Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, June 03, 1927, Image 7

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    THIS N U R S E H
GOOD HEALTH Hear Radio Music
Praises Lydia E. Pinkham’«
Vegetable Compound
“ I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’*
Vegetable Compound for some time and
I would not be with­
out It in the house.
As I am a children's
nurse, I hare to be
on my feet a great
deal and your medi­
cine has helped me
wonderfully. I was
hardly able to do my
housework when I
began taking it, and
now I am a strong
and well woman,
able to do all that
and go out nursing besides. I have
also used the Saqative Wash and found
it beneficial."— Mas. G ertrude L. S tew ,
abt , 103 Davis St.a Greenfield, Mass.
Valaablm fo r Weakness
" I have found Lydia E. Pinkham’»
Vegetable Compound a valuable medi­
cine for weakness."— Mas. J. A.
P ie t b c h , Box 397, Lancaster, Pa.
Hundreds o f letters like these are
received by the Pinkham Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass. Grateful women from
Pennsylvania to Washington, from
Texas to Illinois and from Rhode Is­
land to Nebraska say that their health
has Improved since taking Lydia B.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
G ave L esser M an H is
B rie f H our of Trium ph
Great writers have had “ artistic con­
science" to a degree that sometimes
caused them painful labors. In 1706,
when Joseph Addison, the English
poet and essayist, was undersecretary
o f state he was given as a matter of
official business the task of writing to
Hanover that Queen Anne was dead.
He found It so difficult to express
himself satisfactorily that the lords of
the regency were obliged to employ
Southwell, at thnt time one o f the
For hours Addison had
struggled In attempts to draft a suit­
able message, but the last one seemed
as Inadequate as the first, and In de­
spair he cast It after Its predecessors
into the waste basket.
Southwell stated the simple fact, as
he was ordered, in the ordinary lan­
guage o f business, and It Is said he
then boasted of his superiority to Ad­
dison in having readily done that
which Addison atte'mptlng to do hud
failed.— Kansas City Times.
Over Home Phone
Detector Connection Per­
mits Reception of L ocal
Broadcasts at W ill.
By C A R L H. B U T M A N
In the Chicago Dally New«.
Washington.— I f a new crystal de­
tector recently patented as a tele­
phone attachment is put on the mar­
ket, many funs may return to the
delightfully cleur reception and sim­
plicity of operation afforded by the
first type of radio receiver, Literally
it amounts to a pocket crystal receiv­
ing set or, if desired, an adjustable
and perhaps more efficient tube receiv­
er which may be attached to any desk
telephone and used to listen to local
broadcasts, utilizing the regular tele­
phone receiver.
Patent No. 1,622,355, Issued to G. F.
Mitchell of Washington, and as yet
unassigned, covers a* simple means of
constructing a crystal radio receiver
readily attachable to an ordinary tele­
phone. Its use may depend, however,
upon securing the permission from lo­
cal telephone companies. An exam­
ination of contracts may prevent its
general use, although it is said not to
interfere with the ordinary use of the
Device Is Compact, Simple.
The device Is exceedingly Interest­
ing, compact and simple. It curries
out the scheme of using the lines of
the telephone company as an aerial
for broadcast reception, but in addi­
tion permits the use of the telephone
earpiece Itself. Its adoption elimi­
nates, therefore, the need for an
t ¿rial, head pliones, extra wiring, or
any modification of the telephone cir­
cuit beyond simple connections with
the conductors. It Is portuble and ad­
justable to any phone In a few sec­
The apparatus consists of a hollow
box or housing, about the size o f the
vertical piece of ordinary telephone
standard, to which It Is attached by
Keep Stomach and Bowels Right
By rlvtnff b»by the harmleea, purely
Vegetable, infant«' and children'«re»ul«tor.
brine« a»tc*»iihtna. gratifying result»
I d making baby'« stomach d
food and bowel« move as t
they «hoold at teething
time. Guaranteed free
from narcotic*, opi­
ates. alcohol and all
harmful ingradi-
enta. Safe and
I A t AO
\ Drmstitt»
Invention Do«» Not Require Use of
Headset, Speaker or Antenna.
three spring clips. The back of this
housing is made of Insulating mate­
rial. A contact strip from the top of
the housing member engages and
makes electrical contact with the top
of the phone stand. Mounted on top
A hear Is not at all fussy. At ony this housing la an adjustable crystal
zoo he cheerfully eats anything the rectifier connected by wire* insium the
children give h
i m
. __________ bousing to terminals.
