* * ß -% The R t fiit e r Majority o f L reach * Farm The circulation the of this tue i» mere than H ou u i 1900 In Southern Oregon F O R M F *" Y C F N T f t i VOLUME 3 or>ia>T ,\NO A CH L A V D AM ERICAN ASH LA N D , JACKSON C O U N TY, OREGON, FR iD A Y , NEARLY FINISHED EXHIBIT PLANNED FOR COUNTY IN S EP í EM d ER RELIGIOUS NU M BER 23 JULY 29, 1927 ENGINEER DEfENDS m e ,F * } | f TH O U S A N D I I OF PEARS ARE TAKEN i Veteran Merchant Does Not Ap- 1 R. G. Fowler Named Temporary Nearly One-Half of Crop ii Con- ¡ prove of Bu»ing Fencing From I Granite WorW» Furniahea Material Chairman of Organisation That Outride Firm traded for by Canneries W ill Sponsor Movement For Eapenaire Portland On Coast Mauaeleum In an interview with City En­ R. 0. Fowler was named tem­ g in e e r Walker relative to a com- Nearly 5000 tuns o f Bartlett j The Ashland Granite works, is porary chairman o f an organiza­ ! plain* made by Emil Piel pioneer pears, representing nearly one- j tion that will sponsor a rultable one o f those “ things” that local Ashland merchant that the “ City half the crop has been contracted people like to talk about, and exhibit showing the resources o f Dads” were not supporting local by canneries, with the picking sea- j take strangers up to see, but so ¡Jackson county and the work ac- institution < ■ in that they purchased son yet several weeks o ff, it was far have failed to take sufficient I complished By the boys and girls ^ j the f ce necessary to enclose the announced recently. interest in ♦ > see that it is devel­ clubs, at a meeting hold in Med­ I resers.dr f*or> a Medford firm Practically all the fruit that has I oped to a point where it can be ford recently. It is planned to hold Mr. Walker declared the criticism been taken under contract the exhibit {luring the month o f has come one o f Southern Oregon’s ¡should have be >n directed against been sold for $50 a ton, this price greatest assets. The granite works S’ ptember. j the engineers rather than the being very satisfactory due to the J An executive committee was situated but a short distance from Mayoi and City c< incil. authorized, which will consist of low prices received last year, indi- C o m p a r a t i v e R e c o r d * Ashland at the end o f a road that Farmers Get More Rain Local Teacher Complete* Mr. Waiker had not given the cations are that a prosperous fruit is full o f thrills is a mountai' of representative* from each of the Show That 1925 W a* Than Hoped For In Six W esk* Course At matter mu.-h thought until called season is in view. granite, o f a quality that is sup?r- Granges, the Southern Ore. Rabbit Most Popular Year Sunday’s Shower to his ttention yesterday, and ex- Linfield College Northern canneries, located in ior to anything found on the coast, Breeders association, and fn m plaine that the reason fo r pur­ Portland and vicinity are the heav­ even exceeding the famed Ver- other organizations in the county 18,000 SO FAR ORCHARDS D A M A G E D mon granite. To the skeptic this t>’ « t are willing to aid in the a f - ! M A N Y E N R O LL HERE chasing th? wire from a Medford iest buyers so far. C. M. Speck, firm was beeanse t\is was the fu.ir. _______ agent for the Ray Maling, Inc., . . . . r „ n fact can be easily proved in a most r a ils oe- The dnt • for the exhibit, and pre,ident Churchill of ths only firm 'hat had exactly what o f Hillsboro and Woodburn has The Year Storm Covers Only Small logical way. Iron rusts, traces of Year» Areas— Some Sections iron are found in Vermont gran­ further details were not arranged Normal is Responsible the city wanted. According to Mr. contracted for more than 2500 hind Previous Walker it was necessnry to secure tons o f Bartlets at the standard but this will probably be done at a Due To Late Sea»>n ite, no iron is found in Ashland Not Injured For W ork in State | a parti.ular’.y heavy type o f wire, price, being perhaps the heaviest ! frranite, consequently there are meeting that will be held in Med­ | that was some sev n feet in buyer. ford next Monday. 