The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, June 07, 1927, Image 1

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    Root Will
T ru stees
Buy Land
S e V C R ts e a
» !» *
Acres Purchased from Me-
At a Senior meeting held Wednes­
day noon, June 3 at the normal
school it was voted by those present
to cancel ail plans made for a Senior
picnic, as many students would be
unable to attend.
Final arrangements are being
made for the senior sport dance to
| be held at the Bgllview community
hr°uU8*’ WHnewtay evening, June 8.
j The Senior women may invite escorts
; iincl transportation will be provided
| for those who have no cars.
Cormick Estate and 2*/z
Land Company
T h e p u r c h a s e o f 1714 a c r e » o f
the M c C o r m i c k e s ta t e , a n d t w o
a n d a h a lf a c r e s o f the C a r t e r
L a n d c o m p a n y tr a c t a d j o i n i n g
this e s ta t e has b e e n c o n s u m m a t ­
e d b y th e tr u s te e s o f th e C. W .
R o o t e s ta t e , a c c o r d i n g to an a n '
n o u n c c . n o n t m a d e this m o r n i n g
hy a m e m b e r o f this b o a r d .
Local Man Attends
State Bankers Meet
J. W. McCoy, cashier o f the First
National Bank and vice president of
i the American
Bankers Association
' for Oregon, returned Monday from
the twenty-second annual conven-
tion o f the Oregon Bankers Associa-
Doctors Recommend Ashland
The demand for young turkeys
and Wonder Results Received !
to be on the increase, accord-
Ashland was the best place nine
Portland doctors knew of for little
eleven year old Helene and Corrine
Senn granddaughters of Willis Miller
formerly Sagnaw, Michigan news- j
paper man, to regain health lost |
through years of suffering from sin-1
us «trouble. The little ladies with |
their grandfather came to Ashland
last fall, thin, and sickly. The splen- i
did climate, bas worked wonders!
with them and today they are heal-1
thy happy youngsters that have j u s t j p a i n y Weather Holds Down
finished their school term and will
leave shortly for an extensive trip
Travelers During the
through out the east, expecting to
Months o f February
n*ain make Ashland their home
when *ch° o1 8tarts thi* fa,L They are
March and
i the daughters o f Professor Helen
! *^enn> ° f Portland.
--------------------- 4*---------------------
| ing to J. D. LanJrieult, well known
i Bellview resident who had 123 stolen
j from his home Saturday night. The
i thieves not being content with just
! the turkeys took along seven brood
| hens as well.
Travel Of
T our ists Fire Marshall Givis
Increases Talk At Chamber
New Dough Mixer and
, held.
Oven Added to Bakery
and *1
4, and reports i
IfUlllYIAL ALUfYllvl
| r^tered
est abli shmentj grminied definitely, although it is be-
through a back window, and took no­ | lieved that the roof may have caught
to what kin! of material will Dead on W ay to California thing but the welding outfit, accord from a bonfire which was set nearby.
be used in construction o f the mem­
ing to chief o f police, McNab.
* ----------
orial and it has been suggested that
Russel D. Riley, for fifteen years
M an y T h rille rs
---------- + ----------
Ashland granite be chosen, because night repeater chief o f the local
A real thrill was afforded spectat­
o f its superior resistance to erosive office o f the postal Telegraph Com­
ors who witnessed the baseball game
elements. One plan considered by the pany, dropped dead while enroute
_ _
| last Sunday between the Ashland
trustees was to construct the mon­ from here to Long Beach, California
D jjV p
p U Q T I y A I ¡Boas and the Pearpickers of Med-
ument near the entrance o f the park on the Southern Pacific train No. 11
m iU L . I L U I I V n i . , fordi when members of the local ag-
together with a fountain to be in­ last Sunday evening, about 12:00
All hope for representing Ashland
n n-*«tiated a triple play.
stalled by the city, but this was o ’clock.
Ask anyone whe has been a base-
abandoned because o f the fact that
Mr Riley was on his way to Long p ortland thig month. was abandoned"1* 11 fan an>’ len* th o f
flnd >ou
the Lithia water has a tendency to Beach
ach on a week s vacation, y„ terday by th, Chamber of Com- j wiI1 learn that thi* » a rare occur-
tarnish the stone.
left Ashland Sunday afternoon. His
rence indeed. Hughs and Robbins
Further plans o f the trustees are body was removed from the train at merce. according to an announce­ were responsible for the feat last
reserved until a later date, w-hen a Redding, and placed in the Home
chairman of the advertising and pub­ Sunday, when, with two Pearpickers
formal announcement and more de­ Undertaking Parlor waiting removal.
licity committee, and J. M. Fuller, on bases, Hughs intercepted a fly
finite plans will be made public.
