1 1 9 *1 WHAT WOULD NEIGHBORS SA Y ? «a br D J. WalaX.» Sea View without learning what she had come for. Then one lay after a community luncheon on the lawn she sat sketching In the silhouette of the mountains while the women talked back and forth as they embroidered. “ I have the oddest feeling that Lydia Page will come walklrg across the lawn with that white scarf around her shoulders." Claudio's hand faltered In Its work. Not Roderick’s name. Lydia's I “ It seems Impossible teople any more.” Gentle laughter. “ Because we found him out? Well, he fascinated us all at first with that grand man­ ner of his. He Is the suave kind— outside; sullen and mean underneath. And so egotistical I He had a few tricks that he tried on everybody. After that he was empty. Do you suppose Lydlu Page was utterly blind?” “Of course she wasn’t. And because sht loved him doesn't mean she didn't suffer. The way he threw It at her that she had ruined his precious ca­ reer. The world hasn't lost anything. And she was always so ready to de­ fend him—bless her loyal heart." "Oh, yes. She had to be down on her knees worshiping him all the time in order to live with him at all. He tossed her a dollar now and then as if she were a beggar. The humilia­ tions that girl endured—” "I.ydla should have demanded— never asked—that’s the kind of a wife Roderick Page needs for his soul’s good. I hope his next wife will, for of course ife'll marry again." “ Oh, of course,” they agreed. "His own sister said to him: ‘You'll never get unother wife like Lydia. It would be only simple Justice If next time you would have to do worship­ ing and the sacrificing.’ " They laughed. "Imagine Roderick Cage sacrificing for anybody.” Mrs. Brill ventured mildly: “ We didn’t mean to gossip like this. The Pages lived In your cottage." That night Claudia answered a knock. A telegram, sent to the apart­ ment and addressed lu Mrs. Robin­ son's crumped hand. “ Home on the 15th. Shall expect your answer to tuy question. "RODERICK." Yes, her answer would be ready. She was astonished at this sudden peace In her heart. It had not been necessary to find out from Tommy’s neighbors whnt they thought of him. A serene gladness filled her mind when she thought of Tommy. LAUDIA unlocked the door of the cottage and entered. Her thoughtful landlord had piled driftwood In the cobble­ stone fireplace. The spring nights were always cool. In a moment the leaping flumes Illuminated the room. Had she done right to come here! She drew a long breath. Well—she had done It anyway. Something deep within herself had driven her to take this step. She thought of Rod­ erick, the man who had asked her to marry him. What would he think— If he knew? Yet her motive, she ar­ gued, was a simple, honest one that «luRe Justified Itself. Tomorrow—she would be definitely a purt of this life down here. She turned from the fire, unpacked her bags, then opened the French door and stepped out upon a balcony. She caught her breath. A pink hawthorn tr<“ > overhung the bulcony. Ilelow the roofs of other houses peeped through the trees. (Jreen lawns sloped to the sea. Beyond, the Olym­ pic mountains outlined against a flam Ing sunset; ships passing; tiny boats on the water from which came laugh­ ter and the plulntlve strulns of ukuleles. Impossible to believe that anything discordant could find lodgement in u paradise like this. So this had been his environment—und hers. Ills wife! A stab of Jealousy pierced her heart. Which had been Roderick's house? To one of those cottages Roderick Page had come every night; In one of them his wife had awaited his home-coming. His w ife! The dear and Intimate relation Claudia would some duy hold to him, herself. These strangers liv­ ing here knew Roderick Page better than she did, and It was to hear their verdict upon him that she had come. Although the causes behlud her ac­ tion hud been cumulative. It was a trilling circumstance that had precip­ itated It. Some one singing In the apartment next to her boarding house had broken out gayiy In the refrain of an old song: "What would the neighbors say? What would the neigh­ bors say?" And, as If It were the an­ swer to those vague disquietudes she felt so often lately, she had come to an Instant decision to learn whatever there was to know. The truth! That was all she wanted. To know If this feeling In her heart were reul love or not. She recalled the days of her or­ phaned childhood, overhung by the ahadow of constant dissension be­ tween her uncle and aunt. Not until the courts had freed them had there been peace. Claudia wus fifteen then. The Tu)o W ays “ We should never have married,” her aunt said bitterly. The young I>r. John Roach Straton, the elo­ girl asked simply; “ Why did you. quent fundamentalist of New York, then?" And Aunt Lucy had laughed discussing a warm argument between with a terrible sadness. “ Because I u modernist and himself at a recent thought I loved him.” banquet, said rather bitterly; Claudia was puzzled. “ Isn’t there “Of course the modernist side of the any way one can know—really and argument Is apt to be the popular side. truly?” Two bankers were tnlklug over their Her aunt kissed her. “ If we would lunch. only listen to our Intuition which Is " 'So Reverend Doctor Steenthly really God's voice speuklng. But was a failure at Holy Trinity, eh?’ usually we don't want to. Claudia, “ 'Yes; total failure.' promise me that when your time " Tried to run things In the wrong comes, you will listen." way, I suppose?' And now her time had come. It “ ‘N o; tried to run 'em In the right made her Indignant that good Mrs way. Tried to bring his flock Into Robinson with whom she hoarded hurmony with the Itlble Instead of Was not enthusiastic over Roderick. brtngtng the Bible Into harmouy with “ Oh. he's got a grand manner; he his flock.’ " wears his clothes like a lord, but I don't see why Tommy Isn't good Seek Long-Wear Clothe$ enough for you -you've kuown him Interest in the boast of a Scottish all your Ilf»*—a fine, upstanding—" farmer recently made that he had Claudia was Impatient. worn a pair of trousers 52 years tins "I’ m terribly fond of Tommy—but brought out claims of other owners of as a chum. He's as familiar as the long wear garments. A I-ondon news gate post—and every girl wants some dealer Is wearing an overcoat that he romance In her life." saya. was made In Edinburgh In 1870. “ An tnfntuated girl Is a poor Judge It U of Border tweed and after 57 o f character," protested Mrs. Robin years the cloth Is still whole and son, "and my heart aches, remember­ weatherproof Another old coat, owned ing Tommy's eyes when you sent hint by a Dartmoor Innkeeper, was made away." for his grandfather Billy 100 years And Hamlin was remembering ago, and was worn as Sunday best for Nicky, the Impudent newsboy. two generations. “ Say. that guy hate» himself, don't he?” grinning after Roderick. Recall Corn Famine She felt a sudden panic. Roderick The finding of three old silver dol­ was. after all. a stranger to her. She would learti exactly In what estima­ lars at the edge of a piece of woods tion Roderick was held by the neigh­ at (Jreen Hill, N. H., caused some to bors among whom he had lived She think that they may be part of the knew that their summing up would be treasure hidden by Mrs. James Hayes In 1810 ainactngly accurate, for there Is no more than 100 years ago. enchantment of the senses to blind there was a corn famine and James one's neighbors. She had rented the Hayes had an abundance, which he summer cottage for two weeks—she sold at $1 a peck, the money to tie wanted to do some sketching, she said paid Ir. silver. Part of his money he sod »he remain­ Roderick had told har of his Invalid Ignt to a Dover wife. He was Just twenty one when der was placed In an old trunk and they were married nine years ago buried. Roderick sang well. Claudia fathsred that he had renounced a promising W here Fruit I$ Cheap career because of I.ydla. h's wife. On the west const of Africa pine­ poor, poor boy, quietly giving up apple« an be grown by the hundred his d res ms I thousand without any attention. Ba­ She began to wonder whan a week nanas can be bought at a few pence had gone If aba would hava to Isuvt a hundred, while oranges are aa cheap. C cone. The magnetic system comprises a cylindrical pole P and an annular pole A, energized In the usual way from a source of direct-current sup­ ply; and the moving coll C Is located lu the gap between the two poles. The Invention Is Described m coll C Is maintained In position partly by means of supports In the form of Their Sickness Banished by British Patent by light rods R fixed to a spider S, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ screwed to the end of the pole piece P. table Compound C. W . Rice. The ftvd euges of the conical dia­ Mr«. Nina Matteson, Box 205, Ox­ A modification of the P!ce-Ke!logg phragm are also supported by thin ford, N. Y., writes—" I f It had not been type of loud speaker Is described In a for your medicine, British patent by C. 'V. Rice. Read­ I could not have done my work cs It ers are no doubt fnmlllar with this should have been type of speaker, which consist* essen­ • t . done. Mother told tially of a light diaphragm driven by me o f Lydia E>. a moving coil working In a strong Plnkham’a V e g e ­ » ■ magnetic field. An electromagnet 1» t a b l e Cdfh pound, utilized, In which the turns are ar­ and I had read In il 1 ffe r o a t papMS ranged concentrically, the moving coll w^at I* bad done being located In the annular gap be­ i r ;:y « F r a g fordlfferent women. tween the two poles. It Is mentioned %: She wanted me to In the specification that the impedance ___________»ry it, bo my hus­ of the coll at various audiofrequencies band got me one bottle at first; then I Is determined partly by Its ohmic re­ took two others. Now I am feeling quite strong again.” sistance and partly by Its reactance. Airs. Ernest Tanguay o f Adams, At very low frequencies the imped­ Mass., says she was 111 for four years ance is due almost entirely to its re­ and could not sleep nights or go out on sistance, while at higher frequencies the street. She read about the Vege­ the reactive component may predomi­ table Compound and decided to try nate. This, however, tends to give It After taking eight