Stanford university, which led to to teach evolution either as a fact be more successful. or a theory. The schooj law, as the adoption of the text book re­ was * narted by the legislature provides solution of April, 1925, it Tillamook— Spruce veneer plant quite definitely what subjects stated that in 12 debatable science -At the- shall be taught. The state board books that had been submitted for reaches production of carload a day. has authority only to “adopt rules approval, “evolution is presented and regulations not inconsistent as a theory and not as an estab­ with the laws of the state for its lished fact,” also that "the theory RABBITS Alive, per lb. .................... 14c own government and for the gov­ of evolution could scarcely be on Dressed per. lb............... ......25c ernment o f the schools.” The pre­ omitted from any text book sent board has not attempted by biology or astronomy or geology.” Finest Quality Guy Good rule or otherwise to prescribe sub­ E. A. C O O P E R Devoted as the evolutionist au­ Phone 82 jects that may or may not be thors are to their theories, they 1304 Quincy— Corner Cali­ taught in the high and grammar are still broad enough and their fornia Street schools. W E D ELIVE R publishing houses keen enough to The state constitution provides defer measurably to the beliefs of that no sectarian or denomination­ Christian religionists and through al doctrine may be taught. The the solicitude of the present poli­ teaching of evolution as a fact tically minded and unscientific would be a violation of this pro­ board of education extremely of­ Invest in Neces-si. t i es first! vision. fensive assertions in biological text because he wa* told last week both privately and during regular public session of the board that the only ruling was as to text books. He was promised publicly that the exact wording of the rule would be promptly mailed to him. But ip bis eagerness he would not w ait.'This is the resolution that was adopted by the state board in April, 1926. Pop Corn $3.00 X-L Electric Station 1 i sr RE-ROOF - J L _______ — " i — MAKING HISTORY Everyone has enjoyed reading the stories of the early days of Ash­ land which the Register recently published. It is well that old-tim­ ers who are still among us should write out their memories so that early-day history shall not be lost. The Pioneer W ay ON NEW WORK OR OVER OLD SHINGLES WITH PIONEER YOSEMITE ROCK SUR­ FACED ASPHALT SHINGLES FOR Other interesting items in the Reg­ ion there should be an exhibit of local farm products ister tell of the happenings of our T EA CH ER S NOT GAG GED sotne place, preferably in the Chamber of Commerce. own day, the development of local At Grants Pass, one entire room is taken up with this industries, the size of the year’s Chico Enterprise: The amount form of advertising. It is difficult for a new comer to of ignorance that prevails as to the harvest, and various opportunities visit the .Chamber of Commerce there or at Medford teaching of evolution in the pi”.- in the Ashland section. without getting an impressive view of products the lic schools is as amazing as it is de­ soil will produce. But in Ashland, its different, there plorable. While this bank has had a part in Even the official representative is not one single place where the products of the soil Ashland’s history since 1884, its evolution, Maynard Shipley, are .on exhibit, there is not one finger lifted to prop­ of history-making is not all of the oresident of the Science League of erly placed before strangers that which we have to America, Inc., who addressed the past for it is helping to make this FIRE RETARDANT, REDUCES INSURANCE sell to a new comer. present day history through coop­ state board of education in San If a merchant was to attempt to do business by get­ Francisco last week urging that eration with local enterprise. Easy Time Payments If Desired ting off some place in a dark room with no display body to change its ruling so that windows, he would be considered foolish by his fel­ evolution can be taught as a fact We are glad to serve you. and not a theory, is either woeful­ FREE Prices— Samples— Information FREE low business men, and the chances are, he would not ly igilprant or designedly ignorant last