1 no rusty spots in buildings or The year 1925 was a ban'* nr one Considerable damage to orch­ The fact that the A rt o f heighth. The M ilfo r d firm who se- A committee o f three members Other buyers, such as the Star in tourist travel fo r Ashland ac­ monuments er°eted from the local ards anu vegetables resulted from gious Education is becoming more cur~ d c„ ntraet were the North- Pr< ducts company o f Portland and cording to the r. gist i alio i re- that was appointed on a ways and Sunday's rain, hail, and electric quarry. Another quality and more o f a definite force in tl representative o f the com- means committee, and another was Salem, which has taken over I000|(ord ,,n file at the chamber o f corn- (form. Fortunately this storm cov­ makes the local product a super­ appointed to confer with county school system o f today, wus re- pany making this y rticular kind tor.*, and Y ibby, McNeil A Libby merce. During that yenr 22,91» ered only a small area, some sec­ ior one is the color that it has. It vealed moct forcibly in an Jhour's ' of wirp_ and th d ty had purchav with contract for several hundred CBrs registered in Ashland, while is impossible to contrast, with lo­ officials and organizations with tions net experiencing it at nil. interview with Mrs. Grace E. An-1 eo a similar wrire from them pre­ ton, are also heavy purchasers. cal granite. It polishes one coir, » he view o f obtaining their sup­ the total fo r the year 1924, w a » The orchards o f Mr. W illiam s port drew», week day Bible school In- viously, and it had given good re­ Picking will begin about August and breaks another, that makes it 18,430, as compared to 19,706 ia Mr. Brings and several others in Susanne Carter Homes, county I strBctor in the Ashland publi- sults. 8, with the cannery fru it a week 1926. that section were unharmed, while worth more. The demand is great suiierintendent o f schools, togeth- s c W ls ‘ Mia* Andrew- has recent- " I thought no more o f going later. Tests of the fru it are now Decaus«., So fa r 1927 has failed to hoi«» those o f Mr. York. Mr. Evans and fo r the local product er wi'h Mr. Fowler, outlined th« ly c‘ ,mPlp,‘'d * ">* summer | outside the city to make thi* pur- being made by county agent L. P. ita own, with previous years the- there is not another quarry wes; Mr. Cook suffered injury from purpose fo r tne function, and a n -, " eho° 1 cuun* at Lh,fieW Cel,« * ‘> | chase than I would to buy some Wilcox, who is experimenting total up to and ir.clodi-g twenty- hail. Much damage was also caus­ o f the Kockies that has the quality Honored that plans had been un- McMinnville, rnd a glance at the expensive make o f automobile with the pears under pressure. o f this one, and there is a great seven days in July being 11,946. ed to Mr. Cook’ s tomatoes. I which I had used before, and ; der way since last year, and the ' ‘ours,‘ o f !‘tudy 5hoW1' !1 mwt Reports from markets in f ' e July Is by fa r the most popular Mr. Homer Moore’s watermelon saving in freight rates. exhibit w ill he required to make lm h cn *ive ‘ Tvl P ™ *ie a l «“«urse wanted, and km w that it was not east show that very high prices are month fo r tourist^ according ti> One Draw Back patch, valued at over $100 dol- i their work complete. 1 fo r the o f Bn,le handled by a local dealer. There being paid for California pears, the records, fo r in F924, 4375, re­ There is only one drawback to lars was almost completely ruin­ structors. was no de.-.'re upon my part, nor which are in* first to he sold. gistered locally. In 1925, 6272 ed. Serious damage was done t o ! the local concern that being lack Church ill Starti Work ST A R T R E -PA V IN G Th,. in «-nr miration „ f th- 1 e' ei be* n to POTch* « * 1 L a it week over a thousand boxes cured a permit, 4322 In W2*k and o f capital to put it where it be­ A. C. Joy’s peaches, but fortunate­ I he imorporation o f the we< . anythr,p , ,, , f town that could were sold for $4.16. Local fruit , 4171 in 1927. January was the ly the entire crop was covered by longs. Ten men are working there O F CITY STREETS (lay h im school coutmi o f study in | ^ jj0, here if :l ,oca* iirm men are consequently putting o ff [low month fo r all four years with (Continued on Page 5) hail insurance. !the public schools o f Oregon, was handle., tl s w,re The ta\ k o f re-paving t>e I__p-.lv ,p». tl. »he IT . non.