Latch Hold« Switch.
On one side of the bousing Is mount­
ed a mechanical lafrh which, when
engaged, prevents the rising o f the
telephone switch or hook when the
receiver Is lifted and used to listen
lo n e y B a ck S a ya Y o u r D ruggist In on broadcast* picked up by the tele­
fM o o n e '» E m erald O il D oesn’t phone wires. When this latch Is dis­
Do A w a y W ith A ll So ren ess engaged the telephone may be used In
the ordinary way for conversation.
a n d P a in in 2 4 H ours.
As In a simple crystal receiver cir­
Get a bottle o f Moone's Emerald cuit, the regular telephone receiver,
1 with the understanding that If It or If desired, a pair of ear phones, la
ies not put an end to the pain and connected across the detector which
reness and do away with the corn Is placed between the aerial and
‘e lf your money w ill be promptly
ground connections.
One means of establishing contacts
Don't worry about how long you’ve
d It or how many other prepnra- with the phone Hires Is by special
>na you have tried.
This power- flexible connecting wires tipped with
I penetrating oil Is one prepara- pin points for thrusting through the
m that will help to make your cord leading to the telephone receiver
lnful aching feet so healthy and so as to put it In the output circuit of
se from corn and bunion troublea the radio receiving apparatus, while
at you’ll be able to go anywhere another wire is used for a ground con­
d do anything In absolute feet tact. Another adaptation provides for
Bo marvelously powerful Is Moone » a more permanent connecting system
nerald Oil that thousands have comprising a pair o f sockets and a
und it gives wonderful results In two-pronged plug.’probably to be pro­
e t-estment o f dangerous swollen or vided by the telephone company In the
rb-oae reins. Tour druggist U aeil- base of the phone stand for these con­
v lota of it
Soft Corns
A vuriuhle condenser having 43
plates can be easily made Into a tan­
dem condenser, compost'd of two 17-
plate sections, says a writer In Radio
News. The com/enser used for this
purpose should be one of the type
which Is held together by three bolts,
so It can be taken apart. Remove
these bolts, being careful not to bend
the plates, and cut the long bolts In
half with a hacksaw.
Before the condenser Is taken apart
It Is best to measure the exact dis­
tance between the two end plates, so
that the bakelite strips can be cut to
the exact length. This 's necessary
because the distance between the bear­
ings of the rotor must be kept the
same. In 17-plate condensers there
will be 9 stator plates for each sec­
tion. Since the rotors o f a condenser
In a R.F. receiver are connected to
the “ A—" lead, the rotor need not be
Assemble the two end plates and
place them on the table, at the same
Drive him out!
Drive him out!
Tie'll exterminate us a lll He stepped in Peterm an's!
^ >
IG H T ! 11« w ill exterm inate* th em
U ^ a ll!
P e te r m a n 's R o a c h
p o w d a r.
P eterm a n *» R oach F o o d ex term in a te#
• * « r y roach in y o u r house.
H e r e la th e rig h t In s e c tic id e fo r ea ch
In sert i
I t m f ir M roach es fr o m th e ir h id in g
p la ce». T h e y ca rry it o n th e ir leg# and
b o d ie s back to th e ir nests. T h e y w r ig g le
o x e r a ll tb e o th ers th e re , o v e r t h e ir
y o u n g and t h e ir e g g ».
P E T E R M A N ’ S R O A C H F O O D — ex ter­
m in a te » co ck roaches.
E v e ry o n e d ie » and d isin teg ra te s. N o
o d o r . N o th in g ia le ft bu t a lit t le d r y
'U' BY Ht AT
D o n ’ t try to fig h t roach es w ith a »p ra y .
N o »p ra y can p o ssib ly reach the roach es«
the yo u n g and the e g g » fa r b eh in d th e
b a seb o a rd » and u n d er the d o ors.
O n ly tha rig h t p o w d e r can d o that.
F o o d la th a r ig h t
P E T E R M A N *8 A N T F O O D — e x t e r m i­
n a te » ant».
FI. Y OS AN— kill» flies and mosquitoes.