George W. McNabb, chief of
which Adolph, Medfordite, had knock
secretary o f the organisation.
police in this city, who is going south
ed in the general direction o f right
The reason fo* this as given by
on a busines trip tomorrow, has sig­
field. Hughs threw to Robbins con­
Ticket Sale Open* for
committee are that the expenses
the Play “ Smilin’ Thru’ ’ nified his intention o f stopping in o f such a project would for exceed sequently putting Markle,out o f run­
Redding and taking charge o f his
ning, and Robbins returned the ball
the funds appropriated. An invevta-
to Hughs who tagged the first bag.
The ticket «ales for the play. personal possessions
Mr. Riley was well-known in Ash­ gation carried on in Portland have putting Bishop out.
“ Smilin' Thru” to be presented by
shown that the cost o f obtaining suit­
There were other thrillers in the
Alpha Tauri the dramatic club at the land and Southern Oregon, and his able flower« are this year to high as
Southern Oregon Normal school, death comes as a sudden shoe to to make this step almost prohibitive. game. One in the sixth inning when
Davis hit a three-bagger, scoring
opened today in charge o f John those o f his acquaintance.
and _______
Force. _________
Another ___
in the
__ _
An interesting canvass o f Ashland a sister. Joe C. Riley and Mrs. Alice , Southern Oregon Normal school, who j „»venth when "Marlow knocked
and Medford will he made, with a C. Dodson.Baltimore Maryland, and wmf in Portland recently reported to homer into the left field.
the committee upon his arrival here
The score by the way, was Ashland
member o f the club in charge o f each Frank L. Riley, Philadelphia, Pa.
that conditions in Portland this year 3, Medford 0.
district into which the cities have
have made the cost o f necessary
Is S e r io u s ly l a j u r e d
been divided.
material unfavorable, and acting
B e llv i e w C e m w a a i t y C l u b
“ Smilin' Thru” will be given in the
There will be an instructive and
Normal school auditorium Monday dent o f Ashland, who was injured in
an auto accident near Roseburg last r*a<!>' *t hand, the decision was made interesting meeting o f the Bellview
evening. June 1 % at 8:15 o’clock
Community Club in the
and the adm.gvon will be $.50 for Friday while enroute from here with |t0 curt*d *•! further plans.
students and $.75 for adults. Seats
are also on sale at the Rose and may is reported to be suffering with two , been designed by Miss Ady. *c-m a l! June 8th. Miss Florence York of
broken ribs and a possible fractura art instructor, using Mt. Ash'.ai-d as Medford will be in attendance, and
he reserved there.
o f the hip. Mrs. Foster has since • background and a miniture fo u n -, will demonstrate
to the members of
Madras-- Work Tushed on pipe
line I
• Patient in tbe Mercy hospital • tain «pouting real water in the renter the club, the detail* of basket weav-
to fin is h w.ter on Agency Plains.1 •* Roseburg.
af the scene.
Dr. George Rebee of the
W ill
Give the Principal A d ­
dress on Tuesday
“ Ashland is to be congratulated
upon its small number of fires.” C.
A. Lee state fire marshall told the
assemblage at the Chamber o f Com­
merce luncheon in the Lithia Springs
Hotel today, “ in the last 80 days,
there has been but one call. Such
efficiency is what makes the fire
marshall feel good,” he added.
Mr. Lee outlined the purpose of
the state-wide tour o f fire chiefs
partly as a plan to educate the pub­
lic in fire drill technique, by showing
through public demonstrations, just
what part citizens must take in the
prevention of loss o f life which, after
all, Mr. Lee explained, is the main
purpose of a fire department. The
chiefs, he said, were enthusiastic to
make the tour, in order that they
might inspect the apparatus and local
conditions which prevail in other
towns o f Oregon. .
A move is being promoted to estab
lish the use of salvage covers, as a
means o f protecting stock endanger­
ed by fire and water, Mr. Lee stated.
These covers consist o f a large piece
o f waterproof canvass which would
be carried on the fire truck and at
the time o f a fire placed over valu­
able goods, thus protecting them
from damage. With this end in view,
Mr. Lee made a trip into many o f the
eastern states recently.
Ten firemen, consisting o f several
fire chiefs from various cities in the
state are accompaning Mr. Lee on
the tour. The delegation started from
Salem, and will leave here for Marsh­
That the tourist season is just be­
ginning is evidenced by the registra­
tion records of the Ashland Chamber
A Reed dough mixer and a ten- of Commerce. These records show a
ton oven has recently been installed
The trustees, consisting o f W. J.
decrease in the number o f in-coming
Mr. McCoy has been an official of
in the Franklin Bakery, 132 E. Main motorists from last year for the
Moore president o f the State Bank j the
f » 7 h V FMt
. u'
. ,
y *r*- St., completing the new system of months o f February, March and Ap­
of Ashland, J. P. Dodge, president1
The complete historv of the North-1
. •
, .