-« I I ---------- course we | selling as long as possible for the ] but 93 registered in 1924. It pick- The rain Is also reported to have largely due to .he m.iuence o f J. wouid ;ever ha e ti >ught o f b u v -l------------- « - - - - - —■ i ' purpose o f finding how *hi w ire s je d up some what In t ” 25 during: strips o f pavement that were torn done a certain amount * f damage. FIRE BURNS OVER A Churchill, President o f South-1 ing |t tU#v m . U n --r ths facto will range by the time the la llf- {he same month, with 1 Ttf regie- out by workmen in repairing the The farmers had been hoping for r,,. led, ord fi>,n SCRUB G R O W T H city water systtun, began Wednes­ ern Oregon Normal School o f Ash-|arrarn..,np orain market has reached a peak 1‘.rations. In 1926, 362 was the •in, but Sunday's storm brought land, while he was fillin g the of- has thi, territory exclusively end day. anil the southern Oregon and 1 number or the greatest o f any at them more than they expected. fice o f Stnte Superintendent o f | ther(. no plact. ,.Ise lo p ^ h a s e Fire burned over the scrub northern California season is in the four years. Notwithstanding- The first step in this work is Public Instruction. It ha* fufw de- j jt »* However, farmers are glad that it growth on Chautauqua Heights in swing. the laying o f concrete base fo r the fact that this year was eultti came when it did instead o f a few the block bounded by Iowa tuid veloped to such a large extent that Mr. pei|.g compiaint appe , rs in the asphalt that will be used on and rainy during January 285 weeks earlier, since it served more Holly Terrace and Vista streets m Portland there are twelve teach | another part o f thp pa,*,r the surface. Frank Jordan, local ers, with one superintendent and I foreign cars received a permit JU D GE T H O M A S IS to irrigate the fields titan to dam- j Thursday morning, ____________________ contractor and owner o f the Jor-I through the local offic< . age the hay as it would have done The blaze, which according to one general supervisor, and class ILL IN P O R T L A N D dan Sash and Cabinet Plant, is in ! es include over three T W O EOYS H ELD According to a raea.it issue of* when the crop was younger. thousand Eire Qhief Clint Baug'iman, may charge o f this procedure. The students between the Mail Tribune, upnroximatefy FOR C A R TH EFT Clrcuit Judge C. M. Thomas Is I the , first and A lfa lfa is the most important have been intentionally started, work began on B street, which is sixth gradea. convalescing from a gall bladder , s,x ,h,,u''and registered at Merf- crop in the Bellview district and had gained considerable headway the longest single section that was Sergeant C. P. Talent o f the operation in a Portland hospital i f,’roy ns the Professor Dulcina Brown, who state traffic departm« t arrest­ according to dispatches to t h e / ^ '" Nearly half the water used in this i « red. A large force o f volunteers Over :!000 feet o f pavement will j Supervisor o f the Portland ed Jimmy Moore, 21, o f New O r­ y df- rd Mail Tribune yesterday. 1 locaI ofl-¡c'‘ car‘>d »'or, during the community for irrigation is used quickly gathered when the siren be repaired. schools taught Religious Educa­ leans, and Robert G r n t 20, o f St. Fri. nils o f the ju«lge knew noth- w,mo Perio reliev«*d sufficiently tive months since 1924 will he and exceedingly helpful, ac­ en from teen senmd feet. Ten acres o f land the square was burned off. Second term o f summer school cording to Mrs. Andrews. Mis- According to Ch < f o f Police Mc- fo r the judge to be around within tive months since 1924 is given be- require, about one thousand feet, A line o f hose was !aid to pro­ low: be city taking a maximum o f two, vent the spread o f the fire over will start next Monday, August Brown has her M. A. degree from Nahb the two hoy* admitted hav­ a week’s time, h» wiH not be ready Record of Permits lim ed Fron» 1, at the Southern Oregon Nor­ Drake University and also the de­ ing robbed a »‘ ore in Washington to take up his official duties with feet fix,m the ditch. the hillside. A*hit nd and Oregon In addition to stenling mal school. the scheduled opening o f the gree o f Master o f Religious Edu­ The irrigation season will last The old fire truck wx.s first s.nt the automo» ■. 1924 192.5 1 .»26 1927 The maximum registration o f cation from Boston University. August session o f circuit court. :n!y about six weeks hinger. By to the scene o f the bli -e and lat- Several articles, thought to Arrangements for the postpone­ ,a " .......... 