P E T E R M A N 'S D IS C O V E R Y — e x t e r m i­
n ates b ed -b u g».
t e c t» against m o th ».
FO O D — pro­
Y o u must h a v e a »p a c ific in secticid e
fo r metch insect. N o » in g le in sec tic id e
w ill ex te rm in a te them a ll. W a h ave had
n e a rly 5 0 y e a rs' e x p e r ie n c e . W e know
that la tru e.
P e te rm a n ’s has th e r ig h t
in s e c tic id e f o r ea ch in*
sect. O n sale w herever
d ru g s a re sold.
2(H) Fifth Ave.« N. Y. C.
How to Construct Tandem 17-Plate
’ Condenser From 43-Plate Condenser.
distance «part as they were originally
Afenjuro the distance between the in
ner edges and make t ,c separators
this length. In Fig l the separators
are of bakelite rods, drilled and
tapped to the size of the coniier,.-er
The method of assembly Is
clearly shown In the diagram. One
separator is used for each bolt, and
for most condensers three will be re­
quired. This Is a neat method but a
little difficult
A similar method Is shown In Fig. 2
This will be found to be excellent It
the bakelite remains firm, but the con
structlon Is not as strong as that
shown In Fig. 3. Here the two stators
ore supported by three bakelite strips
about M Inch thick and Vi Inch wide
and Just as long as the condenser was
originally. Four small metal brackets
are bolted on each strip and then to
the stators by means of the original
bolts cut in half.
The five center plates of the rotor
should be removed and cut down to
washers. Replace these washers tn
the original positions and the rotor
will be the same length as before.
Thus the two rotors are one, elec­
trically speaking.
Aurora Affects Radio
Reception, Says Expert
W ise Old O w ll
When Anacharsls visited Solon he
found the daddy o f all legislators busy
compiling his laws. Anacharsls, who
was a bold and rather raucous fellow,
laughed at him, to quote Plutarch, for
Imagining the dishonesty and covetous­
ness o f his countrymen could be re­
strained by written laws, which were
¡Ike spiders’ webs, and would catch,
It Is true, the weak and poor, but
could easily be broken by the mighty
and rich. This was said about 500
years before Christ.— SL Louis Post-
Tandem Condenser and
How the Part Is Made
During the Arctic expedition with
MacMillan, Austin C. Cooley, radio
operator on the Bachetn, had ample
opportunity to ohserve the effect of
the northern lights on radio reception
"A t limes." he says In Radio Broad
cast Magazine, “ signals seemed fall 1 y
good, and then they would fade out
completely. On one such occasion I
went on deck to Investigate. Never
before had I seen such a violent and
brilliant display o f northern lights
Sometimes we were completely sur
rounded by the bright blue hnnds of
aurorn. and slrenmers from all around
the horizon would shoot up to the
zenith, making a complete nmhrella of
In places the bands were
fringed with dark red.
"For three hours or more I kept
running up and down the companion
way taking notes on the aurora and
then listening to the radio. Later 1
made other observations. I am thor
otighly convinced, after going over
these notes, that a definite relation
does exist between tbe aurora and
radio conditions. All these tests were
made slightly below the 40-meter
band. In the data collected, there np
peared to be a rather definite rela
tlon between barometric pressure
mirages, aurora, magnetic storms, and
radio fi.dfng. The data are by no
means complete, but the observations
aubstnntlate tbe following stafementa:
1. Mirages and aurora only occur
with heavy air pressur®.
2. The relation between the aurora
and radio fading depends upon the
following: (a ) Formation o f aurora
and Its location in respect to the ap
proaehlng radio wave and the recelv
Ing station, (b) Frequency o f th#
radio signal.
"In accounting for the fading. th<
temperature la an Important f*ct#>r li
the formulaa already worked out fo
Latest Clock Novelty
A London clock maker has devised
a clock which has no sign of mechan­
ism. The face of the novelty Is em­
bedded In a slab o f crystal five Indies
In diameter, and the hands, which are
made of platinum and diamonds, re­
volve on a thin metal pinion. A l­
though the crystal Is transparent, no
one except the maker knows how the
clock goes, because there Is no appar­
ent connection between the hands and
the framework. The price o f such a
clock is something like $4,000.
