ASHLAND AMERICAN i' hl i * attain, the highest .. ew Testament among the young. GOVERNOR PATTERSON Service at 2:10 at Wagner creek GUEST OF ASHLAND standard o f experience and life. I school house. Special music. will refrain from taking such diver­ Evening worship, 7:45. sions as cannot be used in the name Nearly a hundred men and women Every Wednesday in each week, o f Ashland attended the chamber o f the Lord Jesus. I will, so far as prayer meeting at 7 :45. If you are looking for a real o f commerce banquet last Tuesday possible attend the devotional meet­ night at the Lithia Springs hotel, ings o f the chapter and the worship home like church, attend these serv­ ices and you will be convinced that with Governor and Mrs. Patterson o f the church, and will take some there is a welcome that is hard to active part in them.” Next Sunday, as guests o f honor. President V. V. find. Stirring singing and gospel Mills o f the Chamber acted as toast­ May 22, at the local League meet­ preaching. master and an exceptionally good ing at the Methodist church, this program was listened to. The Ash­ pledge .will be picked apart and BAPTIST CHURCH land high school trio, composed of every word exposed; portions o f it Myroa S. Woodworth, Pastor Mary Galey, Floy Young and Rose will be discussed. Miss Isabelle Wat- the meeting Atkins furnished music throughout ten barger will lead Sabbath school, 9:45. the evening. E. B. Carter and Sena­ starting at 6:45. Praching 11:00 ---------* --------- tor Geo. W. Dunn gave short and ap­ “ Chapel Car” special meeting 8. propriate welcome addresses, as did SENIORS TRIALS ARE OVER This meeting will in tableaux de­ Rev. P. II. Hammond,, Dr. J. A. picts Chrsit in the history o f the Churchill and Prof. G. A. Briscoe. Rec. Milchelmore Will Preach Bac- world. You’1* find this an unusually caulaureate Sermon at Methodist A vocal selection by Miss Jennie instructive and helpful meeting. Church May 22. Grover, assompanied by Miss Leona Note: Picnic for the children on This week will be the last week Marsters brought applause and an Saturday. Meet at the Chapel Car encore. Gov. Patterson is speaking in o f active school' duties for high at 1 o’clock. Saturday night a bon various parts o f the state in favor o f school seniors. Monday examinations fire and a good time by the young the proposed income tax und acocrd- were conducted fo r those who had people. Meet at the Chapel Car 6 ing to the governors statement as not made exemption grades o f 85 or 6:30. per cent. Tuesday the annual Jun­ well as his belief, stabilization o f the financial situation o f our state is ior-Senior picnic was held. Wednes­ assured only through the passage o f day saw the completion o f all school METHODIST EPISCOPAL North Main and Laurel Sts. the two revenue measures, upon work and the seniors were excused H. F. Pemberton, Pastor which voters o f the state will pass for the remainder o f the term. The baccualaureate sermon w i l l be at the special election June 28. Morning worship at 11 o’clock preached by Rev. H. T. Mitchelmore -------------- * Sermon subject: “ Christianity in j at the Methodist church on the even­ Earnest.” The anniversary of ing o f Sunday, May 22. The choir MOVIE COLUMN I Methodism. o f the Methodist church will furnish Evening worship at 8. Bassalaju- the musical numbers for the pro­ I COMMENTS OF COMING AT reate service for high school grad­ gram. I TRACTION TO VINING uating class. Sermon by Rev. II. T. ------------------ * ------------------ Mitchelmore. THEY, TOO, HAVE SERVED We have een reading over the Sunday school at 9:45 Bible study vance press sheets ofthe coming at under competent teachers makes The daily papers apparently de­ tractions at the Vning theatre start­ this a profitable hour. ing this aSturday, May 21 will eb light in giving publicity to persons Epworth League for all young o f great wealth who accosionally “ Arizona Bound” with a new star in people at 6:45. A live hour o f dis­ the person o f Gary Cooper. You will contribute money to charity or edu­ cussion and inspiration. want to see his work. It is purely a cational causes. That the papers are A real prayer meeting Wednes­ Western story and one that has been but giving their readers what they day evening at 7:30. want is indicated by the fact that meeting with considerable success, You are most cordially invited to one hears a great deal o f talk on For Sunday, May 22, we will see attend all these meetings. You will Rnymond Griffith, that prince oi the street ' and elsewhere about be heartily welcomed and made to good fellows in his late picture these same men o f wealth. Sometimes these remarks are ap­ feel at home in this homelike church. “ Wedding Bells.” A good laugh will You will enjoy the excellent music, alwnys do good and there are a preciative and sometimes— too often the Gospel sermons and the fine thousand wherever you see the high we believe— they are abusive. The Christian fellowship. Stranger and point we wish to ake, however, is hnted comedian. visitors especially welcome. Come as that contributions to the betterment Next Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ you are. nesday, May 2.'1, 24, 25 will be o f mankind are not allowed to go un­ shown a picture that, you have read noticed, when they are made by per­ volumns about. It is “ It” by Elinor sons o f considerable means. