Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, May 20, 1927, Image 6

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In the “ days of ’49,” south­
(Reported by Jackson County Ab­ w estern Oregon was producing mil-
stract Co., Sixth Street and
ions in stream gold, coarse gold th at
Central Avenue, Medford)
was being recovered only by the
m ethods which wasted more
than they saved. Following the de­
Daniel F. Kay, va. W. A. F arr cr pletion of these rich deposits of
(i>r money affidavit.
coarse stream gold, placer opera­
V erta P. Johnson, vs. Dorsey E.
tions were begun and still other mil­
Johnson, affidavit.
W alter Zim m erm an, vs. Jesse lions were recovered. Then followed
the pocket h u n ter who dug out his
CL .. ose, 'Udgment
G rants Pass & Josephine Bank vs thousands und hundreds of thous­
Guy W. Conner, eost of attachm ent. ands from the many rich outcrops
0 . L. Cornwall e t al to Iantha
.ind then moved on in search of new
Muy W olcott, et al, to quit title.
C harles S. Lammey vs. Emily finds th at were easy to work. With
Lam m ey, suit to partition property
but few exceptions there was no e f­
C. F. Keichstein, H. S. Deuel and
J. L. Deuel, incorporate as “ Med­ fort made to follow up the stringers
into the veins and lenses th at had
ford Fuel Com pany.”
W. N. O ffu e tt vs, Carl Nichols, outcropped into these surface enrich
chattel lien.
m ents. These few exceptions were
W. N. O ffu tt, vs. B. Newton,
by men largely in-exper­
chattel lien.
J. F. Brown, vs. I. C. Poole, et ienced in the up or develop­
al, confirm ation of sale.
m ent of deep mines. Sylvanite an J
Southern Oregon C redit Bureau
vs John Edward Dole, tran sc rip t of petzite ores w ere found a t depth and
the lack of knowledge regarding
judgm ent.
Bullock M ercantile Agency, vs. C. hese stru c tu re s led to the false re­
H. Natwick, tran sc rip t of judm ent port th at the are in southern Oregon
R. V. liollopeter, vs. C. W. Palm er
‘had no d ep th .” This report became
1. C. R obnett et al, vs. D. E. so generally believed, t h a f f o r the
W hitley, e t al, confirm ation of sale. past fiftee n or tw enty years, it has
G rants Pass & Josephine Bank,
been alm ost impossible to interest
vs. Guy W. Conner, fo r money.
William Molt, vs. A. G. W right cupitul in the developm ent of our
et al, answer.
m ining properties. Mine owners be­
H. W. Hall, vs. F red F redenburg came discouraged and prospectors
Second N orthw est Finance C or­ who, o ther wise would have follow­
poration, vs. George A. M ansfield, ed the surface indications to the
m otion.
rich pay shoots under ground left
Pierce H arrison M otor Co., vs.
Mrs. Floy Voreden Hellen, chattel for less fe rtile te rrito ry or again
took up th eir search fo r more of
A. A. Mndden, vs. E arl Reese, these elusive but rich outcroppings.
chattel lien.
D uring the last year, however,
United S tates, ws. R. H. Avery,
this c o n dit i on has completely
tax lien.
Ham ilton P atton, R. R. Johnson, changed. Several old properties are
C arroll C arpenter, William W att, C.
W. McDonald, F rederick Johnson, being reopened, this tim e by exper­
Keneth Phillips, B. R. Elliott, (’has, ienced m ining men who reasoned
A. Wing, H arris B. Ja n e s and H. F. th at such rich placer deposits of
W. Spilver, trustees, incorporate as years ago and the pockets taken out
“ F irst P resbyterian Church of Med­
loter, could he but surface m ineral­
fo rd .”
The gold was here and
II. W\ Hall, vs. F red F redenburg izations.
judgm ent.
they knew th a t it m ust be present at
depth. So sure w ere these exper­
ienced m ining men from d ifferen t
George. W. H arm s (dec.) estate
of the country, th a t there
adm itted to probate.
Otis O. Helman, estnte, adm itted was still m ore gold to be taken out
to probate.
of southern Oregon than had ever
William F. H errin (dec.) estate
been taken out before, th a t they
adm itted to probate.
Nellie Hampton, estate, petition have invested freely of th eir tim e
and money in proving th eir theory.
Anna Olson, estate, affid av it re ­ The C alifornia mine a t Mt. Reuben
port, order.
Jean F. Nimocks, estate, inven­ is one of the exam ples of faith in
the m ineral resources of this sec-
tory and appraisem ent.
Sarah L. Jackson, John Jackson, ion.