thirty days. Yet we want to .sell Ahland to people, of the true situation. and we are attempting to do business without a dis­ Shipley writes to the Daily News and to the Bulletin, both of play window, to show our wares. ASHLAND LUMBER CO F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k How do we expect to sell anything if we don’t at least San Francisco, and his letters 384 Oak St. At Ry. Crossing Phone 20 published on July 4, pro­ use methods that business houses have tried and were ASHLAND OREGON testing against the alleged ruling found successful in disposing of their own merchan­ of the state board “that no teach­ dise- Our problem of .selling this vicinity to outside er (not text books) in California COMMERCIAL ~ SAVIN* SAVINCS - SAFE, DEPOSIT people is not one bit different than that problem whch would be permitted to speak of There’s a Pioneer Roof for Every Purpose daily confornts the man with a room full of mer­ evolution as an actual develop­ chandise, but we expect to get results when we make mental process of nature.” no effort to merchandise our resources in a business­ Shipley knows, or should know, *— ■ like manner. It was stated recently in the sheriff’s office that SOUTHERN OREGON’S MOUNTAIN RESORT ear registrations at this time was largely from foreign YOU WILL ENJOY SUNDAY DINNER cars. These people are coming into Jackson county, AT THE but not into the Ashland vicinity. For this state of af­ fairs we have no one to blame but ourselves. Wishing At beautiful Lake of the Woods, nestled for more people to settle on our lands will not produce1 among the trees on Rainbow Bay, is the ideal results. It takes work and a lot of it. spot for your summer vacation and week-end trips, i urnished cabins, running water and Miss Klin Hamilton and Karl T A L E N T N E W S NOTES v ■■ campers supplies are only a few of the things Hamilton are packing fruit in you will find for your convenience at this Medford. (Continued from pag* It pleasant mountain retreat. many friend«. Gam*** were play­ Mr. Voss of Long Beach. Calif., Beauty Economy Durability “ Lake of the W oods Chalets” ed and the picnic supper served ia visi*'"* -• *v. home of Mr. and in true Camp Fire style. Mr. and Mr*. I.. V. New berg. They were old friend* in Kimberley. Ida. Mra. Guy Hamilton and Mr. ami Miss Kleanor Kindberg of San Mr*. H. Lowe were chaperone*. Diego. Calif., who is studying Mina Ruth Ilackler left Monday medicine at the U. of O. i* spend­ evening for Chicago where *hc ha* ing the summer at the home of accepted a position with a light op­ her uncle. Mr. L S. Ilackler. era company. She has signed a Mr*. Lloyd Lacey and two child­ two-year co ntract. Mia* Ilackler ren of Bray, Calif., are visiting has a wonderful voice and her at the home of her parents Mr. and musical ability has been recogniz­ Mrs. L. S. Hacklar. ed in musical circles here in the Miss Madge Hackler, who ha* Rogue River valley. Herr many been visiting her parents the past friend* wish W «iter** in her ten days will return to Portland new work. H im Martha Spenker of • this week end. Medford has also signed a con­ Mrs. Hamilton of Aahland ia tract with the same company and staying at the home of Mr. and left for Chicago last week. Mrs. Wm. High at present. Mias Anna Evan* la «pending Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Connor the week at Chiloquin. have rented Mrs. N. Oatman'a Lithia Springs Hotel i .E*ce!Irnt. fl3hi"K. d im m in g and boating make life at the lake a glorious diversion from the dull strain, and worries u. mess. ring your family— forget *uch troublesome equipment a . tent, and staple gro ceries-an d enjoy an out­ ing at the Chalets. 11:30 A. M. TO 2 P. M. AND 5 TO 8:30 P. M. $1.00 PER PLATE Other Service If Desired Lithia Springs Hotel How To Find It “ Lab* af the Wood* CKa- lata” are situated at the North ead of the Lake. From Ashlaad side, 39 mile* it 1* 2 1-2 mile* from first tight of water, from Klamath tide 40 milo*. road i* at first sight af water. Watch for •if ns! Swimming— fishing, furnish­ ed or unfurnished cabins. row boats, motor boats, campers supplies, store, gas and oil, cold drinking water excurision launch, “ Duplex” cabin, reasonable rates. Ashland, Oregon Lake of the W oods Recreation Co., Inc.