Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, May 20, 1927, Image 5

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    ' o u r COMIC SECTION
Famous Last Words
my soil,
"Stay a tray fro m
P eterm an'a l It
has killed yo u r
w hole fa m ily!* '
* T y > N T w alk th ro u g h It. Don’t
a u irll it. Don't touch it. Co
h u n g ry fo r «lay» first.”
S h e'» rig h t. P eterm a n 's Hoach
Foot! ex term in ates e v ery roach
in y o u r house. N othing ia left
h u t a little d ry dust.
Som e houaew ivra m ak e the
m ia ta k e o f figh tin g co ckro ach es
w ith a sp ra y . T lioae a re th e houses
ro ach ca s t a y in. T h ey liv e down
1 m -h im l b aseb o ard s, u n d e r the
floors. No ap ray ra n poaaihly
re a c h th em , o r th e ir yo u n g , o r
th e ir eg gs.
O nly a p ow der can e x te rm i­
n ate th em . IV teru ian 'a Koaeii
Food ia th e rig h t {lo ader. Ju s t
one roach g ets a little p ow der on
hia legs. Hack to Ilia neat he goes.
He craw ls o ver th e o th ers and
eggs. E very ro ach h e touches
d ie» au d d isin te g ra te ».
H err ia th e rig h t In secticide
for each in se c t:
PtTTT.KMAVfl RO ACH I'lH II» a v lr r m i-
u a tr* r o r k r u a r lir « .
FLYOSAN Will» f lir « an ti m oftquitoea.
n a ira b rilb iip a .
PETE RM A N 'S MOTH FO OD p ro te c t«
•gn iiikt n io th a.
You m uni h ave a S|*ecifie in ­
s e c t ic id e f o r e a c h i n s e c t . No
sin g le in secticid e w ill e x te rm i­
n ate them a ll. W e k n o ic th at is
tru e .
e h a v e h a d n e a r ly 5 0
y e a r» ’ e x p erien ce.
P e te r m a n 's futa th e r ig h t
In secticid e f o r eu ch in-
sect. On stile w herever
d ru g s a r e so ld .
200 fifth A*«., N. Y. City
A Mean Crack
Im proved F lash ligh t
Sheep and Goafs
Engineers in the United States nrnty
are experimenting with a batteryless
flashlight which contains its own grti-
erator. The motive power that runs
the generator is supplied by u spring
that winds up like a clock. A single
winding will furnish a continuous light
for three minutes.
The Man (real a rtist)—Were they
ail artistic people you met there?
The Girl—Some of them were, but
some were quite nice.
S lig h tly Different
G ra n u la ted e y e lid s , atlea. Inflam ed e y e »
re lie v e d overnlK ht by R om an E ye B a laa m .
One t r ia l co n v in ce !. 372 P e a rl S t., N. Y. A dv.
Sudden Inspiration
“And wtmt did your wife have to
Mae—“Oh, Just tell him I’m not re­ say when you stood at the Pyramids?"
ceiving today.” Jean —“But lie’s not
“Wanted to know if I had locked
delivering; he’s collecting."
the kitchen door."
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
Accept only “Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Asrlrlo 1» the trsde mark of Bayer M anufacture of Monoacetlcacldt-ater of S a lic ylic acid
Only One Result
A pparently Not
“Do you talk over tilings with your
He—The man who murried Ethel
wife?” "No; I’d get talked over, got a prize.
She—What was It?- Life.
sure.”—Boston Transcript.
It Is probably a mlstnke to think
Generally speaking, fathers nre glnd
to have the prodlgnl son come hack, that one gets more out of life by go­
ing 60 miles :tn hour.
trie red headed aud belligerent prls- j
“Yer honor,” the latter explained,
“the officer shouldn’t have t’rown ]
temptation In me way by callin’ the
riot squad.” — American
Legion !
D iplom acy
ghe—T can only be a—
U e-P o n 't say It I It won't do. I
have five sisters already and. to tell
B ob—"Let me su m you, don't try
the truch. they are not favorably dis­
posed towards you. They think a to squeeze that girl.”
match with you would be the mls- not?" Bob—"She’s a lemon, my boy.”
Passenger—“Don't you find this
te of my life.
seafaring life full of perils?” Sailor
ihe_O h, indeed! Hi show the
His F ear
"—“Yes, whenever I get on shore.
:s ¡ W ell be married Just as soon
Blackstone—That’s a wonderful lit­
I can get ready.
tle daughter you have. She’s a faith­
ful likeness of your wife.
C a n 'f A lw ay s Land
Webster—Yes; and the way she’s
C atty l
“How Is It you couldn't get any
Lois—Herbert gave me these flowers beginning to ask questions, fu i afraid
business from that customer?" asked
the boss d ruggist
this morning—why are you looking at j she’ll soon develop Into a speaking
likeness.'*—New Tork Central Lines
“Couldn’t land him.”
them so closely, dear?
“Did you try to sell him tbs raaor
Louise—Just looking to see If there Magazine.
be was looking at?”
are any ashes on Aem.
“Yes. He said he couldn't shavs
C ats Conversation
Lot»—What do you mean?
himself. I offered to shave him and
Louise—Oh. nothing Only he gsv#
Friendly German (to w aiter)—Wle
®ouldn*t even land that business."
them to me yesterday morning and I gehts.
W alter—One order of wheat cakes
threw them in the Mb can.
German—Neln, Dein I
G ood P o in t
W alter—Nine? Well, you certain
Failure to have male children Is
“You are charged with resisting er­
IT are hungry i—Forbes M agailu*.
n s t ." the Judge announced sternly to
Oakland G. A . R. Veteran
and Wife Regain Health
Aged Couple, Suffering Acutely from Rheum atism , Neu­
ritis and Indigestion, Find Q uick and Perm anent
R elief in T an lac an d P raise It H ighly
“From the day I was fortunate
enough to line ui> with Tanlac,” says
Mr. Emil I-angnars, ex-cavalryman
and retired customs official, “it has
kept my health and strength up to
highest standard.”
Hitting in his comfortable home at
2219 107th Avenue, Oakland, Calif.,
Mr. Langhans told hnwTanlac had re­
built strength and vigor for himself
a n d hischarming wife. “Tanlac worked
wonders for my wife,” he said. “Hha
suffered from high blood pressure,
neuritis and general run-down condi­
tio n Tanlac relieved her.
“Thad sciatic rheumatism —suffered
for five years with i t —so that I could
sleep but little, on account of the pain.
Kidney trouble, indigestion and loss
of appetite had reduced my strength
to a low ebb.
“Since taking Tanlac my health, as
well as that of my wife, has been re­
markable. Though I am retired, I
could resume my old work any time.
Jio rheumatism —nor kidney troulds
—ui past two years. I never nuss an
opportunity to praise Tanlac.”
Old and young, from coast to coast,
unite in praising this famous remedy
of nature. Made of roots, barks and
her I*. according to theexcluwve Tan­
lac formula, it is an amazing tonio
medicine. AU good druggists sell Tan •
lac. Get a bottle today I Over 40
Bullion bottles sold.