bottles she was rise to unequal response over the able to do all her work and go any­ where and Is quite herself again. usual speech and music bands, and the This dependable Vegetable Com­ object of the Invention Is to flatten out the response curve, so that for a A new design of coil-driven loud pound Is a household word In thousand» of homes. The fourth generation la given voltage wver the entire fre­ speaker, which usee copper rings as now learning the merit o f Lydia E. quency range there will be an equal a short-circuited secondary winding Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. response. This Is accomplished by as­ of the moving coll, tc reduce the ef­ For more than half a century, this sociating one or two short-circuited fective Impedance at higher frequen­ reliable medicine has been used by women with very satisfactory results. turns, preferably In the form of a cies. If the Vegetable Compound has helped copper ring, with the moving co ll; s o that the copper ring acts us u short- leather, rubber, silk or similar mate­ other women, why shouldn’t It help you? circuited secondary winding to the rial. Two copper rings K are let Into coll. This, of course, considerably the two pole-pieces, i e., the central lowers the impedance of the winding, pole-piece P and the atinulnr built-up and hence tends to equalize Its re­ pole piece A. These rings act as a sponse over the entire range, particu­ short-circuited secondary winding to larly with the higher frequencies. The the moving coll C. Lines of force accompanying Illustration Indicates emanating from the moving coll due one arrangement of the Invention, to speech currents will link with the For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc. where a light diaphragm D, the edge copper rings, thus lowering the Im­ Relieves Distress after Hurried of which Is omitted, is fixed to a coil pedance of the coll, and thereby Meals or Overeating. Being a C wound on a cylindrical foriq F, and bringing about the desired effect.— gentle laxative, It keeps the di­ Joined to tile truncated portion of the Wireless World (London). gestive tract working normally. TWO WOMEN FOUND HELP How Coil-Driven Speaker Operates Green’s August Flower 4 4 i c I V V t ii n v a P st tl ti t) ill cl 30c & 90c. At all Druggists. Set» More Sensitive, and More Disturbance As sets become more sensitive, so that they will reach out further and bring In stations with greater quality, It follows that smaller electrical dis­ turbances have more opportunity to become annoyances. It Isn’t a mutter of tuning out local Interference, split­ ting the stations or other “ tine” ad­ justments ; these all can be attended to through the sharp and effective ad­ justments built Into the set. What muy prove a source of annoyance, though, Is some Interference that Is constant and for all the wave band. With the growing popularity of bat­ tery chargers, battery eliminators and the other paraphernalia designed to make reception better, the increasing difficulty Is that of keeping these accessories from setting up local dis­ turbances that Interfere with the set’s operation. There Is no diffi­ culty whatsoever where sets are built with all these accessories combined with them, for under such conditions great care has been exercised to avoid any Interference which might be set up through sparking or the straying of eddy currents. Rut the operator who simply adds a lot of equipment to a sensitive set may not be thinking In terms of Inter­ ference. Particularly, If he Is aiming for neatness he Is apt to place all these devices too close to each other and to the tuning units of the set Itself. The matter of Interference from such onuses Is so uncertain It Is true that the radU> owner who ar­ ranged the various devices most care­ lessly might obtain the best results. It is Important to remember, how­ ever, that nil transformers (and bat­ tery eliminators and chnrgers are bas­ ically transformers, regardless of whether or not they are rectifiers, too) create eddy currents. There Is al­ ways a certain amount of Induction straying around, and In the case of sensitive receivers these can cause trouble. A careful layout of the set and accessories always pays. W ired Wireless Seen as Puzzling to Fans How Is wired wireless possible? Many radio enthusiast* know that signals at radio frequency are being sent over electric power lines with even more efficiency than they «re sent through the ether, but they are puzzled. There are. of course, many technical considerations, hut the general prin­ ciple of the thing Is relatively almple. It «11 gies back to what might be termed the depth of current traveling a wire at radio frequency. Take «Vcycle alternating current (such as Is used for house lighting circuits) and It Is found that this cur­ rent penetrates the wires It travels, going straight to the very core. This la because the current alternates so slowly, relatively, that la ha« time to “«Ink” Into It« conductor. Take radio frequenclea. however, where the alternation# run Into the hundreds of thousands per second and which never are below 10,000 cycles, and It Is obvious that the energy has little opportunity, If any at all, to dig Into the conductor. It simply travels the surface of the conductor, and therefore does not interfere with the lower rated alternations which are well distributed throughout the entire body of the conductor. Possibly it !