ASH LAND REGISTER Mrs. Newt. Davis was operat- Saltmarsh on the Lit- weeks, has returned to her home Sanitarium for treatment. Lockwood recently Mrs. Ed. Barron and his hay crew j ed on at the Community Hospital in Duluth, Minn. rooved his family on to hid home­ tie Applegate. are at the Keene Creek ranch put- last Saturday morning and is «low- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cleveland of stead about one mile from the »... . . n * n I____ I _ n A . L 1 ___ J The largest crowd of the season \ S am i-W aakly Papar P u L M I - i.h a d at A s h lan d . A O ______ regon | (Continued on page 5) Spokane are making an extended gap. They will stay there until attended the old time dance last tins up hay. Formerly the Central Point and Ashland American visit at the Lester Newb.-y hornet Friday night. The next dance will school starts this fall. Office at 372 East Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Newbry o f Boise, be given in two weeks, on August Miss Virginia Frost and friend BUSINES AND NEWS PHONE «6 of Ashland were on the creek last Ida, are making an <»\tended'vis­ 5. $ 2.00 O f) » A r - it with their son, Mr. R. E. New­ Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and little bry Of Ashland. They are also vis­ A d e * r t m a g Ratas G iv e n on A p p lic a t io n Elroy McGrew and Albert son, Wesley o f Modesto, Calif., iting at the home o f his brother Entered at the Postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, as Second Class Chamberlain were visitors on Cole­ and Miss Rose McKay o f Tulare, E. T: Newbry. Matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879 man creek iast Saturday. The two California, are visiting at the Mr. and Mrs .Newbry and Edna home of Mr. Thoma’s uncle, Al­ Chamberlain brothers formerly M em ber STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION M e m be r NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOIACTION lived on that creek at the place j and Mr. Newbry s brother and bert Thomas. Mr. Harold Thomas wife and daughter, Edith o f Boise used to )ive jn the NV(, Creek Dis. now known as the golf links. | A prominent businessman told us the other day Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lacy were Ida., returned Tuesday from a j trict and alsc ¡„ Ashland E s d e n B lock A .h lan d, O reg on that Ashland’s greatest need was a sales campaign di- business visitors in Ashland last week end outing at Crescent City, [,er ot- years ago. Calif. rected towards the selling o f Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kincaid and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Estes and two children and Mrs. Kincaid’s THE BEST OF MEATS AND POULTRY KEPT IN THE A S a le s Ashland to the community it- Mr. Joe Bickner and sister ex- daughter, Hulda o f Gold Hill vis­ mother Mrs. Clara Taylor and Mr. BEST OF CONDITION BY C a m p a ig n self. In this we agree with him ^ t0 leave the la8t of the ww;k ited Monday at home o f Mr. and Mrs Arthur for Crer-cent City on a vacation. Ha maker and most heartily. Some nine for Crp*cent Cilv on a vatation- Estes parents Mr. and Mrs. W. |, son J. C. o f Klamath Falls spent Elroy McGrew and M. t . Brad­ W. Estes. months ago, when we first arrived in Ashland, we ^ w r .... ! the week end at Crescent City. ley were business visitors in Med- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Brown went could see some of the wonderful possibilities that vividly, rd last Monday. Tuesday morning F a r m e r , a n d S t o c k m e n a r e r e q u e . t e d t o ca ll a . I am in the ist here. We could appreciate them more perhaps than Mr. Gb nn Abbot who has been daughter Pearl, and Katherine to.Portland, Estes in company with Ashland where Mr. Browi, m a r k e t f o r th e c h o i c e . t « t o c k a n d p o u l t r y 1 many who had lived here for years and years, am’, working at Gregory on the coun­ relatives enjoyed a trip to the — — — — ----- ■ will enter a | | I who by their constant association with these possibil­ ty roads returned home last Tues- Oregon Caves Wednesday of last ities have grown so accustomed to them, « that w they l