H ere several hundred thous­
(dec.) estate, adm itted to probate
have been spent in a
Anna C. Roby (dec.) estate, ad ­
tunnel m ore than u mile long which
m itted to probate.
I-aura Kershaw, (dec.) estate, ad ­ will tap a rich vein a t a depth of
m itted to probate.
two thousand feet. A nother example
Clay Quincy Sanford, estate, in
of the faith of these experienced
ventory and appraisem ent.
Thos. II. B. Tayolr, estate, release mining men is seen a t the Jew ett
M argaret Tice, estate, peition or mine, while the Golden Mary, lying
George F. Bourne, estate, proof nearby, is also being opened at con-
iderable expense.
The Robertson
of publication.
Fred Asa Robley, J r., ( a m inor) mine a t Galice from which appro­
estate, adm itte dto probate.
xim ately a q u a rte r of a million dol­
Nellie Ham pton, estate, report.
has been recovered during a
nurn Kershaw, estate, claims pe­
tition. order.
few m onths operations is still a n ­
Lacy M. Knight, estate, annual other graling evidence th a t the re ­
Otis O. Helman. estate, petition port th at “ the values do not go
.town,” is false.
William L. Byrum, estate, petition
On top of all o f .these examples
alone should prove the rich­
ness of this district, comes an addi­
D elebrt Goddard et ux to Ormey
Goddard et ux, W I) $200, Id in sec tional proof in the form of a strike
made this week a t the Greenback
10 twp 37 twp .’IS» S R 1 West.
Fannie J. Newton, et vir to Thom ­ property. Here an experienced m in­
as W. Newton, W D I$10, lots 4,
-f>, 6, Blk " E ” Railroad Ad.l to Ash­ ing m an, capable of understanding
the form ation of property in which
Mary L. Soukup, et vir to Jesse he is working, has uncovered a pay
I. Welch et ux W D $10, lot 2, blk shoot in deep w orkings th a t is as
5, Olsons Add to Medford.
E. F. Spencer et al to T. A. Spen­ rich as th at which made the G reen­
cer. O C D $10. lot 2. blk “ D” Bou­ back mine fnm ous a decade ago. A
levard Park Add. to Ashland.
pay shoot carrying over two thous­
Richard A. Robinson et ux to B and dollars per ton in vnlues that
S. Coy. W D $10, lot 4. blk 17. Gold
had been passed up by form er op­
B. Klum et ux to F. A. Pefley erators in deep w orkings they had
et ux W I) $10. lot 14, blk 1. Sum ­ previously abandoned because of
mit Add to Medford.
George H. Tucker et ux to Al­ their lack of knowledge and exper­
bert M. Krouse. W D $10, lot on ience >n the m ining of gold. While
Tripp street, Ashland.
the discoverery o f this immense pay
Jackson county to Gold Aay
Renlty So. Q C D $1, roadw ay in sec ■‘hoot carrying these high values is
>f considerable im portance in itself,
4 twp .1« S R .! West.
John Noud et ux to Martin W. it only adds to the already sufficient
W agner et ux W D $10 .lot on Oak- •valence to prove, in the words of
daie Avenue. Medford.
B. S. Grigsby to M. C. S urber et hese new com er m ining men of ex­
ux W D $10. lots 14. 15. HI. blk perience, th at “ the g re atst minral-
5. C entral fy in t.
i*ed area out o f doors has not more
J. E. Guthcs et ux to Mary E. Mi!
ler et vir W D $10. pt D IG 77 twp han been scratched on the surface
luring form er developm ent periods"
37 S R 2 West.
Edward E. Foss et tix to John E. ind to also pave the way fo r num er­
Haney W 1> $10. Id in PI C 65 twp als o th er discoveries.
3H S R 1 West.
C apital is now com ing into south-
John E. Haney to W dliam lb
Higgins et nx W D $10. Id in DLC rn Oregon fo r the developm ent of
65 twp 3« S R 1 West.
ts m ineral resources. C apital and
Gladys J. R ettus et vir to Anita
J. P arker Q C D *10, Id in DLC 40 xperienee is here from Nevada, it
tw n 39 S R 1 Fast.
s here from Cripple Creek, it ia
M argaret H. Davis to O. O. A1-
en d erfer et al W D »2150 Id in DLC addition.
52 tw n 37 8 R $ West.
Arne» M. Geary et vir to Arthur
L. B. Brown et ux to Leo J Mik- M Geary deed S i. Id in DLC 48
•he et ux w D ili), lot on South twn 38 $ R * W est
Central Ave. Medford.
