ASHLAND AMERICAN •>- Visitors in Portland ! ¿. b y M orene* 7?tcUfick ¿&oy¿ W hat the Oregonian Say« About Ashland Visitor«. late, but the indications are that there will be an unbroken stream of automobiles coming over the Siski- yous in a few weeks. ---------------* --------------- — Get your mower repairs early and avoid the rush and provocation when in the field and your mower breaks down. All kinds of repairs for most any mower kept at Peil’s Corner, Ashland. 3w “ Implicit confidence is voiced by E. V. C arter, banker, of Ashland, in the mineral resourcese of southern COPYRIGHTED Oregon. “ It pleases me,” said Mr. >w n iv r c ’i w II ■ .WJ ,T .-1 mm ---------------+ --------------- C arter, who is on u visit to Portland with Mrs. C arter from ihe land of Buy it in Ashland. lithia, “ to note the preparations for ACE and makes the m eat more tender by ed and many homey with trellis, rock developm ent in our end of the state. dissolving the connective tissue. garden, vines and shrubs. Bird bath, We have always realized that the Old thing's, old houses, old times, sundial, fountain, garden, seats table m ountains were loaded with mineral >’d m anners, old irie n d s--a re some­ MAKE A DATE WITH DATES and chairs on the lawn are adding wealth and only awaited the coming times the i¡pest and truest. W hat an the livable touch to the out-doors of the right people to develop this Sale« and Service atmosphere we imbibe from antiques The date is a very ancient food, and making the premises more resource. It now appears from r e - 1 Old people— too, little appreciated cultivated and prized from rem otest choice and rom antic. ports that experienced mining peo­ in this day of “ flam ing youth”— antiquity. It’s first home, so far as In Japanese gardens are oriental ple who operate on an extensive — THIRD STREET GARAGE— are often the kindest, the most tol­ we know, was the Canary Islands and vases, a Japanese idol and bridge ef­ scale are interested in our mineral Wimer A Barlo, Prop* erant, the most broad minded, the northeast Africa. From there it was fects. The wading pool, lined with possibilities. Nothing could be of Gas. Oils, Stornge, Washing, Pol­ sweetest, the most understanding, carried to Arabia and India and has cement, for little tots .s a luxury in greater im portance to the state. ishing, Repairing, Accessories the bravest, the most patient, the been a chief source of wealth and some families. The sunken pool, edge There m ust be untold wealth in the dearest, the richest in experience and staple article of food in this region e d " wi^"u nev en m o ^ 'covered stores m ountains and some day it will be 25 Third St. Phone 79 Aihland __________ wisdom, the most seren. Do we pay for ages Attem pts have been made anJ •„ which w ater lilie, bloom> a n d taken out.” _____________#................. Mr. C arter says that in enough attention to them and honor to transplant it to ^F.urope, along around wbieh are reeds and grasses his long career in Jackson county M editerannean, but the fruits i is the work of some enthusiasts. A he has never before noted such min­ them? Do we w rite those letters to the will not that far north. One of | rose garden is the hobby of others, ing activity as is now apparent in the “old folks at home?” The years oar best ripen varieties of dates, however, while there is nothing sweeter than that region. The banker confesses are slipping fast. B etter a loving is produced in Arizona and Califor­ the old fashioned, woodsy garden that he hasn’t any reason for com­ word or act, which will cheer them nia, but it is a more expensive car- which is a tangle of wild things. ing to Portland on this trip other today, than a flower or a tear drop­ iety and most of the dates with than that he has been coming here ped on their grave tomorrow. which we are fam iliar are imported Bertha Baldwin Tralle has w ritten since the early ’80s and had an op Always Fresh V e g e ­ from the Persian Gulf and Africa. a bright little book called, “ Making portunity for an automobile tide BUYING BABY CLOTHES tables Dates are not washed before be­ Mother Happy.” which teaches small from Ashland to Portland and home ing m arketed as that would lessen tots all sorts of u.eful lessons in eat­ again. “T hat’s where my money goes, “ BEST COFFEE!” their keeping qualities. For this ing, brushing teeth and various Buying my Baby Clothes— ” The tininess of the stitches work­ reason all dates should be washed other proper tricks— and all in jo'Iy “The first year of the new state Wolcott’s Grocery ed into the clothes of the baby-to-be when used as food, and one is as jingles. The book is published by norm al school at Ashland shows an “Quality Always” was one way of m easuring love in certain to get clean dates if bought Samuel Gabriel Sons and company, enrollm ent of 500 pupils, and next the olden days. It is not so today the bulk as when buyin* package New York, and will prove a bonanza month 100 will graduate,” reports This athletic age counts it