/ _
machinery now employed by the own-
of the Citizens Bank, and E. V.
ril, while the month of May is almost
urn lines’ activities in Oregon, the __
Carter, president of the First Na­
at par with the records of May 1926.
controversy with the Southern Pacif-
tional Bank o f Ashland, were ap­
The mixer has a capacity of two During this month lact year 1805
:c (jnd a hint o f the plans for the
pointed In the will o f the late C. W.
future that are o f particular interest barrels, while the oven is capable of cars were registered at the local
Root and Virginia M. Hoot who left
to Southern Oregon, were told by M. baking 600 loaves o f bread each hour ureau, and 1790 applied for tickets
all remaining residue from their es­
L, Countryman . Chas. S. Keith, pres This gives the store one o f the b est{ during this month in 1927
tate, consisting o f nearly $35,000
ident o f the Oregon-Ameriean Lum­ equipped plants south o f Portland,
B a d W e a t h e r B la m e d
to the city of Ashland. The residue,
ber Co., read a document on the lum­ and enlarges the capacity o f produc­
is generally believed
according to the will, is to be used ber industry, which was almost a tion. The entire plant is electrically
for the late start
for the beautification o f the city, textbook for the operators of the equipped..
the disposal o f which was left for northwest, Mr. McCoy said. Craig
A branch store was recently open­ o f the tourists, acocrding to officials
o f the bureau. Heavy rains during
the decision o f the trustees.
Hazelwood, second, vice president j ed in Medford by Mr. O. M. Frank­ the months of March and April kept
The McCormick e«tate is situated American Bankers Association, gave
many at home and doubtful weather
----------------- * -----------------
¿ a t the far end o f the Ashland auto j » complete outline o f safe hauling
in May kept the records from soar­
camp ground and adjoins this prop, practice, and L. H. Rcseberry, vice-
H as C r i p S t a l e s
ing high above those o f last year
*erty, extending as far south as Glen- ¡ president o f the Security Trust und
[ they believe.
view drive. This lard is very beau’ i- Savings Bank o f Los Angeles spoke
“ Too much faith in the public,”
Many motorists have been going
ful and will make
a much-needed J on “ The Relation to Fiduciary Ser-
is the way chief o f police McNabb north by way of Klamath Falls, and
n Iditien to the present boundaries o f vice.” Dr. Arnold B. Hall, president
characterized the stealing o f a suit the registration bureaus o f both Med­
the park. •
j of the University o f Oregon told of
case left in a car parked on Main ford and Grants Pass show an in­
The trustees had formerly pur- j the new attitude that state institu-
street, Sunday evening. The suit case crease over the previous year.
cha-rd the land lying just above the tions should turn out well rounded
belonged to a tourist and the local
(Continued on page 5)
Ashland Creamery, including the oid
ra.t er 1 a0 l °
them police are mgking every effort to re-
Smith stable and the Greer property, with theories.
tover it.
and 'lie recent addition o f the Mc­
Tonight at 7 :30 a demonstration
New officers elected to head
Cormick and Carter lands make an the association are: Keith Powell,
will be staged on the south side of
implosive extention to both end« Ox' Woodhurn, president; John F. Daly, W elding Outfit Taken
Fire partially destroyed a vacant | the Lithia Springs in which the fire-
the grounds.
From LtScal Iron Works ¡house at 172 C. street in a blaze : men will show the proper use o f *p-
Portland, vice-president; L. Barnum,
If present plan« o f the trustee« j Th(1 Dal!„
chairTnan of t h e _____
-------- -
which was reported yesterday morn- I j paratus. The siren will be sounded
work -ut, a memorial will be con -. tive COIiimittee v,hich
ig compoged
w______ of
Southern Oregon police are on the | ing. The fire department arrived in I and everyone is urged to turn out.
itructod lor Mr. and Mrs. Root. A l- , Leslie Rogers, Klamath Falls, Will T . ; D>°I« out for an attempt to blow a ; time to extinguish the flames before j
no def.M.te j an- hrne been
right, Oregon City, Hamilton Cor- '
following the stealing of an they had grown out o f control, and
A !
A I 11 Ilf! Al I
.•oil for the location or starting or bett, p ort|and end James E. Mont- acetelyn Welding outfit from the \ the worst damage was done to tne
X L !
... . .1,
li 1. .. ..
tilMIltxwl ♦ or. f
. . .