Arthur M. Geary to E. P. Geary
n o m a * Perdue to A m es Dallair» rt ux deed 11. Id in DLC 4» twp
V) C II Ho. pt blnk 4 West Medford s S R 2 West.
here from the Couer d’Alnes and I
from the m ining districts from Cali­
forn ia to Alaska. It is here and it
is still com ing because the gold and
o th er m inerals are here, only aw ait­
ing experience and capital to bring
them to the surface.— Southern
Oregon Spokesman.
A B ancroft, Idaho, business man,
J. M enhard, owner of the Square
Deal store, recently has found a
way to m eet catalogue house com­
petition, face to face, and to beat
it on its own ground.
Mr. H enhard’s experience is il­
lum inating and is given herew ith
with the idea that it may be helpful
to m any merchants.
Mr. M enhard has w ritten the fo l­
lowing letter, covering his method,
which is self explanatory:
“ I am enclosing an ad th a t I
printed to ru n in our weekly paper,
and to mail to our list and to dis­
trib u te by hand.
“ This is the dandiest mail order
town I ever was in, and I have been
in a g re a t many towns, so I thought
to put it fti black and white would
be the best way. Now I am w aiting
to have our other m erchants follow
this up next week with advertising
of clothing, shoes, dresses, etc. Then,
when all the other stores have had
their day, I will start a new one and
keep it up.”
The advertisem ent used was a
double-column ten inch display, and
“ Come, l e t ’s reason together.
Here is an example. A mail order
house lists colored Indianhead at
43 cents a yard. 3*4 yards a t 43
cents— $1.51. Parcel post charges,
15 cents. Postoffice money order, 5
“ Mail postage, 2 cents. Total $1.74
“ Our price, 45 cents a yard. 3%
yards— $1.57.
“ You save 17 cents by buying at
“ We have all the colprs made.
Also th read to m atch and, if you
need a small piece to finish the
dress, you can get it here a t once.
“ Think it over.”— N. E. A. Bulle­
j . ___________
T h at poultry raising will strang-
then its position as a leading indus­
try o f C alifornia is indicated by the
entry of the San Joaquin valley as a
source of supply fo r eastern m ar­
The first carload of eggs from
th at region is now on its way to the
East. The consignm ent consists of
512 cases of eggs, with 30 dozen
eggs in each ease, m aking a total
of 184,320 and has an approxim ate
value of $21,000. The shipm ent was
routed from F resno to St. Louis,
Mo., over S outhern Pacific lines.
The first consignm ent, a fo reru n ­
ner of fu tu re shipm ents, is a result
of the e ffo rts o f the Fresno Poul-
trym en's C ooperative association to
build up n country-w ide trad e for
San Joaquin valley eggs. The asso­
ciation expects to develop the poul­
try business to considerable propor­
tion. It pays to pay atten tio n to
the egg and p o u ltry industry.
Believe» That Country Newspaper
Is Best Medium.
A lfred P. Slonnc, J r., president
of the General M o w n C orporation,
recently gave a stro n g endorsem ent
of the value of th e co untry weekly
In discussing th is y e a r’s advertis­
ing campaign fo r General Motors
C orporation. Mr. Sloan, am ong o th er
things, said:
" I believe in th e country weekly
newspaper. I believe th at no printed
m atter in the United S tates is more
thoroughly rend, or has m ore in flu ­
ence than the pages of these home
town new spapers.”
General M otors C orporation this
year is expending a large sum in a
campaign through the weekly new s­
papers.— N. E. A. Bulletin.
4 7 4
We handle a complete
s to c k
Screen Doors
We will give a set of fixtures free with the
first two dozen doors sold.
! No matter what you expect to build—it will pay you
to get our prices and inspect our grades.
We carry a complete stock of building material
as will be found in the valley.
Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co.
Ashland, Oregon
Take ice from your
kitchen lamp-socket
J M k U M A . J U à . ¿H IM
It’s as simple as that!
The same economical electrict current that does
everything else about the modern house now de­
livers ice, too,—direct to your refrigerator without
fuss, drip or bother.
Just attach to a kitchen lamp-socket.
Put your
hand inside and feel the air grow cool—cold—ice
Electric, refrigeration keeps air crispy-cold and
dry. Poods stay fresh. Dangerous summer bacteria
that breed in cool moist places shun the clean, dry,
frosty cold of your electric refrigerator.
Even your present refrigerator can be turned into
an electric. Ask your dealer to show you how simply
and economically it can be done.
Atti active installment payments can be arranged.
The California Oregon
Power Company
O ffices:
Medford, Oregon
Roseburg, Oregon
According to scientists, only three
per cent of the energy oapacity of
gasoline is used to propel an au to ­
mobile, the engine m a tin g 87 per
If full use were made of
|M M m energy, u small par could
go inu is.!.-* I.n une gallon of g s -.
Grants Pass, Oregon
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Y reka, California
Dunsmuir, California