Dr. Peory's "Dead Shot" in powerful, but
safe. One 1oae will expel Worms or Tape­
worm; no castor oil needed. Adv.
Not to Be W orked
“ Whoa, yen dod-molested, low-down,
misbegotten son of this, that and
tutherl” roared Lum Dumm of Slip­
pery Slup, addressing his mule.
“ You should speak kindly to the
faithful animal,” said the presiding
"Kind words are far better
th a n ----- .”
“ Aw. this lop-eared Idiot won’t stand
for flattery.” — Kansas City Star.
B ell-A ns H alts O ver-A cidity
This Widely Used Sure Relief Can Be
Depended On Every Time.
£ Y £ S
5 (
Don’t experiment on
them, ufl** MIT CH E L L
L ooks f
EYE SALVE for flP««<lf
Absolutely safe.
a t all d r u g g ia t e .
H A L L & KUCKtti- New York City
s w Stop the throbbing and gmatttng
_____at once with a soothing touch c*
Carboil draws out the core
and gives quick relief
At All DruSftitts — Mon*» b«ck OuartnU*
f s A iM V I L W t . T | N N .
Quick, safe, sure rslief from I
painful callouses on tha f««L I
At all dru g and shoe starts
•L ino p a d s
W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO.. 22-1927.
How disagreeable, how exasperat­
Then and Now
ing, how embarrassing to be u sufferer
The traveler of a day gone by whs
fr >in gas, belching, heartburn, sick
headache, nausea and other digestive said be rode so fast he couldn’t sei
disorders. BELL-ANS for Indigestion the telegraph poles has u son whe
he tears them
Is a harmless, pleasant Sure Relief. rides so fast that
P d o w n . — Ham ver Herald-Progress.
Tested by over 30 years’ use. 25c und
73c I'kgs. at all drug storea, or send
W r i g h t ’« I n d i a n W w a t a b l « P i l l « contain
for free samples to Kell & Ck>., Ine., on l y vegetable Ing redl* nta. w h i c h a c t g e n t l y
au a' tonic l a x a t i v e , by « t i m u l a t l o n — no t I r r i ­
Orangeburg, N. Y.— Adv.
tati on. 172 P e a r l St., N Y.
P age the P ied P iper
W ill Supply Homes
By decree of the Italian government
The Budapest city fathers are fram­
ing n hill to rid the city o ( rodents. one-third of the profits o f the postal
They oughtn’t to have any trouble get­ administration will be used In pur­
ting it ratified.— Farm and Fireside.
chasing and building houses for Its
employees and agents during the nexl
In the course of time the oldest In­ ten years. These houses will remuls
the property of the administration.
habitant become* « survivor.
Albert Rooke
Makes His Comeback
Wins six-year fight for health. Nout w ell an d strong
a t 60 . H usky as ever, he praises T an lac
A t 1830 West 39th Place, Los An­
geles, lives Albert A . Rooke. a re-
sjierted citizen with 38 years o f active
railroad experience. He tells of a very
interesting experience.
“ About seven years »g o ,’’ says Mr.
RooLe, “ my stomach and liver went
back on me. It was a most distressing
ejqierience. Nothing seemed to agree
with me; I lost all aesire for food. A
sound night’s sleep was out of the
question, so i rose <*ch morning tired
and peplesa, Then eonstipation de­
veloped and made life a continuous
misery. I lost weight sod could hardly
drag myself around s good deal of tho
time. After six years of that I was all
in. Along came the ‘flu’ when I had
no resistance lefL That was about the
last straw. Nothing seemed tohelpme.
“ On a friend’s advice I tried Tanlac,
and that certainly did help. I soon
began to get refreshing sleep again, to
eat with old-time sest. The distressing
stomach and liver troubles disap­
peared. Briefly. Tanlac put me on
my feet, with all my old-time vigor
end enjoyment of life. I put on weight
and slu r fiv* bottles was as well aa
ever in my life. T h a t was a year ago.
I ’m still in fine shape as you see. Few
men of 60 are aa well aa 1 am. thanks
to Tanlac."
Tanlac is nature’s own tonlo and
body builder, made from root« herbs
and barks by the famoiM T a r me for­
mula. T ry a bottle— it may dc for you
what it did for Mr. Rooke. Your drug­
gist ha* iL Over
million bottles *jid.