93 179 362 285 275 students in the first term will Interested in Work hat time the alfalfa will have suf- er the big truck was sent out. 280 691 402 have been stolen were found in ment o f the term opening have F«b......... .414 remain fo r the next six weeks, ac­ iciently irrigated, except fo r a ' ------------------------- Thru the splendid work o f Mrr. If-'' ‘ *70 78T cording to early registration made Andrews in her work a:- Bible in­ the car including, some gasoline, been made, until the recovery o f Mar..........892 «jj* late gardens. M A N ARRESTED ON 1603 11 ■ : 1071 oil and groceries. They weri turn­ ..'„iigc Thomas according to Dtlilib 4nril at the school. 7,711 structor in Ashland, Miss Brown ' Accord,n* Mr- A SSA U LT CHARGE vny IKS* 1875 1790 ed over to the department o f jus­ Stevens Meyers, county cltik. i charge « i irrigation water, a was more than ordinarily interest­ tice and lodged in the Jackson 4534 5o42 3442 A R R IV E S FOR V A C A T IO N Judge Thomas has been su ffe r-1 d,,ne ¡erious problem was presented to ed, both in Mrs. Andrews and in Frank E. Halliet, o f Portland, county jail at Medford. 6272 4322 4171 armers whose lands lie under the ing from gall bladder trouble for July Cox W’ ebb, close friend o f Zane her work here. She was highly arrested Tuesday itch, when Sunday’s downpour Oregon was some time, but his condition was Grey, famous author o f western complimentary in her attitude to­ 11,94K ashed down the canals, filled ! ! * " ” * * , ^ Chief o f Po,ice GeorS,‘ books, is in Southern Oregon to ward the work being done in Ash­ FIRE CONDITIONS IN not regarded as serious until re­ W. McNabb, charged with assault August 3222 hem with sand and then poured in­ PARK SATISFACTORY cently when he had trouble with spend his 12th consecutive sum­ land, especially upon being with a dangerous weapon, and 1461 ver the idea. his eyes and went to Portland for Sept. mer in the Rogue river valley. formed o f the high percentage o f held in this city awaiting the ar­ Oet. 676 a complete examination and diag­ Water, already flow ing from Mr. Webb spent last winter with pupils who have elected to tak« The general forest fire condi­ nosis. N ov....... 393 he Hyatt Prairie dam was turn- rival o f Oregon City officials, who the writer and a party o f friends Bible school instruction in the tion in the Crater Lake National Dec....... 294 d back as the most efficien t took him to that city for hearing. in Australia and New Zealand, public schools, and o f the work forest, is said by officials in the Halliet told local policemen that cans o f meeting with the haz L IT H IA N S MEET T O N IG H T where they did a great deal o f being accomplished by one inrtruc- rds. Surplus water was also turn- Wh‘ l,‘ * * Wa* *,e*Pin* a « « " P - fishing, but he believes none com­ tor. Over eighty-six per cent o f the headquarters office in Medford to The Lithians will meet in regu­ Total 18.430 22.919 I9.70A into the Emmigrant creek dam. ground near Oregon City, he was pares with that o f the Rogue Riv­ total enrollmen in the schools here he very satisfactory. lar session at 6:30 tonight in the attacked by E. C. Davis, whose di­ An a'rplane has been ordered "orkmen with shovels then threw er. o f the grades between one and six by state Fire Warden P. B. Lowe Lithia Springs Hotel. Important HEALTH IN JACKSON vorced w ife was a part o f his par­ ut the sand and attempted to business will be discussed and a Mr. Webb is ramping at a fav­ inclusive have enrolled in week­ COUNTY IS GOOD eep the flow within the ditch, al- ty o f eleven people. Davis he said, orite spot on the Rogue, where day Bible study. This course is to assist in locating new firea and report o f the committees heard. beat him over the head with a watch those that are now burning. jough considerable damage to he will remain fo r the rest o f entirely optional with the parents Three case* o f smallpox were A fire, burning in the Bessie ields was caused in spit o f their club, and also struck Mrs. Davis, the summer. Mrs, L. E. Gould o f Sacramento reported in Jackson county dur­ and pupils and is in no wise com­ Rock territory, is believed to he who attempted to shield him from fforta. pulsory. But the interest, under inder control, as is the fire that California who has been visiting ing the week ending July 23, ac­ the blows. weeks at the cording to a report o f contagious the leadership o f Mrs. Andrews, vas reported in a the Union creek for th# past six Wednesday afternoon. Theta Not wishing the publicity that homes o f her sisters, Mrs. Grace disease filed by the state health t a r p it c h e r s t o (Continued