a virtue dates. Bulk dates are cheaper than to many a harassed mother who gets Postm aster W agner of Ashland, in to be up and out of doors, showing package dates, and sometimes of tired of rem inding Johnnie, ‘steen town for a visit. “The school is times a day to say “ Please” or wear in its first year and, considering mother love by exercise and breath- better duality, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ing proper am ounts of oxygen, rath - 1 Dates are high in food value. They his rubbers. it being brand new, the enroll­ th at the undersigned has been duly er than sitting indoors stooped over are not used as much as their value m ent .speak's well for the future of appointed Adm inistratrix of the PIN EA PPLE DELIGHT fine linen, even for a baby-to-be. deserves. A nutritious and whole­ Estate of George W. Harkins, de­ the institution.” The new normal and all persons having The result is th at many dresses some lunch might be a glass of milk Cut canned pineapple and m arsh­ asked the recent legislature for an ceased, claims against said Estate are re­ and a dozen dates. Cut up, they are for the newcomer are bought ready appropriation for more building, but quired to present them, duly veri­ mallows in pieces and let stand sev­ made, and— since the young mother an acceptable addition to the break­ eral hours in sherbet glasses, until shortag» of state finances prevented fied, and with proper vouchers, fast cereal, in rice or tapica pud­ six months from this date to has had no experience by which to buildings from being approved by within the flavors have blended. When ¡the I. A. Roberts, A ttorney for said guage her purchases she and baby ding, in salads, and even in breads about I the governor. Things are rather Flstate, at his office over the to serve, dish over each gla^s ¡quiet in Ashland, adds the pjii.m ast­ Citizens cakes instead of raisins. Finely sometimes have to suffer along with and chopped and softened with cream, a generous portion of whipped cream er, but that is not local condition, Oregon. Bunk of Ashland, Ashland, a poorly selected layette. 6. 1297. The first thing to consider In choos they make a delicious cpread for with chopped nuts in it. ’k ue tourist travel from California is Dated May MARY A. HARKINS, sandwiches. • ing baby clothes is their health as­ beginning to show up several weeks 3-5t A dm inistratrix COMING HIGHER pect. Will they be com fortable for FOOD HABIT SFOR CHILDREN baby to wear? Will they bind at his j A new baby is estim ated to cost neck or be too small in the armhole? If, at every ---------- mealtime you worry today between $200 and $300. Not J Is there scratchy lace around the about what your child eats, and 1 so long ago, th at luxury cost only, neck i and, are the garm ents warm about $100 to $150. . , whether he gets enough, you call par- enough, or too warm, will they be ticular attention to him and this en­ easy to put on and take off? How —/or MRS SOLOMON SAYS: his habit of being finicky. are they to be fastened, and, if but­ courages Every child likes to be the star actor toned, will he have to lie on hard in the drama. Drudgery is work which has no buttons? . joy in it. If one adds enough joy If you talk about his food habits Will they launder well is an im­ before other people, that anakes him he can make work play. Into each N ew trains between Portland and Ash* portant question to ask. task chuck a chuckle. feel im portant and he will w ant to land, by day northboun d and conven* Their durability is also something to thin kabout. Most baby-clothes keep on being different. ient over-night service returning in ad­ SMILES wear for ju st about one baby and a Even if he spills a little food, dition to the Shasta and the Oregonian. half. How many garm ents of each while he is learning to eat, that is “ Why do you like to travel?” T h e p o p u la r Shasta now carries day kind will pon need is a m atter which much better than to make him be­ “ One has such nice times with the coach for the convenience of southern deserves study. This depends upon come dependent and nervous and people one meets from home.” Oregon travelers. how frequently your laundering can fretful. be done, and upon the health of both If other members of the family are “ He is a noble sailor lad. He made Note this new, convenient service: m other and baby, as well as upon fussy about their food, the child will his fortune upon the high seas; and how much the baby will be on dress • be so, too. Children are great imita worked his own way, from the bot­ 12 32 14 STATIONS 11 13 §1 parade and how much he will lie ; tors. tom up. alone in his inobscure corner. It is j ------------------------------- ----- *----- 8:00 8:30 1:00 Lv. . Portland . Ar. 7:13 7:40 11:00 rather a sensible plan to get plenty YOUR HANDSHAKE DESIRE IS THE BASIS 10:00 10:13 3:13 • • s • • Salem • « * * • 3:10 5:30 9UÏ3 of the more necessary and useful --------- OF BUSINESS 10:49 10:56 4:23 . . . . Albany . . . . 