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN But what o f the others— the man ‘With Illuminated Bulletin” Glyn and starring Clara Bow. Clara Perhaps he is in Bow is rsnd headed and is gaining o f small means? Sunday morning at 11 o ’clock, the business in some small place. Quite some big reputation 6n the movie pastor. Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore stage. It, is the shortest title the frequently he is called upon to do­ will preach upon the subject “ Forty screen has known and the longest nate to some cause. The Chamber eight Years in this Condition.” In laughs It is Elinor Glyn’s greatest o f Conm erc“ , the county fair, the the evening there will be a union love story and she describes it a mag­ baseball club and innumerable other baccalaureate service at the Metho­ netic force, the possession o f v ’ ich activities that go to make life bet­ dist churci., at which Mr. Mitchel attracts every one. Taking it literal­ ter in the small community all need more will preach. financial support and the merchants ly. IT has it. You want to see it. Sunday school at 9:45, Mr. W. M. Next Thursday and Friday, May and business men along the street Wright, superintendent. 26 and 27, Thomas Meighan in meet fhe need to the best o f their Junior C. E. 4:00 P. M. Helene "Blind Alleys” It is a story entirely ability. Their donations are small, Senn, leader. different from any yet seen. It is indiviually, and the donators them­ Intermdfliate C. E. 7:00 P. M. a splendid melodrnma that is a cross- selves are legion, hence it is not Edna Danford, leader. section o f life and love tuned to the news. Senior C. E. 7 :00 P. M. Emily But it is well to consider that all hectic tempo o f a great city. Taylor, leadeE things nre relative. The merchant on ---------* --------- Mr. Michelmore will leave early Main street passes out o rumpled MEDFORD VOTES BONDS Monday morning to drive to San Presumed New City Hall Work Will bill o f small domination; the rich Francisco, for the annual meeting man signs his name to n check of Soon Start. o f the general assembly o f the Pres­ Passing 1391 to 241, $60,000 five or six figures; but which o f the byterian church. There will be dele­ bonds for the erection o f a new city two have given the most? It is not gates from every part o f the hall in Medford were passed by the conceivable that the man o f wealth United States. In all, about 1000 will deny himself anything because voters. representatives o f the church, one- o According to the provisions o f the f his donation, while is it quite half being ministers and one-half charter amendment passed, the possible that the merchant will find Elders will be present. The assembly bonds are for the erection o f a city himself hard put to take his discount will be in session from May 25 to hall which shall first be used as a on the first o f the month. June 2. This paper is not decrying the mo­ county court house in the event --------- + --------- Medford becomes the county seat o f tive or actions o f the wealthy Jackson county. latter, when Jack- Neither would it dertact from any SODA SPRINGS ^ son county has built its own court applause they may receive. But we house on n site to be furnished by do wish to call attention to those o f What a fine bunch o f young peo­ the city, the present city hall will moderate means who faithfully, ple picnicked at Soda Springs Tues­ be sold and the spacious new build­ year in and year out, give to this or day evening and we noticed they that worthy cause sums which in real ing used. were very careful about putting out In all four wards, those in favor ity mean more than the more pre­ their camp fire before they left. o f the bonds outnumbered those tentious ones o f the well-to-do. Thank you young people, come again opposed by a large majority. Re­ — + Miss Clara Huck. teacher o f the sults by wards showed: Soda Springs school, was a dinner Ward 1— 849 yes; 49 no. ^ A T TH E C H U R C H ES T guest at the Homer Grow home Ward 2— 401 yes; 95 no. Tuesday ew ning o f this week. « Ward 3— 329 yc«; 69 no. Messrs. Bert and Eli Dsvis were TRINITY EPISCOPAL Ward 4— 312 yes; 28 no. Ashland visitors one day this week. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond \ ictory in the election came after ------------------------------------------------ _ Mrs. Newt Davis and children are a vigorous campaign led by the Med­ Holy communion at 8 a. m. visiting at the Davis home on the Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. ford chamber o f commerce and busi­ Morning service and sermon at 11. Green Spring. ness men, who phoned up voters to The Green Spring school are busy Good music. A helpful service. remind them o f the election, provid­ Everyone cordially invited. practising on their program which ed transportation and carried on a will be given on the night o f May campaign o f education the week 31. THF FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE prior to the balloting. Some o f the pupils o f the Soda J. E. Murphy. Pastor ---------- + ---------- —o Spring school are planning to spend EPWORTH LEAGUE Sunday school. 9:45 A. M Mr Jackson county school day in Ash­ Every iew member o f the Kp- C. F. Foster, superintendent. In our Sunday school we have land, Friday, May 20. worth League is required to take ----------- r ----------- suitable department and classes for the Epworth League pledge. This all ages. Mrs. A h U mt Hardy, sup- . . ----- pledge has weight and one that de- wintendent o f the primary* depart- CLASSIFIED mands much. It is Christianity in a! .. A ___ I about one acre. Also 7-r. 134 story Ibungtflow, well-built, scenic location; I good lot; fruit, price $2309; $300 | or more down, $25 a month with 6 I per cent int. See Yockey & Co. 50tf I ----------------- ------- s— ON CRATER Lake highway, in city limits, and on Rogue River, the home o f the Steelhead. Two acres, fine black soil, five room house, fire­ place, bath, electricity. Spring, city and well water. Plenty fruit and shade trees. Also lias 30x30 concrete tank, 5-ft. deep, fed from spring, an ideal place to keep trout or use as swimming tank. $2250 buys this place if sold soon. Address P. O. Box 522, Gold Hill, Or. 43tf Mattresses renovated and recovered. We save you half the price of a new mattress. New mattresses made to your order. Hair and floss mattreh- es our specialty. We call and deliver. M edfoid Mattress Co., 32 North Grape St., Medford, Oregon, Phone 266-R. 48tf Beautiful F lu ff Rugs made from worn out carpets. We cpll and de­ liver. Medford Rug Co., rhone 510-M Medford, Oregon. 48tf Rug cleaning by the latest sham­ WANTED— To buy fresh cows and pooing process, 24-hour service. springers. Charles Broili, 448 Hel- We call and deliver. Medford Rug man sL Phone 407R. 47f Co., Phone 510-M, Medford Ore 48tf Fresh Vegetables! WILL HELP TO MAKE YOUR SUNDAY DINNER ------------------oOo ' - — OUR GROCERIES ARE ALW AYS DEPENDABLE AND NEW ------------------ oOo------------------ WE CAN’T HELP BUT BE ENTHUSED OVER OUR COFFEE— THE BEST 50 CENT COFFEE IN THE CITY— TRY THIS STORE Wolcott’s Grocery PHONE 17 242 E MAIN t FOR SALE nh~ V l ' * ,,*nd r ? k; **"• '• ' "« ■ * « « t iM . «;n the market for the choicest stock and poultry. I New Train Service —/or quick, convenient, com fortable , travel to Portland or to California . New trains between Portland and Ash­ land, by day northbound and conven­ ient over-night service returning in ad- dition to the Shasta and the Oregonian. T h e popular Shasta now carries day coach for the convenience o f southern Oregon travelers. • * v*. Note this new, convenient service: 31 11 13 8:30 10:13 10:56 12:10 1:00 3:13 4:25 5:55 f 6:17 6:30 7:12 f 7:24 f 7:53 f 8:00 8:45 Í12.47 3:00 STATIONS 14 Lv. Portland . Ar. 7:15 ......... Salem........... 5:10 . . . . Albany . . . . 4:25 . . . . Eugene . . . . 3:10 . . . . Creswell . . . f 2:29 . . Cottage Grove . . 2:05 ..........Drain........... f 1:15 . . . . Yoncalla . . . f 1:02 . . . . Oakland . . . . 12:34 . . . . Sutherlin . . . . f 12.26 . . . Roseburg. 11:50 f9:30 f 9:43 11:25 . . .Dillard. . . Myrtle Creek . . Riddle . » . West Fork . . Glendale . • Wolf Creek . . . Leland. . fî2:35 1:00 . . . Grants Pass . . . . . . Rogue River. . . f 1:30 . . . .Gold Hill. . . . . .Central Point. . 7:35 2:05 . . . . Medford . . . . . . . Pnoenix . . . ......... Talent. . . 8:15 2:40 . . . . Ashland . 6:20 L . . Sacramento . . 11:50 9:50 Ar. San Francisco Lv 11:15 At Los Angeles . . 6:40 ------------- o — 32 12 7:40 5:30 11:00 9:05 8:20 7:10 4:42 3:30 f 2:43 2:31 1:49 1:35 1 :Q8 1:01 12:2 5 4:25 t 11:54 11:28 I t;» f 9:35 f 10:18 1.65 9:00 9:3. i 8:38 f 9: i Í f8:15 f> >. f 7:57 f o:37 f 7.4 5 f 8:25 7:20 8:05 12:45 6:55 7:45 6:40 7:27 7:08 6:22 6:15 7:C0 ! 11:42 f 6:00 f 6:4 j ¡ f 5:54 f 6:40 6:30 11:20 5:45 1:00 7:40 9 00 f 10:42 10:30 — i/ir Buy roundfrq tickets; •aw money. TïïPï'eific G. N. Kramer, Ticket Agent