. _
this work,
has been ¡M
that gomery, Marshfield.
Ashland Iron Works some time Sat- | roof.
this will actually be started as coon
j i:r«lay night or Sunday. The burglars
Cause o f the blaze was not det-
Ja iC June
i *“
the session was o f unusual excel-
m o.e x'xtingent fuo'.'er- t a\e been •J’g|c _ r a _| j Operator Drons
s -■ 1 1 ' i Ther-> h i- b. •> -<>m • •! i-s p.
* ... '
Many To
At Normal
June 14th.
The Southern Oregon Normal
school commencement activities will
occupy the attention o f Southern
Oregon people fo r the coming two
weeks, beginning with the senior
Sport dance to be given Wednesday
evening, June 8th, at the Bellview
Club house. This will be followed on
Friday, June 10, by the Faculty Re­
ception for the Seniors at the Normal
Saturday, June 11, will be a gala day
both for the Alumni o f the S. O. N. S
and for the faculty ^and students. It
will be Alumni Day, “ Antique Day,”
and in the evening will be presented
the gorgeiously colorful pageant and
spring festival in Lithia park. Elab.
orate plans are being perfected for
the presentation o f symbolic dances
representing the cycle o f a day, with
colors and costumes carrying out the
artists’ idea o f dawn, sunrise, noon,
afternoon, twilight and midnight.
Miss Virginia Hales, physical culture
instructor, Miss Leona Marsters, in-
sturctor o f music and Miss Marion
Ady of the art department, have the
elaborate arrangements in hand, and
are having daily rehearsals of over
sixty students who will present the
pageant. The Ashland * Chamber of
Commerce will have charge of the
ticket sale for the festival, except
the student tickets, which will be
(Continued on page 2)
Local Quarry Gets
Large Granite Contract
The task o f supplying one nine-
ton slab o f granite and several of a
j smaller size for an $8,000 mausol­
eum to be erected by private intrr-
' ests in Portland, has fallen to the
j Blair Granite Co., according to Wal-
1 ter Blair, superintendent o f the
\ quarry, and a crew o f men is now
! kept busy quarrying these huge
I stones.
Alumni Day at the Southern Ore­
gon Normal School on June 11, will
be featured by a collection o f old
class rolls, photographs, annuals,
newspapers and other interesting
momentoes o f the old Normal school.
The articles for the exhibit are being
contributed by various members of
the school.
The program which has been ar­
ranged by the reception committee
calls for a gathering o f the Alumni
and their families at the old normal
school grounds in the morning for a
“ reminiscence feast” and a basket
lunch. During the luncheon short
talks will be made by several o f the
“ Alums.” and there is also promise
o f music. At 2:30 a more formal
program will be presented in the
auditorium o f the Normal school.
A pageant and music festival will
conclude the day’s festivities. This
will be held in Lithia Park at 8:30
P. M., and all alumni and friends of
the school are invited.
According to Mr. Blair, a new
quarty, several hundred feet higher
than the old one, has been chared
for this job. Mr. Blair believes tfcat
the granite at the Neil Creek quarry
is the finest to be found in the world,
and is the only granite that compares
in quality with the famous Barry,
Vermont stone. New machinery is
needed badly, he claims, in order to
support capacity production.
------------- + --------------
al Masonic Hall
The Past Matrons Club of Alpha
Chapter No. 1 Order o f the Eastern
Star, gave a dancing and card party
in the Masonic Hall Monday evening,
at which many Masons, Stars and
thtir friends attended. There was
excellent music by Dickeys orchestra
and punch was served throughout
the evening. Tuesday evening, at
6 :30 there will be a covered dish din­
ner for members o f the Eastern Star
and their families at the Masonic
Hall. The Past Matrons club will fur­
nish the dessert.
D aace
An indication is visible through I
Appoialod oa Staff
the number o f letters that have been j
Corvallia, June 3.— Barnard Joy
received, that there will be a large i
attendance at the re-union. Many are - o f Aahland has been appointed on
expected from Coos Bay. Portland. the staff o f the Oregon Countryman,
Klamath Falls, and several wil b e ! The Countryman is a monthly pub­
lication pot out by the student* in
here from California and Idaho.
the college o f agriculture.
There will be a registration booth i
It contains stories o f interest to
in care o f girls from the normal j
farmers and articles on the house­
under the direction o f Miss Pearl, hold and the making «,£ wearing
Durst, where everyone may register. !
apparel. The
Oregon Countryman
The comittee in charge wishes to , has been published for 19 year, and
extend through the press s general has a large circulation over the en­
invitation to all former students o f - tire state. Joy is a fre-shmmi in ag­
tbe preseat normal