on P a »« * ) Beta Phi honorary Sorority at region. A fire on the Klamath sec­ E. Andrew* o f Church street and d«‘partment. One rase o f influen­ the 8. O. Normal, held its initia­ MEET NEXT SUNDAY T ^ ' t tion is causing trouble but is Mr*. A. GW. Adams, East Main, za and one case o f ehickenpox J. M. Watkins, o f Laurel street, bought to be subsiding. | iett said he hurried south, but tion fo r new members who had •r leaving for her home on Satur­ were the only other cases qf con­ made the required grades fo r ad­ left fo r Portland Sunday to look With Shcrock and Davis sched- when his party reached Ashland day morning. Mr*. Gould has also tagion reported fo r the week. after business affairs. led to go on the mound for Tuesday evening, they were appre- mittance. “ A m a t e u r N i g h t ” ia A r m o r y spent some time visiting at the D. rant* Pass and Ashland Sunday bended, and Halliett was placed P r a m i i e i E n t e r t a i n m e n t W. Wheeler home in Medford dur­ Mr. and Mr*. Louis Dodge, and ball fans are predicting one under arrest, a warrant having Mrs. Ernest Angwin o f 93 Bush I Mr. Edward Hobart, who has The Brotherhood o f American ing her stay here, she and Mrs. family and Mrs. W ill Abbott, o f the best games o f the season been sworn out fo r him by Davis street, returned Wednesday even- been the house guest at the home Yeomen is taking great pains to Andrews having spent last week­ Ix>s Angeles, guest at the Dodge hen the two teams meet. These 71 Oregon City. ing from Klamath Falls where she of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Provost make the Juven'le Amateur en­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. home, will spend the week end at men have gained the reputa- Halliett and Mrs. Davis, ac­ has »pent several days with her for the past few weeks, departed tertainment a pleasant and en­ their cottage at the Laek o f »he- t>n o f being the best pitchers in companied by a brother and sia- husband. j for his home in Pasadena. Calif- joyable affair, the rehearsals Rev. and Mrs. Hugh T. Michel- Woods. ic league and fans have been ter-in-law and seven children ---------- joroia the fore part o f the week. promiae a fine program and the more and famliy will depart Mon­ xiously waiting fo r them to spent the night in this city and Armory is well fitted with lights | day morning on their summer va- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enders. ac­ Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Berg or* eet in a pitching dual. here returned to Oregon City n?xt companied by Mr*. Andy McCal- and electric fana. ON BUSINESS TRIP ration where they »rill occupy the B Street are entertaining friendV «lay. Dtivi* last Sunday pitched a no len. departed B ednesday evening _ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Isaacs will The well-known Dickey orches­ Wilmer Poley cottage fo r two thia week from their old honte in t. no-run game against Medford. for their cabin at the Lake of leave Sunday evening on a busi- tra, who furnished music on the weeks. Winnett, Montana. They are Sfr*. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Delgard of the Woods, where Mrs. Enders ness trip to Portland. Mr. Isaacs 4th o f July at the Jackson Hot *rro<-k held the Pelicans from H. B. Green and son, who wer* a r «math to one run. He says he Plaeerville, Calif, are visiting at and Mrs. McCatlen will spend a expect* to look over the extensive Spring* will open the concert at Mr. and Mr*. Rester Gan dee o f companied by Mrs. E. R. Austin 1 work better when the mer- the home o f A. Erickson at 75 week or ten days vacatioaing. Mr. line carried by Marshall Field* in 7 30 sharp and will furnish music Dunsroeir .Calif., are visiting at o f Salem, Oregon. A fU r spendlag 7 i* near 100 and hope* to Bush street Mr. Delgard is look­ FmJ«r« returned the following; Portland, which includes ready to throughout the entire entertain- the home o f Mr. Gandee’s mother, •everal days visiting at the Borg ul»te Devi*’ record next Sun- ing over tkis part o f the country morning, hut will go out to the waar, toys, snd many other line* ment and also fo r the dance fot- Mr*, j . í m Gande* o f North Main bome. they will leave Frit’ay mora- with a view o f locating. Lake again on Sunday. carried hy tbel ocal store. j lowing tbe entertainment. street. iog fo r *Jta!r imB* — TOURISTS REGISTER DISTRICT j ! «gb