Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, May 20, 1927, Image 10

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    One of the Flooded Towns in Mississippi
Czar of the Garment Industry
Air view of ail that »a * visible of the town of Benoit, MI mm ., during the greut Hood. The water here was thirty
feet deeis and It was reported that several lives were lost In the town.
Indian Chief Directs Traffic on a Park Lake
Dr. Lindsay ltogers, youthful professor of public law at Columbia uni­
versity who has been chosen as “czar” of the gurment Industry at a salary
reported to be $2"),000 annually. Doctor Rogers’ official position Is defined
us executive director of the National Wholesale Women’s Wear association,
one of the largest Industries In the city of New York. It will be his Job to
supervise all trade disputes and to establish an entente cordlale among the
various branches of the Industry.
Taking the Place of the A rm y Mule
l*2 P >
1 :/ ^
So 1 aien-o-W a-Ne, or Chief Great Fire of the Iroquois, Is now the general custodian and guardian around Central
lake. New \ ork city. II*» glides hither and yon In Ids light cunoe, painted red, and gives the lake quite a blf
of color. He Is seen above breaking up a “ traffic jam.’'
Paris Flight Plane Crashes, Killing Tw o
Infantry organizations In the Philippines are experimenting with native
ponies as replacement! for the time-honored army mules used as pack animals.
Lack of roads In many pnrts of the islands makes transportation by any
other means Impossible. This photograph shows one of the doughboys with
a typical native pony.
Indian Mounds Are Flood Refuges
This picture, transmitted by telegraph wires, shown the great plane American Legion as It lay wrecked In u
marsh near Newport News, Va. I.leut. Com. Noel Duvls nnd Lieut. Stanton Wooster, who were testing the machine
ftor the Paris flight, were k’lled.
General Butler at Shanghai
Air view of Indian mounds near Greenville
Miss., that were filled with
people and cattle which were driven there when the main levee broke.
Peruvian Traffic Bug
I.en. Smedley I». Butler, Just arrived In Shanghai, as he made a tour
of Uixi>«<l>on «*r the marina barrack * He Is now In command of the Devil
Uog> at Shanghai.
This sketch map shows where the
Mississippi levee was cut near Poy-
draa La„ for the purpose of relieving
the flood pressure and saving New
Orleans from Inundation. This action,
approved by the War department,
caused the flooding of St. Bernard and
Plaquemines parts lies, which had been
Far up the Amazon Investigating
scientists found the traffic hug. a na­
tive «rf Peru, strangely armored by na­
ture. busy, voracious and combative,
| it war with many other forest bug
I clMsena, the Ohio State Journal In­
forma Its name was given for the
1 reason that nature equipped It with a
red light on Its head and a green light
I >r. Us tall, the lights showing at all
times during the dark hours
r enniary §
stone, la the most beautiful and
W'IThi ° f * " Purt*1« Jewels
scrliied by a Fifteenth-century ■
** “ purple red In color medelyd
uyolette," It Is one of th
precious stones that can. If one
perstltloua be worn at all time
•n all places without Incurring II
It Is s faTorits ring stone snd U
by many as a lovers' pledge