4:25 4.42 8.20 articles, slighting the accessories if A man is known by the hand- 12.20 12:10 5:53 . . . . Eugene . . . . 3:10 3:30 7:10 anything. The latter can usually be shake he shakes. now you shake Darwin’s theory is th at the hu­ f 6:17 , . . . Cxeswell . . . . f 2:29 f 2:48 f 12:43 purchased a t any time, and you never hands is particularly im portant be- man race is an evolution of the 12:57 ¡Í12.47 6:30 . . Cottage Grove . . 2:05 2:31 know how many presents Sir Baby is cause it advertises to the newcomer monkey. Some people agree with him 7:12 ...........D rain............. f 1:15 1:49 1:33 going to receive. His gifts are more the kind of person you are. f 7:24 . . . . Yoncalla . . . . f 1:02 1:35 and others do not. 1:43 likely to be the accessories rather There are many varieties of this But it can’t be denied that even f 7:53 . . . . Oakland . . . . 12:34 1:08 2:20 f 8:00 . . . . Sutherlin . . . . i 12:26 1:01 2:26 than the su b stan tial. ! popular form of greeting. There is within the memory of the present 3:10 3300 8:45 . . . . Roseburg. . . . 11:50 12:25 4:25 -------------------------------- the limp handshake of the feeble generation, there has been an evo­ f 11:54 . . . . . Dillard........... 1 3:30 TOMATO COMBINATIONS character, which has not much back lution in our mode of living. This j 11:28 f 10:42 . . . Myrtle Creek. . . f 9:30 3:32 ---------- of it. There is the over zealous grip evolution is moving faster now than 11:13 10:30 . . . . R id d le........... f 9:45 4:05 Tomato Shirr— Into a gem tin, put of the crude which makes you cringe ever. If 10:18 . . . West Fork . . . f 9:35 f 5:00 a half cup of tom ato, cooked and There is the long drawn out sawing There never was a time when 9:35 1:55 9:00 . . . . G lendale. . . . 11:25 5:40 seasoned with salt, pepper and min- up and down of the absent minded, “ tim es” changed so rapidly— when f 9:14 f 8:38 . . . W olf Creek . . . f 3:56 ced onion. Drop an egg into each There is the lifeless hand laid into life bettered itself so consistently. f 8:54 f 8:15 Í6.22 com partm ent, cover with buttered yours which you find about as respon New com forts and conveniences are f 8:37 f 7:57 ...........H ugo.............. f6 :39 crumbs, and bake. sive and a pump handle. There is the constantly being a^ded. And the f 12:33 ...........M erlin............ f 7:45 f 8:23 f 6:53 Tomato with poached eggs— thick- gingerly offer of the finger tips rapidity with which they are being 1:00 . . . Grants Pass . . . 7:20 8:05 12:35 6:40 7:23 en seasoned tom atoes with flour and which marks the snobbish; the over- invented and made citally afefets us . . . Rogue River. . . 6:55 7:43 7:45 when boiling hot drop eggs into it sentimental squeeze; the prolonged all. ____Gold H ill____ 6:40 7:27 f 1:30 8:02 and poach as usual. Serve on toast, holding of hands; and last, and per- . . . Central Point. . . 6:22 7:08 8:28 Tomato-Corn Scallop— Put in a fectly splendid, there is the digni- To take advantage of these things . . . . Medford . . . . 6:15 7:00 11:42 2:05 7:35 8:43 tnking dish alternate layers of to- fied, hearty and wholesome hand- you must keep yourself informed. . . . . Phoenix . . . . f 6:00 f 6:46 f 9:00 matoes, com and ertimbs. Season clasp which the soul speaks through, You must know not only what they . « • • • Talent • • • • • f 3:53 f 6:40 f9:12 are, but also how much they cost with salt, pepper, onion and green Watch your handshake. , . . . Ashland . . . . 5:45 6:30 11:20 2:40 8:13 9:30 and where and how to get them. . . . Sacramento . . 1:00 pepper and hake. ------------------------ ------- 6:20 The practical way to know of the 7:40 Ar. San Francisco Lv. 9:00 F.sealloped Cabbage— Boil cabbage LANDSCAPING 11:50 9:5f new things is to be a regular reader Ar. Los Angeles . . 11:15 until alm ost tender. Put in a baking -»-------- dhh and cover with crumbs and to- b,n* we / n’1^ a *. of the advertiserren*«. Get the in- train, and on top put a laver of grat- tention to the inside of the house, | formation f.rst hand in the newspa- Buy round trip (i<-iurte; la w money. e 1 cheese Bake but took less care of the surround-, pers Advertisements tell of all that Tomato and ^R ice-B oil one cup- Then came the sun parlor and is being done to make you more f I or rice in three cups of salted we learned to live more in the open, comfortable, your work easier. your v ter until water has simmered out The wide veranda and porch life oe- methods better your clothing and ¿ id a half can cf tomatoes and a to stretch our vista until now food problem, less irksome They t Vespoon of bacon fat and simmer the whole yard is the living room t.U you how you can save time, ef- G. N. Kramer, ... .. . . . of the family. fort and money In the selection of Ticket Agent e iqui IS gone. M tiny |}ttl* garden, M well things that make life Worth whiU. JS tiU .a f» ¡ m X S l. ...1«. Mas. .....................«ass * Star Cars Groceries New Train Service quick, convenient, comfortable travel to Portland or to California Pacific u Z i m im