■ stating the matter more exactly to say that the alterna­ tions of low rate do not Interfere with the alternations of high rate traveling the surface of the conductor. This explains why the house current, or power line, can be friendly to n com­ paratively weak series of radio alter­ nations traveling ulong the surface. Even audio frequencies, which are anything lower than 10,000 cycles per second, are of sufficiently high alter­ nation to tend to cling to the surface of a wire rather than to penetrate through to the Inside. 6. 6. CREEN, Inc. WOODBURY, N. j . Heals Eczema in 7 Days or Less Or Your Money Back Here Is a surgeon’s wonderful pre­ scription now dispensed by pharma­ cists at trifling cost, that will do more towards helping you get rid o f unsightly spots and skin diseases than anything you’ve ever used. Not only does this great healing an­ tiseptic oil promote rapid and henlthy henllng In ojten sores and wounds, but boils, abcesses and ulcers that are Jlsclmrging are almost immediately relieved and cleanly heuled. In skin diseases its action Is little less than magical. The itching o f eczema Is Instantly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same Is true o f barbers' Itch, salt rhettm and other * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Irritating and unsightly skin trou­ bles. T H IN G S T O REM EM BER You cau obtain Moone’s Emerald In the original bottle at any mod­ ************************** Oil ern drug store. It la safe to use, Msny radio operators use too high and failure In any of the ailments a filament voltage on the detector noted above is next to Impossible. This does not necessarily cause any 1 our druggist can supply you at any damage or result In distortion,* but time. rather It wnstes current. On a rheo­ Make-up With Airbrush stat reading from zero to 100, and In some theatrical performances and with the storage hnttery up to par. It Is found that the detector will operate In the movies. It Is often necessary to well enough with a setting of 10 to 20 put a "muke-up" on a larger portion Above this It Is a case of applying too of the performer’s body. In ordinary manner of procedure, this require» much voltage for nothing. considerable time, but the operation The larger the storage battery the less frequently It needs to he re has been recently hastened by the use of an airbrush. The coloring matter charged and the longer the charging is practically sprayed over the surface process should he, assuming that the to be covered and much time is saved. charges are of the same rating In each case. Recharging Is not necessary un­ f'r . /P®*ry‘ < Phot” 1* not a lo ie n r e til the battery nears the point where ®T- rjrJT,,*t- i * r»al, o ld -fu h ln n e d m ed lcln » •?„*. W o rm « or Tapew orm with the healthiest portion of It Is nearing T a «Ingle do««. »72 P e « ,i at.. N. Y. Adv. exhaustion. This range Is. of course, much smaller for a 20-amper# hour Indian Converts Wealth battery than for one of 120 hours’ ca In the general movement In India to paclty, and thus the former need« abandon the centuries-old custom of charging much more frequently. In hoarding gold, says the Dearborn In­ fact. It should be coupled with a trlck- dependent, an Arab recently convert- * ly charger so that the owner will not ed his savings Into $350,000 worth o f have to rely too much upon his mem government securities ory. When moving the set around, and when It Is necessary to remove the wiring, always disconnect at the bat teries first. If the Job Is done the other wav around there Is a strong likelihood of getting » short circuit through the crossing of the wires. BABIES CRY FOR “ CASJORIA” W atch Resistor Values When purchasing realstors for use In eliminators, be sure you have some Inkling as to which portion of the circuit they are to be used In. That 1«, there are some portions of the circuit In which the resistor Is re­ quired to drop quite a bit of Toltage. also this voltage Is to be fed Into many tubes. Such a resistor would have to be quite a heavy current carrier. Still there are other portions of the circuit, where a comparatively few volta are dropped and on!y one tube la supplied, at small cu Trent- Radio World. Prepared Especially fo r Infantj and Children o f All Age* Mother! Fletcher's Onatorla ha* been In use for over 30 years as n pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas- 52LSV* r8 " “for,c- Teething Drops and ^ t h ln g Syrups. Contains no narcot- Proven directions are on eacla package. Physicians everywhere rec­ ommend It The genuine bears signature of > b< SI ar th in ar Pii sh lai all in Ha dis gr< ha¡ am sea sqi are tab stri if pui as i gro der fou latt in t dui ing \ —a thei one of ( seví supi one with rowi and widt to b a cu In theri and been test, peop bloo< from peop covei of a the are i safe Th tnerii expo« ■how made week will i R «V I