\ Jf r Fine Hem e for Women’s National Democratic C!ub Turned Down by the Royal Academ y Tlila handsome old mansion on fashionable New Hampshire avenue In Washington has been purchased by the Women's National Democratic Club for its iiemhiuurters iu the national capital. The club has mude rapid progress In tlie Inst few years. Scene c f Explosion That Cost S^ven Lives John Collier, famed artist, with his painting of George Bernard Shaw, British writer and critic, who has been turned down by the hanging com­ mittee for tills year’s Royal academy exhibit in London. “Uncle Mese” Waiting for Relief General view of tlu wreckage.caused by a mysterious explosion that demolished the executive'oliices of tin Yellow Taxi Cab company in New York city. Seven persons were killed and forty-one injured. England’s Newest and Most Powerful Battleship “ Uncle Mose" with nil his worldly goods waiting on the high section o f the levee nt Greenville, Miss., for the return of the Bed Cross relief steamer to take him down the river to the newly established camp for refugees ut .Monroe, La. Supplies for the Flccd Victims 1 he II. M. S. Nelson, Knitlnnd's newest and most latwerful battleship afloat, as It left Newcastle for I'orts tiiotith t.i go through naval maneuvers. It was constructed at Newcastle, and is named after Lord Nelson, one of England's most famous sea lighters. Borah, Like President, Holds Press Conferences I Unloading Red Cross supplies, food, etc., on the levee nt Monroe. Ln. for the multitude of flood refugees. The Red Cross has established a relief amp there. RADIO BABY Making Amber Workable Most o f tlie amber we get in this country in the way of pipe steins, cigar and cigarette holders and strings o f j h'"nds o f the cheaper variety are ( pressed amoer. Tlie better grades ! and larger pieces either stay in En- j rope or go to the East. By gradually j heating amber in an oil bath It be­ comes soft and flexible. Tlius It Is , rendered workable. , ■ ■ Founded Ruteian Empire About the middle o f the Ninth cen­ tury a Scandinavian leader, Rurik. came to Novgorod with a band of war­ like followers in r>sponse to an Invi­ tation to establish order and unity. From this event the Russian histori­ ans date the beginning o f the Russian empire, the foundation of which they place lu the year 802. l.xery afternoon at three o'clock press correspondents In Washington gather In the'office o f Senator William E B"i h of Idaho nod llateu to «h a t the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee has to give out. Sen i.tor Borah la the only one In the national capital, except the President and som* cabinet officers to hold su>. Conferences with the presa. The photograph shows nuo o f lii« conferences. Setvha Mary Lon Bartley of Whltes- •urg. K v , who has the distinction of i«ein* the first baby to bo christened over the radio. Biggett Mistake of All The biggest o f all mistakes Is to be A iW ftJ S W l lt c h io g f o r Slllttll U Q 6I*