j day mor“in* H# wiU work ior week. R v e re tt R eeun êhp Aahlattò ärgiairr Barrett Meat Market Perfect Refrigeration mean little. In our enthusiasm, we proposed an adver- Kvt Mr. r' 11 M. B<' W. Mjn McGrew lt prest who nt' has Mr. and Mrs. Fleshman of New | tising Campaign, designed for the sole purpose o f been working at Bray came home Vorb City visited from Thursday! selling Ashland to her own people. W e offered to for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. until Friday last week at the home ! donate the space, if we could get some help in se- M. W. McGrew were visitors at I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Estes. curing the material. This was done so that there th“ »<>"■- Mr. and Mr., g . a . The Heshman used to over o could be no possibi lty of any one accusing us o f .... , , friends. - • wanting to do it from a met cenaiy standpoint. W e ap- i^hiioquin last Sunday and spent Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Estes and proaehed one or two men on the proposition and their part of the day with his aunt and daughter, Fay, left last Friday for reply was, “ Every one knows what we have, it will Uncle Mr. and Mrs. g . a . Briner. a week outing at Diamond Lake | do no good” Our enthusiasm was sufficiently cooled, Glenn Abbott and Merle Brad- and Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Hawk o f Eagle that we dropped the matter for the time being, but ‘ey ver<- 7“ to" 8t the Lockwood Point called at the Sun Gold Rab- we »till think that a good »ales campaign directed to hora“ ,d l“ t Kerby and daughter bitry Monday and purchased some Mr. t‘ Fiank the people o f Ashland telling them o f the wonderful Ila were business visitors at Brin- fine registered stock. Mr. and Mrs. Hawk are in the rabbit indus­ resources that exist here, would help to sell the town ers last Monday afternoon. Floyd Purves o f this creek was try in Eagle Point. to other people. We have seen it work in other places, Mr. and Mrs. Davis were busi­ and today we have but to look at our enterprising in an auto wreck last Sunday. No ness callers in Medford Wednes­ neighbors, i in Medford, where a a .« similar campaign is . i Buffered the shock. Both a' ^ u« h some day. - x i i .1 urnu:~ • n cars were l b e i n g c o n d u c t e d u n d e ! th e C d p t io n Paints, Oils, Glass Var­ nish, Building Paper, Felts, Enamels, Decor- ette and Varnish Stains. When you need a paint­ er or anything in the painting line call Y O U W ILL ENJOY SUNDAY DINNER A T THE Litnia Springs Hotel J. O. RIGG Phone 172 Best Paints— 11:30 A. M. TO 2 P. M. — Best W orkmen AND T h i s is B ( j i e d t (]amagetj considerable. Floyd went Mr. and Mrs. 7*J. Stanley ant, Country” and note the enthusiasm that exists among to make a left hand turn when the family of Dunsmuir Calif., called car smashed I into the residents there, and there can be no question as to other ' ' a I him, not on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowe Sun­ watching Floyd’s signals. The da>' morning, its value. wreck occurred in Talent on the i The Sun G°ld rabbitry shipped W e have been told that the cardinal principle of south side of town. 200 pounds o f rabbits this week. salesmanship is to be sold on a product yourself, and Mr. J. T. Sawyer took Mrs. 28 visitors were registered this that is true of communities as well as washing ma­ Cupp to Grants Pass last Tuesday wei‘k- chines or automobiles. If Ashland people were suf­ afternoon to get her mother who^ Mr. and Mrs. Burt Weeder of the Salinas, Calif., who have been vis­ ficiently sold upon their own community, the enthus­ will .pend a few days iting at home of Mr. and Mrs. creek. iasm would spread rapidly Wayne Bradley, Howard Combs Rudy Conner for the pust ten days and Mr. A. G. Hayes left for Kla­ left Monday for Portland, Ore., math county last Friday. They ex and Vancouver B. C., Mrs. Weed- pfcct to work their the remainder ! er 18 a s*ster o f Mr. Connor, o f the summer. I Mr. H. E. Bowman, who is vis- ROASTS Mrs. Ella Abbott and daughter '*'nK *n Portland is expected home Goldia and Eudell were visitors a t1^ ' 8 week end. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Grant and I For every day in the the home o f Victor Anderson at family, who are living in Mrs. Ashland Sunday afternoon. W eek Mr. H. T. Slagle spent four Irene W ells house on the highway days o f last week with her mother left by motor Tuesday for Port­ land. When they return they are with Mrs. Westerberg and son ¡Mrs. I. E. Bradley. VALLEY VIEW They are tender, juicy planning to move over to Lake-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Loos and Richard and Keith Lennox, who and delicious— a real Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Arnold and had all been staying at the Gler.n family visited at the home o f Mrs. view, Oregon. treat for Sunday din­ Henry W’ard and Samuel Saw- \ Looses parents Mr. and Mrs. Had­ their guests, Mrs. Myrtle Moore, cabin for the past week. ners and evening den last Sunday. yer Evans celebrated their seven-[ daughter and son of Los Angeles, Mr. Lewis and daughter, Miss meals. Rev. Murphy of Ashland held th birthday with a party for their returned last Thursday morning Vetu Lewis left for Coquille, Or., services at the Wagner creek little friends W’ ednesday after­ from a delightful trip. last Tuesday on short business school house last Sunday after­ noon, July 27th at the Evans home Also lucious steaks, They went north and up the trip. noon which was enjoyed by all. Ice cream and cake were served, any kind you desire. Columbia river Highway to The Mr. and Mrs. H. J. garter. Miss He preached the Four Square Gos­ and all enjoyed a delightful time. Simply phone or call I)alles, then down through east­ Bernice and Hugh farter o f Ash­ pel and it was a fine sermon. ern Oregon to Crater Lake and at the NEIL CREEK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Homes and land, Miss Lillian Carter and Mr. home by way of Klamath Falls. Young of Portland Were callers at family o f Ashland were visitors They felt the severe change from Mrs. Harvey Hanson o f Sacra­ the Lennox home last Sunday ev­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank the snow at Crater Lake to the Snooks last week. They expect to mento, is visiting her parents, Mr. ening. heat on coming down into the val­ make their home in California for and Mrs. Clarence Taylor. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halibaugh the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Homes Hanson was formally Miss Esther ley. The Moores left for their Phone 107 home in California on Thursday formerly o f Valley View, arrived formerly lived on the Scott place Taylor. from Bellflower, Calif, last Satur­ two or three years ago. afternoon. Mrs. Anna Pu neau, who has 182 N. Main day morning and spent the day Mr. R. L. Lockwood mnde a been visiting at the Soda Springs Miss Elisabeth Dunning of with Mrs. Halibaugh’s father, W. business trip to Marshfield last Service Station for the last few Portland who is attending the H. Hurley. - Tuesday. summer Normal school in Ashland ] There has been many people Mr. and Mrs. Holibaugh expect spent last Sunday with her friends the Misses Rosina and Frances to make their home in Ashland for from Medford and Ashland on the creek during the past two months some time. Gallatin. to enjoy the shade and cool Mr. and Mrs. Devenger and A new bridge was put by Wil­ breeze. Wagner is an ideal sum­ liam Bruin last Friday over Mey­ family, also of Belflower, Calif, mer resort for city people and is “ The Theatre er Creek near the A. H. Davenhill were overnight visitors at Mr. noted for its cool breeze. Beautiful” ranch. All traffic was detoured by Hurley’s home ast Saturday. way of Talent Lane on that day. The national „‘xtenaion leader of TALENT NEWS 5 TO 8:30 P. M. $1.00 PER PLATE Other Service If Desired Lithia Springs Hotel Ashland, Oregon The Register’s News of Community Interest THE EAGLE MARKET V Washington, D. 'C., Mr. Norris, state extension lender of the Ore­ Mr. O. A. Sanford made a trip gon Agricultural College, L. Wil­ to Klamath Fulls Monday. cox and R. G. T. Fowler, county Mr. N. G. Porter of Yreka. Cal. , agent and county club leader, o f called on O. A. Sanford Saturday Medford were callers in the neigh­ afternoon. borhood a few days ago. M. McIntyre and daugh­ Mr. Newton Holdridge arrived ter, Rowena o f Grants Pass visit­ on Saturday from New Jersey, for ed over the week end at home of Mrs. Albert Arnold and daugh- a visit with his neice Mrs. D. O. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long. ter Edith were down from IVad1 Hurley and other relatives. Mr. Mrs. Anna Peterson o f Duluth Indian last Thursday and made a Holdridge is making a leisurely Minn., arrived last Friday for an trip to Medford. Edith ia recov­ trip through the west, enjoying extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Carl Wellin. ering nicely from a mastoid op­ all scenic points. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Workman; eration. who have been visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Gallatin re­ WAGNER CREEK NEWS Mrs. Lee Connor left Sunday and turned last Friday evening from a have moved up on the Green few days vacation spent near the Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Crowford Spring where Mr. Workman is Oregon Caves. They had intend­ and family o f San Anselmo, Cal., employed. ed going on to the roast, but after were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and going through the Cares decided A. Briner o f this creek last Mon­ daughters. Theran and Wands to rest a few days quieUy at a day night. They were here some Lou. and Miss Nell Hill o f Clin­ nice cool camp. time ago. Mrs. Crawford ia Mrs. ton, Ohio, arrived a week ago last Mr. and Mrs. McCormack and Briner’s neice. They left Tuesday Friday nnd are making an extend­ family who have been living on the morning for Crater Lake and Kla­ ed visit at the home o f their un­ Glasgow ranch, have rented a math Falla and will return here bo- cle. Mr. L. C. HilL place south of Ashland and mov- fore returning h«>me. Mr and Mrs. Will Ferns. Mra. moved into the house just vacated Mrs. Scott and granddaughter Ella Patterson and Mr. Ed. Jacobs ed there last week. on Mias Rose Klfa Briner were visit­ picnicked at Casey’s Camp Mr H. R Westerberg, also went ors o f Mr. Joe Bickner and sister Rogue river. over to the lake of the Woods on at there summer home two days Mr. and MY*. C. F. Hamilton Saturday sad returned oa Sunday of last week. spent Sunday at heme of Mr. and, Mrs. A. A. Gillette, son and grandson of M<>dford visited with Mrs. W. F. DeFord last Friday. Herman Burhaus of San Fran­ cisco who is a nephew of L. H. Gallatin hame last Tuesday. Gallatin with his friends Messrs. Wallace and Low called at the Gallatin home Tuesday. ININ Let electricity pack your ice-box with dry, sweet, chilled air! The hot days are here— delightful healthful days so long as you can keep f i t ! But for perfect health, be careful fo o d s ! G of your Try this: Finishing T oday— “ ROLLED STOCKINGS” A pleasing attraction, including in the cast such popular players as Louise Brooks, James Hall, Richard Arlen, Nancy Phillips and El Brendei. Place a bottle o f milk in a neighbor’s electric refrigerator, or let your dealer make this test for you. Leave it there a week or ten days. Then examine it— it’s still sweet! Saturday Only—. Fred Thomson in “ SILVER COMES TH R U ” Fred Thomson shown at his bes* —in a dashing western film— is one o f the most interesting ac- tors on the screen. With Silver King, the horse with a personality. Clean hygienic, sanitary electric refrigera­ tion will soon be in every modern home. Your dealer will show you an easy and economical ".ay to have it now— on attractive installment plan payments if you prefer. Sunday Only— Florence V idor in “ AFRAID T O LOVE” The story o f a beautiful woman who sacrifices her beauty to win a husband. Assisted by Olive Brook, Norman Trevor, Jocelvn Lee and Arthur Lubin. Monday Only— “ DON’T TELL THE W IFE ” » tarring beautiful Irene Rich and a popular cast Also UNCLE HIRAM’S COUNTRY STORE W ith Geo. J. Hayes at the Organ O ffice« M ed ford , O regon Roseburg. Oregon Grants Pass, O r e g o n K la m a t b F ell s, O r e g o * Y r e k a , C a l í f e r a ia Y* K I K P A M * ■ IKS U* D «n*a B kir t C a l i f o r n i a